
2016-04-09 00:18张利ZHANGLi
世界建筑 2016年1期




作者单位:清华大学建筑学院 /《世界建筑》

In Defence of Architecture Print Media







本期的《世界建筑》正是出于这种好奇。在此我们不妨随机摘录一下刊载于现代中国建筑媒体中的一些文章题目:1954,梁思成,《中国建筑发展的历史阶段》;1954,王鹰,《继承和发展民族建筑的优秀传统》;1956,张开济,《反对建筑八股 拥护百家征鸣》;1957,周卜颐,《从北京几座新建筑的分析谈我国的建筑创作》; 1959,大勤,《关于西方的建筑理论问题》;1959,刘秀峰,《创造中国的社会主义的建筑新风格》;1974,荆圭华,《不准丑化我国首都北京的光辉形象》;1975,荆建轩,《劳动人民是建筑发展的动力》;1978,柯明,《关于加速实现建筑工业化的几点看法》;1980,汪坦,《现代建筑设计方法论》;1981,齐康,《法国建筑教育的发展与现状》;1982,吴焕加,《近代建筑革命》;1983,布正伟,《国外现代建筑创作趋向及其启示》;1983,罗小未,《当代建筑中的所谓后现代主义》;1984,石威廉,《试谈建筑师的作用和地位》;1986,戴念慈,《论建筑的风格、内容、形式及其他》;1992,李行,《关于建筑究竟是不是艺术》;1993,张钦楠,《芝加哥宣言:为争取持久未来的相互依赖》;1999,吴良镛,《世纪之交展望建筑学的未来》;2000,鲍家声,《建筑教育发展与改革》;2001,王建国,《城市产业类历史建筑及其地段的改造再利用》;2002,邹德侬,《中国地域性建筑的成就》;2002,李路明,《国外绿色建筑评价体系略览》;2004,周畅,《见证中国建筑50年》;2006,李兆坚,《我国广义建筑能耗状况的分析与思考》;等。


Will print media still be needed for architecture?Many would answer "no". To them, the ubiquitous internet and mobile terminals are making more and more magazines staying permanently wrapped in bags, and leaving more and more journals to be souvenirs to nostalgic readers or scoring sheets to utilitarian academics. In one word, in the minds of nay-sayers, the days of print media are numbered.

This essay is written in defence of print media, at least in architecture. It might be unavoidable that the author is someone from print media, but it is more important that the author is also someone from architecture. Many functions of print media in architecture are irreplaceable. They may be categorised in three groups: those related to the experience of reading, those related to the quality of information, and those related to the process of thinking.

The experience of reading has been an interaction between the subject and the media from the very beginning. In parallel to the key process of information being extracted from the physical media to the neurons, other sensual processes take place. The skin-like touch of paper (or papyrus), the soothing smell, the intimacy of the bound volume, the sound of turning pages, all become parts of the traditional experience of reading. They constitute a substantial source of warmth and pleasure in reading. Aren't architects people who bring warmth and pleasure to spaces?When it comes to architects' own warmth and pleasures in spaces, isn't the browsing of a book by reading light in bed an invincible one?

Architecture reading is notoriously complicated. It includes raw information in all forms: text, images and drawings. Drawings matter. The fine lines depict a lofty space before the trained eyes, and all of a sudden a 3D, immersive environment presents in the brain. Line drawings of plans and sections, either for a building or for a city, all bear this same unique potential. The simultaneous reading of the line drawings requires the reader's eyes to move constantly in the whole extent, zooming in and out seamlessly. The ultimate high resolution of the print media and the non-oppressive visual stimuli consisting of re fl ected lights fi t into this purpose very well. If the digital presentation of architecture images has been widely accepted, the digital presentation of drawings still has a long way to go.

When it comes to thinking, only the slow-deep reading can provide enough time for thinking to follow. Print media is without doubt the best platform for slow-deep reading. With a formidable collection of codes, rules and protocols, print media offers solid support to credibility, precision and reasoning structure, which are fundamental to the process of thinking. Internet platforms fall short in this regard. It has been known to be a source of unveri fi ed information and undeliberated arguments. Most of the internet platforms are suitable to fast-shallow reading. Moreover, we can't expect the free-flow of comments, notes and questions, typical in slowdeep reading, can be provided in computer interface anytime soon. The comment function in the best word processors and document reading apps are still in its infancy.

That is why we must come to print media if we want to trace the evolution of architecture thinking. Actually, a fair research in architecture print media may leads to the identification of certain causes taken by architecture, a big curiosity.

It is with this curiosity that we make this issue of World Architecture. Our thanks to all those who have contributed to this issue, particularly those who themselves work in architecture media and have taken our interviews. It is fair to say that Chinese architecture print media tell a big story of Chinese architecture, bigger than you may think. □

