
2016-06-04 07:07:00
中国学术期刊文摘 2016年10期


数据来源:Web of Science 文献出版时间:2014-01—2016-03 检索时间:2016-04-12

Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture 计算机科学,硬件和架构

被引频次文章题目50 Reinforcement learning output feedback NN control using deterministic learning technique 48 Big data: A survey作者来源出版物IEEE Transactions on Neural Xu, Bin; Yang, Networks and Learning Chenguang; Shi, Zhongke Systems 2014, 25(3): 635-641 Chen, Min; Mao, Shiwen; Mobile Networks & Liu, Yunhao Applications 2014, 19(2): 171-209 46  Policy iteration adaptive dynamic programming algorithm for discrete-time nonlinear systems  Liu, Derong; Wei, Qinglai 45 A survey on feature selection methods 40  A comprehensive survey on vehicular Ad Hoc network 39 Feature learning for image classification via multiobjective genetic programming 39  A survey on vehicular cloud computing 37 An overview of load balancing in hetnets: Old myths and open problems 36  PANFIS: A novel incremental learning machine Decentralized stabilization for a class of 35 continuous-time nonlinear interconnected systems using online learning optimal control approach IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2014, 25(3): 621-634 Chandrashekar, Girish; Computers & Electrical Sahin, Ferat Engineering 2014, 40(1): 16-28 Al-Sultan, Saif; Al-Doori, Moath M.; Al-Bayatti, Ali H.; et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 2014, 37: 380-392 IEEE Transactions on Neural Shao, Ling; Liu, Li; Li, Networks and Learning Xuelong Systems 2014, 25(7): 1359-1371 Whaiduzzaman, Md; Sookhak, Mehdi; Gani, Abdullah; et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 2014, 40: 325-344 Andrews, Jeffrey G.; IEEE Wireless Singh, Sarabjot; Ye, Communications Qiaoyang; et al. 2014, 21(2): 18-25 Pratama, Mahardhika; Anavatti, Sreenatha. G.; Angelov, Plamen. P.; et al. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2014, 25(1): 55-68 IEEE Transactions on Neural Liu, Derong; Wang, Ding; Networks and Learning Li, Hongliang Systems 2014, 25(2): 418-428

Computer Science, Information Systems 计算机科学,信息系统

被引频次文章题目71 Data mining with big data 65 A review on multi-label learning algorithms 62 Data-intensive applications, challenges, techniques and technologies: A survey on Big Data 57 Context aware computing for the internet of things: A survey 53  Routing metrics of cognitive radio networks: A survey Ontology-based healthcare context 52 information model to implement ubiquitous environment 51 Distance and similarity measures for hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets and their application in multi-criteria decision making 48 Big data: A survey 47  Security and privacy for storage and computation in cloud computing A fuzzy envelope for hesitant fuzzy 46 linguistic term set and its application to multicriteria decision making作者   来源出版物Wu, Xindong; Zhu, Xingquan; Wu, Gongqing; et al. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 2014, 26(1): 97-107 Zhang, Minling; Zhou, Zhihua IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 2014, 26(8): 1819-1837 Chen, C. L. Philip; Zhang, Chunyang Information Sciences 2014, 275: 314-347 Perera, Charith; Zaslavsky, Arkady; Christen, Peter; et al. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 2014, 16(1): 414-454 Youssef, Moustafa; Ibrahim, Mohamed; Abdelatif, Mohamed; et al. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 2014, 16(1): 92-109 Kim, Jonghun; Chung, Kyung-Yong Multimedia Tools and Applications 2014, 71(2): 873-888 Liao, Huchang; Xu, Zeshui; Zeng, Xiaojun Information Sciences 2014, 271: 125-142 Chen, Min; Mao, Shiwen; Liu, Yunhao Mobile Networks & Applications 2014, 19(2): 171-209 Wei, Lifei; Zhu, Haojin; Cao, Zhenfu; et al. Information Sciences 2014, 258: 371-386 Liu, Hongbin; Rodriguez, Rosa M. Information Sciences 2014, 258: 220-238

Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications 计算机科学,跨学科的应用

被引频次文章题目RAxML version 8: A tool for phylogenetic 738 analysis and post-analysis of large phylogenies 506 Trimmomatic: A flexible trimmer for Illumina sequence data 317  HTSeq-a Python framework to work with high-throughput sequencing data 240 InterProScan 5: Genome-scale protein function classification 190  FEYNRULES 2.0—A complete toolbox for tree-level phenomenology 163 micrOMEGAs_3: A program for calculating dark matter observables作者来源出版物Bioinformatics Stamatakis, Alexandros 2014, 30(9): 1312-1313 Bolger, Anthony M.; Bioinformatics Lohse, Marc; Usadel, Bjoern 2014, 30(15): 2114-2120 Anders, Simon; Pyl, Paul Theodor; Huber, Wolfgang Bioinformatics 2015, 31(2): 166-169 Jones, Philip; Binns, Bioinformatics David; Chang, Hsin-Yu; et al. 2014, 30(9): 1236-1240 Alloul, Adam; Christensen, Neil D.; Degrande, Celine; et al. Computer Physics Communications 2014, 185(8): 2250-2300 Computer Physics Belanger, G.; Boudjema, Communications F.; Pukhov, A.; et al. 2014, 185(3): 960-985 141  Prokka: Rapid prokaryotic genome annotation  Seemann, Torsten Minfi: A flexible and comprehensive 121 Bioconductor package for the analysis of Infinium DNA methylation microarrays 120  Causal analysis approaches in Ingenuity Pathway Analysis featureCounts: An efficient general purpose 106 program for assigning sequence reads to genomic features Bioinformatics 2014, 30(14): 2068-2069 Aryee, Martin J.; Jaffe, Andrew E.; Bioinformatics Corrada-Bravo, Hector; 2014, 30(10): 1363-1369 et al. Kraemer, Andreas; Green, Jeff; Pollard, Jack, Jr.; et al. Bioinformatics 2014, 30(4): 523-530 Liao, Yang; Smyth, Bioinformatics Gordon K.; Shi, Wei 2014, 30(7): 923-930

Computer Science, Software Engineering 计算机科学,软件工程

被引频次文章题目72 Grey wolf optimizer 52 Ontology-based healthcare context information model to implement ubiquitous environment 40  A comprehensive survey on vehicular Ad Hoc network Improved multidimensional zero-correlation 40 linear cryptanalysis and applications to LBlock and TWINE 39  A survey on vehicular cloud computing Iteration complexity of randomized 38 block-coordinate descent methods for minimizing a composite function 36  Representative discovery of structure cues for weakly-supervised image segmentation 34 3D simulator for stability analysis of finite slope causing plane activity 31  Effective 3D action recognition using EigenJoints 29 Medical information service system based on human 3D anatomical model作者   来源出版物Mirjalili, Seyedali; Mirjalili, Seyed Mohammad; Lewis, Andrew Advances in Engineering Software 2014, 69: 46-61 Kim, Jonghun; Chung, Kyung-Yong Multimedia Tools and Applications 2014, 71(2): 873-888 Al-Sultan, Saif; Al-Doori, Moath M.; Al-Bayatti, Ali H.; et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 2014, 37: 380-392 Wang, Yanfeng; Wu, Wenling Information Security and Privacy 2014, 8544: 1-16 Whaiduzzaman, Md; Sookhak, Mehdi; Gani, Abdullah; et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 2014, 40: 325-344 Richtarik, Peter; Takac, Martin Mathematical Programming 2014, 144: 1-2 Zhang, Luming; Gao, Yue; Xia, Yingjie; et al. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2014, 16(2): 470-479 Kim, Sung-Ho; Chung, Kyung-Yong Multimedia Tools and Applications 2014, 68(2): 455-463 Yang, Xiaodong; Tian, Yingli Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 2014, 25(1): 2-11 Kim, Sung-Ho; Chung, Kyung-Yong Multimedia Tools and Applications 2014, 74(20): 8939-8950

