
2016-04-13 08:37李茂春赵晶睛张晓明
中国惯性技术学报 2016年3期

惠 菲,李茂春,马 林,赵晶睛,张晓明,宋 洋

(天津航海仪器研究所,天津 300131)

Abstract: In order to improve the control performance and stability of photoelectric platforms, the fiber optic gyroscope sensor module in the feedback loop is investigated as a case study. The historical output of angular rate, current measurement and random drift of fiber optic gyroscope are fused and compensated. The autoregressive relationship between the FOG’s sequentially outputted autoregressive polynomial of and its random drift are determined with a double-autoregressive model. Then the current output of FOG is used as a measurement, while the historical output and the historical random drift of the FOG are integrated into the state equation of Kalman filter in order to estimate and compensate the FOG’s drift online. Experimental results show that the AR model of the FOG’s random drift can achieve 90% of fitting effect, the random drift can be reduced to 10% after the Kalman filter compensation. In addition, the proposed method can inhibit the FOG’s random drift on the three-axis stabilized platform, and the compensation rate reaches 80%~90%.

Key words: photoelectric platform; random drift; fiber optic gyroscope; information fusion; Kalman filter


惠 菲,李茂春,马 林,赵晶睛,张晓明,宋 洋

(天津航海仪器研究所,天津 300131)

根据三轴光纤陀螺的高精度需求,采用大功率高稳定性的高精度双程后向方案掺铒光纤光源。通过对ASE光源的理论分析建立数学模型,并根据所用掺铒光纤及泵浦光源的参数对光源进行谱型分析,确定光路方案。再以掺铒光纤和泵浦激光器的温度特性和补偿为研究重点,对掺铒光纤的长度和掺杂浓度以及泵浦功率和铒纤的匹配性进行试验,最终采用铒纤长度19 m,泵浦波长974.6 nm,泵浦功率140 mA,得到光源光功率为20 mW,平均波长变化量小于0.5×10-6/℃,满足光纤陀螺对ASE光源的要求。




1 数学模型


图1 三能级示意图Fig.1 Three energy level

式中, Na为 Na能级铒离子浓度, Wab为从 Na能级向Nb能级受激跃迁几率,R为由基态向4I11/2抽运高能级泵浦速率。





设 Ii为光纤中频率为νi的光功率密度,h表示普朗克常量,则有:







经由高级模型的分析,需要考虑泵浦态的激发态吸收、两个空间径向对称的泵浦模的传播、铒离子的吸收以及后向损耗[4]。推导后得980 nm泵浦的上能及粒子数为:

2 双程后向掺铒光纤光源仿真

对1550 nm双通后向超荧光掺铒光纤光源(DPB SFS)的特性进行了理论仿真。通过理论分析与试验我们知道,环境温度变化是导致超荧光掺铒光纤光源平均波长漂移[4]的主要原因,可表示为:



如图2所示:当铒纤长度较短(12 m)时,泵浦光得到充分利用,1530 nm的增益最大,呈现出以1530 nm为主的单峰结构,此时的光谱3 dB线宽较窄,约为7 nm;随着铒纤长度的增加(20 m),1560 nm处增益逐渐加强,双峰高度相近,此时的光谱宽度最宽,适合宽谱需求的高精度陀螺[5]使用;随着铒纤长度的增加,峰值逐步后移,表现为25 m的后峰单峰谱型结构。由于我们此次需要宽谱光源,从图2中可以看到铒纤长度为20 m左右时的图谱较为理想。


图2 120 mW泵浦功率下,不同铒纤长度下的输出光谱Fig.2 Spectra with 120 mW in different lengths of erbium-doped fiber

图3 输出光功率与铒纤长度的关系仿真Fig.3 Output power versus length of erbium-doped fiber

图4 铒纤长度为20 m,不同泵浦功率条件下平均波长与泵浦波长的关系仿真Fig.4 Average wavelength versus pump wavelength with 20 m of erbium-doped fiber in different pump powers

图5 泵浦功率为120mW,不同铒光纤长度下平均波长与泵浦波长的关系仿真Fig.5 Average wavelength versus pump wavelength with 120mW in different lengths of erbium-doped fiber

图6 不同铒纤长度下平均波长与泵浦功率的关系仿真Fig.6 Average wavelength variation versus pump power indifferent lengths of erbium-doped fiber


3 铒纤长度对掺铒光纤光源性能影响的试验

通过上述理论分析与仿真实验,对于影响平均波长变化量有所影响的主要因素进行了实验。试验了铒纤长度的选择对双程后向 ASE光源的平均波长以及带宽的影响,特别是对平均波长稳定性的影响。图 7所示为在定功率下的不同长度铒纤下的光谱,从谱型可以看出,在19 m时的谱型较为适宜。

图8所示为针对泵浦功率进行的实验选取的典型功率值,实验结果表明,当泵浦功率在60~120 mW范围内时,平均波长受泵浦功率的影响约为-6.5×10-6/mW,在这个泵浦功率范围内,泵浦功率的大小对样机平均波长稳定性的影响不大,所以我们可以根据光纤陀螺对输出功率以及带宽大小的要求在此范围内选择合适泵浦功率。

