
2016-07-21 01:10毛成责钟俊生花卫华陈渊戈葛成冈杨平海
生态学报 2016年8期

毛成责,钟俊生, 花卫华, 陈渊戈,葛成冈, 杨平海

1 江苏省海涂研究中心,南京 210036 2 江苏省海洋环境监测预报中心,南京 210036 3上海海洋大学, 水产与生命学院,上海 201306 4 中国水产科学院, 东海水产研究所,农业部海洋与河口渔业重点开放实验室,上海 200090 5 浙江省嵊泗县科技协会, 嵊泗 202450


毛成责1,2,钟俊生3,*, 花卫华1,2, 陈渊戈4,葛成冈3, 杨平海5

1 江苏省海涂研究中心,南京210036 2 江苏省海洋环境监测预报中心,南京210036 3上海海洋大学, 水产与生命学院,上海201306 4 中国水产科学院, 东海水产研究所,农业部海洋与河口渔业重点开放实验室,上海200090 5 浙江省嵊泗县科技协会, 嵊泗202450

摘要:2010年8月—2011年8月每月大潮期间,在泗礁沙滩8个站位点水深0.5—1.5 m处,沿海岸平行拖曳小型拖网(1m×4m,网目1 mm)采集仔稚鱼样本。共采集仔稚鱼1718尾(隶属于28科46种)。仔稚鱼群落的季节变化显示,根据种类生活史及其对沙滩碎波带利用模式的差异,主要优势种鲻Mugil cephalus、中国花鲈Lateolabrax maculatus、鳀Engraulis japonicus、相模虾虎鱼Sagamia geneionema、细鳞鯻Terapon jarbua、鮻Liza haematocheila及中华侧带小公鱼Stolephorus chinensis分别在3月、5月、6月与8月进入碎波带,栖息时间在1—4个月不等;月份聚类和排序将8个月份(渔获物稀少甚至无渔获月份舍弃)分为2011年3—5月与2010年8—9月、2011年6—8月2个群组。群落的空间结构显示, St.5与St.7分别具有最多的种类数和个体数,说明仔稚鱼偏好栖息于内湾浅滩;但各主要优势种对内湾沙滩的选择有一定的种类特异性,其具体原因有待进一步完调查完善与分析;站点聚类和排序将8个站位分为4组:Sts.1—Sts.2与Sts.7—Sts.8聚为1组,St.5与St.6聚为1组,St.3、St.4分别为1组。各主要优势种对碎波带的利用时间、方式及对沙滩生境的选择均具有一定的种类特异性,其对沙滩生境选择的影响因子有待进一步研究。


研究不同水域碎波带仔稚鱼群落结构的时空变化规律,能更好的保护野生鱼类早期资源,为此,国内外许多学者进行了大量研究和报道。Layman等和Gibson等研究表明不同季节碎波带仔稚鱼群落种类组成有着明显差异[1- 2]。蒋日进等在长江口沿岸碎波带研究表明河口水域仔稚鱼群落种类的空间分布受盐度影响[3];此外,关于潮汐、风浪、浑浊度、溶氧、光照等对仔稚鱼群落空间结构影响的研究也有大量报道[4-9]。而Lasiak则认为碎波带仔稚鱼群落的时空变化无明显规律[5]。但更多的学者认为,仔稚鱼群落结构的时空变化受理化因子影响较小,产卵季节和洄游补充机制才是其重要的影响因素[10- 11]。




图1 泗礁沙滩碎波带仔稚鱼的调查站点 Fig.1 Survey stations for larval and juvenile fish in the surf zone of Si Jiao Island

