截至2016年4月22日,中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Science(WOS)的数据报告显示,以“新能源汽车(new energy vehicle)”“纯电动汽车(electric vehicle)”“燃料电池电动汽车(fuel cell electric vehicle)”“氢燃料汽车(hydrogen fuel cell vehicle)”为词条可以检索到的期刊文献分别为4292条与3989条,本专题将相关数据按照:研究机构发文数、作者发文数、期刊发文数、被引用频次进行排行,结果如下。
根据中国知网(CNKI)数据报告,以“新能源汽车(new energy vehicle)”“纯电动汽车(electric vehicle)”“混合动力电动汽车(hybrid electric vehicle)”“燃料电池电动汽车(fuel cell vehicle)”“氢燃料汽车(hydrogen fuel cell vehicle)”为词条可以检索到的高被引论文排行结果如下。
根据Web of Science统计数据,以“新能源汽车(new energy vehicle)”“纯电动汽车(electric vehicle)”“混合动力电动汽车(hybrid electric vehicle)”“燃料电池电动汽车(fuel cell vehicle)”“氢燃料汽车(hydrogen fuel cell vehicle)”为词条可以检索到的高被引论文排行结果如下。
基于Web of Science检索结果,利用Histcite软件选取LCS(Local Citation Score,本地引用次数)TOP 50文献作为节点进行分析,得到本领域推荐的经典文献如下。
来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2004, 12(3): 352-363
Electrical machines and drives for electric, hybrid, and fuel cell vehicles
Zhu, Z. Q; Howe, David
来源出版物:Proceedings of the IEEE, 2007, 95(4): 746-765
Fuel cell vehicles: Status 2007
Von Helmolt, Rittmar; Eberle, Ulrich
来源出版物:Journal of Power Sources, 2007, 165(2): 833-843
Electric, hybrid, and fuel-cell vehicles: Architectures and modeling
Chan, C. C; Bouscayrol, Alain; Chen, Keyu
来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on ehicular Technology, 2010, 59(2): 589-598
来源出版物:Science, 2005, 308(5730): 1901-1905
Cleaning the air and improving health with hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles
Jacobson, MZ; Colella, WG; Golden, DM
Abstract:Converting all U.S. onroad vehicles to hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles (HFCVs) may improve air quality, health, and climate significantly, whether the hydrogen is produced by steam reforming of natural gas, wind electrolysis, or coal gasification. Most benefits would result from eliminating current vehicle exhaust. Wind and natural gas HFCVs offer the greatest potential health benefits and could save 3700 to 6400 U.S. lives annually. Wind HFCVs should benefit climate most. An all-HFCV fleet would hardly affect tropospheric water vapor concentrations. Conversion to coal HFCVs may improve health but would damage climate more than fossil/electric hybrids. The real cost of hydrogen from wind electrolysis may be below that of U.S. gasoline. In this paper, a model-based strategy for the real-time load control of parallel hybrid vehicles is presented. The aim is to develop a fuel-optimal control which is not relying on the a priori knowledge of the future driving conditions (global optimal control), but only upon the current system operation. The methodology developed is valid for those problem that are characterized by hard constraints on the state-battery state-of-charge (SOC) in this application-and by an arc cost-fuel consumption rate-which is not an explicit function of the state. A suboptimal control is found with a proper definition of a cost function to be minimized at each time instant. The “instantaneous” cost function includes the fuel energy and the electrical energy, the latter related to the state constraints. In order to weight the two forms of energy, a new definition of the equivalence factors has been derived. The strategy has been applied to the “Hyper” prototype of DaimlerChrysler, obtained from the hybridization of the Mercedes A-Class. Simulation results illustrate the potential of the proposed control in terms of fuel economy and in keeping the deviations of SOC at a low level. This paper reviews the relative merits of induction, switched reluctance, and permanent-magnet (PM) brushless machines and drives for application in electric, hybrid, and fuel cell vehicles, with particular emphasis on PM brushless machines. The basic operational characteristics and design requirements, viz. a high torque/power density, high efficiency over a wide operatingbook=13,ebook=17range, and a high maximum speed capability, as well as the latest developments, are described. Permanent-magnet brushless dc and ac machines and drives are compared in terms of their constant torque and constant power capabilities, and various PM machine topologies and their performance are reviewed. Finally, methods for enhancing the PM excitation torque and reluctance torque components and, thereby, improving the torque and power capability, are described. Within the framework of this paper, a short motivation for hydrogen as a fuel is provided and recent developments in the field of fuel cell vehicles are described. In particular, the propulsion system and its efficiency, as well as the integration of the hydrogen storage system are discussed. A fuel cell drivetrain poses certain requirements (concerning thermodynamic and engineering issues) on the operating conditions of the tank system. These limitations and their consequences are described. For this purpose, conventional and novel storage concepts will be shortly introduced and evaluated for their automotive viability and their potential impact. Eventually, GM’s third generation vehicles (i.a. the HydroGen3) are presented, as well as the recent 4th generation Chevrolet Equinox Fuel Cell SUV An outlook is given that addresses cost targets and infrastructure needs. With the advent of more stringent regulations related to emissions, fuel economy, and global warming, as well as energy resource constraints, electric, hybrid, and fuel-cell vehicles have attracted increasing attention from vehicle constructors, governments, and consumers. Research and development efforts have focused on developing advanced powertrains and efficient energy systems. This paper reviews the state of the art for electric, hybrid, and fuel-cell vehicles, with a focus on architectures and modeling for energy management. Although classic modeling approaches have often been used, new systemic approaches that allow better understanding of the interaction between the numerous subsystems have recently been introduced.
Optimal control of parallel hybrid electric vehicles
Sciarretta, A; Back, M; Guzzella, L
Keywords:road vehicle control; cost optimal control; fuel optimal control; suboptimal control; dynamic programming brushless drives; electric vehicles; electrical machines; hybrid vehicles; induction machines; permanent-magnet machines; switched reluctance machines hydrogen; automotive; fuel cell; hydrogen storage; LH2; CGH2 Electric vehicle (EV); fuel-cell vehicles (FCVs); hybrid electric vehicle (HEV); modeling; powertrains
文献编号本领域经典文章题目第一作者来源出版物1 Cleaning the air and improving health with hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles Jacobson, MZ Science, 2005, 308(5730): 1901-1905 2 Optimal control of parallel hybrid electric vehicles 3 Electrical machines and drives for electric, hybrid, and fuel cell vehicles 4 Fuel cell vehicles: Status 2007 Sciarretta, A IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2004, 12(3): 352-363 Zhu, Z Proceedings of the IEEE, 2007, 95(4): 746-765 Von Helmolt, 5 Electric, Hybrid, and Fuel-Cell Vehicles: Architectures and Modeling Rittmar Journal of Power Sources, 2007, 165(2): 833-843 Chan, C.C IEEE Transactions on ehicular Technology, 2010, 59(2): 589-598