尹 蓉
(重庆工商大学融智学院,重庆 401320)
Citation format:YIN Rong.Similarities Between The Monkey’s Paw and Button,Button[J].The World and Chongqing,2016(3):73-75.
英国小说家W.W.雅各布斯(W.W.Jacobs,1863—1943)写过大量的恐怖小说,其中最著名的是《猴爪》(The Monkey’s Paw),曾被多次改编为电影和剧本。小说主人公怀特是个普通而贫穷的人,他从一名来自印度的军士长那里了解到“猴爪”具有神奇功能,可以帮人实现3个愿望,于是不顾朋友的劝阻,向“猴爪”许愿,最后导致了悲剧的发生。
《按钮,按钮》(Button,Button)是理查德·麦瑟森(Richard Matheson,1926—2013)的短篇小说,讲述了主人公诺玛因为听信一个陌生人的承诺——按下神秘装置的按钮,世界上某个地方一个她不认识的人将会死去,而她因此可以获得5万美元——于是不顾丈夫的劝阻,最终按下按钮,可结局却让她感到五雷轰顶。
莫里斯军士长告诉怀特先生一家,“猴爪”被人施了巫术,具有神奇的魔力,可以满足人的3个愿望。这时,作者用“curiously”“leaned forward eagerly”“taking it,examined it curiously”“ persisted the old lady”“eyeing him keenly”和“doggedly”等词汇描写了怀特一家对此表现出的浓厚兴趣和不打破沙锅问到底誓不罢休的决心。而当莫里斯“拿起猴爪,夹在食指和大拇指中间摇晃着,突然把它扔到火上”时,“怀特轻轻地喊了一声,弯下身子赶紧把它拿开”;怀特“从口袋里拿出那个护符,军士长脸上带着一种警告的神色,抓住怀特先生的胳膊,全家三人不禁放声大笑”,这些描述都体现出了怀特一家对军士长谈及愿望时“发白”的脸色和警告的话语不以为是,觉得他是担心过度。同时,怀特先生对于是否许愿开始是矛盾的,“半信半疑”,因为他觉得自己“想要的一切都已经有了”,“根本不知道许什么愿”。在《按钮,按钮》这篇小说中,诺玛最初收到包裹时并没有马上打开,而斯图亚特来访让诺玛变得好奇起来,因为她得知了那个东西或许从“金钱的角度”来说“价值不菲”。尽管丈夫亚瑟认为斯图亚特的说辞“只需按动按钮,世界某个角落的人一个人就会死去,而作为回报,你会因此得到5万美元的报偿”极其荒唐,“不道德”,甚至还让斯图亚特带着那玩意儿滚,诺玛却认为那只不过是有人“开玩笑”,或者是一次“心理测试”。不过,她的好奇还没有结束,第二天早上离开家时,她偷偷地将头天晚上丈夫撕成两半的斯图亚特的名片“放进了钱包”。傍晚,她终于拨通斯图亚特的电话,再次被告知可以按动按钮获得5万美元时,她觉得那太“疯狂”了,并且生气地拒绝斯图亚特。第三天下班回家再次看到被放在门口的包裹时,诺玛没有立刻拿进门,而是进屋开始做晚饭。但是过了一会,好奇心驱使她又神不知鬼不觉地“打开门,捡起包裹”,放到了壁橱里。吃饭时,这个话题又被提起,亚瑟认为如果那样做,无异于“谋杀”,诺玛很吃惊。接下来的那天早上,早餐后亚瑟去上班,诺玛默默地坐在桌旁,有种念头在脑海里挥之不去,在拿出钥匙和打开玻璃罩之前,她“盯”了按钮“好长一段时间”。在整个过程中,好奇心促使诺玛想去一探究竟,但丈夫生气的话又使她矛盾纠结。
《猴爪》中的怀特和《按钮,按钮》中的诺玛虽然都经历了矛盾而复杂的心理斗争,最终还是在侥幸心理下做出了几乎相同的抉择。儿子的话——200英镑可以用来“付清房子的欠款”,这笔钱也可以让他们“发财”,过上“幸福”的生活——使怀特最终下定决心许下愿望,怀特夫人的讽刺也让他觉得这笔钱数目不多,不会对任何人有任何的伤害。诺玛侥幸地认为关于按钮装置这件事只是“某个行为怪异的百万富翁在与人们玩游戏”,或许她按下按钮时死亡的只是“some old Chinese peasant ten thousand miles away”(万里之外中国老农),或者“some diseased native in the Congo”(刚果垂危的病号)。同时,她觉得自己不是“自私的”,而是为了整个家庭的幸福着想,说“That I’d like for us to go to Europe.Like for us to have a cottage.Like for us to have a nicer apartment,nicer furniture,and nicer clothes.”这样她找到了最终按下按钮的自我安慰的借口。
《猴爪》和《按钮,按钮》两篇小说中,两位作家分别赋予“猴爪”和“按钮装置”不可言喻的神奇功能,主人公们因一时的贪念而饱尝失去至亲的痛苦。可悲的是,在失去唯一儿子后,怀特夫人陷入无比的悲伤与绝望中,逼迫老怀特再次拿出“猴爪”许愿,让死去的儿子复活。房门打开了,怀特夫妇看到的只是“对面闪烁不定的街灯照耀着寂静荒凉的大路”。而当电话那头斯图亚特的声音再次响起时,诺玛尖叫起来,质问“You said I wouldn’t know(认识) the one that died!”得到的答案却是耐人寻味的——“Do you really think you knew (了解)your husband?”在一问一答中,作者巧妙运用“know”这个词一语双关,表现出虽然诺玛与丈夫亚瑟朝夕相处,却不知道丈夫真正想要什么。由于不满足现状,他们企图通过不劳而获过上富足高贵的生活,最后却连简单幸福的快乐也失去了。
[3]穆从军.“Button Button”文体赏析[J].安徽师专学报,1995(2).