除泗礁东部礁石悬崖的海岸之外,在沿岸沙滩设置8个站点(图1)。根据Knox的生态海岸分类系统[15],Sts.1—Sts.3,Sts.5—Sts.7为内湾型沙滩(Protected sandy beaches),St.4与St.8为开放沙滩(Open sandy beaches);St.4与St.6坡度较陡,而其余站点坡度平缓;St.2底质为砾石质, St.3为泥质,其余站点均为沙质(表1)。每月大潮期间2人沿平行海岸方向拖曳小型拖网(1 m×4 m,网目1 mm)。采样时间为2010年8月—2011年8月,每站点拖曳3网次,每次拖曳距离约50m,所得样本当场用5%福尔马林溶液固定,现场测定水温和盐度。2011年4月St.3由于港湾建设围堤封闭。


在Olympus SZX7解剖镜下按照仔稚鱼专著[16-19]将采集的标本鉴定到科、属、种,按Kendall等[20]的仔稚鱼发育分期标准划分各发育阶段并计数。用目测微尺和游标卡尺测取仔稚鱼的体长(SL)。学名按照伍汉霖等[21],同属种名按英文字母进行排序。

表1 泗礁沙滩碎波带各站点地形和底质情况




式中,ni为第i种仔稚鱼个体数,N为总个体数,fi为第i种仔稚鱼出现频率, 取优势度大于0.02 的为优势种[23]。

分别以站位点与月份为样本,仔稚鱼种类为变量,建立2个以仔稚鱼个体数量的原始矩阵,对数据进行平方根转换后计算(站点/月份)Bray-Curtis相似性指数,建立相似性三角矩阵。根据站点间的相似性指数用组平均连接法(group-average linkage)进行等级聚类(Cluster analysis)和MDS(non-Metric Multidimensional scaling)排序,并通过ANOSIM 来检验不同群落矩阵间差异显著性[24-27]。

聚类分析、排序分析和相似性分析均在PRIMER 6.0中完成。






Table 2Species composition of larval and juvenile fishes collected in surf zone of sandy beach in Si Jiao Island from August 2010 to August 2011

种名Species种类代码Speciescode优势度Y发育阶段Developmentalstage生态类型Ecologicalpatterns出现月份Month海鲢科Elopidae 海鲢ElopssaurusEs+CMa8*大海鲢科Megalopidae 大海鲢MegalopscyprinoidesMcy+CMa8*—11鲱科Clupeidae 斑鰶KonosiruspunctatusKp+EMa7 钟氏小沙丁鱼SardinellazunasiSz+DMa8*鳀科Engraulidae凤鲚CoiliamystusCm+C-DMi8*鳀EngraulisjaponicusEj0.487B-EMa5—7中华侧带小公鱼StolephoruschinensisSc0.055B-EMa8*,10,8赤鼻棱鳀ThryssakammalensisTk+EMa8中颌棱鳀ThryssamystaxTm+DMa8* 鳀科sp.Engraulidaesp.Esp+CMa9银鱼科Osmeridae短吻间银鱼HemisalanxbrachyrostralisHb+A-CEs12有明银鱼SalanxacuticepsSa+EEs6狗母鱼科Synodontidae鳄蛇鲻SauridawaniesoSw+CMa8*鲤科Cyprinidae 银飘鱼PseudolaubucasinensisPs+EFr8*银汉鱼科Atherinidae 蓝美银汉鱼AtherinomoruslacunosusAl+DMa8*鱵科Hemiramphidae间下鱵HyporhamphusintermediusHi+EEs8犀鳕科Bregmacerotidae麦氏犀鳕BregmacerosmcclellandiBm+BMa8*海龙科Syngnathidae尖海龙SyngnathusacusSac+EMa10鲻科Mugilidae 鲻MugilcephalusMce0.065DEs3—5鮻LizahaematocheilaLh0.051C-EEs1,6—8马鲅科Polynemidae多鳞四指马鲅EleutheronemarhadinumEr+C-EEs8*—9,7鮨科Serranidae中国花鲈LateolabraxmaculatusLm0.065C-EMi3—6鱚科Sillaginidae少鳞鱚SillagojaponicaSj+CMa8*,7石首鱼科Sciaenidae 棘头梅童鱼CollichthyslucidusCl+EMa6—7小黄鱼LarimichthyspolyactisLp+A-BMa5黄姑鱼NibeaalbifloraNa+DMa7白姑鱼PennahiaargentataPa+DMa8*银鲈科Gerreidae短体银鲈GerresabbreviatusGa+DMa9鲷科Sparidae

