投资 Investment

2016-04-11 07:41:13
中国-东盟博览(政经版) 2016年2期









日前,据泰国促进投资委员会秘书长希叻雅透露,2015 年共有1151个海外直接投资项目获得促进投资,总值4936.9 亿泰铢。这些项目 预期将在未来1~2 年内陆续到位,有助刺激经济及出口增长 9620亿泰铢。


1 Indonesia rail project will act as catalyst for growth

Jan. 21, 2016 (China Daily) -- Indonesia’srst high-speed railway, being built by China, will be a signicant boost to the country’s economy and act as a catalyst for other key infrastructure developments regionally. Titissari Rumbogo, a planning and public policy scholar at the University of Indonesia, said that the line will have a strong “multiplier effect”for economic growth in countries throughout Southeast Asia. The 150-kilometer line, slated to be completed by 2019, will connect the capital city Jakarta and the third-biggest city Bandung, stopping at four stations on the west side of Java during itsrst phase. The high-speed railway is not only the first in Indonesia, but also in Southeast Asia, where new infrastructure development is currently in hot demand, and many view the ambitious project as a blueprint for further regional infrastructure cooperation. China adds more railway passenger services


Jan. 11, 2016 (Xinhua) -- China Railway Corporation (CRC), the country’s rail carrier, updated its service planning diagram, adding 285.5 pairs of passenger trains nationwide. According to the new diagram, the CRC now operates 3,142 pairs of passenger trains across the country, with 1980.5 pairs being bullet trains.The new services came after China overfullled its railway construction targets in 2015 as part of government eorts to improve transport infrastructure and stabilize growth. China put 9,531 kilometers of new rail lines into operation in 2015, while its annual target was 8,000 kilometers. The country invested 823.8 billion yuan (US$ 126.7 billion) in railways, beating the full-year goal of 800 billion yuan.

3 China to launch new fuel price adjustment system

Jan. 17, 2016 (China Daily) -- China’s top pricing regulator is to introduce a moreexible method for pricing domestic fuel, with adjustments allowed if the international oil price fluctuates between US$ 40 and US$ 140 per barrel. The pricing of liquefied petroleum gas will be solely marketbased, according to a statement released by the National Development and Reform Commission. Under the new pricing system, the commission has lowered domestic gasoline and diesel prices by 140 yuan (US$ 21) and 135 yuan a barrel, respectively. The commission said that while China may not lower fuel prices further amid global falls - with oil plunging to a 12-year low of about US$ 30 a barrel - the main concern is protecting the nation’s energy security and promoting the use of resource conservation and new-energy development to combat air pollution.


China advances diversity in trading partners

Jan. 13, 2016 (China Daily) -- China has achieved progress in diversification of trading partners. In 2015, the bilateral trade between China and its largest trading partners - the European Union, the US and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations - stood at 3.51 trillion yuan (US$ 533.52 billion), 3.47 trillion yuan and 2.93 trillion yuan, respectively. The country’s trade with emerging market economies such as ASEAN countries and India performed relatively well. These countries still maintain good economic conditions and a stable political situation, thus becoming an important direction for China’s exports, said Huang Songping, spokesman of the General Administration of Customs.

5Govt eyes cross-border e-commerce to boost exports

Jan. 7, 2016 (China Daily) -- The central government is looking to crossborder E-commerce to provide more support for Chinese exporters. At an executive meeting of the State Council, government ocials said more cross-border E-commerce comprehensive pilot zones should be set up in China to provide more support for export development. Such zones should be set up in cities in East, Central and West China that have better infrastructure, large-scale import and export businesses and a more developed E-commerce industry. The officials said more cross-border E-commerce pilot zones will attract export-orientedrms, advance the growth of new business models and lead to efficient administration. This will provide more job opportunities and help the Chinese export industry reorient itself and win more advantages. Chinese consumers have already fully embraced cross-border E-commerce.

6Guangxi reports 15% rise in foreign trade

Jan. 16, 2016 (Xinhua) -- South China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region reported a 15 percent rise in foreign trade last year, an impressive report against a downward national figure. Export and import values totaled 319 billion yuan (US$ 48.46 billion) in Guangxi in 2015, according togures published by customs authorities in the regional capital Nanning. The figure breaks down into 174 billion yuan of exports and 145 billion yuan of imports, up 16 percent and 13.8 percent respectively year on year. Trade with the ASEAN economies -- which are Guangxi's major trade partners -- totaled 180.3 billion yuan, making up 56.6 percent of its total trade volume and representing a surge of 19.6 percent from 2014.

Jan. 15, 2016 (Xinhua) -- The world’s top 500 firms increased investment in China last year, showing continued confidence in the economic outlook of the world’s second largest economy, according to China’s Ministry of Commerce. Multinational corporations including Germany’s Audi, Italy's Fiat, Samsung from the Republic of Korea and Intel from the US, all increased their investment in China in 2015, each channeling more than US$ 100 million, data from the ministry showed. The number of regional headquarters and research institutes set up by these corporations also continued to rise last year. So far, more than 2,400 research institutes have been established in China by international companies, according to the MOC.

8Foreign lenders required to hold reserves in RMB

Jan. 19, 2016 (China Daily) -- China will require foreignnancial institutions in the country to hold yuan in reserve, as the People’s Bank of China, the central bank, takes steps to curb speculative selloffs of the Chinese currency. This new regulation will come into effect on Jan. 25. Until now, the reserve requirement ratio for overseas banks, or the amount of depositor funds they must keep aside, is zero. For majornancial institutions on the mainland the RRR is 17.5 percent of their total deposit. Foreign central banks, sovereign wealth funds and international financial organizations will not come under the purview of the new requirement. The step is a long-term mechanism that regulates cross-border yuan-denominated funds flows and avoids irrational and speculative sell-offs of the currency, according to the PBOC.

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