Computer Science, Theory & Methods 计算机科学理论与方法

被引频次文章题目79 A review of soft consensus models in a fuzzy environment 68 A survey of multiple classifier systems as hybrid systems 59  Kubios HRV-Heart rate variability analysis software An evolutionary many-objective optimization 57 algorithm using reference-point-based nondominated sorting approach, part I: Solving problems with box constraints 52 Ontology-based healthcare context information model to implement ubiquitous environment 50 Reinforcement learning output feedback NN control using deterministic learning technique 49 Robust PLS approach for KPI-related prediction and diagnosis against outliers and missing data Policy iteration adaptive dynamic 46 programming algorithm for discrete-time作者来源出版物Herrera-Viedma, Enrique; Javier Cabrerizo, Francisco; Information Fusion Kacprzyk, Janusz; 2014, 17(SI): 4-13 et al. Wozniak, Michal; Grana, Manuel; Information Fusion Corchado, Emilio 2014, 16(SI): 3-17 Tarvainen, Mika P.; Niskanen, Juha-Pekka; Lipponen, Jukka A.; et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 2014, 113(1): 210-220 IEEE Transactions on Deb, Kalyanmoy; Jain, Himanshu Evolutionary Computation 2014, 18(4): 577-601 Kim, Jonghun; Chung, Kyung-Yong Multimedia Tools and Applications 2014, 71(2): 873-888 Xu, Bin; Yang, IEEE Transactions on Neural Chenguang; Shi, Networks and Learning Systems Zhongke 2014, 25(3): 635-641 Yin, Shen; Wang, Guang; Yang, Xu International Journal of Systems Science 2014, 45(7): 1375-1382 IEEE Transactions on Neural Liu, Derong; Wei, Networks and Learning Systems 2014, 25(3): 621-634 41  Practical graph isomorphism, II  McKay, Brendan D.; Piperno, Adolfo nonlinear systems Improved multidimensional zero-correlation 40 linear cryptanalysis and applications to LBlock and TWINE Qinglai Journal of Symbolic Computation 2014, 60(1): 94-112 Wang, Yanfeng; Wu, Information Security and Privacy Wenling 2014, 8544: 1-16

Construction & Building Technology 建筑与建筑技术

被引频次文章题目Properties and composition of recycled 41 aggregates from construction and demolition waste suitable for concrete production A new simple shear and normal 39 deformations theory for functionally graded beams 37 Building Information Modeling (BIM) for existing buildings: Literature review and future needs Theory and applications of HVAC control 35 systems: A review of model predictive control (MPC) 34 Indoor airborne bacterial communities are influenced by ventilation, occupancy, and outdoor air source Modification of phase evolution in 32 alkali-activated blast furnace slag by the incorporation of fly ash作者   来源出版物Silva, R. V.; de Brito, J.; Dhir, R. K. Construction and Building Materials 2014, 65(13): 201-217 Bourada, Mohamed; Kaci, Abdelhakim; Houari, Mohammed Sid Ahmed; Steel and Composite Structures 2015, 18(2): 409-423 et al. Volk, Rebekka; Stengel, Julian; Schultmann, Frank Automation in Construction 2014, 38: 109-127 Afram, Abdul; Janabi-Sharifi, Farrokh Building and Environment 2014, 72: 343-355 Meadow, J. F.; Altrichter, A. E.; Kembel, S. W.; et al. Indoor Air 2014, 24(1): 41-48 Ismail, Idawati; Bernal, Susan A.; Provis, John L.; et al. Cement & Concrete Composites 2014, 45(1): 125-135 31  Geopolymers and other alkali activated materials: Why, how, and what?  Provis, John L. A trigonometric four variable plate theory 29 for free vibration of rectangular composite plates with patch mass 29 MgO content of slag controls phase evolution and structural changes induced by accelerated carbonation in alkali-activated binders 28 On the energy impact of urban heat island and global warming on buildings Materials and Structures 2014, 47(1-2): 11-25 Draiche, Kada; Tounsi, Abdelouahed; Khalfi, Y. Steel and Composite Structures 2014, 17(1): 69-81 Bernal, Susan A.; Nicolas, Rackel San; Myers, Rupert J.; et al. Cement and Concrete Research 2014, 57(3): 33-43 Santamouris, M. Energy and Buildings 2014, 82: 100-113

Critical Care Medicine 危重病急救医学

被引频次文章题目Effectiveness of neuraminidase inhibitors in reducing mortality in patients admitted to 89 hospital with influenza A H1N1pdm09 virus infection: A meta-analysis of individual participant data Two decades of mortality trends among 83 patients with severe sepsis: A comparative meta-analysis 82 Empiric antibiotic treatment reduces mortality in severe sepsis and septic shock from the first hour: Results from a guidelinebased performance improvement program Functionally-detected cognitive impairment 67 in high school football players without clinically-diagnosed concussion 62  Caring for critically Ill patients with ebola virus disease perspectives from west africa A CFTR corrector (lumacaftor) and a CFTR potentiator (ivacaftor) for treatment of 61 patients with cystic fibrosis who have a phe508del CFTR mutation: A phase 2 randomised controlled trial 61 A unified theory of sepsis- induced acute kidney injury: Inflammation, microcirculatory dysfunction, bioenergetics, and the tubular cell adaptation to injury Validation of cell-cycle arrest biomarkers for 57 acute kidney injury using clinical adjudication 56 Clinical mechanism of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator potentiator ivacaftor in G551D-mediated cystic fibrosis Consensus on circulatory shock and 54 hemodynamic monitoring. Task force of the european society of intensive care medicine作者来源出版物Muthuri, Stella G.; Venkatesan, Sudhir; Lancet Respiratory Medicine Myles, Puja R.; et al. 2014, 2(5): 395-404 Stevenson, Elizabeth K.; Rubenstein, Amanda R.; Critical Care Medicine Radin, Gregory T.; et al. 2014, 42(3): 625-631 Ferrer, Ricard; Martin-Loeches, Ignacio; Phillips, Gary; et al. Critical Care Medicine 2014, 42(8): 1749-1755 Talavage, Thomas M.; Nauman, Eric A.; Journal of Neurotrauma Breedlove, Evan L.; 2014, 31(4): 327-338 et al. Fowler, Robert A.; Fletcher, Thomas; Fischer, William A., II; et al. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2014, 190(7): 733-737 Boyle, Michael P.; Bell, Scott C.; Konstan, Lancet Respiratory Medicine Michael W.; et al. 2014, 2(7): 527-538 Gomez, Hernando; Ince, Can; De Backer, Daniel; et al. Shock 2014, 41(1): 3-11 Bihorac, Azra; Chawla, American Journal of Respiratory Lakhmir S.; Shaw, and Critical Care Medicine Andrew D.; et al. 2014, 189(8): 932-939 Rowe, Steven M.; Heltshe, Sonya L.; Gonska, Tanja; et al. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2014, 190(2): 175-184 Cecconi, Maurizio; De Backer, Daniel; Intensive Care Medicine Antonelli, Massimo; 2014, 40(12): 1795-1815 et al.

