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摘 要:该报告总结了2014年度观测网络故障诊断与远程维护系统的技术研究和系统研制进展情况,在2013年度技术研究和试验测试的基础上,该年度重点进行了系统的优化设计、系统内的集成测试以及参与大系统的陆上集成联试。观测网络故障诊断与远程维护系统由光学故障诊断分系统、电学故障诊断分系统和岸站故障诊断管理软件三个部分组成。2014年度的主要工作和取得的技术进展包括:(1)完成详细设计报告评审:2014年7月,在成都组织召开了课题详细设计报告评审会,7名业内专家参会,一致认为该详细设计可作为本课题系统设计实现的依据。(2)修改完善系统内部和外部接口设计:主要是岸站故障诊断管理软件与电学故障诊断分系统之间的数据接口(系统内部接口)、岸站故障诊断管理软件与岸基运行控制管理系统(清华大学承研,系统外部接口)。(3)修改完善室内检测大纲,完成系统联调测试:在2013年拟制的室内检测大纲基础上,重点针对岸站故障诊断管理软件的功能进行了细化与调整,并进行了多次室内测试。(4)制定陆上集成联试大纲,初步完成与其他系统的集成调试。按照总体单位的安排,于10月10日进场,在江苏南通中天科技海缆厂房,进行了系统自检测试以及与岸基运行控制系统、主次接驳盒和各类传感器的联调测试。
关键词:故障诊断 接口设计 系统调试 陆上集成联试 网络 管理软件
Abstract: This report describes the research and design work in 2014 of “Observing Network Malfunction Diagnosis and Remote Maintanence System” project. The main progress made in this year includes revisions of system design and implementation, thorough test of the integrated system and test of the whole system on land on the basis of researches made in 2013. The system composes of three parts: optical malfucntion diagnosis subsystem, electrical malfucntion diagnosis subsystem and offshore malfucntion diagnosis and maintanence software. The main work includes:(1)System detailed design conference was held in Chengdu, Sichuan. Seven experts were invited to attend the meeting and the design is allowed to act as the guide of the following system implementation.(2)Revisions of internal and external interface of software and hardware modules have been made, including those between electrical malfucntion diagnosis subsystem and offshore malfucntion diagnosis and maintanence software (internal interface), offshore malfucntion diagnosis and maintanence software and offshore maintanence software (external interface).(3)Revisions of test guide in labotory have been made and several system tests have been carried out. The main work focuses on the adjustment of offshore malfucntion diagnosis and maintanence software.(4)Inter-system test guide is written and we take part in the inter-system test held in Nantong, Jiangsu. System self-tests have been implemented and tests between our system and offshore maintanence software, interface nodes and sensors have been made.
Key Words: Malfunction diagnosis; Interface design; System test in lab; Inter-system test