
2016-05-02 06:42
空中之家 2016年6期


2016 年夏季,我们帮你从国际时尚大咖的街拍照片里找灵感,与她们同步新款 IT BAG。

近期国际时尚网红们街拍出镜率最高的包包,也暗示了今年春夏手袋流行趋势。2016 年,更为大气实用的大廓形口盖包又回潮了,夏季包包的色彩除了最靠谱百搭的黑色,白、黄、粉、红、桃红都衬得上夏季明媚热烈的感觉。若是装饰了富有表情的夸张印花,让时尚“FUN”起来,不仅让奢侈品更贴地气,也给忙碌的都市生活增添趣味的可能性。


Susie Bubble

Susie Bubble is one of the first internet celebrities to be known by the Chinese and is a classic example of experimental London-style coupled with street-style vogue. Born in 1983, Susie emigrated from Hong Kong to London where she then started a fashion blog titled Style Bubble. Her unique sense of style and dress propelled her to become a prominent and world-renowned blogger.

Susie Bubble 属于最早一批步入国内大众视野的网红,是具有英伦实验性街头搭配风格的范例。Susie 生于 1983 年,是移民到伦敦的香港人,她的时装博客叫“Style Bubble”,以特立独行的穿衣之道成为红遍全球的 Blogger。


Gucci 2016SS Sylvie handbag RMB19500(red / black / white / pink / multicolor)

Susie Bubble revealed this new Gucci Sylvie flap bag released by Gucci this year. The bag can be carried by hand or slung across the shoulder. The solid leather outlines are balanced by an old school academic silk sash, making it perfect for casual and formal settings alike.

Gucci 2016SS Sylvie 手袋 RMB19500(红 /黑 /白 /粉 /多色)

Susie Bubble 亮 相 在 instagram 的 这 款 硬 朗 廓形的口盖包, 是 Gucci在 2016 年才推出的新款手袋 Gucci Sylvie,可手拎可斜挎,硬朗的皮革廓形被学院派的丝带中和了,搭配休闲和正装都没问题。

Dior Diorama Handbag RMB26000

Dior released this It Bag last year and its fever has continued to burn. Its greatest feature lies in the geometric lines that provide a lasting and pleasing aesthetic. The simple flap bag is the

definite choice for any fashionable youth.

Dior Diorama 手提包 RMB26000

这是从去年就火到今年的 It Bag,最大的特点是几何线条的布局,让手袋很耐看。简约廓形的口盖包,同样是年轻时尚的选择。

Gucci 2016SS Tian Handbag RMB11200

Gucci recently released the Gucci Gram Tian project with unique printed patterns that feature Chinoiserie elements. Asian artists were specifically invited to create more possibilities for the TIAN series. TIAN patterns must be properly mixed and managed to create the perfect composition as any mistake, however slight, would throw the designs completely off balance.

Gucci 2016SS Tian 手袋 RMB11200

最近,Gucci推出了新一轮的 Gucci Gram Tian 项目,这个项目同样是以印花为主题,不过这次的元素主要以中国风为主,邀请了亚洲艺术家为 TIAN 系列创作更多可能性。所以要想驾驭好 TIAN 系列的印花,混搭很重要,一不小心就会太过于有中国风的形式感。

Olivia Palermo

Olivia Palermo is a socialite and has her own brand, and currently commands more influence in the fashion world than Paris Hilton. For those of you who are interested in the styles adopted by fashionable socialites in East Side New York, Olivia Palermo is the one that you have to keep your eyes on. Olivia and her supermodel husband Johannes Huebl have been voted the most stylish couple in the world with snapshots of outfits that offer great CP (couple) value. Watching and learning from Olivia will help take care of your man's style as well. Olivia Palermo, who comes from a respectable and prominent family, is a unassuming socialite and would never be seen with gaudy, overly expensive handbags.