In this world,there must be someone who is disliked by you as well as appreciated by you.It’s a usual part of you life.Furthermore,no matter how good you are,or others,we are not allowed to demand each other because the essence of things that good or bad does not mean that we subjectively likes or dislikes.
If you please someone deliberately,you will lose your own honor in the end.Do not repeatedly bow to win contempt with indifferent.If you stoop,then the situation will only be condescended and other increasingly dictated.Remembering equal status is based on respecting each other.Nor our likes and dislikes as to distinguish between good guys and bad guys.With emotional tendencies,vision will inevitably fall into narrow-minded.For example,you can’t say it is a bad dog which bites you.Dogs are always to bite,which is dog’s nature and mission.On the other hand,when staring at other’s mistakes,we must see our own flaws.
Of course,the ultimate love is more like an individual experience in another world.Having no reason to prefer one person in full bloom,and you will devote all of yourself into him hopelessly.These both are the greatest love of all.If you just like him in which you are only fit to someone’s temperament,interest and character,it is just liking lightly.The greatest like of all is love,which is adhesion and attraction in your life,as well as is the soul of the persistent together with deep feeling of hope.
This is a strange and big private process.Privatization means that even (you are not only) unlimited right,but also being wrong completely.For sometimes countless looking back at someone,but you can not meet a brush.Sometimes coming up with an angel’s heart,it is not necessarily in exchange for Angel courtesy.If he does not like you,a person will not want to pretend to you once an angel.People don’t need to do a flirtation,although temporary hypocrites that will bring stall-like pain and perfunctory injury which can soothe and intoxicate people.
So in this world,the silliest things we have done are we ask him reasons why he dislikes us.As a matter of fact,there is no reason why he or she dislikes us.You’d better pat the dust,and turn away quietly like a gust of wind scratch and forget this person who dislikes us peacefully.
A person,being dusty to live in this world,should live for people who love you.This is the best attitude.Don’t lost happiness in that place where a person who dislikes you,and don’t forget happy in this place where a man which loves you.
We shouldn’t pursue the things that we shouldn’t get.When you are tired,perhaps other person also is more tired.If stopping and putting down,you will eventually find that sky won’t fall down.
In this world,everyone is creeping in the mud of the secular.Some people love you naturally,but some people are doomed to give you a lesson.The things you elaborate maybe are worthless to another.The things you deep-seated hatred maybe are accustomed to another.Between love and hate,there is always a choice you have to make.So this is life’s true features that there are both intimate warmth and bitter cold.But remember the truth that all these experiences just want to make your life more colorful and more completely.
In the life journey,there will always be some auspicious clouds shroud you.Struggling in the person who you love or dislike is not as good as having a walk under the auspicious clouds with happiness.As we don’t have to own many happy things,one thing is enough.
作者简介:尹蓉(1976—),女,讲师,硕士,研究方向:英语语言文学及英语教育。 张宜阳(1997—),男,河南平顶山人,山东建筑大学学生,研究方向:电气工程及其自动化。
doi:【文学】10.13769/j.cnki.cn50-1011/d.2016.03.015 10.13769/j.cnki.cn50-1011/d.2016.03.016
中图分类号:I106.4 I26
文献标识码:A A
文章编号:1007-7111(2016)03-0073-03 1007-7111(2016)03-0076-02
Similarities Between The Monkey’s Paw and Button,Button
YIN Rong
(Rongzhi College of Chongqing University of Business and Technology,Chongqing 401320,China)
Abstract:Button,Button of Richard Matheson resembles The Monkey’s Paw of W.W.Jacobs a lot.This essay analyzed the similarities between the two short stories from the aspects of the mysterious and terrible atmosphere,curiosity and mental struggling of main characters,final choice and coincident ending.
Key words:mysterious and terrible atmosphere; curiosity and mental struggling; final choice; coincident ending
We Will Always Be an Auspicious Cloud Shrouded in Our Lives
Translator:ZHANG Yi-yang
Author:MO Yan