
2016-03-21 05:54:35邓晰朝
广西植物 2016年1期


(河池学院化学与生物工程学院,广西宜州546300 )



(河池学院化学与生物工程学院,广西宜州546300 )

摘要:野雉尾金粉蕨为中国蕨科金粉蕨属植物,而金粉蕨属的系统位置一直存在争议。该研究用原生境腐殖土和改良克诺普氏( Knop’s)营养液对野雉尾金粉蕨的孢子进行培养,培养条件为温度25℃、光照强度2 500 lx、光照12 h/d,在光学显微镜下观察记录其孢子萌发和配子体发育过程。结果表明:野雉尾金粉蕨的孢子为黄褐色,四面体型,三裂缝,赤道面观为扇形,具周壁,外壁表面具网状纹饰。孢子培养7 d后开始萌发,孢子萌发类型为书带蕨型( Vittaria-type)。孢子萌发后,配子体原始细胞经多次横向分裂形成3~9个细胞的丝状体,丝状体细胞呈圆筒形,壁薄,侧壁向外鼓起,含有颗粒较大且数量较多的叶绿体。15 d左右发育为片状体,片状体多为匙状。25 d左右形成幼原叶体,幼原叶体不对称,配子体发育类型为水蕨型( Ceratopteristype)。在原叶体发育过程中分枝丝状体非常发达,配子体呈丛状生长,整个发育过程没有毛状体产生。野雉尾金粉蕨的假根为单细胞管状,偶有分支,内无叶绿体。45 d左右精子器开始出现,精子器顶面观近圆形,侧面观为近椭圆形或短柱状。精子器成熟时,盖细胞裂开,精子逸出。60 d左右颈卵器出现,颈卵器比较大,基部略大于顶部,侧面观呈烟囱状,顶面观为铜钱状,颈部由四列细胞构成。90 d左右发育出肉眼可见的幼孢子体。从研究结果看,其配子体发育的特征与凤尾蕨科( Pteridaceae)凤尾蕨属( Pteris L.)相似,支持金粉蕨属归于凤尾蕨科的观点。该研究结果为野雉尾金粉蕨系统学研究提供了配子体发育方面的证据。


邓晰朝.野雉尾金粉蕨配子体发育及其系统学意义[J].广西植物,2016,36( 1) : 96-100

DENG XC.Gametophyte development in Onychium japonicum and its systematic significance[J].Guihaia,2016,36( 1) : 96-100

Gametophyte development in Onychium japonicum and its systematic significance

DENG Xi-Chao

( School of Chemistry and Bioengineering,Hechi Universtiy,Yizhou 546300,China )

