
2016-03-17 08:04:21邱伟伟中国石油化工股份有限公司石油勘探开发研究院地面工程研究所
石油石化节能 2016年2期








1 太阳能在稠油热采中的应用


常用的槽式太阳能蒸汽发生器示意图如图1所示。水在真空管镜场集热列阵中吸收汇聚的太阳能,由镜场入口依次经过预热段、蒸发段,最终在镜场出口被加热成为饱和蒸汽。经过蒸汽、水分离装置将二者分离,分离得到的水通过循环泵重新加入循环,产生的蒸汽则可以投入工业应用。可以根据所需蒸汽温度、流量的不同来确定镜场集热列阵的规模。以一种7列、总集热器长度980 m(其中预热段长度294 m,蒸发段长度490 m,过热段长度196 m)的槽式太阳能集热器列阵为例,蒸汽温度可达到290℃,过热段温度可以达到411℃[4]。

图1 太阳能蒸汽发生器示意图


2011年,GlassPoint Solar公司在加利福尼亚安装了第1台太阳能提高采收率装置。同年,BrightSource Energy公司与雪佛龙公司在加利福尼亚Coalinga油田合作建成了功率为29 MW的太阳能蒸汽生产设备[5]。

阿曼国境内大部分地区全年太阳辐射量超过2000 kWh,且由于地处低纬度地区,阳光照射随季节的周期性变化低,适合使用太阳能蒸汽生产装置用于稠油开采。2013年,在阿曼Amal West油田实施了太阳能热采工程,通过太阳能每天生产50 t蒸汽注入蒸汽管网。经过1年多运行表明,在中东地区沙漠环境下使用太阳能蒸汽生产系统用于提高采收率是可行的,系统正常运行时间为98.6%,且在沙暴环境中仍可以正常运行。我国稠油资源主要分布在新疆、辽河、胜利等地区,这些地区太阳能资源较为丰富,同样具备太阳能集热稠油开采的良好条件。

2 太阳能在原油储运中的应用



图2 太阳能加热原油工艺流程


原油在输往下一计量站之前,温度需要由25~ 30℃加热至50~55℃,要求集热器内水的出口温度达到70~80℃。因此,太阳能集热器要求热效率高,运行可靠,有足够的承压能力,考虑冬季运行需求,还要求具备较好的抗冻能力。常用的太阳能集热器有平板式集热器、全玻璃真空管集热器、热管式真空管集热器3种。从热效率方面来看,平板式集热器在进口水温与环境温度差值较小时热效率较高,但随着温差增加热效率降低较快;真空管集热器热效率受温差影响较小,即使温差高于90℃也可以保持较高的热效率。从承压能力、长期运行稳定性及抗冻能力方面考虑,平板式集热器承压能力较强,运行稳定,但抗冻能力较差;全玻璃真空管集热器抗冻能力较好,但承压能力较差,运行稳定性差;热管式真空管集热器承压能力强,运行稳定,抗冻能力强。不同类型的集热器各有特点,现场应根据具体情况,选用经济、有效的集热器。

目前,国内外油田中使用太阳能加热原油应用较为广泛,尤其对于日照时间长,太阳辐射量大的地区,适合采用太阳能作为单一热源或辅助热源进行原油加热。我国江苏油田、辽河油田均具备优良的太阳能利用条件。2006年,江苏王龙庄油田T83-1井应用30组、总集热面积60 m2的热管式真空管集热器太阳能辅助电加热系统进行现场试验,表现出较好的适用性。在7—9月日照充足的情况下,电加热系统可完全停用,其余月份则太阳能系统和电加热系统交替使用,使用该系统后年节约电量约4×104kWh。试验成功后,2008年在李堡油田推广了太阳能集热系统的应用,建成太阳能集热器面积262 m2、内置电加热器的25 m3蓄热罐1座[7],改变了油田站库以燃油、燃气锅炉为主的传统供热模式,大大降低了能源消耗。

辽河油田2005年建立了以太阳能为主的原油加热储运系统,太阳能集热器面积392 m2,总占地面积792 m2,并改进了换热器中的换热管结构,总换热面积达到55 m2。当日照条件较好时,可以单独使用太阳能给循环流体加热,多余的热量存储到蓄热器中;日照条件不理想时,可以直接使用水套炉给流体加热。该系统投入使用以来,平均每天节约天然气消费量30%[8],收到了良好的效果。

3 存在问题




4 结论






[2] RALPH S,HORKONDEE J.Application of solar energy to producing operations of oil and gas field[J].Journal of Petroleum Technology,1979(2):151-154.


