英语中,look, sound, smell, taste, feel这五个和人的五官感觉有关的动词可以简称为“五官”动词。现将它们的共同点和不同之处加以分析归纳。
That explanation sounds all right. 这解释听起来不错。
The boy looks strong. 这小伙子看上去很壮实。
Cotton feels soft. 棉花摸上去柔软。(被人摸)
The flower smells sweet. 那花闻来挺香。(被人闻)
She looks tired. 她看起来很疲倦。(被人看)
The medicine tastes bitter. 这药味苦。(被人尝)
How beautiful the music sounds! 这音乐听来多优美呀!(被人听)
三、“五官”动词后都可带“like + 名词”的介词短语作表语。例如:
She looks like her mother. 她看上去像她母亲。
The liquid smells like gasoline. 这种液体闻上去像汽油。
It tastes like milk. 这尝来像牛奶。
The thing feels like cold iron. 那东西摸上去像冰冷的铁。
It sounds like thunder. 这听起来像在打雷。
四、在“五官”动词中,look, sound后能跟as if的结构。例如:
It looked as if it would rain. 天看来要下雨。
Your voice sounds as if you had a cold. 你的声音听起来像得了感冒。
feel后面跟as if(或as though)的结构时,不属五官动词,和手的感觉无关,如:
He felt as if his leg were broken. 他仿佛感到他的腿已经断了。
taste及smell后面一般不带as if的结构。
The boy felt the rubber softly. 男孩轻轻地摸着那块橡皮。
The doctor looked at his injured hand. 医生看了看他受伤的手。
She was smelling the flowers. 女孩子正闻着花香。
Dont sound the “h” in “hour”. hour中的“h”不可发音。
Taste this coffee and see if you like it. 尝尝这咖啡,看你喜不喜欢。
六、用作实义动词时,taste, smell能以“不及物动词的形式+ of +名词”的结构表示:“有……味道;有……气味”。例如:
The water here tastes of earth. 这儿的水有土腥味。
The air smelled of paint. 空气里有股油漆味。