Abstract:Onychium japonicum falls into the category of Onychium Kaulf.of Sinopteridaceae; however,the alliance of Onychiumremains controversial.In this study,the spores of O.japonicum were artificially cultured in the original habitat humus soil and improved Knop's nutrient solution in a constant temperature of 25℃with 12 h of light and dark respectively per day and 2 500 lx of light intensity.Spore germination and gametophyte development were observed and recorded at every stage under the microscope.The results indicated that mature spores were tawny,tetrahedral,3-colporate,with fan-shaped equatorial view,perispore and reticulation on the surface of the exine.The germination procedure was Vittaria-type while the gametophyte development was Ceratopteris-type.The spores cultivated in either of the two substrates began to germinate about 7 d and their germination shared the same Vittaria-type.With multiple transverse fission,the original gametophyte cell gradually turned into 3-9 protonemata with cylindrical shape,thin perispore,lumpy lateral exine and numerous granular chloroplasts.After about 15 d,the spores developed into prothallial plates and most of prothallial plates appeare spatulate.book=97,ebook=102And 25 d later,young prothalliums were formed but they were not symmetrical; meanwhile,the gametophytes developed were Ceratopteris-type.When the prothalliums were developing,branching protonemata were flourishing and gametophytes were becoming fasciculate without any trichome.The rhizoids of O.japonicum,occasionally branching and lacking chloroplasts,were unicellular and tubular.After about 45 d,antheridium,composed of a cap cell,a ring cell and a basal cell,emerged from the edge of several irregular prothalliums.When the antheridium became mature,the cap cell split and sperm spilt.The antheridium looked like a circle from the top and an oval or a short column from the side.About 60 d later,a large archegonium was clearly visible.Its base was bigger than the top.It looked like a coin from the top and a chimney from the side.Its neck consisted of four rows of cells.When the archegonium was fully developed,sperm entered and fertilized the egg cell inside.Half a month later,a young embryo could be clearly seen.About 90 d after sowing,the spores developed into juvenile sporophytes which were visible to the naked eye.It could be concluded from the findings that O.japonicum shared similar characteristics with Pteris of Pteridaceae in terms of gametophyte development.Therefore,O.japonicum could be classified into the Pteridaceae family.The study would provide evidence for the phylogenetic study of O.japonicum from the perspective of gametophyte development. Rheum,a highly diversified genus of Polygonaceae,comprising about 60 species,is mainly distributed in the mountainous and desert regions in Asia and Europe.Its high diversification in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and adjacent areas,where approximately 40 species have been described,was suggested to result from the adaptive radiation triggered by the recent uplifts of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and the quaternary climate oscillations.To further understand the molecular adaptation linked to Rheum radiation,the adaptive evolution of chloroplast ndhF gene belonging to 34 morphologically diversified species of the genus Rheum were tested by using the Phylogenetic Analysis Program in this study.The results showed that the pattern of phylogenic tree was a typical“paralleling”phylogeny,suggesting a radiative diversification.Three amino acid sites ( 188H,465H,551L) of NDHF subunit were identified under positive selection (ω>1),and the secondary structures of NDHF subunit showed that the 188th amino acid was located in the α-helix.The changes of these adaptive sites may be associated with the evolution of NDH to adapt the extreme habitats of Rheum species caused by the extensive uplifts of the QTP and the quaternary climate oscillations.

Key words:Onychium japonicum,spore germination,gametophyte development,systematic significance Rheum ( Polygonaceae),ndhF gene,branch-specific model,site-specific model,positive selection

野雉尾金粉蕨( Onychium japonicum)又名野鸡尾,为中国蕨科( Sinopteridaceae)金粉蕨属( Onychium Kaulf.)植物,在我国广泛分布于华东、华中、东南及西南;日本、菲律宾、印度尼西亚(爪哇)及波利尼西亚也有分布。生林下沟边或溪边石上,海拔50~2 200 m(秦仁昌和刑公侠,1990)。全草有解毒作用,临床用于治疗跌打损伤、烫火伤、疔疮、胃肠炎、黄疸、便血、痢疾等(丁恒山,1982)。其孢粉学、化学成分研究已有报道(于晶等,2001;李明潺等,2010),但有关配子体发育的研究尚未见有报道。


1 材料与方法





先将原生境腐殖土和碎砖块分别装在培养皿中进行高温灭菌,待其冷却后分别加入蒸馏水和改良Knop's营养液湿润,然后将孢子直接播种于培养皿中培养。培养条件:温度为25℃,光照强度为2 500 lx,光照12 h/d。在孢子萌发、配子体发育各个阶段,用光学显微镜观察并拍照记录。

2 结果与分析


野雉尾金粉蕨的孢子为黄褐色,四面体型,三裂缝,极面观为钝三角形,赤道面观为扇形,具周壁,外壁表面具网状纹饰(图版I: 1,2)。孢子培养7 d以后开始萌发;孢子萌发时,外壁开裂,先长出短棒状的假根,假根白色透明,没有叶绿体;随后自裂缝处长出内含叶绿体的细胞(图版I: 3) ;在这过程中可以观察到孢子外壁裂为3瓣,最后孢子壁多数宿存于基部。孢子萌发类型为书带蕨型( Vittaria-type) ( Nayar&Kaur,1971)。两种基质培养的萌发时间大致相同,萌发类型一样。


配子体原始细胞经过多次横向分裂,形成3~9个细胞长的丝状体(图版I: 4-6) ;丝状体细胞呈圆筒形,壁薄,侧壁向外鼓起,细胞叶绿体颗粒较大且数量较多,呈鲜绿色。有的丝状体进行纵向分裂,从一维的线状向二维生长,出现不规则的分枝状(图版I: 7)。有的丝状体有长短细胞的区别,短细胞呈圆筒形,壁薄,侧壁向外鼓起;长细胞呈长圆柱状。长、短细胞的长度比例悬殊,细胞内的叶绿体分布不均匀且较少,顶端细胞的叶绿体较多(图版I: 8)。这种丝状体在改良Knop,s营养液培养中较常见。三种类型的丝状体假根均分布于其基部,且基部膨大。2.3片状体

