1. 故事导入。九年级上册第三模块“The hero in my heart”介绍了一些英雄偶像,其中有邓亚萍,教师可通过讲述邓亚萍的成长经历来导入新课,既可激起学生兴趣,还可以借邓亚萍的曲折经历达到教育学生的目的。
2. 影像导入。如教学九年级上册第四模块“Home alone”,教师可以播放当今流行电影“Home alone”(小鬼当家),可以激发学生兴趣,达到良好的教学效果。
3. 歌曲导入。可以播放一首跟教材有关的歌曲,并让学生学会唱。学生喜欢热闹,即使昏昏欲睡的学生也会立刻哼起来。
1. 游戏法。学新单词的时候,可以引用“Siman says”,当老师念Siman says manage,学生应立刻跟读manage;当老师念manage,学生应该保持安静,否则就输了。
2. 比赛法。每组以6人为一个团队,分别对刚刚学过的单词进行拼读、记中文意思,看哪个小组背得最多,记得最牢。做题的时候也可以把学生进行分组,请每个小组的一个代表讲题,看哪个小组讲得对。
3. 口诀法。这个方法特别适用于语法规则的学习。如对基数词变序数次的规则,可以编成口诀:“一,二,三特殊记,八去t,九去e,f替ve,然后再加-th,以ty结尾的数十的整数,变序数词时,把y改ie,再加-th,若是碰到第20以上的‘第几十几,只变个位就可以,除此外,其余的直接加-th.”
讲授新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 4 “He said I was hard-working” Reading “She said helping others changed her life”, 我首先利用多媒体展示了自己理想的职业,大量的图片信息立刻引起了学生们的兴趣。
T:What do you think of these pictures, and what should we do for them?
S1: I think they are so poor.
S2: They should study hard to
change their life.
S3 : We should help them.
S4: We should give money to
T: Yes, they are so poor. We should study hard to help them. Yang Lei is a graduate from Peking University. She joined a program that was started by The Ministry of Education &Chinese Young Pioneers. If you join the program, you could go to the rural areas to help kids study.
我们可以开展英语演讲比赛、英语作文征文大赛,还可开展英语书法大赛、英语歌曲联唱、英语文化节、英语日等。例如,每周三下午组织学生参加英语角,以Work in pairs or Ask and answer等形式谈谈如何学好英语。
M:Mike is my good friend. He began to learn English at the age of five, but his English is not good.
W: How old is he now?
M: Twelve years old. Last week he sent emails to three of his American pen friends. They are John, Robert and Tom.
W: What did Mike say in his email to John?
M: He asked John a question about listening and John advised him to listen to the radio.
W: Did Mike also ask Robert a question in his email?
M: Yes, he asked Robert a question about speaking and Robert advised him to watch English films.
W: Mike asked Tom a question in his email too, didn t he?
M: Yes, that s right. He asked Tom a question about writing and Tom advised him to read English newspapers.
责任编辑 魏文琦