[4] FRAIDENRAICH N,OLIVEIRA C,CUNHA A,et al. Analytical modeling of direct steam generation solar power plants[J]. Solar Energy,2013,98:511-522.

[5] PALMER D,O’DONNELL J.Construction,Operations and Performance of the First Enclosed Trough Solar Steam Generation Pilot for EOR Applications[C].SPE-169745-MS.



[8] HE Z N.Application of solar heating system for raw petroleum during its piping transport[J].Energy Procedia,2014,48:1173-1180.



截至12月16日,大牛地气田今年累计产气33×108m3。入冬以来,天然气市场需求增加,中石化华北油气分公司前线指挥部、采气一厂、华北工程公司等单位开足马力安全供气,确保山东、河南等地用气需求。日前,日产气量已经提升至1060× 104m3,预计明年元月日产气将达1200×104m3。




Research on energy-saving & consumption-reducing technology for gas engine reciprocating compressor set

Lin Shiwen (PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gas field Company Safety Environment & Technology Supervision Research Institute) 2016,6(2):01-03

Abstract:Gas engine reciprocating compressor set is the main process equipment for the pressurization system in gas exploitation,gathering and transportation.Its energy-consumption is huge and the operation efficiency is low.Based on the practice of gas field exploitation,four major energy-saving technologies for the compressor set have been put forward such as enhancing the cooling effectiveness and cutting down the flow loss to reduce the compressor power loss,adjusting the load of the compressor set and optimizing the operating conditions to enhance the adaptability of the set,improving the ignition advance angle and reducing the thermal loss of the engine to increase the engine efficiency,optimizing the muffler and lubricating system to reduce the auxiliary system loss.These technologies can significantly improve the efficiency of the compressor set and reduce the costs of the gas field development and the effect of energy-saving & emission-reducing can be achieved by using this technology. In order to solve the technical problems on the treatment of wastewater from tertiary-oilrecovery surfactant alkali-washing column,the reactor packed with manganese sand has been used.By using the wastewater from tertiary oil-recovery surfactant alkali washing column as the research medium,studied was the catalytic-oxidation-reaction effect on the wastewater COD (chemical oxygen demand) removed by manganese sand, which from the alkali-washing column, and the effect of the wastewater initial COD mass concentration,aeration quantity,temperature and pH value on manganese sand have been studied too.The results showed: under alkali condition and the catalytic oxidation of manganese sand,the initial COD mass concentration of wastewater is 7000~ 8000 mg/L,the aeration quantity is 500 mL/min, the temperature is 40℃and the reaction time is 10~12 h.When the COD mass concentration is lower than 60 mg/L,the wastewater quality can meet the first class discharging standard of the second class contaminant provided by“Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard”(GB8978- 1996)。Provided was the new way on wastewater treated safely by the catalytic oxidation of manganese sand,which from the tertiary-oil-recovery surfactant alkali-washing column Oil vapor recovery process of adsorption&absorption is a mature oil vapor recovery technology most widely used in oil depots and handling systems at present.Compared with other oil and gas recovery technologies,this process with advantages such as low energy- consumption,high handing capacity and high absorption efficiency has become the preferred technology by railway loading of gasoline and large storage and transportation enterprises. In order to meet the requirements on environmental protection, safety and health,Sinopec Xi’an Petrochemical Company established a railway oil vapor recovery system with a processing capacity of 750 m³/h (0℃,101.325 kPa)in 2014,which applied the process of adsorption + absorption.The system consists of the closed bellows-type loading crane-form pipeline and oil vapor recovery equipment. Favorable economic and environmental benefits have been achieved since the system was put into service.According to the practical operation of the system and the practical situation of process management,some guiding suggestions on process selection for enterprises have been provided,and meanwhile some improvement suggestions on possible problems have been given in this paper. In order to solve the paraffin-removing & viscosity-reducing of oil well, reduce the frequency of thermal well-flushing and the period of pump inspection,and obtain the purpose of energy-saving & consumption-reducing, the test of intelligent frequency conversion electromagnetic paraffin-removing device for Feng 5-11 and Yuan 1-26 well has been performed.The paraffin can be removed by using the cavitation effect of magnetic field and sound wave. The frequency-sweep magnetic field,sound wave and temperature can be adjusted by power.The period of thermal well-flushing can be extended and the dosing cost can be reduced by using this device with simple structure,easy to install,less electricity-consumption and low energy-consumption.According to statistics,the electricity-saving rate for two wells is up to 60%. 29×104Yuan/a has been saved,the better energy-saving can be obtained. In view of the high energy consumption of the compressor and the difficulty of machine operating in the oil-gas pretreating device,according to the application of high voltage inverter in other industries,the application of high voltage inverter in the oil-gas pretreating device has been presented.Some practical problems have been put forward, such as the reliability of inverter,the process parameters of variable frequency inverter, the energy-saving and the load start-up of inverter,and the selection of rated condition and control variable.A preliminary solution has been obtained.These show that the high voltage frequency inverter can be used completely in oil-gas pretreating device and has advantages over the conventional control. With the continuous development of oilfield, the capacity of some sewage pumps and mixing pumps no longer matches with demands,and energy consumption has increased as well.By technical transformation for permanent magnet control,according to timely input torque of load,the input torque of permanent magnetic control driver was adjusted,the output power of motor can be ultimately changed, and the continuous control for output flow or pressure can be achieved, thus the energy-saving & consumption-reducing can be realized.This technology has been used in wastewater treatment station of Xingbei oilfield,the electricity-saving rate is up to 71.1%.The efficiency of this technology was analyzed,and the experiences were summarized. The light cooling device is accompanied by a large amount of energy consumption in the production process.With the extension of the operation time,equipments and facilities gradually aging,the energy utilization ratio is also gradually reduced. In order to improve the energy utilization and from optimizing process, the energy-saving & consumption-reducing targets can be realized by adding the surface evaporative air cooler and reconstructing the larger pressure drop point of process system.94×104kWh/a can be saved. The commonly used dust-removing device for gas drilling is the single-cylinder short nipple joint which cannot achieve the desired dust-settling and energy-saving effect. For this reason,the energy-saving & emission-reducing equipment for gas drilling is developed.The inside and outside double cylinder short nipple joint has been installed in the sand draining pipe for gas drilling.The principle of the device for dust-removing with high efficiency is:inject water into the outside cylinder of short nipple joint, when the flow of water enter the chamber between the outside and inside cylinder,it will be divided into several weak water flow with a certain velocity by the outlets of the inside cylinder.Using the new equipment,the better dust-removing effect is reached when the water in the cylinder has a sufficient contact with the dust gas.Research analysis showed that the double-cylinder dust-removing equipment has the characteristics of high water flood speed、large contact area with dust and good dust-removing