
2016-04-08 22:35:45河北司更新
教学考试(高考英语) 2016年4期

河北 司更新


河北 司更新

Passage 1

Paying a little extra attention to bike security goes a long way;after all,your bike only needs to be harder to steal than the one next to it. Spend the additional time and money to protect your bike and learn what your best options are for recovering it if all else fails.

1. Invest in good locks. Cheap locks can easily be cut open,especially ones from 99p or dollar stores and some underground sports shops. And thieves know the difference. ____1

2._2_ Using at least two good quality locks of different types will deter thieves that only have the tools to deal with one type,or who don’t want to deal with the extra trouble.

3. Know the neighborhood._3__Your local bike shop or police department should know where the most bike theft occurs.

4._4_Thieves know where commuters(乘车上班族)typically leave their bikes unattended for a full workday,and will be more confident about spending a long time to steal a bike.

5. Lock your bike between other bikes when possible. The bikes at the end of a row of bikes are most visible to thieves. _5_Make sure you don’t lock your bike to another bike with a careless cable lock(钢丝锁).


A. Use two or more different locks.

B. It is also the easiest for them to work on.

C. Thieves are clever enough to unlock any kind of locks.

D. Don’t use a train station or other commuter location.

E. You can find better locks at a bike shop or a general sporting goods store.

F. When possible,avoid leaving your bike in areas with high incidents of bike theft.

G. You can hide your bike anywhere as you like,but thieves can steal it without any difficulty.

Passage 2

This is a very general guide regarding the bare necessities for any pet to be taken care of. Always be nice to your pets and care for them,and contact a veterinarian(兽医)if the animal seems sick or you are concerned in any way. Always remember to give your pets much love,and if you have any questions,ask your local veterinarian.

1._1_Any living being needs water in order to survive. Water should be fresh,clean,purified,and changed daily toensure healthy drinking habits. It’s best to change the water at least twice a day to keep it clean.

2. Do not overfeed your pet._2_ If an animal has too many lipids(脂肪),he or she is more at risk for diabetes,heart disease,some cancers,high blood pressure,and more. This doesn’t mean you should cut lipids,as everyone needs some fat._3_

3. Clean the cage often. This should depend on the pet you have. Typically a pet’s habitat should be clean so it is a good environment for the animal._4_ If it doesnt’ have good living quarters,the animal will get sick more,feel unhappy,and may even become more aggressive or antisocial.

4._5_ Often check for signs of illness,because unfortunately sometimes you do not realize it until it is too late. For any creature,check for any abnormal lumps or bumps,changes in appetite or behavior,different smell,bleeding,or discomfort.


A. Give them food and water.

B. Make sure your pet is healthy.

C. Buy your pets fresh and clean foods.

D. Just be sure to limit this for a fit,healthy pet.

E. Your pets will grow faster by being fed more food.

F. Overfeeding a pet is a common problem that causes obesity.

G. Clean the cage at least once a week if possible and any other times if necessary.

Passage 3

Celebrating a Chinese Wedding

A wedding in my country is a big event._1_ Especially the new couple will be very excited.

When a couple decides to marry,the son’s family makes an appointment with the daughter’s family to get permission for the couple to marry. If the daughter’s family accepts this wedding,both of their families decide the date of the wedding ceremony._2_They spend a lot of time shopping,decorating a new house,and preparing lots of new dresses for the wedding.

The wedding ceremony is in the morning. The bride wears a wedding gown._3_ First,the groom will go to the bride’s house with his friends. A professional photographer takes photos of them with each of their families and friends.

_4_ Before the party,most of the time the new couple will stand at the front door of the restaurant or hotel. They thank everyone for coming. When almost everyone comes, the party begins. The bride and groom have to go from one table to another to thank everybody._5_

Usually,people who come to the wedding party will give the new couple some money that is called Hong Bao.


A. The groom wears a suit.

B. Their parents follow them.

C. They are engaged to be married.

D. Then they prepare for their marriage.

E. The important time is the wedding party.

F. Both families and friends will be very happy.

G. At the same time,they ask the guests whether the dinner is good or not.

Passage 4

Learning English Opens Up a Whole New World

Many people all over the world speak English as their second language. It is not too much to say that it has become an international language._1_ It enables you to watch American movies,read English books and listen to English songs. Moreover,as English is an international language,you will be able to communicate with foreigners when you are on a trip abroad._2__

_3_ In my opinion,it is the best way to improve your English. In addition,it will be fun and it will expand your view of the world. If you make friends with a native speaker,you can practice your spoken English more often and then you can communicate with people around the world. You can also become familiar with the customs and habits of different cultures.

