●汤 钰
●汤 钰
汤钰在美国收到《文化交流》后总是第一时间阅读。 Tang Yu in USA is a diligent reader of Cultural Dialogue.
汤钰与她的先生迪龙乔其(世界著名法学专家)在一起。Tang Yu and her husband, a jurisprudential scholar of world renown
故乡,对于一个远离家乡的游子来说,既神圣又陶醉,魂牵梦系,尤其身在异国,浓浓的乡愁难以排遣。我离开祖国已超过了一个甲子,感谢《文化交流》编辑部数十年如一日,寄来杂志,给我送来极大的温暖。《文化交流》是我和祖国、家乡联系的精神纽带。每到时间,我就盼望着《文化交流》杂志的到来,拿到后欣喜万分,欢喜这本精美杂志的还有我身边的许多中外友人,等着我将内容介绍给他们。外国朋友们每看到我,就竖起大拇指高叫Zhejiang Cultural,这已经成为我的“雅号”。
汤和塑像A Statue of Tang He
Some of My Reminiscences
By Tang Yu
I was born in Hangzhou, the capital city of Zhejiang province in eastern China. I graduated from Zhejiang University. I worked for World Bank for decades. In my work years, I also taught back home. I have been away from my motherland for more than 60 years. I miss her. I want to say thank you to people at the Cultural Dialogue, who have sent me the publication over the past decades. The magazine ties me in with my motherland and my home province. I am always happy to expect the arrival of new issues ofCultural Dialogue. When one issue comes, my happiness knows no bounds. I am not the only reader of the magazine I receive regularly. Many friends, Chinese or otherwise, like to hear me talk about the articles I have read. They endearingly call me “Zhejiang Cultural”, which is my nickname.
温州龙湾宁村的汤和公园及抗倭英烈之墓Tang He Park and a tomb in honor of martyrs who died in battling the invading Japanese pirates
I have been reading Cultural Dialogue for decades and many stories and features have touched my heart. Three kinds of stories interest me most: friendship and emotions of people, stories about beautiful places across China and across Zhejiang in particular, and news about my home province and articles about Chinese culture. Vivid in my memory of reading Cultural Dialogue are the stories about the successful bidding for World Heritage inscriptions of the West Lake and the Grand Canal of China, both being cultural and historical hallmarks of my home province, stories about Shaoxing wine and about Lu Xun. I shared these stories with my foreign friends and shared the yellow wine with them. They all said good wine and wanted to visit Zhejiang.
温州宁村“七月十五汤和文化节”巡游的一个场景Ningcun in Wenzhou holds a Tang He Festival on the 15th day of the seventh month on the lunar calendar.
One set of stories was especially impressive. They were about my ancestor Tang He, who fought the invading Japanese pirates in coastal Shandong and Zhejiang provinces in the early years of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). In 1387, the emperor instructed Tang to fight the pirates from Japan. Tang built 59 fortresses along the long coast and recruited 58,000 militiamen. The united military forces were composed of militiamen, government units and the army under the command of Tang He. The militiamen lived around the fortresses. While they were not engaged in military actions, they farmed to support themselves. The system worked.
After Tang He passed away, a memorial temple was built in the fortress city Ningcun where the general has been worshipped as a demigod. After the temple took shape, local households sent their individual memorial plaques to the temple. Twice a year a public memorial service is held to commemorate the hero. In history, it was known as Ning Fortress Temple Fair. Tang He became a town god in later years. A parade was annually held. The temple attracts a lot of local visitors. Tang He Festival is now inscribed on the national list of intangible cultural heritage. I have read all the articles about the fortress and Tang He in Cultural Dialogue.
I have lived and worked in the USA for more than six decades. I am concerned with the development and changes of China and my home province. As China is becoming an international power, I am deeply proud of the prosperity she enjoys. I often search my memory of the landscape in my homeland and the national hero Tang He. After all, I am still Chinese in the heart even though I live away from China.