Crystallography 结晶学

被引频次文章题目297 Crystallographic computing system JANA2006: General features Applied topological analysis of crystal 226 structures with the program package ToposPro 111 PLATON SQUEEZE: A tool for the calculation of the disordered solvent contribution to the calculated structure factors Comparison of silver and molybdenum 60 microfocus X-ray sources for single-crystal structure determination 56  WinCSD: Software package for crystallographic calculations (Version 4) 54 EosFit7c and a Fortran module (library) for equation of state calculations 51 Metal-organic frameworks as heterogeneous photocatalysts: Advantages and challenges The anatomy of a comprehensive 49 constrained, restrained refinement program for the modern computing environment-Olex2 dissected 43 Three Zinc(II) Coordination Polymers Based on Tetrakis(4-pyridyl)cyclobutane and Naphthalenedicarboxylate Linkers: Solvothermal Syntheses, Structures, and Photocatalytic Properties 42 Serial crystallography on in vivo grown microcrystals using synchrotron radiation作者来源出版物Petricek, Vaclav; Dusek, Zeitschrift Fur Kristallographie Michal; Palatinus, Lukas 2014, 229(5): 345-352 Blatov, Vladislav A.; Crystal Growth & Design Shevchenko, Alexander P.; Proserpio, Davide M. 2014, 14(7): 3576-3586 Spek, Anthony L. Acta Crystallographica Section C-Structural Chemistry 2015, 71: 9-18 Krause, Lennard; Herbst-Irmer, Regine; Journal of Applied Crystallography Sheldrick, George M.; 2015, 48: 3-10 et al. Akselrud, Lev; Grin, Yuri Journal of Applied Crystallography 2014, 47: 803-805 Angel, Ross J.; Gonzalez-Platas, Javier; Zeitschrift Fur Kristallographie Alvaro, Matteo 2014, 229(5): 405-419 Nasalevich, M. A.; van der Veen, M.; Kapteijn, F.; et al. Crystengcomm 2014, 16(23): 4919-4926 Bourhis, Luc J.; Acta Crystallographica Dolomanov, Oleg V.; A-Foundation and Advances Gildea, Richard J.; et al. 2015, 71: 59-75 Dai, Ming; Su, Xin-Ran; Wang, Xiao; et al. Crystal Growth & Design 2014, 14(1): 240-248 Gati, Cornelius; IUCrJ Bourenkov, Gleb; Klinge, Marco; et al. 2014, 1: 87-94

Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine 牙医学,口腔外科医学

被引频次文章题目American association of oral and 94 maxillofacial surgeons position paper on medication-related osteonecrosis of the Jaw—2014 update Diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders (DC/TMD) for clinical and 85 research applications: Recommendations of the international RDC/TMD consortium network and orofacial pain special interest group 56 Effect on caries of restricting sugars intake: Systematic review to inform WHO guidelines Global burden of severe periodontitis in 41 1990-2010: A systematic review and metaregression 35 Obesity, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis and chronic periodontitis: A shared pathology via oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction? 31 Bone morphogenetic proteins facts, challenges, and future perspectives 28 Longevity of posterior composite restorations: A systematic review and meta-analysis Is marginal bone loss around oral implants 27 the result of a provoked foreign body reaction? 27 Guidance on posterior resin composites: Academy of operative dentistry-european section The clinical impact of HPV tumor status 26 upon head and neck squamous cell carcinomas作者来源出版物Ruggiero, Salvatore L.; Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Dodson, Thomas B.; Surgery Fantasia, John; et al. 2014, 72(10): 1938-1956 Schiffman, Eric; Ohrbach, Richard; Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Truelove, Edmond; Headache et al. 2014, 28(1): 6-27 Moynihan, P. J.; Kelly, S. A. M. Journal of Dental Research 2014, 93(1): 8-18 Kassebaum, N. J.; Bernabe, E.; Dahiya, Journal of Dental Research M.; et al. 2014, 93(11): 1045-1053 Bullon, Pedro; Newman, Hubert N.; Battino, Maurizio Periodontology 2014, 64(1): 139-153 Carreira, A. C.; Lojudice, F. H.; Journal of Dental Research Halcsik, E.; et al. 2014, 93(4): 335-345 Opdam, N. J. M.; Van de Sande, F. H.; Bronkhorst, E.; et al. Journal of Dental Research 2014, 93(10): 943-949 Albrektsson, Tomas; Clinical Implant Dentistry and Dahlin, Christer; Related Research Jemt, Torsten; et al. 2014, 16(2): 155-165 Lynch, Christopher D.; Opdam, Niek J.; Hickel, Reinhard; et al. Journal of Dentistry 2014, 42(4): 377-383 Benson, Eleni; Li, Ryan; Oral Oncology Eisele, David; et al. 2014, 50(6): 565-574

Dermatology 皮肤科

被引频次文章题目Inherited epidermolysis bullosa: Updated 86 recommendations on diagnosis and classification Guidelines of care for the management of 54 atopic dermatitis Section 1. Diagnosis and assessment of atopic dermatitis 52 The global burden of skin disease in 2010: An analysis of the prevalence and impact of skin conditions Guidelines of care for the management of 42 atopic dermatitis Section 2. Management and treatment of atopic dermatitis with topical therapies 37 Characterization of innate lymphoid cells in human skin and blood demonstrates increase of NKp44+ILC3 in psoriasis 37 International prevalence of indoor tanning: A systematic review and meta-analysis 36  Psoriasis prevalence among adults in the United States 36 Emerging trends in the epidemiology of melanoma 35  Guidelines of care for the management of atopic dermatitis Composition of innate lymphoid cell 31 subsets in the human skin: Enrichment of NCR+ILC3 in lesional skin and blood of psoriasis patients作者   来源出版物Fine, Jo-David; Bruckner-Tuderman, Leena; Eady, Robin A. J.; et al. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2014, 70(6): 1103-1126 Eichenfield, Lawrence F.; Tom, Wynnis L.; Chamlin, Sarah L.; et al. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2014, 70(2): 338-351 Hay, Roderick J.; Johns, Nicole E.; Williams, Hywel C.; et al. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2014, 134(6): 1527-1534 Eichenfield, Lawrence F.; Tom, Wynnis L.; Berger, Timothy G.; et al. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2014, 71(1): 116-132 Villanova, Federica; Flutter, Barry; Tosi, Isabella; et al. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2014, 134(4): 984-991 Wehner, Mackenzie R.; Chren, Mary-Margaret; Nameth, Danielle; et al. JAMA Dermatology 2014, 150(4): 390-400 Rachakonda, Tara D.; Schupp, Clayton W.; Armstrong, April W. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2014, 70(3): 512-516 Nikolaou, V.; Stratigos, A. J. British Journal of Dermatology 2014, 170(1): 11-19 Sidbury, Robert; Davis, Dawn M.; Cohen, David E.; et al. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2014, 71(2): 327-349 Teunissen, Marcel B. M.; Munneke, J. Marius; Bernink, Jochem H.; et al. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2014, 134(9): 2351-2360

Developmental Biology 发育生物学

被引频次文章题目Biogenesis, secretion, and intercellular 95 interactions of exosomes and other extracellular vesicles 85 Cellular senescence and its effector programs 62 Reverse genetic screening reveals poor correlation between morpholino-induced and mutant phenotypes in zebrafish The Hippo pathway effectors TAZ and 54 YAP in development, homeostasis and disease 53 DNA methylation dynamics during epigenetic reprogramming in the germline and preimplantation embryos The cell biology of neurogenesis: Toward 50 an understanding of the development and evolution of the neocortex 49 Gene regulatory networks and transcriptional mechanisms that control myogenesis 46 Neural progenitors, neurogenesis and the evolution of the neocortex 46  Histone variants: Dynamic punctuation in transcription Lung development: Orchestrating the 44 generation and regeneration of a complex organ作者来源出版物Colombo, Marina; Annual Review of Cell and Raposo, Graca; Thery, Developmental Biology Clotilde 2014, 30: 255-289 Salama, Rafik; Sadaie, Genes & Development Mahito; Hoare, Matthew; et al. 2014, 28(2): 99-114 Kok, Fatma O.; Shin, Masahiro; Ni, Chih-Wen; et al. Developmental Cell 2015, 32(1): 97-108 Development Varelas, Xaralabos 2014, 141(8): 1614-1626 Messerschmidt, Daniel M.; Knowles, Barbara B.; Solter, Davor Genes & Development 2014, 28(8): 812-828 Taverna, Elena; Goetz, Annual Review of Cell and Magdalena; Huttner, Developmental Biology Andwieland B. 2014, 30: 465-502 Buckingham, Margaret; Rigby, Peter W. J. Developmental Cell 2014, 28(3): 225-238 Florio, Marta; Huttner, Development Wieland B. 2014, 141(11): 2182-2194 Weber, Christopher M.; Henikoff, Steven Genes & Development 2014, 28(7): 672-682 Herriges, Michael; Development Morrisey, Edward E. 2014, 141(3): 502-513

