
2016-08-10 07:46潘雪松
东北水利水电 2016年7期






[摘 要]选取朝阳地区老哈河流域上4个常年观测的雨量站1983—2014年的降雨资料进行数据统计,分析流域降雨的空间分布特点、年内年际变化规律及近年来变化特征,为该地区的工农业发展和水资源的合理开发利用及防洪抗旱提供数据支持。


1 概 况

老哈河是西辽河上游的一个重要支流,它发源于河北省平泉县的七老图山脉光头山。由发源地向东北流,经内蒙古自治区宁城县天义镇西北,在四家子穿锦赤铁路大桥后,向北绵延,经过建平县的8个乡镇,然后调头东北,在内蒙古自治区赤峰市的大兴农场海大吐附近与西拉木伦河交汇,形成西辽河。在建平县哈拉道口镇流出朝阳辖区,老哈河在朝阳境内的流域面积为3 494 km2,占朝阳市面积的17.8%,朝阳境内河长100 km。100 km2以上的河流有12条,较大的支流有蹦河、海棠河、三家河、黑水河和四汉城河。

老哈河流域属温带半湿润季风性气候区,四季分明,春季少雨多风,夏季高温多雨,秋季天高气爽,冬季寒冷干燥。多年平均降水量为429.3 mm,年内分配极不均匀,主要集中在7—8月,时空降水量分布不均,多为短历时局部暴雨,大暴雨历时一般为1~2 d,最短的仅几个小时到十几个小时,形成暴雨的天气系统主要是华北气旋、台风及低压冷风。


2 数据的选取及采用的分析方法




图1 降雨年内分配图

从图1中可以得到:该流域多年平均年降雨量为421.2 mm,而5—8月的降雨量就达到了319.5 mm,占全年降雨量的75.9%;1—4月份的降雨量为30.6 mm,仅占全年降雨量的7.3%;9—12月的降水量为71.1 mm,占全年降雨量的16.8%。降雨主要集中在6—8月,年内降雨呈单峰型分布。而3—5月的降雨量是10—12月的2.3倍,这主要是由于朝阳地区的冬季降雪较少,土壤墒情较差,为保证春耕气象部门在春季播种时常常进行人工增雨造成的。



图2 上、中、下游降雨量对照图

分析图2可知,由于这些雨量站同处一个流域,降雨量的变化趋势基本一致,多年平均降雨量上游439.5 mm,中游413.5 mm,下游418.7 mm,上中下游差别不大。同时降雨极大值与较小值都出在上游,说明上游雨量变化的幅度大于中下游,而中游降雨的变化幅度最小。



图3 年平均降雨量分布图

老哈河流域朝阳境内的降雨量周期变化明显,高峰和低谷突出,但周期的长短不一,大致5—8年为一个周期 。流域多年平均降雨量为421.2 mm,最大值出现在1994年,为612.2 mm,最小的值出现在2000年,为284.7 mm。降雨量年际分布具有不均匀性,变化较大,极值比为2.15,2000年以后的变化幅度比2000年以前有所减小。


图4 降雨量累积距平曲线图

3 结语





[Abstract]The large opening well is a relatively common type of water intake,are located in these formation w ith the shallow groundwater buried,thinner aquifer and strong permeability.Compared w ith the other water intake ways,it has the advantages of the lower project investment,the lower operation cost,the guarantee water quality,and so on.If the large opening well isalso used in the surface water stream ditch,itsmain drawback are that the water inletsof shaft lining are easy to be blocked and the wellsare easily destroyed and damaged in flood season.Then the paper deep studiesthe design and protection issuesof the largeopeningwell for the Baiwan external water supply project.

[Key words]large opening well;flood;protection;water diversion project;mountain area

[Abstract]Based on the practical application of needle beam steelmould trolley in construction of the circular pressure tunnel concrete lining for some a project,the paper expoundssystematically the structural principle of the needle beam steelmould trolley,summarizes and analyzes the advantages of the fast formwork support location,the convenient concrete pouring and vibrating and the good presentation quality of shaped concrete,statisticsand analyzes the specific actual construction condition,which cou ld provide some experience for the sim ilar projects.

[Key words]tunnelproject;whole circle section;needle beam trolley;lining;concrete

[Abstract]The paper presents the calculation distortion problem of the dam body settlement in the simulation of the layered filling process of earth-rock dam construction.The production causes of calculation distortion are discovered by analyzing the calculation mechanization of ANSYS so ftware.The paper proposes the two calculation methods to solve effectively the vertical deformation distortion problemsduring construction period.