图版I野雉尾金粉蕨配子体发育 1.孢子极面观; 2.孢子赤道面观; 3.孢子萌发; 4-8.丝状体; 9-12.片状体; 13.幼原叶体; 14.原叶体阶段; 15.成熟原叶体; 16-17.配子体呈丛状生长; 18.再生现象; 19.原叶体营养细胞; 20-21.假根; 22-23.精子器; 24.颈卵器。Plate I Gametophyte development of Onychium japonicum 1.Polar view of spore; 2.Equatorial view of spore; 3.Spore germination; 4-8.Filament; 9-12.Prothallial plate; 13.Young prothallus; 14.Prothallus; 15.Mature prothallus; 16-17.The cluster prothallia; 18.Regeneration phenomenon; 19.Vegetative cells of the prothallus; 20-21.Rhizoid; 22-23.Antheridium; 24.Archegonium.

在孢子萌发后的第8天左右,片状体形成。丝状体顶端细胞不仅横向分裂,而且纵向分裂,反复横、纵向分裂形成了片状体。有的丝状体在2细胞长时就开始进行纵向分裂,其基部细胞较大呈双列的丝状,顶部细胞较小且多;顶部楔形的细胞不断交叉分裂,使得整体呈片状(图版I: 9)。大多数丝状体长到4~8个细胞后,开始纵向分裂,片状体前端细胞均处于分裂状态成为分散生长,而后形成一片无规则排列的细胞,片状体基部仍维持丝状体形态,整体成为匙状(图版I: 10,11 )。分枝的丝状体,每个分枝都可以形成片状体(图版I: 12)。


孢子培养约25 d后,片状体产生分生组织,幼原叶体形成。当片状体前端形成宽至6~8个细胞时,在其一侧出现凹陷(即生长点),凹陷处细胞呈楔形并且排列紧密,此时由片状体阶段进人了幼原叶体阶段(图版I: 13)。片状体一侧的楔形细胞进行左右交替的斜向分裂,使片状体向两侧扩展,同时生长点的凹陷处也不断加深;此时在幼原叶体上可以观察到丛生的假根,假根由原来的白色透明变成了褐色(图版I: 14)。随着分生组织的不断分裂,最终产生的大型原叶体多为不规则的心脏形(图版I: 15),在配子体的基部常常会见到分枝的丝状体(图版I: 16)。配子体发育为水蕨型( Ceratopteris-type) ( Nayar&Kaur,1971)。

野稚尾金粉蕨的分枝丝状体非常发达,且基部的丝状体能持续地发育为片状体和原叶体,从而使原叶体呈丛状生长(图版I: 17)。配子体发育的各时期,都会发生再生现象,即在其边缘或生长点部位出现形状不规则的片状体。原叶体边缘也能产生新的片状体,又再产生精子器(图版I: 18)。原叶体营养细胞呈多边形,叶绿体分布比较均匀(图版I: 19),整个发育过程没有毛状体产生。


在配子体发育过程中,孢子萌发时首先产生第一条白色透明假根,以后随着发育的进行,在丝状体、片状体的基部、边缘细胞以及原叶体腹部不断长出假根(图版I: 20)。在片状体的初期假根集中分布于基部丝状体的细胞上,进入片状体末期,在靠近片状体基部的边缘细胞可以观察到长而细白色透明的假根;进入幼原叶体阶段可以观察到丛生的假根,且假根由原来的白色透明变成了褐色。野雉尾金粉蕨的假根为单细胞管状,偶有分支(图版I: 21),内无叶绿体。


播种约45 d后原叶体陆续发育长出精子器,但在播种约30 d后,也可以观察到少数不规则原叶体边缘出现精子器。精子器多发生于原叶体假根丛深处或不规则原叶体的边缘(图版I: 22),数量较多;精子器顶面观近圆形,侧面观为近椭圆形或短柱状,由盖细胞、环细胞和基细胞组成(图版I: 23) ;精子器成熟时,盖细胞开裂,精子逸出。有的精子溢出后,卷缩成近球形,静止不动,几秒后做旋转运动;有的精子一溢出就开始旋转运动。精子借助原叶体表面的水分游动直至颈卵器完成受精。