Ecology 生态学

被引频次文章题目117 The world-wide ‘fast-slow’ plant economics spectrum: A traits manifesto NEESTIMATOR v2: Re-implementation of 97 software for the estimation of contemporary effective population size (N-e) from genetic data 82  Agricultural expansion and its impacts on tropical nature Reanalysis suggests that genomic islands of 75 speciation are due to reduced diversity, not reduced gene flow 71 Evaluation of demographic history and neutral parameterization on the performance of F-ST outlier tests 68 Genome sequencing and population genomics in non-model organisms 55  Early origin of viviparity and multiple reversions to oviparity in squamate reptiles Genetics in conservation management: 54 Revised recommendations for the 50/500 rules, red List criteria and population viability analyses 52  Improved allometric models to estimate the aboveground biomass of tropical trees How important is intraspecific genetic 52 admixture to the success of colonising populations?作者   来源出版物Reich, Peter B. Journal of Ecology 2014, 102(2): 275-301 Do, C.; Waples, R. S.; Peel, D.; et al. Molecular Ecology Resources 2014, 14(1): 209-214 Laurance, William F.; Sayer, Jeffrey; Cassman, Kenneth G. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 2014, 29(2): 107-116 Cruickshank, Tami E.; Hahn, Matthew W. Molecular Ecology 2014, 23(13): 3133-3157 Lotterhos, Katie E.; Whitlock, Michael C. Molecular Ecology 2014, 23(9): 2178-2192 Ellegren, Hans Trends in Ecology & Evolution 2014, 29(1): 51-63 Pyron, R. Alexander; Burbrink, Frank T. Ecology Letters 2014, 13(21): 13-21 Frankham, Richard; Bradshaw, Corey J. A.; Brook, Barry W. Biological Conservation 2014, 170: 56-63 Chave, Jerome; Rejou-Mechain, Maxime; Burquez, Alberto; et al. Global Change Biology 2014, 20(10): 3177-3190 Rius, Marc; Darling, John A. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 2014, 29(4): 233-242

Electrochemistry 电化学

被引频次文章题目139 Review on recent progress of nanostructured anode materials for Li-ion batteries 137 Highly sensitive and selective gas sensors using p-type oxide semiconductors: Overview 103 Nitrogen-doped carbon quantum dots: Facile synthesis and application as a “turn-off”fluorescent probe for detection of Hg2+ions 97 Advances in paper-based point-of-care diagnostics 75 In situ growth of NiCo2S4nanotube arrays on Ni foam for supercapacitors: Maximizing utilization efficiency at high mass loading to achieve ultrahigh areal pseudocapacitance Synthesis of highly fluorescent nitrogen-doped 74 graphene quantum dots for sensitive, label-free detection of Fe (III) in aqueous media 71  Anatase TiO2nanoparticles for high power sodium-ion anodes 66 To be or not to be pseudocapacitive? 66  A review of graphene-based electrochemical microsupercapacitors 63 Nanoscale metal oxide-based heterojunctions for gas sensing: A review作者来源出版物Goriparti, Subrahmanyam; Miele, Ermanno; De Journal of Power Sources Angelis, Francesco; 2014, 257: 421-443 et al. Kim, Hyo-Joong; Lee, Sensors and Actuators Jong-Heun B-Chemical 2014, 192: 607-627 Zhang, Ruizhong; Chen, Wei Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2014, 55: 83-90 Hu, Jie; Wang, Shuqi; Biosensors & Bioelectronics Wang, Lin; et al. 2014, 54: 585-597 Chen, Haichao; Jiang, Jianjun; Zhang, Li; et al. Journal of Power Sources 2014, 254: 249-257 Ju, Jian; Chen, Wei Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2014, 58: 219-225 Wu, Liming; Buchholz, Daniel; Bresser, Dominic; et al. Journal of Power Sources 2014, 251: 379-385 Brousse, Thierry; Journal of the Electrochemical Belanger, Daniel; Society Long, Jeffrey W. 2015, 162(5): A5185-A5189 Xiong, Guoping; Meng, Chuizhou; Reifenberger, Ronald G.; et al. Electroanalysis 2014, 26(1): 30-51 Miller, Derek R.; Sensors and Actuators Akbar, Sheikh A.; B-Chemical Morris, Patricia A. 2014, 204: 250-272

Emergency Medicine 急救医学

被引频次文章题目Manual vs. integrated automatic 49 load-distributing band CPR with equal survival after out of hospital cardiac arrest. The randomized CIRC trial The impact of peri-shock pause on survival 41 from out-of-hospital shockable cardiac arrest during the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium PRIMED trial 40  Chest compression depth and survival in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation 39 versus conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation in adults with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A prospective observational study 38 Refractory cardiac arrest treated with mechanical CPR, hypothermia, ECMO and early reperfusion (the CHEER trial) Prognostication in comatose survivors of 35 cardiac arrest: An advisory statement from the european resuscitation council and the european society of intensive care medicine 33 Incidence and outcome of in-hospital cardiac arrest in the United Kingdom National Cardiac Arrest Audit Early cardiac catheterization is associated with 33 improved survival in comatose survivors of cardiac arrest without STEMI 29 The effect of hyperoxia on survival following adult cardiac arrest: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies 29 Rising opioid prescribing in adult U.S. emergency department visits: 2001-2010作者来源出版物Wik, Lars; Olsen, Jan-Aage; Persse, David; Resuscitation et al. 2014, 85(6): 741-748 Cheskes, Sheldon; Schmicker, Robert H.; Resuscitation Verbeek, P. Richard; et al. 2014, 85(3): 336-342 Vadeboncoeur, Tyler; Stolz, Uwe; Panchal, Ashish; et al. Resuscitation 2014, 85(2): 182-188 Sakamoto, Tetsuya; Morimura, Naoto; Nagao, Resuscitation Ken; et al. 2014, 85(6): 762-768 Stub, Dion; Bernard, Stephen; Pellegrino, Vincent; et al. Resuscitation 2015, 86: 88-94 Sandroni, Claudio; Cariou, Alain; Cavallaro, Fabio; Resuscitation et al. 2014, 85(12): 1779-1789 Nolan, Jerry P.; Soar, Jasmeet; Smith, Gary B.; et al. Resuscitation 2014, 85(8): 987-992 Hollenbeck, Ryan D.; McPherson, John A.; Resuscitation Mooney, Michael R.; et al. 2014, 85(1): 88-95 Wang, Chih-Hung; Chang, Wei-Tien; Huang, Chien-Hua; et al. Resuscitation 2014, 85(9): 1142-1148 Mazer-Amirshahi, Academic Emergency Maryann; Mullins, Peter Medicine M.; Rasooly, Irit; et al. 2014, 21(3): 236-243

Endocrinology & Metabolism 内分泌与代谢

被引频次文章题目279 Global estimates of diabetes prevalence for 2013 and projections for 2035 Management of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes, 2015: A patient-centered approach update to a 190 position statement of the American diabetes association and the European association for the study of diabetes 183  Vitamin D status and ill health: A systematic review Atypical subtrochanteric and diaphyseal femoral 157 fractures: Second report of a task force of the american society for bone and mineral research作者来源出版物Guariguata, L.; Whiting, Diabetes Research and D. R.; Hambleton, I.; et Clinical Practice al. 2014, 103(2): 137-149 Inzucchi, Silvio E.; Diabetes Care Bergenstal, Richard M.; Buse, John B.; et al. 2015, 38(1): 140-149 Autier, Philippe; Boniol, Mathieu; Pizot, Cecile; et al. Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology 2014, 2(1): 76-89 Shane, Elizabeth; Burr, Journal of Bone and David; Abrahamsen, Bo; Mineral Research et al. 2014, 29(1): 1-23 131  The thioredoxin antioxidant system  Lu, Jun; Holmgren, Arne 116 Melatonin: A well-documented antioxidant with conditional pro-oxidant actions 113  Irisin and FGF21 are cold-induced endocrine activators of brown fat function in humans The effect of vitamin D supplementation on 97 skeletal, vascular, or cancer outcomes: A trial sequential meta-analysis 96  Inflammation as a link between obesity, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes 95 Metformin-mode of action and clinical implications for diabetes and cancer Free Radical Biology and Medicine 2014, 66(SI): 75-87 Zhang, Hongmei; Journal of Pineal Research Zhang, Yiqiang 2014, 57(2): 131-146 Lee, Paul; Linderman, Joyce D.; Smith, Sheila; et al. Cell Metabolism 2014, 19(2): 302-309 Bolland, Mark J.; Grey, Lancet Diabetes & Andrew; Gamble, Greg Endocrinology D.; et al. 2014, 2(4): 307-320 Esser, Nathalie; Legrand-Poels, Sylvie; Piette, Jacques; et al. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2014, 105(2): 141-150 Nature Reviews Pernicova, Ida; Endocrinology Korbonits, Marta 2014, 10(3): 143-156