effect,which can satisfy the requirements of energy-saving & emission-reducing and green construction.The application of the equipment in seven wells shows that this equipment has a technical advantage of forced dust-removing and quick disassembling,the dust-removing effect can reach to 95%,water-saving is up to 700 m3,which can solve efficiently the pollution problem of gas drilling to airs、land and environment,and achieve the good effect of energy-saving & emissions-reducing. During the oilfield production, the oil pumping unit is a kind of higher energy-consumption equipment,which is widely used.Generally,the load rate of the motor is lower,so it costs so much energy.If the save-energy motor is used,its effectiveness will be increased. For all that,the application of many kinds of the energy-saving technique is restricted.The electric current and voltage can be timely adjusted by the numerical control of microprocessor and the electricity-saving optimized control software in its system during running of motor.Under keeping the rotary speed of motor,because the load demands can be accurately matched with the output torque,reduced can be the electricity-consumption for light load or half load of motor. Based on the means of automation instrument energy-saving & consumption-reducing to oilfield enterprise,instructed has been the application of automation integration technology in energy-saving & consumption-reducing for oilfield instrument.According to many years of practice obtained by oilfield enterprise,the energy-saving & consumption-reducing measures adopted by oilfield enterprise have been analyzed from design selection of automation instrument,the onsite installation and commissioning,and the operation management. The node analysis method has been used widely during enterprise managing and is a process of refinement management.The process control for the unit consumption of water-injecting has been divided into some nodes for management and every part can be used as a management node.The management work can be carried out by enhancing consciousness, clear responsibilities,node analysis,sub-section control and technology study.The efficiency of water-injecting pump can be increased by replacing the corrosion aging water-injecting pump and pipeline,and starting with two aspects of technology and management.The unit consumption for water-injecting can be reduced by optimizing the water-injecting pipe network,and transforming the dispersal water-injecting process into the centralizing water-injecting process.The method can ensure the smooth running of system. Anti-corrosion of boiler is one of the important measures to ensure the safety, efficient production and economic operation of the boiler.Corrosion of boiler and pipe network can cause leakage,and even explosion.Oxygen corrosion is the main corrosion reason of low pressure steam boiler and pipe network, based on analyzing the principle and influence factors of the low pressure steam boiler and pipe network,the corrosion can be slowed down by using the physicalbook=59,ebook=62methods,chemical agents,corrosion inhibitors and other methods.Kinds of deoxidization methods have their respective advantages and disadvantages.Based on the characteristics of the enterprise and the requirements of water quality,we can choose the deoxidization method to ensure the safe operation of the equipment. The unusual sustained casing pressure(SCP) can directly affect the safety of gas well and field operating persons during high pressure & high temperature(HPHT) oil/gas well producing,and the type of oil tubing-first casing cross flow is most dangerous among them.Based on the production status of 12 oil tubing-first casing cross flow HPHT gas wells,the safety production problems caused by oil tubing-first casing cross flow has been analyzed.Combining with the unusual SCP in oil tubing-first casing cross flow gas well, according to its output, the connectivity between oil tubing and first casing,and the relationship of well head pressure and the annulus maximum permissible working pressure under closing well,the classified management has been conducted,the ideas and concrete measures of the safety production have been presented.It is of great significance to safety and high-efficient developing of oil/gas field. It can also be used as reference to control the risk of HPHT SCP gas well. With the developing of occupation health“Three-simultaneousness”supervision management work for construction project,in order to reduce and prevent the impacts of occupation disease on labor’s health, the perfect protection measures have been taken on occupation health design such as the selection of oilfield station, and general layout of production process and equipment,antitoxin and noise-preventing.According to the real work in past two years,some problems and suggestions which need to improve further have been proposed such as washing facilities in dosing room and the classification of occupation disease in this paper. Workover rig is a downhole operating device in oilfield.Derrick is the main part of undertaking load.Because the derrick is space steel frame,anchors and guy wires are necessary to support the derrick.The anchors for derrick supported by guy wires are Φ76 mm pipeline peg. Based on the stress characteristics of anchors,a new type of anchors and guy wires fixing device has been designed.According to the theoretical analysis and field application,this new type of anchors has been proved that it can save the operation set-up time,reduce the labor intensity and ensure the safety of operation. Based on the incomplete classification test methods and related standards for heating furnace and steam boiler,the test methods have been studied and the related regulations for economical operation have been compiled in this paper.In the meantime,the judgement index and assessment method have been given out to improve the operation efficiency,reduce the energy-consumption and guide the economical operation of heating furnace. According to NDRC (National Development and Reform Commission) assets investment project energy-saving and audit interim procedures (2010 No.6),the calculation and energy efficiency indicators analysis on the energy-saving performance for 6 main energy-saving processes (down hole chock + injecting methanol from well head, middle-low gas gathering process etc.) and 6 main energy-saving equipments (reciprocating compressor,air compressor platform etc.) used in South Sulige International Cooperation Block have been listed out in the paper.Energy balance table and chart for energy treatment,conversion and usage have been made out too.We’ve also calculated the comprehensive energy consumption index,the comprehensive energy consumption of ten thousand Yuan industrial output and the comprehensive energy consumption of ten thousand Yuan industry adding value,and then presented the comparison to domestic similar gas field and the local“12th Five-Year”energy consumption index.Besides,the related calculation method on natural gas equivalent of standard coal consumption,the electricity value selecting, the water consumption and the industry adding value selecting have been clarified during writing this report. At last,5 comments are proposed and hope to provide some references for the domestic similar projects. Solar energy is clear renewable energy.It is applied in oilfields exploration,production,storage and transportation to reduce cost and carbon emissions.Solar energy for generation and low-temperature heat supply is widely used in auxiliary facility of oilfield, mainly on heating in daily life,lighting and supplying low voltage electricity for equipments.Besides, solar energy plays an important part in large projects such as exploration, storage and transportation.Trough solar vapor generator can be used in heavy oil development instead of vapor generated by fuel.Solar energy as single heater source or auxiliary heater system has been widely used in petroleum transportation.Combined solar energy with other energy to solve the influence of radiation change on heating effect,it can help to increase the application of solar energy in petroleum engineering.

