(安阳师范学院数学与统计学院,中国 安阳 455000)
(安阳师范学院数学与统计学院,中国 安阳455000)
变点问题成为近年来比较热的研究方向,它在经济、质量控制和医学等领域应用广泛[1-5].变点分析方法主要有非参数方法、最小二乘法和贝叶斯方法等.而随着统计计算技术的发展,贝叶斯变点分析方法越来越受到人们的欢迎,而复杂性的计算是贝叶斯方法的难点.贝叶斯计算方法中的Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) 方法是最近发展起来的一种简单有效的计算方法.MCMC方法中的Gibbs抽样和Metropolis-Hastings算法使变点分析变得非常方便[6-9].Gibbs抽样可以简化变点问题,例如,未知参数的满条件分布可转化为无变点的后验分布,变点的满条件分布可转化为分布参数已知的后验分布.维纳过程是具有平稳独立增量的二阶矩过程,是一种特殊的扩散过程,它在纯数学、应用数学、经济学与物理学中都有重要应用.维纳过程不只是布朗运动的数学模型,在应用数学中,维纳过程可以描述高斯白噪声的积分形式;在电子工程中,维纳过程是建立噪音的数学模型的重要部分;控制论中,维纳过程可以用来表示不可知因素.对扩散过程变点模型的研究较多[10-13],虽然维纳过程是特殊的扩散过程,但对维纳过程变点模型的研究却较少[14-15],并且这些文献都是基于随机微分方程的求解来进行参数估计,计算比较繁琐,但基于似然函数并且利用MCMC方法研究此模型还不多见.
在n个时刻t1 W(ti)-W(ti-1)=zi,t0=0,i=1,2,…,n. 假设已知在观察时间区域(0,tn]内有一个变点,即0<τ τ∈(tm,tm+1],0≤m≤n-1,实际上m是τ的函数. 由式(1)知 由正态分布的可加性得 W(tm+1)-W(tm)的观察值为zm+1. 下面介绍概率论中一个很重要的结果,即下面的引理1. 当m=0时,D1=∅, 当m=n-1时,D2=∅.记x为X的取值,添加潜在变量后的似然函数为 2模型的贝叶斯估计 下面给出参数的先验分布. 1) 取τ的先验分布为均匀分布,即π(τ)∝1,0<τ 下面介绍MCMC方法的具体步骤. 3随机模拟 下面进行随机模拟试验. 表1 各参数的贝叶斯估计 图1 τ的Gibbs抽样迭代 图2 τ的两条迭代链 Fig.1 Gibbs sampling iterations of τ Fig.2 Two iterative chains of τ 参考文献: [1]PAGE E S. Continuous inspection schemes[J]. Biometrika, 1954,41(1):100-115. [2]CHERNOFF H, ZACKS S. Estimating the current mean of a normal distribution which is subjected to changes in time[J]. Ann Math Stat, 1964,35(3):999-1018. [3]CSÖRGÖ M, HORVTH L. Limit theorems in change-point analysis[M]. New York: Wiley, 1997. [4]PERREAULT L, BERNIER J, BOBÉE B,etal. Bayesian change-point analysis in hydrometeorological time series. Part 1. The normal model revisited[J]. J Hydrol, 2000,235(3):221-241. [5]FEARNHEAD P. Exact and efficient Bayesian inference for multiple changepoint problems[J]. Stat Comput, 2006,16(2):203-213. [6]LIANG F, WONG W H. Real-parameter evolutionary Monte Carlo with applications to Bayesian mixture models[J]. J Am Stat Assoc, 2001,96(454):653-666. [7]LAVIELLE M, LEBARBIER E. An application of MCMC methods for the multiple change-points problem[J]. Sig Pro, 2001,81(1):39-53. [8]KIM J, CHEON S. Bayesian multiple change-point estimation with annealing stochastic approximation Monte Carlo[J]. Comput Stat, 2010,25(2):215-239. [9]YUAN T, KUO Y. Bayesian analysis of hazard rate, change point, and cost-optimal burn-in time for electronic devices[J]. IEEE Trans Rel, 2010,59(1):132-138. [10]ABBAS-TURKI L A, KARATZAS I, LI Q. Impulse control of a diffusion with a change point[J]. Stoch Int J Probab Stoch Process, 2015,87(3):382-408. [11]MISHRA M N, PRAKASA RAO B L S. Estimation of change point for switching fractional diffusion processes[J]. Stoch Int J Probab Stoch Process, 2014,86(3):429-449. [12]GAPEEV P V, SHIRYAEV A N. Bayesian quickest detection problems for some diffusion processes[J]. Adv Appl Probab, 2013,45(1):164-185. [13]NEGRI I, NISHIYAMA Y. Asymptotically distribution free test for parameter change in a diffusion process model[J]. Ann Inst Stat Math, 2012,64(5):911-918. [14]VOSTRIKOVA, L YU. Detection of a “disorder” in a Wiener process[J]. Theor Probab Appl, 1981,26(2):356-362. [15]HADJILIADIS O, MOUSTAKIDES V. Optimal and asymptotically optimal CUSUM rules for change point detection in the Brownian motion model with multiple alternatives[J]. Theor Probab Appl, 2006,50(1):75-85. (编辑HWJ) DOI:10.7612/j.issn.1000-2537.2016.04.014 收稿日期:2015-11-12 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(61174099); 河南省高等学校重点科研项目(16A110001) *通讯作者,E-mail:chaobing5@163.com 中图分类号O212.8; O212.4 文献标识码A 文章编号1000-2537(2016)04-0084-05 Bayesian Parameter Estimation of Wiener Process with a Change-Point HEChao-bing* (School of Mathematics and Statistics, Anyang Normal University, Anyang 455000, China) AbstractBy introducing a latent variable, the simple likelihood function of Wiener process with a change-point is obtained according to the important property of the normal distribution. All the parameters are sampled by Gibbs sampler together with Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, and the parameters are estimated based on the Gibbs samples. Random simulation results show that the estimations are fairly accurate. Key wordslatent variable; additivity; full conditional distribution; Gibbs sampling; Metropolis-Hastings algorithm