Energy & Fuels 能源与燃料

被引频次文章题目363 Device characteristics of CZTSSe thin-film solar cells with 12.6% efficiency 353 Solar cell efficiency tables (version 45) 338  Solar cell efficiency tables (version 43) Formamidinium lead trihalide: A broadly 302 tunable perovskite for efficient planar heterojunction solar cells 281  Solar cell efficiency tables (version 44) Efficient, high yield perovskite photovoltaic 255 devices grown by interdiffusion of solution-processed precursor stacking layers 211  Organohalide lead perovskites for photovoltaic applications Recent advances in design and fabrication of 203 electrochemical supercapacitors with high energy densities 201 Hysteresis and transient behavior in current-voltage measurements of hybrid-perovskite absorber solar cells 199 Carbon capture and storage update作者   来源出版物Wang, Wei; Winkler, Mark T.; Gunawan, Oki; et al. Advanced Energy Materials 2014, 4(7): 1301465 Green, Martin A.; Emery, Keith; Hishikawa, Yoshihiro; et al. Progress in Photovoltaics 2015, 23(1): 1-9 Green, Martin A.; Emery, Keith; Hishikawa, Yoshihiro; et al. Progress in Photovoltaics 2014, 22(1): 1-9 Eperon, Giles E.; Stranks, Samuel D.; Menelaou, Christopher; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2014, 7(3): 982-988 Green, Martin A.; Emery, Keith; Hishikawa, Yoshihiro; et al. Progress in Photovoltaics 2014, 22(7): 701-710 Xiao, Zhengguo; Bi, Cheng; Shao, Yuchuan; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2014, 7(8): 2619-2623 Gao, Peng; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K. Energy & Environmental Science 2014, 7(8): 2448-2463 Yan, Jun; Wang, Qian; Wei, Tong; et al. Advanced Energy Materials 2014, 4(4): 1300816 Unger, E. L.; Hoke, E. T.; Bailie, C. D.; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2014, 7(11): 3690-3698 Boot-Handford, M. E.; Abanades, J. C.; Anthony, E. J.; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2014, 7(1): 130-189

Engineering, Aerospace 航空航天工程

被引频次文章题目Bending analysis of FGM plates under 64 hygro-thermo-mechanical loading using a four variable refined plate theory CoCluster: Efficient mining maximal trend 20 biclusters without candidate maintenance in作者来源出版物Zidi, Mohamed; Tounsi, Abdelouahed; Aerospace Science and Technology Houari, Mohammed 2014, 34: 24-34 Sid Ahmed; et al. Zhang, Lihua; Wang, Proceedings of the First Symposium Miao; Gu, Qingfan; on Aviation Maintenance and 2014, 297: 1-11 19  Immersed boundary methods for simulating fluid-structure interaction discrete resource effectiveness matrix Multipoint high-fidelity aerostructural 19 optimization of a transport aircraft configuration et al.Management-Vol Ii Sotiropoulos, Fotis; Yang, Xiaolei Progress in Aerospace Sciences 2014, 65: 1-21 Kenway, Gaetan K. W.; Martins, Joaquim Journal of Aircraft R. R. A. 2014, 51(1): 144-160 18  Entry guidance: A unified method  Lu, Ping 18 Metamodeling in multidisciplinary design optimization: How far have we really come? 17  Nonsingular terminal sliding mode guidance with impact angle constraints Size-dependent dynamic pull-in instability of 17 vibrating electrically actuated microbeams based on the strain gradient elasticity theory 15 Free vibration of exponential functionally graded rectangular plates in thermal environment with general boundary conditions 14 Analytical solutions for Prandtl-Meyer wave-oblique shock overtaking interaction Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics 2014, 37(3): 713-728 Viana, Felipe A. C.; Simpson, Timothy W.; Aiaa Journal Balabanov, Vladimir; 2014, 52(4): 670-690 et al. Kumar, Shashi Ranjan; Rao, Sachit; Ghose, Debasish Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics 2014, 37(4): 1114-1130 Sedighi, Hamid M. Acta Astronautica 2014, 95: 111-123 Chakraverty, S.; Pradhan, K. K. Aerospace Science and Technology 2014, 36: 132-156 Silnikov, M. V.; Chernyshov, M. V.; Acta Astronautica Uskov, V. N. 2014, 99: 175-183

Engineering, Biomedical 生物医学工程

被引频次文章题目Click hydrogels, microgels and nanogels: 71 Emerging platforms for drug delivery and tissue engineering Significance of calcium phosphate coatings 67 for the enhancement of new bone osteogenesis: A review 64 Curcumin nanoformulations: A review of pharmaceutical properties and preclinical studies and clinical data related to cancer treatment 59 Kubios HRV-Heart rate variability analysis software 57 Protein modified upconversion nanoparticles for imaging-guided combined photothermal and photodynamic therapy 57 Electrospun scaffolds for tissue engineering of vascular grafts 54 A doxorubicin delivery platform using engineered natural membrane vesicle exosomes for targeted tumor therapy Electroporation-based technologies for 54 medicine: Principles, applications, and challenges 53  Conductive polymers: Towards a smart biomaterial for tissue engineering Dual-modal upconversion fluorescent/X-ray 53 imaging using ligand-free hexagonal phase NaLuF4:Gd/Yb/Er nanorods for blood vessel visualization作者   来源出版物Jiang, Yanjiao; Chen, Jing; Deng, Chao; et al. Biomaterials 2014, 35(18): 4969-4985 Surmenev, Roman A.; Surmeneva, Maria A.; Ivanova, Anna A. Acta Biomaterialia 2014, 10(2): 557-579 Naksuriya, Ornchuma; Okonogi, Siriporn; Schiffelers, Raymond M.; et al. Biomaterials 2014, 35(10): 3365-3383 Tarvainen, Mika P.; Niskanen, Juha-Pekka; Lipponen, Jukka A.; et al. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 2014, 113(1): 210-220 Chen, Qian; Wang, Chao; Cheng, Liang; et al. Biomaterials 2014, 35(9): 2915-2923 Hasan, Anwarul; Memic, Adnan; Annabi, Nasim; et al. Acta Biomaterialia 2014, 10(1): 11-25 Tian, Yanhua; Li, Suping; Song, Jian; et al. Biomaterials 2014, 35(7): 2383-2390 Yarmush, Martin L.; Golberg, Alexander; Sersa, Gregor; et al. Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering 2014, 16: 295-320 Balint, Richard; Cassidy, Nigel J.; Cartmell, Sarah H. Acta Biomaterialia 2014, 10(6): 2341-2353 Zeng, Songjun; Wang, Haibo; Lu, Wei; et al. Biomaterials 2014, 35(9): 2934-2941

