
2016-05-02 06:42
空中之家 2016年6期





In Baihai, even the islanders and fishermen who never have a lack of fresh seafood, will surely have one piece of salted fish and a bowl of porridge.

One salty, the other plain, two different tastes meet in your mouth, balancing each other and drawing into each other, just like the development of a city, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, sometimes radical, sometimes just to keep up, but always just right.

Text by Yan Junling Translation by Tao Wenjia Photos by Zeng Jian & A Du

Drying salted fishes by the shoreside 岸边晒咸鱼

Gift from the Beibu Gulf

In the Nan Wan seafood restaurant by the Beibu Gulf, the waving South China Sea is under the floor that you walk across. They say every evening when the tide rises, you will taste the just-washed-up freshness on the seafood you are chewing.

The owner presents us with two dishes∶ sandworm and squid. Boiled in water, adding a few leeks, and it is a delicious dish with no complicated cooking procedure, nor seasoning. People in Beihai told us that if you have enough confidence in the quality of the seafood, then you can dare to use such simple ways to cook them.

The Beihai people are very confident about the quality of their seafood. Seafood there is not big though. For instance, the local squid is almost half the size of the Vietnamese squid, however, the price is twice as much. Brother Pang, a fisherman with 30 years of experience, is from the Dishui Village of the Weizhou Island. He grins when he told us that their local squid is much more popular. “Once you taste both, you will be able to tell why our local squid is

1.Fried clams with fruits from Red Woods


2. Fried salted fishes


3. White steamed sandworms


more expensive. The seafood here is much fresher and chewy with almost none of the 'smell' of the fish. It's the taste of the natural sea.”

As a young volcanic island, Weizhou Island has rich volcanic ash and sea corals on its seabed. Consequently, the sea provided people with rich marine resources. “More than 20 years ago, coral on the island grew as tall as a House. A variety of sea creatures lived between corals, producing a very high quality seabed environment. The fishermen didn't have to go to the open sea, as long as they drove their boats around the island for a few hours, then they can catch a lot of fish, shrimps, crabs, snails, cuttlefish, squid, sea bass, eels, yellow croaker, and white sea cucumber which were unique to the North Sea." Brother Huang, an old fisherman told us. Even if you did not go to sea, you could just put up a net, and gained plenty when you collected the net at night. However, “As time has changed, the demand for seafood has also increased. The abundance of offshore resources cannot be compared with the past. We cannot say no to development, but you can at least try not to destroy, nor waste any. Let people with more expertise guide us and protect this sea for generations.” Brother Pang says, "air and sea, nature and the environment, aren't those the island's most appealing aspects?”

The taste of leisure

In Weizhou Island, when the fish market opens every day at four o'clock in the afternoon, some boats return in droves. Fresh fish are then shipped to the food market which is only 10 metres away, and soon be selected by the islanders and visitors.

Ten years ago, A Du moved from Nanning to Weizhou Island. He opened a Bed and Breakfast there. He now produces freshly baked mackerel with a fancy molecular gastronomy machine from the United States with practical ease. Soon after, a molecular mackerel with an interesting smell of wood is done. Accompanied by a glass of the molecular cocktail, sitting on his terrace under the burning clouds over the sea, he utters, "It is the most beautiful day." Not far from his village, fishermen sat in hammocks, chatting and drinking tea. When the mood is great, they will cook their freshly caught shrimp, adding some rice wine and a shisha, they can eat and talk until late into the night.

The wealth and leisure in the North Sea nourishes and keeps people, no matter whether you are outlanders like Adu, or local fishermen who have been living there for generations. In Qiaogang, there are even some Vietnamese immigrants. So in this city, you can eat authentic Vietnam Fire ice, as well as other cuisines from outlanders who stay.


北部湾边上的南 渔村,地板下面就是起伏的南海。他们说,每到傍晚涨潮时,嘴里咀嚼的海鲜,仿佛是刚刚被海水冲上来的。






十年前从南宁来涠洲岛开民宿的阿杜,不紧不慢地用美国进口的分子美食机,处理着刚买来烤好的秋刀鱼。很快,一股带着奇异木头香的分子秋刀鱼就做好了。配上一杯分子鸡尾酒,坐在能看到七种颜色海面也能看到火烧云的露台上,他说,“这就是最美的一天。” 离他不远处的村子里,渔民们坐在吊床上,聊天,喝茶。兴致好的时候,还会立刻把刚捕捞到的虾过水煮了,配上白酒,一边吃一边聊到天黑。

