天津美术学院学报执行主编 邵亮
How do science and technology generate art? What possibilities will the electronic Chinese ink painting trigger?How will “space” be reorganized in such an increasingly digital, virtualized world? In the Exhibition Reviews column of this issue, the new media artists put forward a series of acute questions, and the responses to these questions re fl ect those most cutting-edge changes in contemporary art.
Many of the essays in the Exhibition Reviews and Art Vision columns are concerned with the constant changes in the survival state of art in modern times, as well as the fresh impressions in human mind brought about by these changes. The activity of “Art, Science, Museum” at Tsinghua University is an attempt to combine the rational spirit and emotional pursuit, which is now touched and talked about by people in multiple dimensions.
In the Theoretical Research column etc., the authors analyze at the level of contemporary theory the conditions of the existence of contemporary art. Each of the topics of art derivatives, source of art inspirations and brand concept of design and so on requires in-depth and detailed research on culture and humanities. At present, such kind of research has only just started in many subject areas.
Shao Liang, executive chief editor of Journal of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts
October 2016