8*:2010年8月;+:﹤0.02;发育阶段Developmental stage:A:前弯曲期仔鱼Preflexion larvae;B:弯曲期仔鱼Flexion larvae;C:后弯曲期仔鱼Postflexion larvae;D:稚鱼Juvenile;E:幼鱼Young fish; 生态类型Ecological patterns:Ma:海洋性Marine fish;Es:河口性Estuarine fish;Mi:洄游性Migration fish;Fr:淡水性Freshwater fish







图2 泗礁沙滩碎波带各月份仔稚鱼个体数百分比组成及聚类分析图Fig.2 Percentage composition of abundance and Cluster dendrogram of larval and juvenile fish community from 8 months图2中种类代码对照见表2

图3 泗礁沙滩碎波带各月仔稚鱼群落度排序分析图 Fig.3 MDS ordination of larval and juvenile fish community from 8sampling months

图4 泗礁沙滩碎波带各站点仔稚鱼个体数百分比组成及聚类分析图Fig.4 Percentage composition of abundance and Cluster dendrogram of larval and juvenile fish community among 8 sampling stations图4中种类代码对照见表2




由站点聚类分析树状图可看出(图4),以相似度40为界可将8个站点分为4组:Sts.1—Sts.2与Sts.7—Sts.8聚为1组,St.5与St.6聚为1组,St.3、St.4分别为1组。从各站点主要优势种百分比可看出(图4),鳀为Sts.1—Sts.2与Sts.7—Sts.8的共同优势种且个体百分比均较高,组内相似度较高,聚为1组;St.5与St.6的共同优势种较多,如中国花鲈、中华侧带小公鱼、鲻、鯷等,组内相似度高,聚为1组; St.3、St.4种类数和个体数均较低,种类优势不明显,故分别聚为1组。

图5 泗礁沙滩碎波带各站点仔稚鱼类群落排序分析图 Fig.5 MDS ordination of larval and juvenile fish community among 8 sampling stations






年际间群落变化则主要体现在相邻年间相同季节或月份间仔稚鱼群落的差异,2010年8月与2011年8月有共有种中华侧带小公鱼、细鳞鯻,但两者的种类数和发育阶段却有着交大的差异,这可能与短期各环境因子变化及偶见种进入碎波带的随机性有关(图2)[1, 5,28]。沙滩碎波带地形复杂,环境因子多变,故仔稚鱼群落年际变化规律需积累多年数据进行详细分析。


泗礁沙滩地形分为开放型和內湾型,底质主要有沙质、泥质与砾石质3种。开放型且坡度陡的沙滩常年风浪扰动剧烈,容易对游泳能力较弱的仔鱼造成物理损伤;水体稳定性及生产力较低,无法为仔稚鱼提供充足的饵料生物;內湾型浅滩风浪较小,且浑浊度高,饵料生物丰富,有利于游泳能力较弱的仔稚鱼躲避捕食者及摄取饵料生物,使之成为许多鱼类早期发育阶段的理想保育场[1- 2]。




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Tempo-spatial variation of larval and juvenile fish communities in a sandy surf zone on Si Jiao Island

MAO Chengze1,2, ZHONG Junsheng3*, HUA Weihua1,2, CHEN Yuange4, GE Chenggang3, YANG Pinghai5


