《高中英语教学大纲》中明确指出“写作是书面表达和传递信息的交际能力,培养初步写作能力是英语教学的目的之一。”书面表达是高考英语试题中分值较大, 但考生往往得分却较低的一项, 提到英语写作,教师头痛, 学生畏惧。因此,如何在高三第一轮复习中,每两周写作一练的课堂中帮助学生提高书面表达能力是每一个高三英语教师所关注和研究的问题。笔者以一堂“Practical writing”中,从谈论热点话题“Haze Weather”展开,最后完成书面表达为例,来浅析高中书面表达的训练课的设计。
这是高三首轮复习阶段的一节写作课,这节书面表达课就从学生对话题“Haze Weather”开展自由表达、讨论开始,进而完成教学目的。侧重于引导学生在动手写作前迅速构思、发散思维、各抒己见、开拓想象,使学生能够兼顾与写作紧密联系的听、说、读、写、改错。
(一)Step 1:Warming up and presentation
T :“what can you see from the video ?”
S: “Haze”.
T: What can Haze cause? ( all students begin to talk about Haze Weather freely one by one according to the words given by the teacher :
(1) cant see clearly, drive slowly,
(2)flights , put off /cancel, cause , inconvenience
(3) have bad effect on ,physical health ,do harm to, harmful
S1: We cant see clearly, which contributes to many accidents.
S2: We should drive slowly , otherwise traffic jams would happen.
(T: The furthest distance in the world is that you stand in front of me, but I can not see you.)
S3:Haze can cause flights to be put off / cancelled ,which can bring passengers inconvenience.
S4: Haze has bad effect on physical health.
(二)Step 2 :Discussion
Q1: What can we do when haze takes place to avoid being harmed?
1. Dont do exercise in the open.
2. Stay indoors and keep the air clean rather than go outdoors.
3. Wear a mask when going out.
(T:I am looking forward to seeing sky dotted with shining stars every night.)
Q2: Whats your suggestion to be friendly to our environment?
1. We must be aware that its everyones duty to protect the environment.
2.Wed better ride bikes or walk instead of driving a car.
3.We should save electricity and plant more trees.
(三)Step 3: Presentation
As you can learn from the Internet, the haze has occurred a lot of times in cities in northern China so far this year. It is obvious that haze would bring us all kinds of harm. Firstly, we cant see clearly in haze weather, which contributes to many accidents. Secondly, quite a lot of flights have to be put off or canceled due to the haze weather, causing great inconvenience. What‘s worse, it has negative influences on our health.
Therefore, when you arrive in Beijing, theres something that you should remember. First of all, a good-quality mask is necessary while going out. Washing faces and hands after each outing is also important to protect yourself. Outdoor activities should be reduced to avoid breathing in harmful dust.
In order to protect our environment, we should go out on foot, by bike or by bus as much as possible instead of driving cars. Second, factories should produce less pollution. Third, we should plant more trees. Besides, we should not use paper cups or plates. I wish people can enjoy the sky and fresh air every day.