熊莹槐, 王 芳**, 陈 燕, 董双林, 刘 峰
(1. 中国海洋大学教育部海水养殖重点实验室, 山东 青岛 266003; 2. 山东省淡水渔业研究院, 山东 济南 250000 )
熊莹槐1, 王芳1**, 陈燕1, 董双林1, 刘峰2
(1. 中国海洋大学教育部海水养殖重点实验室, 山东 青岛 266003; 2. 山东省淡水渔业研究院, 山东 济南 250000 )
摘要:设定3种草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)混养模式:草鱼、鲢和鳙混养(GSB),草鱼、鲢、鳙和凡纳滨对虾混养(GSBL),草鱼、鲢、鳙和鲤混养(GSBC)。于2013年4—9月采集不同混养池塘的上覆水和底泥样品,分析上覆水、表层间隙水及沉积物中各形态碳的含量及相关关系。研究显示:(1)不同混养池塘表层间隙水中DOC和DIC含量显著高于上覆水(P<0.05),DOC和DIC含量在GSB、GSBC组中于8月出现最大值,而在GSBL组中于7月出现最大值;上覆水DOC和DIC含量在不同模式中的变化规律与表层间隙水基本一致。(2)上覆水和表层间隙水中DOC含量整体均表现为GSBC>GSBL>GSB, DIC含量整体均表现为GSBC>GSB>GSBL,各组间的DOC和DIC含量在8月的差异显著(P<0.05);表层沉积物TOC和TIC含量则整体均表现为GSB>GSBL>GSBC,在8、9月各组间TOC差异显著(P<0.05),而6、7月GSB组的TIC显著高于其它2组(P<0.05)。(3)间隙水DOC、DIC和沉积物TOC、TIC垂直分布规律与养殖模式关系密切:总体而言,GSB、GSBL组仅在0~2cm变化明显;GSBC组在0~2和2~4cm均有明显变化,且2层含量在养殖中后期较接近。(4)上覆水DOC 和DIC含量之间呈极显著正相关关系(P<0.01);上覆水DOC与表层间隙水DOC呈极显著正相关关系(P<0.01),与表层沉积物TOC也呈正相关关系,但相关性不显著;上覆水DIC与表层间隙水DIC呈显著正相关关系(P<0.01),而与表层沉积物TIC呈显著负相关关系(P<0.01)。间隙水及底泥中各形态碳含量的垂直分布特征主要受生物扰动作用的影响,其次是扩散作用。GSBC模式中间隙水及底泥中各形态碳含量受生物扰动作用影响最明显,GSBL模式次之。
关键词:主养草鱼池塘; 上覆水; 间隙水; 沉积物; DOC; DIC; TOC; TIC
XIONG Ying-Huai, WANG Fang, CHEN Yan, et al. Study on distribution of different carbon forms in overlying and sediment interstitial waters in different grass carp polyculture models [J].Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2016, 46(3): 22-30.
1.1 实验池塘与设计
实验于2013年4—9月在山东省淄博市高青县水产局示范场进行。池塘规格基本一致,面积为0.25hm2,深度为(1.8±0.5) m。
1.2 实验方法
整个实验过程中,共采集6次样品,每30天为一个采样周期。于3种混养模式采集直径5cm,高度在10~15cm的带有上覆水的无扰动沉积物样品(采用王友绍等[22]设计的无扰动沉积物采集器,D=5 cm,H=33cm),采样点为池塘一条对角线上的3个点,每次采样点固定不变。
将最表层高度7cm的底泥分为3层:0~2, 2~4及4~7cm。上覆水用Whatman滤膜过滤,上清液加入HgCl2固定,保存于30mL白色玻璃瓶中,在-20℃下冷冻保存待分析。分离后的底泥样品进行恒温离心(5 000r/min,15min),间隙水上清液加入HgCl2固定,保存于10mL冷存管中,在-20℃下冷冻保存待分析。实验结束时的底泥经风干、研磨,过100目筛后干燥保存。
水样中可溶性无机碳(DIC)和可溶性有机碳(DOC)使用TOC分析仪测定,泥样中总有机碳(TOC)和总无机碳(TIC)使用元素分析仪(Vario ELⅢ,德国)测定。
表1 不同养殖模式下养殖生物放养情况(平均值±标准差)
注: 字母 G、S、B、L、C依次代表草鱼、鲢、鳙、凡纳滨对虾和鲤。
Note: The letters G, S, B, L and C represent grass carp, silver carp, big head,L.vannameiand carp, respectively.