Abstract:Our goals were to describe community structure for larval and juvenile fish, and its temporal and spatial variation in the surf zone of a sandy beach on Si Jiao Island. Fieldwork was conducted monthly at eight stations along the coast of Si Jiao Island from August 2010 to August 2011. Samples were collected using small trawls (1 m × 4 m, 1 mm mesh size) and sampling was repeated three times at each station. Water temperature and salinity were measured at the sampling times. Specimens were fixed in 5% formalin in a seawater solution. A total of 1718 larval and juvenile fish representing 46 species from 28 families was collected. The maximum annual fish catch (634 individuals) was collected at Station 7, whereas the maximum annual species richness occurred at Station 5, where 26 species were collected. However, there was no catch at most stations during winter. The larval and juvenile fish community exhibited significant temporal differences among monthly percentages of the seven most dominant species (dominance index ≥0.02).Mugil cephalus was collected from March to May, and was the predominant species in March when it accounted for 96.61% of the catch. Lateolabrax maculatus was collected from March to June, and was predominant in April, accounting for 84.68% of the catch. Engraulis japonicus was collected from May to July and was predominant in May, accounting for 86.54% of the catch. Sagamia geneionema was collected only in May and made up 5.23% of the catch.Terapon jarbua was collected in August and September 2010, and June to August 2011. This species was predominant in September, making up 50.00% of the catch. Liza haematocheila was collected from June to August 2011 and was predominant in July, being 42.00% of the catch. Stolephorus chinensis was collected in August 2010, October 2010, and August 2011, being predominant in August 2011 when it accounted for 84.16% of the catch. According to cluster and MDS analysis (based on fish species and abundance) the eight sampling months were best divided into 2 groups: March, April, and May of 2011 in group Ⅰ and the remaining months in group Ⅱ. Spatial variation of the larval and juvenile fish community suggested they preferred moderately protected sandy beaches. However, there were also differences in the distribution of the top seven dominant species.E. japonicus occurred mainly at Stations 1, 2, 7, and 8, and accounted for 56.45%, 72.49%, 84.23%, and 46.74% of the catch per station, respectively. L. maculatus occurred primarily at Stations 5, 6, 7, and 8, making up 10.00%, 29.37%, 1.58%, and 16.30% of the catch at each station, respectively. M. cephalus occurred primarily at Stations.1—3, and 6, and was 14.52%, 13.75%, 23.81%, and 13.49% of the catch at each station, respectively. S. chinensis occurred primarily at Stations 5 and 6, making up 30.91% and 23.02% of the catch, respectively. L. haematocheila occurred primarily at Stations 7 and 8, making up 2.05% and 22.83% of the catch per station, respectively. S. geneionema occurred primarily at Stations 1, 2, and 7, and made up 11.29%, 3.44%, and 4.57% of the catch, respectively. T. jarbua mainly occurred only at Station 5 and made up 9.55% of the catch at that station. According to cluster and MDS analysis (based on fish species and abundance), the eight sampling stations were best divided into 4 groups: group I consisted of Stations 1, 2, 7, and 8. Stations 5 and 6 were in group Ⅱ, and Station 3 and 4 constituted group Ⅲ and Ⅳ, respectively. The pattern of temporal use and preference for sandy beach sites by larval and juvenile fish inhabiting the surf zone of Si Jiao Island were species-specific. The factors influencing the preferences require further investigation.

Key Words:sandy beach; surf zone; fish larvae and juveniles; community structure; temporal and spatial variation


收稿日期:2014- 11- 05;

修订日期:2015- 12- 15


Corresponding author.E-mail: jszhong@shou.edu.cn


毛成责,钟俊生 花卫华, 陈渊戈,葛成冈, 杨平海.泗礁沙滩碎波带仔稚鱼群落结构的时空变化.生态学报,2016,36(8):2286- 2294.

Mao C Z, Zhong J S, Hua W H, Chen Y G, Ge C G, Yang P H.Tempo-spatial variation of larval and juvenile fish communities in a sandy surf zone on Si Jiao Island.Acta Ecologica Sinica,2016,36(8):2286- 2294.
