
2016-08-29 03:28:30雒珺瑜吕丽敏王春义朱香镇李春花崔金杰
生态学报 2016年13期

雒珺瑜,张 帅,吕丽敏,王春义,朱香镇,李春花,崔金杰

中国农业科学院棉花研究所,棉花生物学国家重点实验室,安阳 455000






生态系统生物多样性的变化是导致害虫重大变化的主要因素之一,棉田是受人为活动干扰、以棉花为中心的多种害虫、天敌共存、复杂网络的生态系统[1]。 棉花是我国重要的经济作物,棉花的生产受棉田害虫、天敌之间形成的节肢动物群落多样性的重要影响。棉田节肢动物群落多样性越高,其群落的稳定性越高,营养层之间能流越顺畅,棉田害虫受自然天敌的控制能力越强,棉花生产受到害虫的危害而引起的产量损失越少[2];另外棉田生态系统节肢动物群落多样性受气候、外界逆境(虫害、外源杀虫基因、干旱、涝渍)等多种因素的影响[3]。因此评价棉田节肢动物群落多样性的变化是国内外学者研究的焦点和热点[4-5]。



1 试验材料和方法





试验于中国农业科学院棉花研究所试验农场东厂进行(东经113°37′至114°58′,北纬 35°12′至36°22′,粘土类型)。每年4月28日—4月30日期间播种,棉花品种随机区组种植,小区面积不小于300m2,每品种3次重复。株距0.27m,行距0.8m。常规耕作管理,棉田全生育期不使用任何化学农药。









2 结果与分析





2009—2013年转Bt 棉田和非转基因棉田调查到节肢动物所属目数如表2所示。由表2可见,2009—2013年中棉所41和中棉所49棉田昆虫群落、害虫亚群落和天敌亚群落所属目数均有所上升,但变化差异均不显著,其中“中棉所41棉田”目数分别在10.7—12.7个、8.7—11.0个和6.0—8.0个之间,中棉所49棉田目数分别在10.7—13.0个、8.3—11.0个和6.0—8.0个之间;相同年份中棉所41与中棉所49棉田无显著性差异。表明2009—2013年试验期间,棉田昆虫群落、害虫亚群落和天敌亚群落所属目数变化不显著,转Bt基因对其无不利影响。


表1 2009—2013年5—8月相关气象资料(河南安阳)Table 1 The climate data during June to September from 2009 to 2013 years(Anyang, Henan)

表2 转Bt基因和非转基因棉田调查到的节肢动物所属目数(2009—2013年)Table 2 Number of order of arthropods that surveyed in Bt-cotton field and non-transgenic cotton field (2009—2013)


2009—2013年转Bt 棉田和非转基因棉田调查到节肢动物所属科数如表3所示。由表3可见,2009—2013年中棉所41棉田昆虫群落和天敌亚群落所属科数逐渐上升,其中2013年昆虫群落所属科数差异达到显著水平,害虫亚群落所属科数呈下降趋势,但差异不显著;中棉所49棉田昆虫群落在2011年上升到最大值,差异达显著水平,2012—2013年又有所下降,但与2009—2010年相比差异不显著;害虫亚群落呈上升趋势,2012年和2013年上升明显;天敌亚群落所属目数也呈增多的现象,其中2011年和2013年显著上升;相同年份转Bt基因棉田和非转基因棉田各营养层间无显著性差异。表明在2009—2013年试验调查期间,棉田昆虫群落、害虫亚群落和天敌亚群落所属科数有一定的变化。

表3 转Bt基因和非转基因棉田调查到的节肢动物所属科数(2009—2013年)Table 3 Number of "family" of arthropods that surveyed in Bt-cotton field and non-transgenic cotton field (2009—2013)



2009—2013年转Bt 棉田和非转基因棉田调查到节肢动物所属物种数如表4所示。由表4可见,2009—2012年中棉所41棉田昆虫群落和害虫亚群落物种数分别由63.7个上升至72.3个和35.0个上升至41.0个,差异均达显著水平,2013年均有所下降,但下降不明显;天敌亚群落物种数由28.7个上升到2011年的36.0个,差异达显著水平,2012年和2013年又有所下降,下降不明显。2009—2011年中棉所49棉田昆虫群落、害虫亚群落和天敌亚群落物种数分别由59.3个上升至77.3个、30.0个至40.3个和29.0个至35.0个,差异均达显著水平,2012年和2013年均有所下降,但下降均不明显。相同年份各营养层在转Bt基因棉田和非转基因棉田之间没有显著性差异。


表4 转Bt基因和非转基因棉田调查到的节肢动物所属物种数(2009—2013年)Table 4 Number of species of arthropods that surveyed in Bt-cotton field and non-transgenic cotton field (2009—2013)



表5 转Bt基因和非转基因棉田调查到的昆虫个体总数(2009—2013年)Table 5 The total number of individuals of arthropods that surveyed in Bt-cotton field and non-transgenic cotton field (2009—2013)






表6 转Bt基因和非转基因棉田节肢动物多样性指数(2009—2013年)Table 6 Diversity index of arthropods in Bt-cotton field and non-transgenic cotton field (2009—2013)




表7 转Bt基因和非转基因棉田节肢动物均匀性指数(2009—2013年)Table 7 Uniformity index of arthropods in Bt-cotton field and non-transgenic cotton field (2009—2013)




