
2016-04-09 08:24Marian2011迷失嘟嘟
意林(绘英语) 2016年2期

译/Marian 2011 绘/迷失嘟嘟


What I Have Experienced in Harvard University Was Just Nightmares

译/Marian 2011 绘/迷失嘟嘟

Eric Kester ex perienced the Harvard no one talks about.

His tenure①tenure 英 ['tenjə] 美 ['tɛnjɚ] n. 任期;占有 vt. 授予……终身职位at Harvard is the stuff of nightmares. He survived a brush with②brush with 擦身而过eg. But he couldn't forget his brush with fame and fortune. 但他仍对与荣誉和财富擦肩而过的往事耿耿于怀。a cheating ring, being locked out of his dorm on the first day of school in just his boxers, and being the only one of his friends to move home jobless after graduation.

Kester wrote a humor column f or T he C ri ms on, Harv ard's student newspaper, and wrote for CollegeHumor.com after graduating. Once a publisher read about his mishaps③mishaps mishap的复数形式 mishap英 ['mɪshæp] 美 ['mɪshæp] n. 灾祸;不幸事故;晦气at Harvard, Kester was encouraged to write a book.

"Everyone seemed more accomplished than me, better than me," Kester said. "That's a lot of the same anxiety at any college, but it's really intensified④intensified加强的there at Harvard."

Kest er's lack of conf idence was justified: A t Harvard, he was surrounded by brilliant minds. Kester also joked (well, actually he was serious) that everyone at Harvard was valedictorian⑤valedictorian 英 [,vælɪdɪk'tɔːrɪən] 美 ['vælədɪk'tɔrɪən] n. 告别演说者;致告别辞者of their high school class.

Kester couldn't catch a break⑥catch a break 交好运;松口气eg. Smart phone users just can't seem to catch a break. 智能手机用户似乎都没机会喘口气了。from the start. On his first day at school, freshman move-in day, he locked himself out of his dorm room. He was wearing just his boxers. To get the spare key to his room, Kester had to walk across Harvard Y ard, which was filled with hundreds of students and parents, in just his underwear.

"All these classmates I wanted to impress essentially just saw me do a walk of shame, Kester said. "It made every interaction after that much more anxiety ridden."

Kester continued to struggle with academics and what he wanted to major in. The pressure of Harvard's culture started to push him in the wrong direction.

Cue the cheating club. Classmates knew Kest er was st ruggling in classes and looking for an easy way to succeed. He had a class with someone in a cheating ring, who introduced him to the seedy⑦seedy 英 ['siːdɪ] 美 ['sidi] adj. 多种子的;结籽的;破烂的;没精打采的;下流的world of cheaters at one of the world's most prestigious⑧prestigious 英 [pre'stɪdʒəs] 美 [prɛ'stɪdʒəs] adj. 有名望的;享有声望的universities. "It found me," he said.

T he cheating ring was here to help and Kester's contact wanted to give him all the information about the most common ways to cheat. The most utilized and easiest way to cheat at Harvard is hiding answers in the bathroom. The cheating ring encouraged Kester to v isit the bathroom during tests and take advantage of the answers hidden there, but at the last moment he backed out, afraid to jeopardize⑨jeopardize 英 ['dʒepədaɪz] 美 ['dʒɛpɚdaɪz] vt. 危害;使陷危地;使受危困his academic career.

Kester admits in the book's Note From the Author that he wrote this book to impress a girl and to impress all of his classmates who went on to big business jobs after graduation—even though he just moved home to live with his parents.

He also hopes readers understand that there are good people at Harvard, many of whom made his tumultuous⑩tumultuous 英 [tjʊ'mʌltjʊəs] 美 [tu'mʌltʃuəs] adj. 吵闹的;骚乱的;狂暴的college career worth it. Kester, now 26, currently teaches at Middlesex School outside of Boston.

"I understand this isn't the Harvard everyone experienced," Kester said. "But I hope anyone reading the book, someone going into college, or an alumnus, can relate to the anxieties we all have about college."




“大家看起来都比我成功,比我优秀,” 凯斯特说,“任何大学的很多学生都存在这样的焦虑,可实际上哈佛学生的感觉来得更强烈。”









“我知道,这不是大家眼中的哈佛,” 凯斯特说,“但我希望,读这本书的每个人、即将踏入大学校门的学子或毕业生,都能够认同我们大家都有所体会的大学焦虑。”

女儿考上哈佛 妈妈做的三件事