①Breed; ②Ctenopharyngodonidellus; ③Density; ④Individual weight; ⑤Hypophthalmichthysmolitrix; ⑥Aristichthysnobilis; ⑦Litopenaeusvannamei; ⑧Cyprinuscarpio
采用SPSS 19.0软件进行数据统计分析,不同养殖模式上覆水与表层间隙水、沉积物各形态碳含量做单因素方差分析(One-way ANOVA),通过Duncan比对以比较单月内不同养殖模式间的差异,方差分析前先进行方差齐性检验。以P<0.05作为差异显著水平。用Pearson相关分析法,得到各月上覆水与表层间隙水、沉积物各形态碳含量之间的相关系数,以P<0.01作为极显著相关,P<0.05作为显著相关。
上覆水DOC分布规律(见图1):整体而言,随着养殖时间的推移,各组DOC浓度在5—8月呈上升的趋势,9月有所下降。养殖初始DOC浓度差异较小,而8月各模式下DOC浓度增加了2~3倍(4月DOC含量为1.58~3.39mg/L,8月DOC含量为4.25~9.33mg/L)。就养殖模式而言,GSB组随时间变化趋势较为平缓,而GSBL、GSBC组在7、8月上升明显,且GSBL组于7月出现最大值5.53 mg/L,显著高于GSB组(P<0.05);而GSB、GSBC组在8月出现最大值,分别为4.76和9.33mg/L,GSBC组显著高于其余2组(P<0.05)。
(字母GSB,GSBL和GSBC分别代表草鱼、鲢、鳙模式,草鱼、鲢、鳙、凡纳滨对虾模式和草鱼、鲢、鳙、鲤模式,下同;DOC和DIC数值用平均值±标准差表示(n=3)。The letters GSB, GSBL and GSBC represent grass carp, silver carp, big head model, grass carp, silver carp, big head,Litopenaeusvannameimodel and grass carp, silver carp, big head, carp model respectively, the same below. Values of DOC and DIC are given as means ± SD (n=3).)
Fig.1The dissolved organic and inorganic carbon concentration of the overlying water in different culture models
图2 不同养殖模式下间隙水中DOC和DIC的分布
2.2 上覆水与间隙水DIC的分布特征
间隙水DIC分布规律(见图2):表层间隙水中DIC浓度均明显高于上覆水中浓度;8月,各模式中表层间隙水DIC浓度与上覆水最接近,8月各模式中上覆水DIC浓度最高值达到104.49mg/L。此外,间隙水中DIC浓度4月最低,随深度增加大致呈下降趋势;8月浓度最高,随深度增加变化明显。表层间隙水中DIC含量整体表现为GSBC>GSB>GSBL,且在8月各组间差异显著(P<0.05)。GSB组的DIC浓度在0~2cm随养殖时间而不断升高,于8月出现最大值122.72mg/L;在2~4cm的随养殖时间而不断升高,于9月出现最大值99.38mg/L;在4~7cm与2~4cm的变化规律一致,同样于9月出现最大值71.20mg/L。GSBL组的DIC浓度在0~2cm于7月出现最大值125.01mg/L;而在2~4和4~7cm分别于8、9月出现最大值90.82和 66.50mg/L。GSBC组的DIC浓度在0~2和2~4cm随养殖时间而不断升高,分别于8月出现最大值136.02和121.76mg/L,且2层各月份的浓度非常接近,尤其在8月;在4~7cm随养殖时间而不断升高,于9月出现最大值94.51mg/L。
2.3 沉积物TOC的分布特征
沉积物TOC分布规律(见图3):各模式表层沉积物TOC含量4月最低,范围在3.04~5.60mg/g;9月含量最高,范围在10.97~16.60mg/g,含量增加了2倍左右。表层沉积物TOC含量整体均表现为GSB>GSBL>GSBC,且在8、9月差异显著(P<0.05)。GSB组的TOC含量在0~2cm随养殖时间而不断升高,于9月出现最大值16.60mg/g;在2~4cm各月间无明显变化,范围在5.02~6.02mg/g;在4~7cm各月间含量接近,范围在3.25~4.21mg/g。GSBL组的TOC含量在0~2cm随养殖时间而不断升高,于9月出现最大值11.27mg/g;在2~4cm层各月间无明显变化,范围在2.14~3.18mg/g;在4~7cm各月间含量接近,范围在1.85~2.47mg/g。GSBC组的TOC含量在0~2和2~4cm随养殖时间而不断升高,分别于9月出现最大值10.97 和9.65mg/g,且2层各月份的含量非常接近;在4~7cm于5、6月均呈下降趋势,到7月有所上升,于8月出现最大值5.99 mg/g。
图3 不同养殖模式下沉积物中TOC和TIC的分布
2.4 沉积物TIC的分布特征
沉积物TIC分布规律(见图3):实验期间不同养殖模式下表层沉积物TIC含量变化范围为9.56~22.10mg/g。表层沉积物TIC含量整体均表现为GSB>GSBL>GSBC,且GSB组在6、7月显著高于其余2组(P<0.05)。GSB组的TIC含量在0~2cm随养殖时间而不断下降,于8月达到最小值14.89mg/g;在2~4cm变化规律与0~2cm一致,于8月出现最小值14.81mg/g;在4~7cm于4、5月含量接近,在6月呈下降趋势,到9月出现最小值15.24mg/g。GSBL组的TIC含量在0~2cm随养殖时间而不断下降,于7月出现最小值11.16mg/g;在2~4cm前期无明显变化,而在8月明显下降,出现最小值13.04mg/g;在4~7cm于4月出现最大值19.49mg/g,5、6月呈下降趋势,在6月出现最小值14.37mg/g,到7、8月呈上升趋势,而在9月又有所下降。GSBC组的TIC含量在0~2和2~4cm随养殖时间而不断下降,分别于8月出现最小值9.56 和10.91mg/g,且2层在养殖中后期的含量较接近;在4~7cm与0~2cm的变化规律也基本一致,于8月出现最小值14.41mg/g。
从表2可以看出,上覆水DOC 和DIC含量之间呈极显著正相关关系;上覆水DOC与表层间隙水DOC呈极显著正相关关系,与表层沉积物TOC也呈正相关关系,但相关性不显著;上覆水DIC与表层间隙水DIC呈极显著正相关关系,而与表层沉积物TIC则呈极显著负相关关系。
