张 兵,徐文军,徐延勇,顾娇扬,杨 光,赵锦程
(1.中联煤层气有限责任公司,北京 100011; 2.中国矿业大学 煤层气资源与成藏过程教育部重点实验室,江苏 徐州 221116)
(1.中联煤层气有限责任公司,北京100011; 2.中国矿业大学 煤层气资源与成藏过程教育部重点实验室,江苏 徐州221116)
摘要:深部条件下煤储层关键参数的识别是煤层气开发评价的基础。基于鄂尔多斯东缘临兴区块深部煤层气勘探和测试研究结果显示:朗格缪尔体积随镜质组反射率的增大先增加后减小,朗格缪尔压力与镜质组反射率呈“U”型变化,两者均在2.5% Ro,max左右出现转折。采用非线性分析方法,基于实测含气饱和度与煤层埋深的关系,建立了含校正系数的深部煤层含气量计算模型。山西组4+5号煤层预测含气量6.7~22.1 m3/t;本溪组8+9号煤层含气量在12~20 m3/t,在平面上总体均呈东低西高展布。4+5号煤预测临界解吸压力介于1.03~9.40 MPa,临储比介于0.11~0.63,平均为0.33;8+9号煤预测临界解吸压力介于1.27~10.47 MPa,临储比介于0.12~0.64,平均0.334。在平面上,4+5号煤临界解吸压力与临储比均呈西高东低、西北部最高展布,而8+9号煤总体呈北高南低展布。
深部煤层气是中国非常规天然气勘探的一个新领域,在沁水盆地郑庄区块、鄂尔多斯延川南区块以及新疆五彩湾地区试采取得了工业气流,对于其研究尚处于探索阶段[1-3]。相对浅部煤层,深部地层的温度和压力环境显著改变。以地表恒温带平均温度15 ℃和地温梯度2.5 ℃/100 m计算,埋深介于1 200~3 000 m的煤层温度在45~90 ℃,静水压力为12~30 MPa,远高于甲烷临界温度和压力,这必将影响煤层气的赋存和储层特性。
研究区位于山西省兴县南部和临县北部。总体为东高西低的西倾单斜构造,地层倾角小,以幅度低、影响范围小、构造发育为特点。煤层气开发目标层位山西组4+5号煤层埋深一般在1 010~2 007 m,平均1 792 m;而本溪组8+9号煤层埋深一般为1 086~2 105 m,平均1 870 m。
表1 实验用样品的基本性质和等温吸附常数
图1 Langmuir体积与Ro,max关系Fig.1 Relation between Langmuir volume and Ro,max
图2 Langmuir压力与Ro,max关系Fig.2 Relation between Langmuir pressure and Ro,max
进一步分析,朗格缪尔体积VL与温度呈线性负相关,温度每升高1 ℃,研究区煤的甲烷吸附量平均降低约0.12 cm3/(g·℃)(图3)。与我国低阶煤实验结果(0.002~0.068 cm3/(g·℃))[16]相比,本区煤样吸附量温敏衰减率偏高,显示本区煤层吸附性对温度更为敏感。朗格缪尔压力与温度呈线性正相关关系,如图4所示。
图3 Langmuir体积与温度关系Fig.3 Relation between Langmuir volume and temperature
图4 Langmuir压力与温度关系Fig.4 Relation between Langmuir pressure and temperature
Vs=rP(-0.110 7T+40.259 7)×
图5 含气饱和度随埋深的变化Fig.5 Variance of gas saturation with burial depth
图6 不同变质程度下煤层含气量与埋深关系Fig.6 Relationship between gas content and burial depth under different metamorphic conditions
模型计算结果显示:随埋深加大,研究区不同煤阶煤层含气量均呈先增加后降低的变化趋势,存在一个“临界深度”;临界深度随着煤级增加而变浅,随地温梯度的增高而加深(图6,7)。研究区煤的镜质组最大反射率主要集中在0.8%~1.5%,地温梯度在2.5 ℃/100 m左右。对照图6所示的含气量模型,临兴区块由于岩浆热变质作用导致煤级增高,临界深度浅至1 500 m左右。
图7 不同地温梯度下煤层含气量与埋深关系Fig.7 Relationship between gas content and burial depth under different geothermal gradients
山西组4+5号煤层含气量在6.7~22.1 m3/t,一般为12~22 m3/t,平均14.66 m3/t;等含气量带总体上呈东西向展布,由北向南依次出现“高值区―低值区―高值区―低值区”,高含气量中心分别发育在中部L-101~L-6地区以及西南部TB区块,含气量高于18 m3/t(图8)。
本溪组8+9号煤层含气量多在12~20 m3/t,平均14.92 m3/t(图8)。平面上煤层含气量由北向南逐渐增高,高于18 m3/t的地带连片出现在西南部地区,包括临兴区块大部和TB区块全部,其中TB区块中—北部和临兴区块西北部煤层含气量高于21 m3/t,最高(L-5井)达27 m3/t。
图8 研究区主煤层含气量等值线Fig.8 Gas content contour of the main coalbeds
图9 研究区主煤层含气饱和度等值线Fig.9 Gas saturation contour of the main coalbeds
研究区主煤层临界解吸压力介于1.27~10.47 MPa,平均值为4.629 MPa;临储比介于0.111~0.639,平均为0.332。在平面上,临兴区块两套主煤层临界解吸压力和临储比显示出差异的分布格局(图10,11)。本溪组8+9号煤以L-4井区为高值中心形成向四周降低的同心环带,临界解吸压力高达10.47 MPa,临储比达0.638;低值区出现在区块西南角L-1井区附近。山西组4+5号煤高值中心出现在区块西北部L-10井区附近,临界解吸压力最高为9.4 MPa,临储比0.639。
图10 研究区主煤层临界解吸压力等值线Fig.10 Critical desorption pressure contour of the main coalbeds
