
2016-07-11 00:01SuzanneZimbler祝莉丽
新东方英语·中学版 2016年7期



A Changing Relationship一种变化的关系

If there was one thing you could make parents understand about kids, what would it be? That is one of the questions Time for Kids and KidsHealth.org recently asked in an anonymous1) poll2) conducted online. More than 8000 kids answered. "We just want to spend time with you," said a 12-year-old. "At 13, you can't treat me like I'm 6," another kid said. An 11-year-old wrote, "Being a kid is a lot harder than it looks."

The kids who took the poll made it clear that they want to feel close to the important people in their life—their mom, dad, and other caring adults. But their answers also show that it is not always easy to navigate3) these close relationships.



Getting Along and Having Fun相处融洽,享受快乐

Many kids—two out of three—said they get along pretty well or very well with their parents. About four out of five kids told us that they have fun with their parents. But that doesn't mean they never disagree. In fact, most kids reported arguing with their parents, at least sometimes.

"It's absolutely normal to disagree and argue," says D'Arcy Lyness, a child psychologist. "But it's also important to learn how to do so respectfully." About half of the kids said they are doing that. When they disagree with their parents, they say they discuss issues calmly.

But two out of five kids said arguments tend to involve yelling at each other. Lyness points out that shouting never helps. "Speak up, and let your parents know your ideas and your opinions," she advises. "But be patient. Don't use a raised, angry voice."

Kids made it clear that they would rather avoid conflict altogether. Not surprisingly, three out of four kids admitted to lying at times. Many said they lie to avoid getting in trouble or disappointing their parents. According to Lyness, lying isn't just wrong. It can actually get negative results. Telling the truth builds trust. "When parents can trust you, they are more likely to give you more freedom and more privileges4)," she says.

A Changing Relationship一种变化的关系

Telling the truth, says Lyness, is a sign of maturity5). But older kids were more likely to say they lie than younger ones. Kids aged 12 to 14 not only said they lie more, but they also reported having less fun, feeling less close and not getting along as well with their parents.

According to Lyness, those feelings are not uncommon. As kids become more independent, they have more areas of conflict with their parents. But it doesn't have to be that way. "Kids and parents get along differently at each phase of the journey," she says. As kids grow and change, it is important for everybody to adapt. "There's a dance of ways that youinteract6) and get along," she points out. "Then there's a shift7), and it's a different dance." Change is normal, shestresses8).







How to Stay Close如何保持亲密关系

The experts at KidsHealth.org suggest taking these steps in order to feel closer to your parents and have fewer arguments.

1. Find ways to let parents in on9) your life. Tell them how things are going for you, even if it's just a small detail.

2. Have fun together. Find things you enjoy doing together. Be willing to make time for your parents.

3. Talk with kindness and respect. Even when you disagree, avoid yelling, angry or mean words, and disrespect.

4. Say "yes" more than "no". You probably want your parent to do that, too! Parents are more likely to say yes when kids are cooperative.

5. Express your love and appreciation. Try a hug, a note, a kind act, or a simple thank-you.


1. 想办法让父母走进你的生活。告诉他们你的近况如何,即使它只是一个小细节。

2. 分享快乐。找到你们乐意一起去做的事情,并乐于腾出时间与父母相处。

3. 以和蔼、尊敬的态度交谈。即使你们意见不同,也不要大喊大叫、生气恼火或口出不逊,还有不要失礼不敬。

4. 多说“好的”,少说“不行”。你很可能希望父母也这样做!当孩子配合的时候,父母会更有可能同意你的请求。

5. 表达你的爱意和感谢。尝试一个拥抱、一张便笺、一个友好的动作,或仅仅说句“谢谢你”。

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