表2 Pearson相关系数
注: *P<0.05显著相关,**P<0.01极显著相关。*P<0.05 significant correlation,**P<0.01 extremely significant correlation.
①Correlation coefficient;②DOC of the overlying water; ③DIC of the overlying water; ④DOC of the interstitial water; ⑤TOC of the sediments; ⑥DIC of the interstitial water; ⑦TIC of the sediments ; ⑧DIC of the overlying water
3.1 上覆水、表层间隙水和沉积物中各形态碳含量的变化分析
7、8月表层沉积物中的TIC含量较低,达到9.56~15.53mg/g,而上覆水和表层间隙水中DIC含量较高,范围分别为82.33~104.49和96.76~136.02mg/L。上覆水DIC含量与表层间隙水DIC呈极显著正相关关系,与表层沉积物TIC则呈极显著负相关关系。这种各形态碳含量的变化可能是表层沉积物分解及环境理化因子改变的结果。据李学刚等[27]报道,TIC的主要成分为碳酸盐, 可划分为5种形态,其中NaCl相结合能力最弱,NH3·H2O相和NaOH相在碱性环境中能被溶出的无机碳。由此推测,在养殖池塘弱碱性的环境下,TIC含量的降低主要是NaCl相和NH3·H2O相无机碳的溶出,尤其在7、8月,随着水温升高(在8月出现最大值34℃),pH不断下降(在8月出现最小值,范围在7.96~8.13)以及DO范围在3.26~4.05mg/L,均促进了TIC的溶出。
而9月表层沉积物中的TIC含量又有所回升,达到12.02~18.99 mg/g。这可能与钙质生物碎屑的沉降积累有关[28]。另外,TIC含量的上升与本实验中TN含量(数据待发表)变化一致,有研究表明沉积物氮含量的增加也可能会使NH3·H2O和NaOH相无机碳含量增加,其通过氨化和硝化作用促使碳酸盐沉淀溶解平衡发生移动[29]。从环境因子来看,在9月,由于温度下降(25℃),pH上升(8.37~8.52),及DO升高(4.93~5.63mg/L),制约了TIC的溶出,导致溶出量小于积累量,进而出现TIC含量回升。
综上所述,不同混养模式下上覆水、表层间隙水和沉积物中各形态碳含量之间有着密切关系。根据分析,可推测上覆水DOC 和DIC含量具有一定的同源性,且相互促进。表层间隙水不断积累DOC的同时向上覆水释放;表层沉积物TOC的分解作用小于沉积作用,但对上覆水DOC含量的增加仍有一定促进作用。表层间隙水不断积累DIC的同时向上覆水释放;表层沉积物TIC是上覆水DIC的来源之一。
3.2 上覆水、间隙水和沉积物中各形态碳含量的差异分析
(2)上覆水DOC 和DIC含量之间呈极显著正相关关系(P<0.01);上覆水DOC与表层间隙水DOC呈极显著正相关关系(P<0.01),与表层沉积物TOC也呈正相关关系,但相关性不显著;上覆水DIC与表层间隙水DIC呈显著正相关关系(P<0.01),而与表层沉积物TIC则呈显著负相关关系(P<0.01)。
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Study on Distribution of Different Carbon Forms in Overlying and Sediment
Interstitial Waters in Different Grass Carp Polyculture Models
XIONG Ying-Huai1, WANG Fang1, CHEN Yan1, DONG Shuang-Lin1, LIU Feng2
(1.The Key Laboratory of Mariculture, Ministry of Education, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, China; 2.Freshwater Fisheries Research Institute of Shandong Province, Jinan 250000, China)
Abstract:Overlying water and sediment samples were collected from grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) experimental ponds set at different culture models from April to September,2013.The characteri-stics of temporal-spatial distribution and correlation of carbon in overlying water, interstitial water of surface layer and sediment were analyzed. Three polyculture systems were studied, which included (1) GSB (grass carp, silver carp Hypophthalmictuthys molitrix and bighead carp Aristichthys nobilis), (2) GSBL (grass carp, silver carp, bighead carp and white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei), and (3) GSBC (grass carp, silver carp, bighead carp and common carp Cyprinus carpio). The results showed that the concentrations of dissolved organic carbons (DOC) and dissolved inorganic carbons (DIC) in the interstitial water of surface layer were significantly higher than those in