Engineering, Chemical 化学工程

被引频次文章题目Formamidinium lead trihalide: A broadly 302 tunable perovskite for efficient planar heterojunction solar cells Efficient, high yield perovskite 255 photovoltaic devices grown by interdiffusion of solution-processed precursor stacking layers 211  Organohalide lead perovskites for photovoltaic applications Hysteresis and transient behavior in 201 current-voltage measurements of hybrid-perovskite absorber solar cells 199  Carbon capture and storage update 198 Pseudocapacitive oxide materials for high-rate electrochemical energy storage 198 The origin of high efficiency in low-temperature solution-processable bilayer organometal halide hybrid solar cells 189 Progress in flexible lithium batteries and future prospects 180 Lithium ion battery applications of molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) nanocomposites 179 Energy applications of ionic liquids作者来源出版物Eperon, Giles E.; Stranks, Samuel D.; Energy & Environmental Science Menelaou, 2014, 7(3): 982-988 Christopher; et al. Xiao, Zhengguo; Bi, Energy & Environmental Science Cheng; Shao, Yuchuan; et al. 2014, 7(8): 2619-2623 Gao, Peng; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K. Energy & Environmental Science 2014, 7(8): 2448-2463 Unger, E. L.; Hoke, E. Energy & Environmental Science T.; Bailie, C. D.; et al. 2014, 7(11): 3690-3698 Boot-Handford, M. E.; Abanades, J. C.; Anthony, E. J.; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2014, 7(1): 130-189 Augustyn, Veronica; Simon, Patrice; Dunn, Energy & Environmental Science Bruce 2014, 7(5): 1597-1614 Sun, Shuangyong; Salim, Teddy; Mathews, Nripan; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2014, 7(1): 399-407 Zhou, Guangmin; Li, Energy & Environmental Science Feng; Cheng, Hui-Ming 2014, 7(4): 1307-1338 Stephenson, Tyler; Li, Zhi; Olsen, Brian; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2014, 7(1): 209-231 MacFarlane, Douglas Energy & Environmental Science R.; Tachikawa, Naoki; Forsyth, Maria; et al. 2014, 7(1): 232-250

Engineering, Civil 土木工程

被引频次文章题目86 The use of zero-valent iron for groundwater remediation and wastewater treatment: A review 74 Remediation of heavy metal(loid)s contaminated soils-To mobilize or to immobilize? 58  Review of iron-free Fenton-like systems for activating H2O2in advanced oxidation processes 55 50 years of computational wind engineering: Past, present and future 50 Removal of hazardous organics from water using metal-organic frameworks (MOFs): Plausible mechanisms for selective adsorptions Graphitic-C3N4-hybridized TiO2nanosheets with 48 reactive {0 0 1} facets to enhance the UV- and visible-light photocatalytic activity 45 Numerical simulation of three dimensional cavitation shedding dynamics with special emphasis on cavitation-vortex interaction NGA-West2 Equations for Predicting PGA, PGV, 45 and 5% Damped PSA for Shallow Crustal Earthquakes 45 Comparison of three electrochemical energy buffers applied to a hybrid bus powertrain with simultaneous optimal sizing and energy management Magnetic recoverable MnFe2O4and MnFe2O4-44 graphene hybrid as heterogeneous catalysts of peroxymonosulfate activation for efficient degradation of aqueous organic pollutants作者来源出版物Fu, Fenglian; Journal of Hazardous Dionysiou, Dionysios Materials D.; Liu, Hong 2014, 267: 194-205 Bolan, Nanthi; Kunhikrishnan, Journal of Hazardous Anitha; Thangarajan, Materials Ramya; et al. 2014, 266: 141-166 Bokare, Alok D.; Choi, Wonyong Journal of Hazardous Materials 2014, 275: 121-135 Journal of Wind Engineering Blocken, Bert and Industrial Aerodynamics 2014, 129: 69-102 Hasan, Zubair; Jhung, Sung Hwa Journal of Hazardous Materials 2015, 283: 329-339 Gu, Liuan; Wang, Journal of Hazardous Jingyu; Zou, Zhijuan; Materials et al. 2014, 268: 216-223 Ji, Bin; Luo, Xianwu; Arndt, Roger E. A.; et al. Ocean Engineering 2014, 87: 64-77 Boore, David M.; Stewart, Jonathan P.; Earthquake Spectra Seyhan, Emel; et al. 2014, 30(3): 1057-1085 Hu, Xiaosong; Murgovski, Nikolce; Johannesson, Lars Mardh; et al. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2014, 15(3): 1193-1205 Yao, Yunjin; Cai, Journal of Hazardous Yunmu; Lu, Fang; Materials et al. 2014, 270: 61-70

Engineering, Electrical & Electronic 电气与电子工程

被引频次文章题目268 Real-time implementation of fault-tolerant control systems with performance optimization 185 Massive MIMO for next generation wireless systems 143  Output-feedback-based H-infinity control for vehicle suspension systems with control delay 140 A review on basic data-driven approaches for industrial process monitoring 138  What will 5G be? 124 Data-driven design of robust fault detection system for wind turbines 120  Five disruptive technology directions for 5G 116 Data-based techniques focused on modern industry: An overview 116 Fault-tolerant control of Markovian jump stochastic systems via the augmented sliding mode observer approach Asynchronous l(2)-l(infinity) filtering for 99 discrete-time stochastic Markov jump systems with randomly occurred sensor nonlinearities作者来源出版物IEEE Transactions on Industrial Yin, Shen; Luo, Hao; Electronics Ding, Steven X. 2014, 61(5): 2402-2411 Larsson, Erik G.; IEEE Communications Edfors, Ove; Magazine Tufvesson, Fredrik; et al. 2014, 52(2): 186-195 Li, Hongyi; Jing, Xingjian; Karimi, Hamid Reza IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2014, 61(1): 436-446 Yin, Shen; Ding, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Steven X.; Xie, Electronics Xiaochen; et al. 2014, 61(11): 6418-6428 Andrews, Jeffrey G.; Buzzi, Stefano; Choi, Wan; et al. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 2014, 32(6): 1065-1082 Yin, Shen; Wang, Mechatronics Guang; Karimi, Hamid Reza 2014, 24(4): 298-306 Boccardi, Federico; Heath, Robert W., Jr.; Lozano, Angel; et al. IEEE Communications Magazine 2014, 52(2): 74-80 Yin, Shen; Li, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Xianwei; Gao, Huijun; Electronics et al. 2015, 62(1): 657-667 Li, Hongyi; Gao, Huijun; Shi, Peng; et al. Automatica 2014, 50(7): 1825-1834 Wu, Zhengguang; Automatica Shi, Peng; Su, Hongye; et al. 2014, 50(1): 180-186

Engineering, Environmental 环境工程

被引频次文章题目   作者   来源出版物A critical review of the risks to water resources 90 from unconventional shale gas development and hydraulic fracturing in the united states The use of zero-valent iron for groundwater 86 remediation and wastewater treatment: A review 81  Full-scale partial nitritation/anammox experiences: An application survey 75 Enhancement of visible photocatalytic activity via Ag@C3N4core-shell plasmonic composite 74 Remediation of heavy metal(loid)s contaminated soils: To mobilize or to immobilize? Synthesis and characterization of 74 g-C3N4/Ag3VO4composites with significantly enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity for triphenylmethane dye degradation 65 Decontamination of wastewaters containing synthetic organic dyes by electrochemical methods. An updated review 64 Forward osmosis for application in wastewater treatment: A review 64 Novel visible light induced Co3O4-g-C3N4heterojunction photocatalysts for efficient degradation of methyl orange Synthesis and characterization of 62 g-C3N4/Bi2MoO6heterojunctions with enhanced visible light photocatalytic activity Vengosh, Avner; Jackson, Robert B.; Warner, Nathaniel; et al. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48(15): 8334-8348 Fu, Fenglian; Dionysiou, Dionysios D.; Liu, Hong Journal of Hazardous Materials 2014, 267: 194-205 Lackner, Susanne; Gilbert, Eva M.; Vlaeminck, Siegfried E.; et al. Water Research 2014, 55: 292-303 Bai, Xiaojuan; Zong, Ruilong; Li, Cuixia; et al. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 2014, 147: 82-91 Bolan, Nanthi; Kunhikrishnan, Anitha; Thangarajan, Ramya; et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2014, 266: 141-166 Wang, Shaomang; Li, Dinglong; Sun, Cheng; et al. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 2014, 144: 885-892 Brillas, Enric; Martinez-Huitle, Carlos A. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 2015, 166: 603-643 Lutchmiah, Kerusha; Verliefde, A. R. D.; Roest, K.; et al. Water Research 2014, 58: 179-197 Han, Changcun; Ge, Lei; Chen, Changfeng; et al. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 2014, 147: 546-553 Li, Haiping; Liu, Jingyi; Hou, Wanguo; et al. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 2014, 160: 89-97

