李星恕,靳莉珍,张 博,熊秀芳,张海辉(. 西北农林科技大学机械工程与电子学院,杨凌 7200; 2. 陕西省农业装备工程技术研究中心,杨凌 7200)
(1. 西北农林科技大学机械工程与电子学院,杨凌 712100;2. 陕西省农业装备工程技术研究中心,杨凌 712100)
摘要:为了找到一种经济便捷的苹果片干燥过程含水率实时检测方法,分析热风温度和风速对干燥过程的影响,该研究实时检测了不同风速和热风温度下苹果片的电阻抗和含水率并分析了其随时间变化的规律。结果表明,干燥过程中苹果片电阻抗随干燥时间的增加而增大,含水率随干燥时间而减小,两者线性负相关(R2≥9.3),因此可以通过电阻抗的变化实时检测苹果干燥过程。苹果片电阻抗和含水率随干燥时间的变化均符合薄层干燥Logarithmic模型;基于电阻抗和含水率分别拟合得出不同条件下的干燥速率,并利用阿伦尼乌斯公式求出苹果试样干燥过程活化能,当风速为0.5和1.0 m/s时,依据电阻抗计算所得活化能分别为32.447和23.212 kJ/mol,含水率计算所得活化能为27.320和22.947 kJ/mol,依据电阻抗计算所得活化能与前人研究活化能值更一致。研究结果可为苹果片干燥过程在线检测和分析提供参考。
李星恕,靳莉珍,张博,熊秀芳,张海辉. 基于电阻抗的苹果干燥过程含水率实时检测及动力学分析[J]. 农业工程学报,2016,32(2):266-272.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.02.038http://www.tcsae.org
Li Xingshu, Jin Lizhen, Zhang Bo, Xiong Xiufang, Zhang Haihui. Real-time monitoring of moisture content and kinetics analysis of apple drying process by impedance measurement[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(2): 266-272. (in Chinese with English abstract)doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.02.038 http://www.tcsae.org
试验材料为新鲜成熟、无损伤、大小相近的洛川富士苹果,购于本地超市。清洗擦干后放置在实验室平衡5 h使苹果完全恢复至室温(22℃),然后除去苹果花萼、果柄、果皮和果核,将苹果切成15 mm×15 mm×11 mm长方体试样,并立即进行干燥试验。试样初始湿基含水率为84%。
将苹果试样置于洞道干燥装置(DG100D,浙江中控科教仪器设备有限公司)内,调节干燥装置分别设定干燥温度为40、50、60和70℃,风速为0.5和1.0 m/s,进行不同条件的热风干燥试验[26-28],并在干燥过程中检测苹果试样阻抗特性的变化。空气相对湿度为5%。苹果试样热风干燥及阻抗检测系统如图1所示。首先在仪表盘上设定干燥温度和热风速度,干燥系统启动后,空气从进口进入到电加热装置,变成热风后进入干燥室;待仪表控制盘上显示实际温度达到设定温度后,打开干燥室,把6个相同的苹果试样均匀放置在干燥室中网状托盘上进行单层干燥试验。其中1个试样用来检测阻抗特性的变化,另5个试样用来检测含水率的变化。干燥过程中,每20 min检测一次含水率和阻抗特性的变化。每个试验重复3次。
检测含水率的变化时,每隔20 min迅速取出其中的5块样品测其质量并迅速放回干燥设备,直至前后两次质量差小于0.01 g终止试验。
利用LCR测试仪(LCR3532-50,日置公司)和自制不锈钢针状电极测量苹果试样的阻抗特性,两电极间距为5 mm,插入苹果样品深度为8 mm。预试验结果表明,采用针状电极能够有效避免干燥过程中体积收缩对测量结果的影响。每隔20 min,计算机控制LCR测试仪连续测量苹果试样在21个频率点下的阻抗值和相位角,计算机自动记录并保存数据。含水率测量结束时也停止检测试样阻抗特性。测量电压为1 V,频率范围为42 Hz~5 MHz[27]。
图1 苹果试样电阻抗检测系统Fig.1 Electrical impedance measurement system of apple slice
干燥过程中苹果试样阻抗随频率变化如图2所示。由图2a可知,在干燥过程中同一时刻,阻抗随着频率的增加而减小;干燥过程中,苹果试样的阻抗随着时间的增加而增大;增加的幅度随着频率的增加而减小,高于1 MHz时每条时间曲线几乎重合。
图2 干燥过程中苹果阻抗和相位角随频率的变化Fig.2 Change of impedance and phase angles with frequencyduring drying process of apple slice
图3 干燥过程中苹果试样的Cole-Cole图Fig.3 Cole-Cole plot of apple slice during drying process
由图2a可知,频率为1 kHz时,阻抗随时间变化明显且均匀,而且消除了电极极化对阻抗的影响[31],因此选择1 kHz下的阻抗研究苹果试样干燥过程。热风速度为0.5 m/s时不同温度条件下电阻抗随时间的变化如图4所示。热风速度1m/s时电阻抗随温度的变化趋势相同,这里没有给出。
图4干燥过程阻抗随时间的变化关系Fig.4 Impedance changes with time during drying process
图5 归一化阻抗和含水率随时间变化Fig.5 Normalized Impedance and moisture content change with time
图6 干燥过程含水率与归一化阻抗关系Fig.6 Relationship of moisture content and normalized impedance during drying process
表1 归一化阻抗与含水率的线性拟合Table 1 Fitting parameters between normalized impedance and moisture content
图7 干燥过程中归一化阻抗和含水率随时间的变化Fig.7 Normalized impedance and moisture content change over drying time in different temperatures
表2 基于电阻抗的干燥动力学模型拟合结果Table 2 Drying kinetics parameters by normalized impedance
表3 基于含水率的干燥动力学拟合结果Table 3 Drying kinetics parameters by moisture content
式中k为干燥速率常数,h-1;A为指前因子,h-1;Eɑ为活化能,kJ/mol;R为摩尔气体常量,8.314 J(mol·K);T为绝对温度,K。
根据logarithmic模型拟合可得不同干燥温度下干燥速率常数,然后以lnk和1/T作线性回归,直线的斜率为−Eɑ/R,截距为lnA,可求出苹果试样干燥过程活化能Eɑ。当风速为0.5和1.0 m/s时,基于阻抗得到的活化能分别为32.447和23.212kJ/mol;基于含水率计算得出的活化能分别为27.320和22.947 kJ/mol。Mohsen的研究结果表明,苹果干燥过程活化能范围为26.72~35.83 kJ/mol[28],基于电阻抗得到的活化能更接近于该值,也间接验证了通过电阻抗检测分析苹果干干燥过程的可行性。风速增大,活化能减小,说明相同温度条件下,风速越大苹果试样越容易干燥。出现这种现象的原因,是由于不同的风速对于苹果试样的组织状态、结构等的影响不同,从而影响到干燥活化能[39]。
3)在风速为0.5和1.0 m/s时由电阻抗拟合得到的干燥速率计算所得活化能分别为32.447和23.212 kJ/mol;由含水率计算得出的活化能分别为27.320和22.947 kJ/mol。
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Real-time monitoring of moisture content and kinetics analysis of apple drying process by impedance measurement
Li Xingshu1,2, Jin Lizhen1, Zhang Bo1, Xiong Xiufang1, Zhang Haihui1
