
2016-04-08 14:08:55张利ZHANGLi
世界建筑 2016年5期











We have good reasons to feel young and optimistic in May. One of the reasons is that it is time again for us to focus on post-culture-revolution architecture education in China. This time, we will present a community that is indispensable in the development of Chinese modern architecture, namely Tongji alumni. Throughout the history of this community, there has been a persistent inquiry into what Chinese modern architecture is. This community is effectively a key to modernity in Chinese architecture. To continue the norm in our architecture school series, we will study only architecture alumni of Tongji after 1978.

The Tongji inquiry into modernity in Chinese architecture comes from its root. Few will argue that the concept of modernity has been a western construct. In this regard, Shanghai has been a unique substrate in Chinese history (or even in Asian history) which fosters modernity. Shanghai has been performing the role of the key to modern China, as Rhoads Murphey put it. This role started in mid-19th century, and has been continued up to now. When major marks of modernity, such as new industry, new economy and new ideas arrive in China, they arrive in Shanghai first. Putting its colonial arrogance and prejudice aside, William Muirhead's famous sentence in his 1893 speech at the Bund Park, "Shanghai is the pivotal point of our advance civilisation and Christianity influencing the entire China", still gives a tangible proof of the role of Shanghai from an alternative view point. It was from this cultural ground that the Tongji Architecture Department, right from its founding in 1952, inheriting the tradition of both its predecessors, St. John and Zhijiang, defined its identity as the pursuer of Chinese modernity. Propelled by the hard work of generations of talents, Tongji now enjoys a unique place in Chinese architecture education.

The Tongji inquiry into modernity in Chinese architecture has been built into the persona of its people. Modernity in Chinese architecture is by no means a sweet and happy story. Chinese architecture education's take on modernity has been at best a pendulum movement. Most Chinese higher education institutes are mergers between western academic systems and Confucianism core beliefs. According to HWANG Byung-tai, there have been inevitable contradictions between modernity and Confucianism. This partially explains the reluctant attitude towards modernity adopted by many Chinese universities. Tongji is a rare supply in this regard. It doesn't have much Confucianism heritage to live with. That is why Tongji has always been enthusiastic to modernity, both in its pedagogy and its faculty. In its pedagogy, Tongji has a Bauhaus-like tradition which emphasises technology, practicality and innovation. Whether in the Chinese classic-revival time of the 1950s or in the national post-modernism time of the 1990s, Tongji stayed virtually undistracted, adhering to its own modernism preoccupation. In its faculty, Tongji has built a modern academic democracy, something unusual in China. Five decades into its existence, this academic democracy has been found by many to be convincing. Not only has it produced an academic plateau, a collection of numerous influential people and success in a wide range of fields, it has also built a pluralistic institution that is highly compatible with the international systems today. If the impact of the former is still limited to Chinese architecture education, the latter has gone far beyond that, and addresses Chinese higher education as a whole.

The Tongji inquiry into modernity in Chinese architecture has been proven with substance. Ever since Prof. FENG Jizhong's pioneering practice, the Tongji community has been staying in the front row of Chinese modern architecture. From introducing modern architecture into China in the early days, to the design, criticism and communication of today, Tongji hasn't stop evolving. The Tongji community has not only made some of the best buildings in modern China, but also has been collecting a long list of successes in multiple fields: architecture media focusing specifically on contemporary Chinese architecture, modern Chinese exhibitions on cities and architecture, sitting in the juries of prestigious international awards, state-ofthe-art fab-labs, etc. Tongji as a key to modernity in Chinese architecture has not only opened the door of overseas input, but also the door of the other way around.

Self-attack is something modern architecture education has to live with. The famous quote from Collin Rowe proved that. Tongji cannot be immune, particularly when it is located in such a unique city. But history has demonstrated that the Tongji community won't bend to attacks. On the contrary, they have been sharpening themselves and have become more determined in its faith in modernity.

Finally, two things are worth mentioning here about the making of this issue. One is the request from Tongji to publish more than 50 individuals in order to accommodate diversity. To do this they have agreed to cut the size of related materials. The other is the involvement of outsiders in the selection of the final list. Both are examples of openness, pluralism and modernity.

We would like to express our thanks to Prof. LI Zhenyu, Prof. LI Xiangning, Prof. CAI Yongjie, and many others, who have made this issue possible. □

Tongji Architecture Alumni: A Key to Modernity in Chinese Architecture

清华大学建筑学院 /《世界建筑》


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