Engineering, Geological 地质工程

被引频次文章题目54 The Varnes classification of landslide types, an update作者来源出版物Hungr, Oldrich; Leroueil, Serge; Landslides Picarelli, Luciano 2014, 11(2): 167-194 NGA-west2 equations for predicting PGA, PGV, 45 and 5% damped PSA for shallow crustal earthquakes 31 Boore, David M.; Stewart, Jonathan P.; Earthquake Spectra Seyhan, Emel; et al. 2014, 30(3): 1057-1085 Three (nearly) complete inventories of landslides triggered by the May 122008 Wenchuan Mw7.9 earthquake of China and their spatial distribution statistical analysis 29 NGA-west2 research project 29 Xu, Chong; Xu, Xiwei; Yao, Xin; et al. Landslides 2014, 11(3): 441-461 Bozorgnia, Yousef; Abrahamson, Norman Earthquake Spectra A.; Al Atik, Linda; et al. 2014, 30(3): 973-987 Update of the chiou and youngs NGA model for the average horizontal component of peak ground motion and response spectra 28 Summary of the ASK14 ground motion relation for active crustal regions 26 Slope reliability analysis considering spatially variable shear strength parameters using a non-intrusive stochastic finite element method 24 NGA-west2 database 24 Chiou, Brian S.; Youngs, Robert R. Earthquake Spectra 2014, 30(3): 1117-1153 Abrahamson, Norman A.; Silva, Walter J.; Earthquake Spectra Kamai, Ronnie 2014, 30(3): 1025-1055 Jiang, Shui-Hua; Li, Dian-Qing; Zhang, Li-Min; et al. Engineering Geology 2014, 168: 120-128 Ancheta, Timothy D.; Darragh, Robert B.; Earthquake Spectra Stewart, Jonathan P.; 2014, 30(3): 989-1005 et al. NGA-west2 ground motion model for the average horizontal components of PGA, PGV, and 5% damped linear acceleration response spectra Campbell, Kenneth W.; Bozorgnia, Yousef Earthquake Spectra 2014, 30(3): 1087-1115 Bulletin of Engineering Recommendations for the quantitative analysis of 24 landslide risk Corominas, J.; van Geology and the Westen, C.; Frattini, P.; Environment et al. 2014, 73(2): 209-263

Engineering, Industrial 工业工程

被引频次文章题目49 Integration of distributed enterprise applications: A survey作者来源出版物IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics He, Wu; Xu, Li Da 41 Internet of things in industries: A survey 2014, 10(1): 35-42 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Xu, Li Da; He, Wu; Li, Informatics Shancang 39 Review on modeling and simulation of interdependent critical infrastructure systems 2014, 10(4): 2233-2243 Ouyang, Min Barriers analysis for green supply chain Reliability Engineering & System Safety 2014, 121: 43-60 Govindan, Kannan; 36 management implementation in Indian industries using analytic hierarchy International Journal of Production Economics Kaliyan, Mathiyazhagan; process Kannan, Devika; et al. 34  Human factors systems approach to healthcare quality and patient safety 2014, 147(SI): 555-568 Carayon, Pascale; Wetterneck, Tosha B.; Rivera-Rodriguez, A. Joy; et al. Leveraging external sources of 32 innovation: A review of research on Applied Ergonomics 2014, 45(1): 14-25 Journal of Product Innovation West, Joel; Bogers, Marcel Management 2014, 31(4): 814-831 32  Analytic network process in risk assessment and decision analysis open innovation Ergu, Daji; Kou, Gang; Shi, Yong; et al. An integrated approach to snowmelt 31 flood forecasting in water resource Computers & Operations Research 2014, 42: 58-74 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Fang, Shifeng; Xu, Lida; management Informatics Pei, Huan; et al. 29 An energy-balanced routing method based on forward-aware factor for wireless sensor networks 2014, 10(1): 548-558 Zhang, Degan; Li, Guang; Zheng, Ke; et al. A metric and frameworks for resilience 28 analysis of engineered and IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 2014, 10(1): 766-773 Reliability Engineering & System Francis, Royce; Bekera, infrastructure systems Safety Behailu 2014, 121: 90-103

Engineering, Manufacturing 制造工程

Engineering, Marine 船舶工程

被引频次文章题目Numerical simulation of three dimensional 45 cavitation shedding dynamics with special emphasis on cavitation-vortex interaction 22 Loads for use in the design of ships and offshore structures 11 Experiments on the water entry of curved wedges: High speed imaging and particle image velocimetry Non-linear numerical modeling and 10 experimental testing of a point absorber wave energy converter 9 Analysis of meshless local and spectral meshless radial point interpolation (MLRPI and SMRPI) on 3-D nonlinear wave equations Air turbine choice and optimization for 9 floating oscillating-water-column wave energy converter 8  Numerical studies on global buckling of subsea pipelines Bäcklund transformation and shock-wave-type solutions for a generalized 7 (3+1)-dimensional variable-coefficient B-type Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation in fluid mechanics 7 Influence of mesh size, stress triaxiality and damage induced softening on ductile fracture of large-scale shell structures Experimental and numerical analysis of a 7 tanker side panel laterally punched by a knife edge indenter作者   来源出版物Ji, Bin; Luo, Xianwu; Arndt, Roger E. A.; et al. Ocean Engineering 2014, 87: 64-77 Hirdaris, S. E.; Bai, W.; Dessi, D.; et al. Ocean Engineering 2014, 78: 131-174 Panciroli, R.; Shams, A.; Porfiri, M. Ocean Engineering 2015, 94: 213-222 Zurkinden, A. S.; Ferri, F.; Beatty, S.; et al. Ocean Engineering 2014, 78: 11-21 Shivanian, Elyas Ocean Engineering 2014, 89: 173-188 Falcao, Antonio F. O.; Henriques, Joao C. C.; Gato, Luis M. C.; et al. Ocean Engineering 2014, 75: 148-156 Liu, Run; Xiong, Hao; Wu, Xinli; et al. Ocean Engineering 2014, 78: 62-72 Gao, Xin-Yi Ocean Engineering 2015, 96: 245-247 Korgesaar, Mihkel; Romanoff, Jani Marine Structures 2014, 38: 1-17 Villavicencio, R.; Liu, B.; Guedes Soares, C. Marine Structures 2014, 37: 173-202