overlying water (P<0.05). DOC and DIC were all the highest in August for GSB and GSBC, but in July for GSBL. The trend of those in the overlying water was similar to that in the interstitial water of surface layer during farming time. In different culture models, the content of DIC in the interstitial water of surface layer and overlying water ranged from GSBC to GSB and GSBL, and that of DOC from GSBC to GSBL and then to GSB. The contents of DIC and DOC were significantly different among treatments in August (P<0.05). As to total organic carbon (TOC) and total inorganic carbon (TIC) in the sediment of surface layer, the distributions were ranged from GSB to GSBL and then to GSBC. The content of TOC was significantly different among treatments in August and September (P<0.05). And the content of TIC in the GSB were significantly higher than others in June and July (P<0.05). TOC in sediment of surface layer was all the highest in September for three models,but TIC were the lowest in July for GSBL and in August for GSB and GSBC.There was no significantly differe-nce in 2~4cm and 4~7cm for GSB and GSBL, except for GSBC in 2~4cm. The correlation analysis results demonstrated that DOC in overlying water was positively correlated with DIC in overlying water (P<0.01) and DOC in the interstitial water of surface layer (P<0.01), but negatively with TIC in the sediments (P<0.01). In addition, the results demonstrated a positive relationship of DIC in overlying water with that in the interstitial water of surface layer (P<0.01), but a negative relationship with TIC in the sediment of surface layer (P<0.01). Various types of carbon vertical distributions in interstitial water and sediment were mainly affected by bioturbation, followed by the diffusion. The bioturbation was the most significant in GSBC, secondly in GSBL. The reason was that the bioturbation of carp was even deeper than that of shrimp. Grass carp is considered as an economically important aquaculture species in China with the largest production. And reasonable cultivation model is the key to obtain higher economic benefit in grass carp ponds. At present, the study has not been reported on carbon cycle in the grass carp ponds, and this study provided a basis for the further research of carbon cycle in polyculture ponds.
Key words:grass carp polyculture pond; overlying water; interstitial water; sediment; dissolved organic carbon; dissolved inorganic carbon; total organic carbon; total inorganic carbon
DOI:10.16441/j.cnki.hdxb. 20150013
引用格式:熊莹槐, 王芳, 陈燕, 等. 草鱼不同混养模式的上覆水、间隙水及沉积物中各形态碳的分布特征[J].中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 46(3): 22-30.
Supported by Shandong province Natural Science Found Project (ZR2014CM042);Open Project of Guangxi Key Laboratory for Marine Biotechnology (GLMBT-201402)