Every year, thousands of international students come to China in pursuit of knowledge and experience. Several years later, they return with all they have learned, ready and eager to contribute to their home countries.
Before heading to China, Dina Elhady was a member of faculty at Suez Canal University. Now she is a Ph.D. candidate at Tsinghua University's School of Life Sciences.
“When I go back to Egypt, I will teach everything I learned at Tsinghua to my own students,” she says.
During her seven years in China, what has in fl uenced Dina most is her life at Tsinghua. Life in a laboratory can be hard but meaningful; as Dina found, with increased time in the laboratory, she came to enjoy research work.
“Doing research here is really great. Many scient ifi c research projects are supported by both government and universities, which will bene fi t society and solve many problems in the future. We should learn from the way China educates its students,” she says.
Like many of her bright and cheerful Chinese friends, she feels “at home” at Tsinghua. And aside from her academic studies, in her spare time Dina contributes to helping more people learn about Egypt. She volunteered to help the Egyptian Embassy as well as organizations in Beijing to improve communicationsbetween China and Egypt.
After his time as a mid fi eld attacker for the national soccer team, Ethiopian student Kebede Ambaye devoted himself to public health services for some years before studying at Tsinghua.
Kebede came to China as a way of improving Ethiopia's health system. In Ethiopia, the country's Ministry of Health previously had no center for disease control. Recently China has helped to establish an African Center for Disease Control in Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa to solve the local problem through their health system.
“Before I came to China, I did not expect Tsinghua University to be 'heaven on earth', like I found it to be,” said Kebede.
“Regarding my academic pro fi ciency, Tsinghua has given me a great experience. The lecturers educated me as to how to do research, how to write policies, and how to design projects, all magn ifi cent opportunities for me to help solve my country's health problems.”
Here at Tsinghua, Kebede continues to exercise regularly and plays soccer twice a week with FC ALINES 2016, a soccer club at Tsinghua for international students. Just as the Tsinghua campus is becoming more international, the club is made up of players from all corners of the world.
Text by Irene Photos by Zhao Zhenhao & Wang Zhirui