Key words:reciprocating compressor;natural gas engine;compressor efficiency;load rate manganese sand;catalytic oxidation;wastewater from the tertiary-oil-recovery surfactant alkali-washing column;COD mass concentration oil vapor recovery;adsorption;absorption;desorption oil well;paraffin-removing & viscosity-reducing;magnetic field;sound wave;energy-saving & consumption-reducing oil-gas pretreating device;high voltage inverter;adjusting parameter;control variable;energy-saving sewage station;permanent magnet control;unit-consumption;pressure;electricity-saving rate light cooling device;energy utilization ratio;energy-saving reconstruction gas drilling;energy-saving & emission reducing;a new dust-removing nipple joint motor load of oil pumping unit;energy-saving device;intelligent compensating;soft start oilfield enterprise;automation;instrument;energy-saving;consumption-reducing node analysis method;technical management;optimizing water-injecting process;unit consumption for water-injecting;run smoothly steam boiler;pipe network;corrosion;countermeasure oil tubing-first casing cross flow;HPHT gas well;SCP;annulus maximum permissible pressure;classified management;safety production production station in oilfield;occupation health;design;protective measures anchor pile;fixing device;theoretical analysis;operating safety heating furnace;classification test;evaluation method;economical operation energy-saving assessment;energy-saving analysis;comprehensive energy consumption;conversion factor;energy balance chart solar energy;petroleum engineering;thermal recovery of heavy oil;oil transportation

