林统喜 陆兴华
摘 要:当飞机在大回环飞行中,由于受到空气动力学的扰动较大,需要进行飞行姿态稳定性控制,传统方法采用分段线性化控制方法,在大扰动条件下,飞行过程中各段的控制误差不断方法,导致飞行稳定性不好。提出一种基于自适应反步跟踪的飞行器反馈调整稳定性控制算法。构建大回环飞行中的飞行稳定性控制的参量模型系统,考虑外界干扰的情况下,进行飞行器反馈调整稳定性控制目标函数构建,采用自适应反步跟踪方法拟合控制过程的状态误差响应,实现控制器优化设计。仿真结果表明,采用该算法进行飞行器的稳定性控制,系统误差受到外界扰动的影响较小,控制器的自适应收敛性较高,展示了较好的应用性能。
中图分类号:TP276 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-2163(2016)02-
Feedback stabilization control algorithm based on adaptive backstepping tracking
LIN Tongxi1 ,LU Xinghua2
(1 Guangzhou Huali Science and Technology Vocational College Zengcheng District, Zengcheng Guangdong 511325,China ; 2 Huali College Guangdong University of Technology, Zengcheng Guangzhou 511325, China)
Abstract: When the aircraft in a large loop flight, due to aerodynamic perturbation is larger, it needs to control the flight attitude stability, the traditional method using piecewise linearization control method, under large disturbance conditions. During the flight of the segments of the control error continuous method, leading to flight stability. An adaptive backstepping control algorithm based on adaptive backstepping is proposed. Build a giant flying in the flight stability control parameter model system, consider outside interference, aircraft feedback adjustment stability control objective function was constructed, using adaptive backstepping tracking method fitting process of the state error and response control, realize the control for optimization design. The simulation results show that this algorithm is used to control the stability of the vehicle, the system error is less affected by external disturbance, the adaptive convergence of the controller is higher, and the performance of the system is demonstrated.
Key words: adaptive; backstepping tracking; aircraft control; feedback adjustment
0 引言
1 飞行稳定性控制的约束参量与控制目标模型构建
1.1 大回环飞行中的飞行稳定性控制的参量模型
为了实现对大回环飞行中的飞行器的稳定性控制,首先构建控制参量模型,假定采用最小信息熵泛函方法进行反演控制,飞行器在大回环飞行中因变量自变量的 组观测值为:
4 结束语
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