There are some people who are afraid to make friends with foreigners because they are not confident of their English. However,many foreigners do not care about grammar._4_ Therefore,it is unnecessary to be afraid to make friends with them;just go ahead!

Learning English helps us meet different people and learn more about their culture,thus facilitating mutual understanding and harmony._5_

(文章来源:http://www.mofangge.com/html/qDetail/ 03/gl/201208/a585g/03212/25.html)

A. English is as important as Chinese.

B. Studying English can make life fun.

C. Traveling will be more interesting that way.

D. It is a good idea to make friends with foreigners.

E. So they can’t learn English well as the foreigners.

F. Briefly said,English is so useful to us that we should all learn it.

G. They will get your key words in the sentence and figure out the whole meaning.


Passage 1


1. E。这一段的主题句是“Invest in good locks.”,买好车锁。一元店和地下体育用品商店的车锁很容易被撬开,偷车人深知这一点。在自行车店和体育用品综合商店里能够买到好锁。E项符合题意。

2. A 。根据下文内容可知应选A项。空格后句子的意思为:使用至少两种不同类型的高质量车锁会使小偷打消偷车的念头,因为他们只带一种类型的撬锁工具,或者他们不想处理由开两把锁带来的麻烦。

3. F。根据空格前面的“Know the neighborhood.”可知应选F项。这一段主要讲要了解附近的治安状况,要尽量避免把自行车存放在自行车经常被盗的地方。

4. D。根据下文可知应选D项。空格后句子的意思为:小偷都知道乘车上班族通常是在一个完整的工作日里把自行车扔在哪里并且无人看守,所以他们更有信心花很长的时间去偷自行车。这一段的主题句是“不要在火车站和乘车上班族上下车的地方存放自行车”。

5. B。根据空格前面的“The bikes at the end of a row of bikes are most visible to thieves.”可知,应选B项。此处意为:把自行车放在一排车的边沿位置更容易给小偷以可乘之机。他们在那个位置偷车也更方便。

Passage 2


1. A。空格处是段落主题句的位置,该段主要讲给宠物喂水的问题,故选A项。

2. F。根据段落主题句“Do not overfeed your pet.”可知,应选F项。此处意为:不要给宠物过多喂食,由于吃得过多而导致肥胖是宠物常见的问题。

3. D。根据空格前面的内容可知,应选D项。此处意为:如果动物有了太多的脂肪,它就有可能患糖尿病、心脏病、癌症或者高血压这类的疾病。但是这并不意味着要完全减除脂质,因为动物都需要脂肪。只不过是要把它限制在一个健康的宠物所需要的范围之内。

4. G。根据该段的主题句“Clean the cage often.”可知,应选G项。句意为:如果可能的话,每周至少要把兽笼清洗一次或者在其他任何需要清洗的时候清洗。

5. B。空格处是该段的主题句。该段文字主要讲要经常检查宠物的健康状况,故选B项。意为:要确保你的宠物是健康的。

Passage 3


1. F。根据空格前后句可知,应选F项。在我们国家婚礼是一件大事。这一天,新郎和新娘双方的家人和朋友们都非常高兴,尤其是新婚夫妇,他们特别激动。

2. D。根据空格后面的“They spend a lot of time shopping,decorating a new house,and preparing lots of new dresses for the wedding.”可知,然后他们为婚礼做准备,花很多时间购物,装修新房子,为婚礼准备大量的新衣服。故选D项。

3. A。根据空格前面的“The bride wears a wedding gown.”可知,应选A项。新娘穿着结婚礼服,新郎穿西装。

4. E。空格后面主要讲的是婚礼宴会上的情况,由此可知,应选E项,最重要的是婚礼。

5. G。由上文可知,应选G项。当所有的客人来到宴会上的时候,新娘和新郎从一桌酒席走到另一桌酒席,向客人们表示感谢。同时还要询问客人酒席是否合口味。

Passage 4


1. B。根据空格后面的句子可知,应选B项。学习英语能够使生活更加有趣,它使你能够看英语电影、读英文书、听英语歌曲。

2. C。根据空格前面的句子可知,应选C项。英语是国际语言,当你在国外旅行时,你能够用英语与外国人交流。这种方式会使你的旅游更加有趣。

3. D。空格处在首句,是该段的主题句。这一段主要讲的是与外国人交朋友是提高英语交流水平最好的方法,故选D项。

4. G。由空格前面的“However,many foreigners do not care about grammar.”可知,应选G项。许多外国人在交际时并不太注重语法,他们主要听你说话的重点词语,从中领悟你所要表达的意思。

5. F。由上文可知,应选F项。学习英语可以帮助我们认识不同的人,使我们更多地了解他们的文化,从而促进相互之间的理解及和谐共处。


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