孟庆勇 唐中林 吴珍芳 李长春 刘德武
摘 要:该研究围绕猪瘦肉精类药物(β2肾上腺素受体激动剂)促生长的机制,探讨经瘦肉精类药物处理后,猪内脏组织器官、血液、尿液和粪便等内的代谢物质的动态变化,结合功能基因组学的研究成果,在系统生物学的基础上深入解析β2肾上腺素受体激动剂促进猪生长、提高瘦肉率、加快脂肪代谢的调控机制,揭示动物体肌肉脂肪生长、发育及代谢的普遍规律。发展可能被生产育种实践应用的代谢小分子及育种标记,加速我国猪养殖育种的进程,提升我国农业现代化能力。
关键词:猪 药物代谢组学 生长发育
Abstract:This study revealed the mechanisms of clenbuterol drugs (beta 2 adrenergic agonists) for promoting growth in pig.After drug treatment, we explore the dynamic change of metabolites in visceral organs, blood, urine and feces. Combined with the functional genomics research, we explain the mechanism of beta 2 adrenergic agonists for promoting pig growth, improving the lean meat, speeding up the fat metabolism. Based on this work, we revealed the rule of growth, development and metabolism in muscle and fat. All of these should be contribute the knowledge of animal breeding.
Key Words:Pig;Metabolomics for Drug Stress;Growth and Development