(1. College of Mechɑnicɑl ɑnd Electronic Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Yɑngling 712100, Chinɑ; 2. Shɑnxi Engineering Reseɑrch Center for Agriculturɑl Equipment, Yɑngling 712100, Chinɑ)
Abstract:Apple is one of the most competitive agricultural exports in China, accounting for about 30% of the total production of fruits. Unsuitable preservation or storage methods can lead to the loss, which may amount for 30% of the total. To reduce the loss of apples after harvesting, deep processing is an appropriate method. As a kind of snack food, dried apple slice is produced by a drying process and the natural flavor of apple can be retained. During the drying process, the drying temperature and time have a great influence on the apple slice quality. To develop a new method to monitor and characterize the drying process of apple slices as well as evaluate the influence of the drying temperature and time on this process, the electrical impedance and moisture content of apple tissues were measured during the drying process under different conditions. The hot air temperature was set to 40, 50, 60 and 70℃, and the hot air speed was set to 0.5 and 1.0 m/s, respectively. The 6 same apple samples were placed in the drying chamber for drying test. One sample was to detect the change of the impedance characteristics, and the other samples were used to detect the change of the moisture content. The interval measurement time was 20 min. Until the mass difference of the 2 successive measurements for one sample was less than 0.01 g, the experiment was stopped. Results showed that the electrical impedance of apple slices increased with the increase in the drying time, and t he increase rate was slow in the early stages and fast in the latter part of the drying process. The moisture content decreased during the drying process, and the decrease was fast at the beginning and slow in the latter part. Thus, the variation tendency of moisture content was contrary to that of electrical impedance during the process. The electrical impedance of apple slices showed a negative linear correlation with the moisture content when the moisture content was more than 20%. So electrical impedance measurement could provide a simple and rapid approach for predicting the moisture content, and furthermore it was capable of monitoring and evaluating the drying process of apple slices. The curves of the normalized electrical impedance and moisture content with the drying time could be approximated with the logarithmic drying model which could describe the characteristics of the drying process. The rate constant of the model at various temperatures was estimated by the normalized impedance and moisture content. The rate constant increased with the increasing of drying temperature. Then to analyze the effect of temperature on the drying rate constant, the rate constants at different temperatures were formulated by the Arrhenius equation. Based on the obtained rate constants at different drying temperature, the activation energy was calculated. It was found that when the speed of drying hot air was 0.5 and 1.0 m/s, the activation energy calculated from the normalized impedance was 33.925 and 28.912 kJ/mol, respectively; the calculated activation energy from the moisture content was 27.320 and 22.947 kJ/mol, respectively. The activation energy decreased with the increasing of hot air speed, which indicated that the higher the hot air speed, the faster the drying of apple slices. The findings are useful to monitor the drying process of apple slices and have the potential applications in the control of fruit drying process.
Keywords:electrical impedance; drying; kinetics; models; activation energy; apple slices