Study on wastewater from the tertiary-oil-recovery surfactant alkali-washing column treated by the catalytic oxidation of manganese sand

Sun Yanbo (Research Institute of Technology Development, Daqing Oilfield Chemical Co., Ltd.)2016,6(2):04-06

Practice and advantages analysis on adsorption&absorption oil vapor recovery technology

Zhang Kehao(Xi’an Petrochemical Company, Sinopec Corp.)2016,6(2):07-09

Application and evaluation on the intelligent frequency conversion electromagnetic paraffin-removing device

Hui Nannan ( PetroChina Zhejiang Oilfield Company)2016,6(2):10-11

Feasibility analysis on application of high voltage inverter in oil-gas pretreating device

Sun Shengyong (Natural Gas Branch Company, Daqing Oilfield Limited Company)2016,6(2):12-14

Effect analysis on application of permanent magnetic control technology in Xingbei oilfield

Zhang Tao (Daqing Oilfield Engineering Co., Ltd.)2016,6(2):16-17

Application of energy-saving measures in the light cooling device

Li Mingzhi (Natural Gas Sub-Company, Daqing Oilfield Limited Company)2016,6(2):18-20

Development and application of energy-saving & emission-reducing equipment for gas drilling

Tian Yudong (Drilling Engineering Technology Research Institute of Daqing Oilfield Drilling Engineering Company, CNPC)2016,6 (2):21-23

Application of load automatic following energy-saving device in motor for oil pumping unit

Huang Jiongzhou (No.3 Oil Production Company, Daqing Oilfield Limited Company)2016,6(2):24-25

Analysis on energy-saving technology for surface engineering instrument of oilfield

Xu Huawen (Daqing Oilfield Automation Instrument Co., Ltd.)2016,6(2):26-27

The unit consumption for water-injecting reduced by enhancing the technology management

Yu Lingling (No.8 Oil Production Plant, Daqing Oilfield Limited Company)2016,6(2):28-29

Low pressure steam boiler and pipe network oxygen corrosion and countermeasures

Zeng Zonggang(Sinopec Northwest Oilfield Branch)2016,6(2):30-32

Measures on safety production for gas well with the oil tubing-first casing cross flow in Keshen gas field

Song Xiaojun (TARIM Oilfield Company, CNPC)2016,6(2):33-36

Occupational health design for production station in oilfield

Zhu Jiang (Natural Gas Sub-Company, Daqing Oilfield Limited Company)2016,6(2):37-38

Safety improvement of anchoring technology based on theoretical analysis

Liu Ye (Drilling Technology Service Company No.1, Daqing Drill & Exploration Engineering Corporation)2016,6(2):39-41

Research on classification test and economical operation of heating furnace

Wang Dong (Quality Management and Energy Conservation Department of Liaohe Oilfield Company, PetroChina)2016,6(2):42-45

Energy-saving design and assessment analysis of South Sulige International Cooperation Block

Xue Gang(Xi’an Changqing Technology Engineering Co., Ltd)2016,6(2):46-51

Study on application of solar energy technology in oilfield

Qiu Weiwei (Exploration and Production Research Institute, SINOPEC)2016,6(2):52-54




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