[Key words]earth-rock dam;deformation calculation;finite element;ANSYSsoftware;distortion

[Abstract]Thewetted perimetermethod isadopted to estimate them inimum ecologicalwater demand of Bayinhe river.Selecting the Delingha hydrological station of Bayinhe River as a control section,the wetted perimeter and flow relation is fitted by using the logarithm function and power function relation.Based on the established relationship curve between the wetted perimeter of river section and flow,by the position of the change point could be determ ined,then the recomm ended value of the m inimum eco logical water dem and are estimated.The m inimum ecologicalwater demand of the Delingha section of Bayinhe river are quantitatively estimated by using the slope equaling 1method and themaximal curvaturemethod.

[Key words]wetted perimeter method;Bayinhe river;m inimum ecological water demand;slope equaling 1 method;maximal curvaturemethod

[Abstract]According to the runoff characteristicsand in-stream and out-stream water demand of the Nenjiang R iver and Songhuajiang R iver basins,the control conditions are initially identified about flood diversion of the river-lake connection water supply project of the comprehensive utilization of rainfall and flood resources in western Jilin Province.Based on the water demand of wetlands and flow capacity of current projects,the flood diversion process is put forward.The flood diversion impact of the project is finally analyzed from the fo llow ing three aspects,the impact on in-stream users,the impact on out-stream usersand the impact on the downstream hydrological regime.

[Key words]western Jilin province;flood;impact;resourcescomprehensive utilization

[Abstract]The dynam ic triaxial test is adopted to research the dynam ic characteristics of asphalt concrete core wallof face rockfilldam.The resultsshow that themaximum dynam icmodulus(Edmax)and themaximum shear modulus(Gdmax)are changing w ith the Kc development.The damping ratio of asphalt concrete is 0.15,under the different confining pressure and 17℃ test conditions,the dynam ic strain produced w ithin 100 times vibration isvery small(less than 0.1%)when applied the large dynam ic stress for the asphalt concrete,there is no dynam ic strength failure problems for the asphalt concrete.

[Key words]asphalt concrete core wall;dynam ic characteristics;damping ratio;dynam ic elasticm odulus

[Abstract]The weighted Markov chain model is using to predict the reservoir sediment concentration. Combined w ith the reservoir inflow sediment concentration measured data,the paper analyzes the prediction accuracy of reservoir sediment concentration by using the weighted Markov chain mode.The results show that,the weighted M arkov chain m odel is suitable for the prediction of reservoir sediment concentration,the relative error between the predicted valuesand measured values at the annual scale is 14.47%~19.25%,the process fitting coefficient is above 0.7,the relative error at the hour scale isbelow 15%,the process fitting coefficient can reach 0.65 ormore,the prediction accuracy couldmeet the requirementsof the reservoir inflow sediment concentration prediction standard.The research results can provide the reference value for the prediction method of reservoir sediment concentration.

[Key words]weighted Markov chain model;sediment concentration prediction;model applicability analysis;reservoir





Reliability analysis of stability against sliding for ash dam of som e a power station

DUWen-cai,JIN Hui,ZHANG Yu,ZHANGDa-peng

[Abstract]The paper describesbriefly the necessity of the reliability theory to analyzing the stability against sliding for ash dam.The Monte Carlo method and the simplified Bishop method are combined to research the reliability analysismethod of stability against sliding of the ash dam.The example analysis results show that the reliability analysis resultscould help us to know the safe condition o f dam bodymore accurately,which has the good guidance for the routinemaintenance and reinforcementwork of the ash dam.

[Key words]ash dam;stability against sliding;Monte Carlomethod;simplified Bishopmethod;Reliability analysis

Application of large opening well in water diversion project ofmountain area

LIANG Xue-ke

App lication of need le beam trolley in circular pressure tunnel concrete lining

SHEN Ji-cheng

Processing distortion problem caused by ANSYS software calculation in the deformation sim ulation of earth dam construction

LIU Zhong-min

Estimation ofm inimum ecologicalwater demand for Bayinhe river by using thewetted perimeter method

GENG Zhao-ke,LU Dan

Study on flood diversion im pact of the river-lake connection water supp ly project of the com prehensive utilization of rainwater and flood resources in western Jilin province

LIN Lan,HE Shi-liang

Study on dynam ic characteristics of asphalt concrete core wall of face rockfill dam

XU Guang-yuan,MUWan-peng,HOU Fu-jiang,MA Hai-long

App lication of weighted M arkov chain model in the prediction of reservoir sediment concentration

YU Xiu-feng,YU Bao-hui

进一步凸显定制安装特性的优势 Integra DRX-5.2
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