Engineering, Mechanical 机械工程

被引频次文章题目124 Data-driven design of robust fault detection system for wind turbines 81 Pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass for enhanced biogas production 62 Robust gain-scheduling energy-to-peak control of vehicle lateral dynamics stabilisation New quasi-3D hyperbolic shear deformation 54 theory for the static and free vibration analysis of functionally graded plates 51 Numerical simulation of MHD nanofluid flow and heat transfer considering viscous dissipation An efficient and simple refined theory for 51 buckling and free vibration of exponentially graded sandwich plates under various boundary conditions 50 Lattice Boltzmann simulation of magnetohydrodynamic natural convection heat transfer of Al2O3-water nanofluid in a horizontal cylindrical enclosure with an inner triangular cylinder Natural convective boundary-layer flow of a 49 nanofluid past a vertical plate: A revised model 48  High-accuracy tracking control of hydraulic rotary actuators with modeling uncertainties 48 Discrete fractional logistic map and its chaos作者来源出版物Yin, Shen; Wang, Guang; Karimi, Hamid Mechatronics Reza 2014, 24(4): 298-306 Zheng, Yi; Zhao, Jia; Progress in Energy and Xu, Fuqing; et al. Combustion Science 2014, 42: 35-53 Zhang, Hui; Zhang, Xinjie; Wang, Junmin Vehicle System Dynamics 2014, 52(3): 309-340 Hebali, Habib; Tounsi, Abdelouahed; Houari, Journal of Engineering Mohammed Sid Ahmed; Mechanics et al. 2014, 140(2): 374-383 Sheikholeslami, Mohsen; Abelman, Shirley; Ganji, Davood Domiri International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2014, 79: 212-222 Meziane, Mohamed Ait Amar; Abdelaziz, Hadj Journal of Sandwich Structures Henni; Tounsi, & Materials Abdelouahed 2014, 16(3): 293-318 Sheikholeslami, Mohsen; Gorji-Bandpy, Mofid; Vajravelu, Kuppalapalle International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2015, 80: 16-25 Kuznetsov, A. V.; Nield, International Journal of Thermal D. A. Sciences 2014, 77: 126-129 Yao, Jianyong; Jiao, Zongxia; Ma, Dawei; et al. IEEE-Asme Transactions on Mechatronics 2014, 19(2): 633-641 Wu, Guo-Cheng; Nonlinear Dynamics Baleanu, Dumitru 2014, 75(1-2): 283-287

Engineering, Multidisciplinary 综合工程

被引频次An efficient and simple higher order shear and 80 normal deformation theory for functionally graded material (FGM) plates 72 Grey wolf optimizer 72 Postbuckling of carbon nanotube-reinforced functionally graded cylindrical panels under axial compression using a meshless approach 70 Combined state and least squares parameter estimation algorithms for dynamic systems 64  Flax fibre and its composites: A review Large deflection geometrically nonlinear analysis 58 of carbon nanotube-reinforced functionally graded cylindrical panels 55  A survey of structural and multidisciplinary continuum topology optimization: Post 2000 50 New delay-dependent robust stability criteria for uncertain neutral systems with mixed delays 44 An improved element-free Galerkin method for numerical modeling of the biological population problems 43 Magnetohydrodynamic flow in a permeable channel filled with nanofluid作者来源出版物Belabed, Zakaria; Houari, Mohammed Composites Part Sid Ahmed; Tounsi, B-Engineering Abdelouahed; et al. 2014, 60: 274-283 Mirjalili, Seyedali; Mirjalili, Seyed Advances in Engineering Mohammad; Lewis, Software Andrew 2014, 69: 46-61 Liew, K. M.; Lei, Z. X.; Yu, J. L.; et al. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2014, 268: 1-17 Applied Mathematical Ding, Feng Modelling 2014, 38(1): 403-412 Yan, Libo; Chouw, Nawawi; Jayaraman, Krishnan Composites Part B-Engineering 2014, 56: 296-317 Zhang, L. W.; Lei, Z. Computer Methods in Applied X.; Liew, K. M.; et al. Mechanics and Engineering 2014, 273: 1-18 Deaton, Joshua D.; Grandhi, Ramana V. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 2014, 49(1): 1-38 Journal of the Franklin Lu, Renquan; Wu, Institute-Engineering and Haiyi; Bai, Jianjun Applied Mathematics 2014, 351(3): 1386-1399 Zhang, L. W.; Deng, Y. J.; Liew, K. M. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements 2014, 40: 181-188 Sheikholeslami, M.; Scientia Iranica Ganji, D. D. 2014, 21(1): 203-212

Engineering, Ocean 海洋工程

被引频次文章题目Numerical simulation of three dimensional 45 cavitation shedding dynamics with special emphasis on cavitation-vortex interaction Between a rock and a hard place: 26 Environmental and engineering considerations when designing coastal defence structures 26 quality-controlled upper-air sounding dataset for DYNAMO/CINDY/AMIE: Development and corrections 25 Loads for use in the design of ships and offshore structures作者来源出版物Ji, Bin; Luo, Xianwu; Ocean Engineering Arndt, Roger E. A.; et al. 2014, 87: 64-77 Firth, L. B.; Thompson, R. Coastal Engineering C.; Bohn, K.; et al. 2014, 87(SI): 122-135 Ciesielski, Paul E.; Yu, Hungjui; Johnson, Richard H.; et al. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 2014, 31(4): 741-764 Hirdaris, S. E.; Bai, W.; Ocean Engineering Dessi, D.; et al. 2014, 78: 131-174 23  AUV navigation and localization: A review  Paull, Liam; Saeedi, Sajad; Seto, Mae; et al. 20 Wave farm impact on the beach profile: A case study IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 2014, 39(1): 131-149 Abanades, J.; Greaves, D.; Coastal Engineering Iglesias, G. 2014, 86: 36-44 18  Efficiency of OWC wave energy converters: A virtual laboratory  Lopez, I.; Iglesias, G. 17 Innovative rubble mound breakwaters for overtopping wave energy conversion 17 Potential utilization of specific attenuation for rainfall estimation, mitigation of partial beam blockage, and radar networking High-resolution hurricane vector winds 17 from C-band dual-polarization SAR observations Applied Ocean Research 2014, 44: 63-70 Vicinanza, Diego; Contestabile, Pasquale; Coastal Engineering Norgaard, Jorgen Quvang 2014, 88: 154-170 Harck; et al. Ryzhkov, Alexander; Diederich, Malte; Zhang, Pengfei; et al. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 2014, 31(3): 599-619 Zhang, Biao; Perrie, Journal of Atmospheric and William; Zhang, Jun A.; et Oceanic Technology al. 2014, 31(2): 272-286

Engineering, Petroleum 石油工程

被引频次文章题目Conventional and unconventional petroleum 19 “orderly accumulation”: Concept and practical significance Effect of CuO and ZnO nanofluids in xanthan gum 14 on thermal, electrical and high pressure rheology of water-based drilling fluids 13 An accurate explicit form of the Hankinson-Thomas-Phillips correlation for prediction of the natural gas compressibility factor 13 Sensitivity analysis of hydraulic fracture geometry in shale gas reservoirs 10  A reliable model for estimating the wax deposition rate during crude oil production and processing 10 Formation and enrichment mode of Jiaoshiba shale gas field, Sichuan Basin 9 Characteristics and origin of abnormally high porosity zones in buried Paleogene clastic reservoirs in the Shengtuo area, Dongying Sag, East China 9 New surfactant developments for chemical enhanced oil recovery 9 Viscosity reduction of heavy oil/bitumen using micro- and nano-metal particles during aqueous and non-aqueous thermal applications Risk assessment for CO2leakage along abandoned 9 wells using a monte carlo simulation in a CO2sequestration site作者   来源出版物Zou Caineng; Yang Zhi; Zhang Guosheng; et al. Petroleum Exploration and Development 2014, 41(1): 14-30 William, Jay Karen Maria; Ponmani, Swaminathan; Samuel, Robello; et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2014, 117: 15-27 Fatoorehchi, Hooman; Abolghasemi, Hossein; Rach, Randolph Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2014, 117: 46-53 Yu, W.; Luo, Z.; Javadpour, F.; et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2014, 113: 1-7 Kamari, A.; Mohammadi, A. H.; Bahadori, A.; et al. Petroleum Science and Technology 2014, 32(23): 2837-2844 Guo Tonglou; Zhang Hanrong Petroleum Exploration and Development 2014, 41(1): 31-40 Cao Yingchang; Yuan Guanghui; Li Xiaoyan; et al. Petroleum Science 2014, 11(3): 346-362 Lu, Jun; Liyanage, Pathma Jith; Solairaj, Sriram; et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2014, 120: 94-101 Shokrlu, Yousef Hamedi; Babadagli, Tayfun Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2014, 119: 210-220 Bai, M. Petroleum Science and Technology 2014, 32(10): 1191-1200

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电子制作(2017年2期)2017-05-17 03:55:01
Global analyses of sea surface temperature, sea ice, and night marine air temperature since the latenineteenth century
Arctic sea ice decline: Faster than forecast
2015 年出版物