
2016-04-13 01:02王福田
文化交流 2016年3期






溪流中的竹排击浪奋进。Bamboo rafts ride down on the river.

激流中的竹排和岸上的人Spectators watch the rafting for the first time in their lifetime in excitement.






三位放排手顺利抵达目的地。Three rafters pose proudly for a photo after their successful trip down the river.




今年5 6岁的孙财福是这次“放簰会”上头排工,他曾经是30多年的拖拉机手。虽然自己没有干过放竹排活计,甚至没有在电影电视上见过,但是他聪明好学、水上功夫较好,特别是有股闯劲。被大家选中后,自己又提议61岁的宣根火作排尾。接着,70岁的单利荣主动在中间配合。


上图 “放竹簰”水上活动吸引四方人群。下图 竹排破浪穿越激流。Bamboo rafting on the river attracts a lot of spectators.






Bamboo Rafts League Resumed in Deqing

By Wang Futian

青青竹排溪中游Bamboo rafts are a thing to watch against a picturesque background.

Nine o’clock on the morning of December 25, 2015 was a big moment for local people at Dongshen Village, Deqing County in northern Zhejiang. Firecrackers were set off among the loud rhythmic performance of percussion music along the Panxi River. The spectators crowded on the river banks cheering loudly while a long procession of bamboo rafts traveled down from mountains.

It was the big comeback of bamboo rafting on the river, which had not been seen since 1959 when a reservoir and a network of country highways ended the tradition of more than 1,000 years.

The transportation method in the region goes back to the Tang (618-907). According to the local annals compiled in the mid 19th century, bamboos and timbers harvested in the mountainous region of the county were first made into rafts for the purpose of transporting. The rafts came from mountains and got on a long drive to Autumn Moon Pond where owners met buyers and made deals. After the money and the ownership changed hands, the rafts went on another long drive to Wukang, the seat of the county, where sellers and buyers from outside the county made deals.

Back then, Dongshen Village was called Paitou, referring to the bamboo trade and rafts. In the Ming and the Qing, Paitou had more than 70 businesses engaged in transactions of bamboo, wood timber and mountain produces. The village is a major producer of bamboo in the western Deqing. For more than 1,000 years, bamboo has been a major pillar of the local economy. Before the era of highways, all the bamboos were rafted down streams and rivers.

It was not until August 2015 when villagers were exploring local history and culture that bamboo rafts were mentioned again. The elders of the village were excited by a proposal that it was high time to bring the tradition back as a cultural project. They got themselves organized and preparations started. Funds were raised, bamboos were donated, volunteers were picked, advisors and organizers were elected, the river was dredged, and a dam was built to raise the water level.

Xuan Adao, now 80, started his rafting job in 1956. He rode rafts down the river for only four years. He said the villagers now in their 50s had no memory of seeing rafts come down the river. Raft drives were dangerous. Rafts could get entangled in many ways and rafting people got hurt easily. Some were disabled by injuries and some got killed. Only the young people were allowed to ride rafts.

But this time, three relatively old people were chosen to drive the rafts. The 80-meter-long fleet of the rafts was made of 272 bamboo poles. The 56-year-old Sun Caifu steered the rafts in the front. The 61-year-old Xuan Genhuo brought up the rear whereas the 70-year-old Shan Lirong coordinated in the middle. They rode the rafts, maneuvering them with long poles in their hands. It took them more than two hours to travel down the river and reach the destination.

Wang Fengming, an 82-year-old local folklore researcher, recalls how the rafts operated before 1949. Back then, rafts came out of mountains following three routes. All the rafts came to Autumn Moon Pond for deals. Then a new team took the rafting over and drove the rafts down to Wukang. Wang has endorsed the comeback activity at Dongshen Village, saying that the comeback is more than about intangible cultural heritage. It can also be a platform for rural tourism to attract photographers and tourists.

Apparently the rafting has attracted the attention of investors. Chen Lan, a Shanghai investor, has set up a hotel at Dongshen. She believes the village is an ideal tourist destination thanks to its dense forest coverage, ample rainfall and crystal-clear rivers. A local outdoor sporting company is also considering the possibilities of working with Dongshen Village and including rafting as an attraction.