Olivia Palermo 是现如今比 Paris Hilton 还要有影响力的时尚名媛兼自主品牌老板。神往于纽约上东区名媛风格的人,只看 Olivia Palermo 就足够了,并且她已经与名模丈夫 Johannes Huebl组成了全球颜值最高的CP街拍,关注她,连他的着装风格都一起搞定。家世显赫的 Olivia Palermo 是位低调名媛,向来不爱拿烂大街的土豪款手袋。

The latest Delvaux 2016 Summer series that have not yet been priced.

Delvaux is a leading Belgian luxury brand, and Olivia has shown some exclusive preference for its handbags. Delvaux Le Tempete does not come cheap and costs between 30,000 to 40,000 RMB (depending on style) in Europe. Olivia Palermo herself owns several Delvaux Le Tempete bags with different textures and color schemes.

Delvaux2016 夏季新款 未定价

比 利 时 殿 堂 级 手 袋 品 牌 Delvaux 向 来 是 Olivia 的 心 头 好, 比 如 Delvaux Le Tempete 包,价格不便宜,欧洲买大概要人民币三四万元(不同型号价格不同),Olivia Palermo 有几款不同质地和色彩的 Delvaux Le Tempete。


Louis Vuitton SC red small handbag RMB35000 Louis Vuitton SC light grayish brown small handbag RMB35000 Louis Vuitton SC light blue small handbag RMB31000

Louis Vuitton's SC red Boston bag proved to be Olivia Palermo's true love and has accompanied her through countless seasons. In fact, Olivia was caught with this bag while playfully giving a victory sign in April 2016.

Louis Vuitton SC 红色小号手袋 RMB35000 Louis Vuitton SC 浅灰棕色小号手袋 RMB35000 Louis Vuitton SC 浅蓝小号手袋 RMB31000

这款 Louis Vuitton SC 红色波士顿包是 Olivia Palermo 的真爱,伴随她走过了多个春夏秋冬,就在今年4月她还富有童趣地在这款包的伴随下比了个经典剪刀手。

Chiara Ferragni

Chiara Ferragni is an internet celebrity. The most beautiful urban female style and fashion is based upon this Italian lady. Chiara maintains a blog written in both Italian and English, sharing her sense of style and dress while sharing her various outfits and street snapshots. To date, Chiara has over six million fans on Instagram.

Chiara Ferragni是一位让全宇宙的网红都眼红的网红,都市最美丽时髦女郎的缩影在她身上全能找到。她在博客上用英文和意大利文双语书写,分享自己的穿衣心得并晒出自己的各种造型和街拍。到目前为止 Chiara 在 instagram 上的粉丝数已经接近 600 万。


Gucci 2016SS Dionysus GG Hot Lips RMB32500 Gucci 2016SS Dionysus GG Birds RMB32500

Chiara took Gucci's Dionysus Bag and used it indoors as an element of interior décor and outdoors for casual shopping. If you only decide to buy a single handbag this year, Dionysus will satisfy the two requirements of fashionable and practical.

Gucci 2016SS Dionysus GG 嘴唇印花酒神包 RMB32500 Gucci 2016SS Dionysus GG 花鸟印花酒神包 RMB32500

Chiara 把酒神包当作家中艺术品道具、平日休闲逛街之用。如果今年你只打算买一只手袋的话,酒神包可以满足你对时髦和实用的双重需求。

Louis Vuitton TWIST medium-sized handbag RMB31000

This handbag harbors two open secrets - sizable capacity which is realised by its arched designs along the bottom of the bag, which helped improve content volume. The second feature of Twist is its classical twist lock design. The Twist is designed in such a way that the letters L and V must overlap in order to unlock the bag. Summer color schemes for Twist have been made more


Louis Vuitton TWIST 中号手袋 RMB31000

这款手袋有两个公开的秘密,一是容量可观,比如弧形底座的设计默默增加了手袋容量。二是 Twist手袋的经典转锁设计,十分有趣,当你转动扭锁,让字母“L”与字母“V”重合时,即可打开包袋。夏季的 Twist色彩更为充沛。

