Th 辅音字母组合自然拼读

2016-04-16 05:07:56刘春平
小学教学设计(英语) 2016年2期




1.T:First let’s review the short vowel sound“a,e,i,o,u”.

2.Then show the pictures below.Try to read and think how each word is pronounced.先呈现第一幅图,让学生结合所学的闭音节及字母组合音节自主拼读表格中的单词,然后再呈现第二幅标出th的图,让学生自主总结th的发音规律。

3.Show how to pronounced the words.Ath-ath-ath-math,ath-ath-ath—math,ath-ath-athpath.Th-th-th-in-in-thin,th-thth-in-ink-think,th-th-th-ickick-thick,th-th-th-too-too-tooth.

4.Wecan alsousethe words to make something funny.Look.This is Beth.

5.After this class,please read the words in the picture.

Thumb up means a good job.


1.First look at the pictures and read the words again.

2.T:Look at the words.We can putsomeofthem together,then we can get more meaning.Such as:A moth likes math.Walk on the path...Ask studetnts to share their ideas.

3. T: Here are some picturesaboutSanMao.Can you say something about him?Show the pictures.

4.Ask students to say something about the pictures as much as they can.

5.T:I also make a story with thepictures.Would you like to read it?Show the story to them.When you read,please try to answer:What did San Mao get?What did San Mao play with?What did he do at home?

San Mao was thin.He got a thin book.After school,San Mao played with a moth in the path.Then he got home.San Mao took a bath and brushed his teeth.Where’s the moth?It’s in the bath!

6.After reading,getthe answer.Then ask them to read in groups and ask them to show their reading.


1.T:Last class we learned something about twin brothers.This is Thomas.They often play together.So whathappened?Read and try to tell.

2.It is Thursday.Thomas and Thad both walk on a path.Thad count the trees.“The first one,the second,the third,the forth, the fifth, the sixth.Thomas,it’s your turn. ”“OK.The seventh,the eighth,the ninth...”“ Hi,Thomas,something is coming,run!”“some-th-ththing?”Thomas jumped on Thad’s back.“Ha,ha,nothing.”“You bad Thad.”

3.T:Here I have got nine books.Suppose these books are trees.Now two of you a pair,read first,then one acts as Thomas,the other acts as Thad,act the story out.

4.You did a good job.Here is another small passage about Thomas.Can you read?Try it.

Thomas is thin.Thomas is readingsomething.IsThomas really reading something?No,he isn’t reading anything.He is reading nothing!

5.Maybe time is limited.You can choose the story or the tongue twister to read.


1.Review.Show the story they learned last class and read together again.

2.T:Youknow“th/θ/”.But“th”has another pronunciation.“Th”sounds like in the word“father”.In this word,we spell like this:fa-ther.So how to read“ther”?Good.Look at the form below,try to join them together and get the words.Then show the second picture without the syllable“ther”,ask students to try to write and remember“ther”and some of the words in the pictures.

3. Let’s say something about the picture.

Father doesn’t like to bother others.Mother likes leather shoes.Brother’s cat likes feather,Father,mother and brother together all like fine weather.

Now read in your groups,try to help each other to read it.Then you can draw a picture of a family and introduce them.I’d like you to show your picture and your introduction.

Yes,I can put“this mother,that mother,these fathers,those fathers,his father and his mother are all over there”together.


1.Do you remember Thomas?Thomas likes drawing.He is talking to himself while drawing.But what did Thad do to his picture?

ThisisThomas.Thatis Thomas’s father.These are my shorts.These are my shoes.That is my sweater.That is my hat.And those are my pans.Oh,Thad,don’t do that!

2.Thad broke his picture.Have you ever broken others’pictures? Now let’s imitate Thomas,speak while drawing.

(1)T:In this unit,we have learned twokindsofpronunciation.Now look atthe two pictures.Please compare the two kinds ofpronunciation.Read and think it over.

(2)Ask some of the students to read the words.

(3)Let’sgo on reading.Thad often play jokes on Thomas. When Thomas is worried,he often stammers.I will read it for you.Then you can read it after this class.

“This is my moth.”Thad says.“Th-th-tha-that is my moth.”Thomas said.Thad:OK.That is your moth.Let’s play with the moth together.”

Thad put on Thad’s shorts and leather shoes:“Thad,these are my shorts.Those are my leather shoes.Not yours.”Thad said quickly.

“Th-th-th-these...”Thomas can’t speak.

Their father and mother came.

“Hi,Thad,don’t do that! ”

“I am sorry,Thomas.”

“That’s OK.You are good brothers.”Their mother and father said.

(4) T:We have learned how to pronounce“th”,and we have read stories about Thomas and Thad.Please read it often after class.

BR Sounds
拼拼 读读 写写
Playing with /eI/
Playing with “cr”
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