颈卵器在播种60 d左右出现,一般生长于生长点附近。颈卵器比较大,基部略大于顶部,侧面观呈烟囱状,顶面观为铜钱状,颈部由四列细胞构成,4~5层细胞高(图版I: 24)。刚开始时数量较少,随着原叶体不断生长发育,颈卵器的数量不断增多。颈卵器发育成熟后,又有新的颈卵器产生。精子进入到颈卵器内和卵细胞结合即可完成受精作用,受精后半个月内即可观察到幼胚,受精一个月后长成肉眼可见的幼孢子体。

3 讨论

金粉蕨属约有10种,分布于亚洲热带和亚热带,非洲仅1种,中国现有8种。本属可分以下2个自然组:金粉蕨组( sect.Chrysonychium)和野雉尾组( sect.Onychium.),金粉蕨组只有金粉蕨( Onychium siliculosum) 1种,分布于热带干旱河谷,野雉尾组有7种,生境不同于金粉蕨(秦仁昌和刑公侠,1990)。

代小菲等( 2010)曾对金粉蕨配子体发育进行过研究,认为金粉蕨配子体分枝发达,成熟配子体呈丛状,配子体的分枝和簇生习性可能是其对旱生环境的适应。与金粉蕨配子体发育相同,野雉尾金粉蕨配子体也有分枝和簇生习性,但野雉尾金粉蕨的分布比金粉蕨广,生境较多样,所以该习性是否是对旱生环境的适应也值得商榷。另外,与金粉蕨配子体发育为专性无配子生殖不同的是,野雉尾金粉蕨配子体能产生正常的颈卵器。笔者认为这种差异可能与金粉蕨只分布于热带干旱河谷有关,是其适应特别干旱环境的生殖对策。

金粉蕨属的系统位置一直存在争议。于晶等( 2001)通过对中国金粉蕨属孢子形态的研究认为:本属孢子形态与中国蕨科其它属的孢子差别较大,而与凤尾蕨科( Pteridaceae)的凤尾蕨属( Pteris L.)的大部分种的纹饰相近,建议将金粉蕨属从中国蕨科分出,放入凤尾蕨科(于晶等,2001)。杨文利和张钢民( 2005)曾对金粉蕨属、珠蕨属和中国蕨科的典型成员中分别选取代表类群,测定了10个种的rbcL序列,结合其他相关类群的序列资料进行系统发育分析,他们认为金粉蕨属位于凤尾蕨群这一分支,该属与凤尾蕨属的关系近缘。从分子系统学的角度来看,金粉蕨属既不属于中国蕨科,也不属于珠蕨科,而应归入凤尾蕨科(杨文利和张钢民,2005)。野雉尾金粉蕨的孢子为黄褐色,四面体型,三裂缝,外壁表面具网状纹饰;孢子萌发类型为书带蕨型,片状体多为匙状,配子体发育为水蕨型;在原叶体发育过程中分枝丝状体非常发达,配子体呈丛状生长,整个发育过程中无毛状体发生;这些特征与凤尾蕨属配子体发育特征一致(沈建等,2009;程薪宇和刘保东,2010)。基于野雉尾金粉蕨配子体发育的特征与凤尾蕨属相似,支持金粉蕨属归于凤尾蕨科的观点。


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CLC number: Q941.2Document code: AArticle ID: 1000-3142( 2016) 01-0101-06

Adaptive evolution of the ndhF gene in the genus Rheum ( Polygonaceae)

LI Jing-Jian1,2,LIU He-Xia2,MAO Shi-Zhong2,ZHAO Bo2,3,HUANG Shi-Xun2*

( 1.College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642,China; 2.Guangxi Institute of Botany,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guilin 541006,China; 3.Institute of Chinese Materia Medica,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100193,China )

作者简介:邓晰朝( 1969-),女,广西桂平人,硕士,副教授,主要从事植物学教学以及植物系统学的研究工作,( E-mail) hcxydxc@ 163.com。

基金项目:国家自然科学基金( 31460049)[Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( 31460049)]。

收稿日期:2014-07-27修回日期: 2014-11-28




文章编号:1000-3142( 2016) 01-0096-05