通过实验分析了-40℃~60℃之间光源固有平均波长的变化,最终得到了固有热系数随铒纤长度变化的实验曲线,如图9和图10所示。实验发现我们所装配的DPB ASE光源样机的平均波长稳定性主要受到铒纤长度的影响,也就是说平均波长不稳定性的贡献主要来自于铒纤的固有热系数[8-10],这对超荧光掺铒光纤光源的器件选择和优化设计具有重要参考价值。

图7 不同铒纤长度下的光谱(泵浦功率100mW)Fig.7 Spectra in different lengths of erbium-doped fiber

图8 不同泵浦功率下,平均波长以及带宽随铒纤长度变化的实验曲线Fig.8 Average wavelength and bandwidth versus erbiumdoped fiber length in different pump power

通过以上一系列实验发现,铒纤长度在接近19 m时获得了比较好的稳定性,因此对该长度左右进行细节调试,取得较优的结果。

图9 不同铒纤长度下,铒纤的固有热系数导致的平均波长漂移曲线(泵浦功率100 mW)Fig.9 Intrinsic thermal coefficient versus temperature in different erbium-doped fiber lengths

图10 不同温度条件下,固有热系数随铒纤长度变化的实验曲线Fig.10 Intrinsic thermal coefficient versus erbium-doped fiber length in different temperature

4 结果与分析

根据三轴光纤陀螺光源的实际使用需求,最后针对20 mW的ASE光源进行了非常系统的调试实验,并达到了预期的小于1×10-6/℃的平均波长变化量的需求,试验较好的光源产品可达0.5×10-6/℃。

同时,为了验证光源的稳定性,我们选取部分光源进行了高低温重复性试验。根据时间和设备的调度情况,对光源进行了8个高低温循环的测试。图11所示为测试的平均波长变化量曲线图谱,不仅能看到平均波长变化量的优势,更能体现出光源的稳定性。该ASE光源的光功率为22.4 mW,光谱宽度为36.4 nm, -40℃~60℃全温平均波长变化量为48.8×10-6,全温功率变化为2.1%,定点温度(25℃、-40℃、60℃)重复性小于5×10-6。

图11 双程ASE光源平均波长高低温测试数据图谱Fig.11 Average wavelength variation for double-pass backward ASE light source

5 结 论

ASE光源可以减少系统的相干噪声和光纤瑞利散射引起的相位噪声以及光学克尔效应引起的漂移等,具有输出谱稳定,受环境影响小,易与单模光纤传感系统耦合等优点,是惯性导航级光纤陀螺的首选光源[5]。双程后向ASE光源精度高,有很高的作用效率,能够制作出大功率光源,满足高精度陀螺的各项需求。通过铒纤和泵浦激光器的优化,可以将其精度提高到0.5×10-6/℃以内,试验结果中最优可达 0.3×10-6/℃。但是由于它对功率变化、熔接变化、器件变化十分敏感,仍然要进行不断的调试以求达到最佳值,制作周期长和制作难度较大。如何能缩短调试周期,求得更优的稳定性和重复性是我们依然要努力的。


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Double-pass backward ASE light source for three-axis FOG

HUI Fei, LI Mao-chun, MA Lin, ZHAO Jing-jing, ZHANG Xiao-ming, SONG Yang
(Tianjin Navigation Instrument Research Institute, Tianjin 300131, China)

According to the high-precision requirements of three-axis fiber optic gyro, a double-pass backward ASE (amplified spontaneous emission) light source with high-power and high-accuracy was adopted. The ASE light source’s mathematical mode was established based on theoretical analysis, and the spectral shape was analyzed in experiments based on the parameters of erbium-doped fiber and pump laser to determine its optical path program. Then the erbium-doped fiber’s length and doping concentration as well as the match ability of pump power and erbium-doped fiber was tested based on the stuies on the temperature characteristics and compensation of erbium-doped fiber and pump laser, etc. Test results show that excellent performance of 20 mW light source power is obtained by using 140 mW pump power, 974.6 nm pump wavelength and 19 m erbium-doped fiber, and the average wavelength change is less than 0.5×10-6/℃, meeting the FOG’s requirements.

FOG; amplified spontaneous emission light source; double-pass backward; erbium-doped fiber

Data fusion method in random drift compensation of fiber optic gyroscope

ZHANG Hua-qiang, LI Dong-xing, ZHANG Guo-qiang
(School of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255049, China)

Abstract: In order to improve the control performance and stability of photoelectric platforms, the fiber optic gyroscope sensor module in the feedback loop is investigated as a case study. The historical output of angular rate, current measurement and random drift of fiber optic gyroscope are fused and compensated. The autoregressive relationship between the FOG’s sequentially outputted autoregressive polynomial of and its random drift are determined with a double-autoregressive model. Then the current output of FOG is used as a measurement, while the historical output and the historical random drift of the FOG are integrated into the state equation of Kalman filter in order to estimate and compensate the FOG’s drift online. Experimental results show that the AR model of the FOG’s random drift can achieve 90% of fitting effect, the random drift can be reduced to 10% after the Kalman filter compensation. In addition, the proposed method can inhibit the FOG’s random drift on the three-axis stabilized platform, and the compensation rate reaches 80%~90%.

Key words: photoelectric platform; random drift; fiber optic gyroscope; information fusion; Kalman filter






惠菲(1985—),女,工程师,从事光纤陀螺研究。E-mail: hf58665895@163.com



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