
2016-05-06 07:09李易之
中国-东盟博览(政经版) 2016年4期

□ 文/本刊记者 李易之


□ 文/本刊记者 李易之



2016年3月20日,在中国广西壮族自治区首府南宁举行的广西北部湾经济区“总结十年成就 推动升级发展”工作座谈会上,中国国际经济交流中心理事长曾培炎谈道,自己作为北部湾经济区建设的最早参与者,亲眼见证它从诞生到成长壮大,感到十分欣慰。









彭清华还强调说,北部湾经济区各级相关部门要继续发扬 “北部湾精神”,勇挑重担、主动作为、共同协作,为加快实现自治区“两个建成”,即“实现与全国同步全面建成小康社会”、“基本建成西南中南地区开放发展新的战略支点”的目标,作出新的更大贡献。



Take the Lead in the Next Decade Based on Remarkable Achievements in the Last Decade --Summary of the Forum of 10th Anniversary of the Establishment of Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone

written by Li Yizhi / translated by Mo Tingting

F or the last 10 years Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone (BGEZ) has shot up with dramatic changes at a remarkable “Beibu Gulf Speed” from 2006 to 2016.Its GDP topped 586.732 billion yuan by 2016, rising more than 3 times from 141.809 billion yuan in its early days; the fi scal revenue increased by 4.54 times; the port handling capacity rose by 3 times; and the total volume of imports and exports grew by threefold, claiming half of market share of Guangxi’s foreign trade.

Depending on concerted efforts of numerous people and close attention from the government of China, a thriving and promising BGEZ has emerged in the world, achieving remarkable achievements and satisfying results.

At the Forum concerning BGEZ’s “Summary on Ten-years Achievements, Outlook for Industrial Upgrading and Development” held in Nanning, the provincial capital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on March 20, 2016, the Chairman of China Center International for Economic Exchange (CCIEE) Zeng Peiyan expressed his delight to be involved in the construction of BGEZ, as he had witnessed BGEZ’s formation and growth all the way.

Zeng pointed out that, having experienced tenyears opening up and development, BGEZ has significantly enhanced its comprehensive strength, constantly lifted its regional development strategic position, expanded opening up and cooperation with surrounding regions in a pragmatic manner, and emphasized on its highlights through carrying out pilot schemes in reform and innovation.BGEZ has not only become a core growth pole in leading rapid growth of Guangxi, but also one of the most dynamic regions with fastest economic growth in the coastal areas of China, and one of the regions closest to ASEAN with most effective cooperation.

Zeng indicated that during the 13th Five-Year Plan period, China is still in an important period of strategic opportunities.According to the general layout of “Five-in-One” and the planning of “Four Comprehensives”, BGEZ should be committed to opening up and development by proactively being involved in national programming and expanding opening up and cooperation, insisting on innovation driving, scientifi c planning and concentrating on priority development.

Based on the deep understanding of Guangxi’s “Three Orientations” formulated by the state, and combining with self characteristics and advantages, BGEZ should endeavor to build an upgraded version of itself and carry forward its all-round opening up and development by capturing its new positioning for futuredevelopment, exerting comprehensive advantages of the policies, forging a new hub for cooperation between the Belt and Road construction and the coopertation with ASEAN, exploring new model for industrial upgrading and development, and paying attention to the gathering and radiation effect of central cities in coastal areas, Zeng said.

BGEZ has already been a powerful engine for the economic and social development of Guangxi.Peng Qinghua, Party Secretary of CPC Guangxi Committee remarked that the opening up and development of BGEZ in the last decade can be regarded as an epitome of the expansion of Guangxi’s opening up after entering the 21st century.

Peng indicated that now BGEZ has already served as the main access to the great international channel, the core area of strategic fulcrum, the important gateway for organic linkage of the Belt and Road, embracing a golden opportunity that 2016 is the outset of the state’s Thirteenth Five-Year Plan, as well as the beginning of the next decade after the development and construction of BGEZ during the last decade, adding that there are considerable dividends and preferential policies, and BGEZ will definitely make great-leap-forward development.

Peng suggested that BGEZ as a region enjoying the most powerful economic strength and most steadily growth will determine whether BGEZ can implement upgrade and development, take the lead in building a comprehensive welloff society in Guangxi and play a role as an engine, which will exert huge infl uences on the realization of Guangxi’s development objective under the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan.

It is learned that during the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan period, by 2020, the GDP of four cities within BGEZ, namely, Nanning, Beihai, Qinzhou and Fangchenggang, will be over 40 percent of that of Guangxi; BGEZ will also strive for “Three over Tens-of-thousands”: both gross regional production and the total industrial output value over designated size will surpass 1 trillion yuan, and the per capita GDP will exceed US$ 10,000; the growth rate of major economic indicators such as Hi-tech Industries, tertiary industry, coastal port handling capacity and per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents will be at the forefront of Guangxi.

To achieve these goals, BGEZ should insist on and implement five development concepts, comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, and break the bottlenecks; BGEZ should aim at an ungraded version of itself through facilitating the cross-border trade transportation, accelerating the reform of the supply side, forming a modern industrial system of high end, high quality and high effi ciency, and forging an ungraded version of urban integration in BGEZ.

At last, Peng emphasized that the relevant departments at all levels of BGEZ shall make additional and more contributions to the realization of “Two Completions”, namely “the completion of building a comprehensive well-off society” and “basic completion of a new strategic fulcrum for the opening up and development of Southwest and South-central China”, by giving full play to the “spirit of the Beibu Gulf” and taking the initiative to shoulder great responsibilities, with concerted efforts.

建强堡垒铸就“ 北部湾第一哨”