DIOR DIOREVER Black handbag RMB29000 DIOR DIOREVER Lemon handbag RMB29000

Chiara Ferragni has repeatedly been seen with the black DIOREVER handbag released by Dior. This black DIOREVER handbag is part of the DIOREVER series. The act of opening the main flaps would reveal a pattern that resembles a cute grinning face of a robot. The minimalist comfort and gravity that DIOREVER offers is the absolute pinnacle of luxury. DIOREVER is the perfect solution for the professional and fashionable lady who requires capacity to hold all her personal articles. We would, however, recommend a lemon scheme to go with summer.


DIOR DIOREVER 黑色手袋更是 Chiara Ferragni频频晒出的手袋。这款黑色 DIOREVER 属于“二见钟情”款,特别翻开大口盖后,给人可爱的“机器人脸”的联想,简约舒适大气才是奢华的最高境界。这款包包是职业时髦女郎首选,“肚量很大”,你可以把所有必需品都带在身边。夏天建议选择柠檬黄色。

BOY CHANEL bag RMB32400 (T-style)

Pink leather BOY CHANEL bag RMB24600 Chiara Ferragni is a loyal fan of Chanel classics. The 2016 spring and summer BOY CHANEL series focus on peach tones. T-style, which featured peach borders and navy blue colors provided a near perfect match to Chiara Ferragni's denim outfit, with an accent of youthful rapture against a somber background of navy blue.

BOY CHANEL bag RMB32400 (T 台款 ) Pink leather BOY CHANEL bag RMB24600

Chiara Ferragni可 谓 是 香 奈 儿 经 典 款 的 忠粉。2016 春夏的 BOY CHANEL 多数在桃红色彩里面做文章,其中桃红边线与蓝色拼接的T 台 款,最贴 近 Chiara Ferragni的 丹宁款,沉稳的海军蓝里跳出一丝小艳丽。


Text by Bai Xiaoci Photos by CFP & Bai Xiaoci Translation by Bian Jiajin

Before the 19th century, houses were built and extended vertically rather than horizontally, because according to Newton’s inertial frame of reference, that is the safest way to construct.

Today however, you only need to type a few parameters into some software to set the mathematics of the curve and show how it can be built.

The vertical constructed space and girdersupported roof could let the wind in while the windows are open. In the southern pluvial region, the roof slopes to be balanced inside of the surrounding walls; in northern arid regions, where the walls are made of blocks, they must be splinted into the ground and be square, to strictly maintain the centre of gravity.

Things changed after the introduction of concrete. Cement and reinforcing steel bars were combined to allow the design and construction of curved surfaces. In Felix Candela's Los Manantiales restaurant, a thin 4cm concrete shell petal structure

was built. Designed by Sir Ove Arup, who has also created a city totem to Sydney out of concrete, produced all his pieces without the help of computers. Heinz Isler once hung a water-filled film outside his home in Switzerland in winter to study how the thin-shell formed on the outside of the film to help his designs.

Today however, you only need to type a few parameters into some software to set the mathematics of the curve and show how it can be built. These parameters could be curvature, volume fraction, sunlight interval, limit of overhang, legal norms, owner's personal goods and so on. The operational capability of CPU takes the place of the freezing winter in Switzerland. Architecture has entered the era of the computer, where the application of the laws of physics takes care of the safety of construction, geometry is in charge of the beauty of the architecture, and every discipline has its own job. In the near future, when the industry once again advances, robots will be the ones constructing the buildings and architects will be supervisors, overseeing their non-human employees. They don't need to stay up to draw and design any more, and just need to provide the main ideas and inspiration for a project, before passing the work on to a computing team to process the information and create the plans.

The Price of Beauty
大衣+牛仔裤 走路得带风