表8 转Bt基因和非转基因棉田节肢动物优势集中性指数(2009—2013年)Table 8 Dominant concentration index of arthropods in Bt cotton field and non-transgenic cotton field (2009—2013)



表9 棉田节肢动物群落表征参数与气候因子的相关关系Table 9 Correlation between the parameters of arthropod community and climate factors in the cotton field

3 讨论与结论


本文研究结果表明,2009—2013年转基因棉的中棉所41棉田和非转基因棉的中棉所49棉田昆虫群落、害虫亚群落和天敌亚群落所属目数有所上升,但变化差异不显著;所属科数、物种数、个体总数均呈现先上升后下降的趋势,个别年份差异显著,其余年份基本保持相当的波动水平,但试验期间与非转基因棉花相比转基因棉花对各项指标均无显著的影响,与Saxena 和 Stotzky等[26]、Baumgarte 和 Tebbe[27]、Marvier等[20]、 O′Callaghan等[19]、Hilbeck等[28]、Torres[29]低于3年的研究结果基本一致;两种棉田昆虫群落和害虫亚群落多样性指数呈下降的趋势,2013年下降显著,其余年份差异不显著,天敌亚群落多样性指数无显著变化;昆虫群落、害虫亚群落和天敌亚群落均匀性指数无显著变化;昆虫群落和害虫亚群落优势集中性指数有所上升,2013年差异显,天敌亚群落优势集中性指数各年份间无差异,和Torres等[29]、Thomazoni[30]的研究结果基本一致,虽然在年度间有部分差异,可能是由于年度间单个气候因素的变化或者多个气候因素的共同变化而引起;转基因棉田和非转基因棉田昆虫群落、害虫亚群落和天敌亚群落结构与组成、多样性指数、均匀性指数和优势集中性指数无显著性差异,该研究结果与Head[31]、O′Callaghan[19]、Whitehouse等[4]、Romeis等[32]的研究结果一致。




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Dynamic changes in the biodiversity of arthropod communities in transgenicBtcotton fields between 2009 and 2013

LUO Junyu, ZHANG Shuai, LYU Limin, WANG Chunyi, ZHU Xiangzhen, LI Chunhua, CUI Jinjie*


In this study, effects of transgenicBtcotton on the structure, composition, and biodiversity of arthropod communities were systematically investigated in cotton fields over five consecutive years, from 2009 to 2013. Non-transgenic cotton ‘CCRI 49’ was used as the control, and transgenicBtcotton ‘CCRI 41’ was used as the test material. Effects of transgenicBtcotton on arthropod communities provide an important theoretical basis for the comprehensive management of cotton insect pests and ecological control, as well as a scientific reference for the evaluation of the environmental safety of transgenicBtcotton. In addition, sustainable development and use, which are in accordance with ecological succession, can be adopted on the basis of production and need for pest control in cotton plants. In this study, arthropod communities were systematically investigated in transgenicBtcotton ‘CCRI 41’ and conventional cotton ‘CCRI 49’ fields, from 2009 to 2013. In addition, meteorological factors during these five consecutive years were considered when analyzing the changing trends of relevant factors in the cotton field arthropod communities. The results showed that, during 2009—2013, the number of “orders” in the insect community, pest sub-community, and natural enemy sub-community in the “CCRI 41” cotton fields increased in comparison with the control cotton fields, but the differences were not significant. The number of “families,” “species,” and “total number of individuals” showed an increasing trend over the first 3 years and then declined in the last 2 years (2012 and 2013). The differences were significant in some years, which might be due to the meteorological conditions, while fluctuations were within statistical limits in other years. The diversity indices of the insect and pest sub-communities showed declining trends, which were statistically significant in 2013 but not significant in the other years. There was no significant change in the diversity index of the natural enemy sub-community. In addition, there was no significant change in the uniformity indices of the insect, pest, and natural enemy sub-communities. The dominant concentration indices of the insect and pest sub-communities increased over the 5-year period, but the increase was only significant in 2013. There was no significant change in the dominant concentration index of the natural enemy sub-community in 2009—2013.There were no significant changes in the structure or composition of the cotton field insect, pest, or natural enemy sub-communities inBtcotton ‘CCRI 41’ fields, nor were there any changes in the diversity, uniformity, or dominant concentration indices. It can be inferred from the results that there were no significant changes in the structure, composition, and biodiversity of the arthropod, pest, and natural enemy sub-communities inBtcotton fields during the planting period. However, this study was a short-term comparative investigation of only one pair of cotton varieties. The long-term effects of planting transgenicBtcotton on the structure, composition, and biological diversity of arthropod communities need to be investigated and monitored in the future. This will provide scientific data for a long-term safety risk assessment of transgenicBtcotton.

transgenic cotton; arthropod community; biodiversity; impact analysis



2014-11-11; 网络出版日期:2015-10-29

Corresponding author.E-mail: cuijinjie@126.com


Luo J Y, Zhang S, Lü L M, Wang C Y, Zhu X Z, Li C H, Cui J J.Dynamic changes in the biodiversity of arthropod communities in transgenicBtcotton fields between 2009 and 2013.Acta Ecologica Sinica,2016,36(13):4195-4203.

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