图11 研究区主煤层临储比等值线Fig.11 Contour of ratio of critical desorption pressure and reservoir pressure of the main coalbeds
(2)采用非线性分析方法,基于理论含气饱和度与煤层埋深的计算,建立了含校正系数的研究区深部煤层含气量计算模型。山西组4+5号煤层预测含气量6.7~22.1 m3/t,总体呈西高东低,在L-6~L-101与L-2-TB29存在2个富气中心;本溪组8+9号煤层含气量多在12~20 m3/t,平均14.92 m3/t,总体呈东低西高展布,在L-5~L-9存在富气中心。
(3)4+5号煤预测临界解吸压力介于1.03~9.40 MPa,临储比介于0.11~0.63,平均0.33;8+9号煤预测临界解吸压力介于1.27~10.47 MPa,平均4.74 MPa,临储比介于0.12~0.64,平均0.334;下主煤层略优于上主煤。在平面上,4+5号煤临界解吸压力与临储比均呈西高东低、西北部最高展布,而8+9号煤总体呈北高南低展布。
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Key parameters identification for deep coalbed methane reservoir in Linxing block of eastern Ordos Basin
ZHANG Bing1,XU Wen-jun1,XU Yan-yong1,GU Jiao-yang1,YANG Guang2,ZHAO Jin-cheng2
Abstract:Key parameters identification for deep coalbed methane reservoir is a basis for its development.Based on the deep coalbed methane exploration and experiments in Linxing block of eastern Ordos basin,Langmuir volume increases and then decreases with vitrinite reflectance,Langmuir pressure varies like U-type with vitrinite reflectance,and the transform point of both is around 2.5% Ro,max.Using nonlinear fitting method,a prediction model for deep coalbed methane content was established,and the correction coefficients deduced from relationship between measured gas saturation and burial depth were added into the model to assure the accuracy of the model.Gas contents of No.4+5 coal in Shanxi formation vary between 6.7 and 22.1 m3/t,while those of No.8+9 coal in Benxi formation change from 12 to 20 m3/t.The gas contents distribute as high in west and low in east.Critical desorption pressure of No.4+5 coal vary between 1.03 and 9.4 MPa,and the ratios of critical desorption pressure and reservoir pressure change from 0.11 to 0.63,and averaged value is 0.33.Critical desorption pressure of No.8+9 coal vary between 1.27 and 10.47 MPa,and the ratios of critical desorption pressure and reservoir pressure change from 0.12 to 0.64,and averaged value is 0.334.Critical desorption pressure and ratios of critical desorption pressure and reservoir pressure of No.4+5 coal distribute like high in west,low in east and highest in north-west,while those of No.8+9 coal distribute as high in north and low in south.
Key words:Linxing block;deep coalbed methane;gas saturation;gas content;critical desorption pressure
Zhang Bing,Xu Wenjun,Xu Yanyong,et al.Key parameters identification for deep coalbed methane reservoir in Linxing block of eastern Ordos Basin[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2016,41(1):87-93.doi:10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2015.9031