
2016-04-13 01:02
文化交流 2016年3期

●蔡 荣


●蔡 荣

《啸傲雄风振海天》 叶尚青A painting by Ye Shangqing

《春风拂槛露华浓》 马其宽A painting by Ma Qikuan







《清风疏影》 卢坤峰 A painting by Lu Kunfeng










《新绿成荫》 何水法A painting by He Shuifa





《荷塘》 张 浩 A painting by Zhang Hao





Exhibition Showcases Beauty of Flowers and Birds

By Cai Rong

《梅妻鹤子图》 闵学林 A painting by Min Xuelin

An exhibition went on from December 25, 2015 to February 26, 2016 at Zhejiang Art Museum showcasing more than 300 masterpieces in six halls by 11 contemporary flower-bird painting masters of Zhejiang. They were Zhu Yinren, Ye Shangqing, Lu Kunfeng, Du Manhua, Ma Qikuan, Xu Jiachang, Zhang Hao, Zhang Huasheng, Min Xuelin, He Shuifa and Wu Jingchu. The artists are all in their golden ages: the oldest being 86 years old and the youngest 68 years old. They are considered as the most representative of the contemporary flower-bird art in the province.

The traditional Chinese art covers three major subjects: figures, landscape, and flower-bird. The flower-bird category includes images of flowers, animals, fish, and insects. This category goes back to the Neolithic Age and matured in the 10th century. Since the Southern Song (1127-1279), Zhejiang has produced important flower-bird masters such as Li Di, Wang Mian, Lyu Ji, Xu Wei, Chen Hongshou, Ren Bonian, Wu Changshuo, and Pan Tianshou. These masters of yesteryears are key chapters in the history of traditional Chinese painting.

从左到右 《共怜芳意晚》 吴静初; 《到处赏春光》 朱颖人; 《雨过泉声响岭背》 徐家昌; 《鸿雁》 张华胜From left to right: paintings by Wu Jingchu, Zhu Yinren, Xu Jiachang and Zhang Huasheng

The 11 artists are of different styles. Ye Shangqing, Ma Qikuan, He Shuifa, Zhang Hao and Min Xuelin paint in a style that gives their imagination and freehand brushwork the largest possible freedom.

Ye Shangqing studied under the tutelage of Pan Tianshou. Like his master, he seeks ancient simplicity and averts elaborate strokes in painting and he is good at painting with his fingers. Critics agree that his artistic quest is innovative and forward-looking. Ma Qikuan highlights calligraphy in his paintings. One of his paintings on display showcased the unorthodox treatment of time and space in traditional Chinese painting. Peonies and daffodils, which bloom in different seasons, bear flowers in one painting. He Shuifa enjoys national renown for his robust and ebullient expressions. He seeks full representation in largesize painting.

Zhu Yinren, Xu Jiachang, Zhang Huasheng and Wu Jingchu choose the middle way in their freehand style. They don’t go all out with their freehand impressions. They tend to pay some attention to minute details.

Zhu Yinren, a professor with China Academy of Art who studied under the tutelage of Pan Tianshou, presented a painting of a squirrel at the exhibition. The painting shows the influences of Pan Tianshou and Wu Fuzhi. A versatile artist with a full range of techniques, Xu Jiachang inherits the best of Lu Yifei and has a full range of subjects. The birds he paints are most vivid. Zhuang Huasheng is best known for his unique compositions and perspectives. His Geese showed his unusual thinking. The geese follow one another in the sky, attracting the eye of viewers.

Flower-bird painting allows artists to go to smallest details. Lu Kunfeng and Du Manhua represented this style at the exhibition. Lu is able to swing between the minute painting and freehand painting. He has had profound studies of the flower-bird masterpieces of the Song and the Yuan. He integrates poetry, calligraphy and seal into his painting. Bamboo in Winds on display well illustrated his versatility. A butterfly is painted in the minute style whereas the bamboo is in the freehand style. Moreover, the painting also demonstrated the artist’s superb ink techniques. In traditional Chinese painting, ink can have many shades as if they were different colors. This painting showed the ink colors.

Du Manhua, the only woman represented in the exhibition, demonstrated her uniqueness by showing her minute style. Unlike Lu Kunfeng and other artists who can swing between the freehand and the minute or integrate the two in one painting, Du focuses on details. Her expressions are simple, quiet, light.

If Pan Tianshou, Wu Fuzhi, Zhu Lesan, Lu Yifei, and Deng Bai were the first generation of flower-bird masters of the modern times, then the eleven artists on display at the exhibition are the second-generation flower-bird painting masters of modern times. They displayed regional characteristics and diversity as well as the influences of the modern times.

《凉月照梧桐》 杜曼华A painting by Du Manhua

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