
2016-03-12 21:11Fromshailene-woodle
新东方英语·中学版 2016年3期



Most young stars learn to quickly cultivate an aura1) of untouchability, but that is not how Shailene Woodley likes to operate. It's January on the Sundance2) red carpet for White Bird in a Blizzard3). The 22-year-old actress approaches a reporter with uncommon familiarity, slipping4) her hands under his semi-raised arms and giving him a robust5) squeeze6). At first I think she must know the journalist, perhaps one of her red-carpet favorites. Then I realize she's hugging every single person before they interview her. They are all strangers.

Later, after I receive my first of many Woodley hugs, I ask her about this habit. She explains: "We've got a set amount of time in our lives, you know. You might as well make every conversation count. So that's like the hug. It's kind of like, 'Hey, I'm real. You're real. Let's connect.'"

It's that unique accessibility—both onscreen and off—coupled with raw acting talent7) that has made Woodley one of the most hyped8) starlets. Woodley may soon boast a YA9) blockbuster of her own with Divergent10), which Lionsgate11) opens March 21. This summer's The Fault in Our Stars12), in which she stars, already is attracting fervent fan interest.

In fall 2012, Lionsgate was looking for someone with the same qualities as Jennifer Lawrence and its Twilight heroine, Kristen Stewart, to carry the $85 million Divergent. Woodley was the studio's first and only choice thanks mostly to her breakout13) performance in Alexander Payne's 2011 drama, The Descendants. She also had a fan base due to a five-season stint14) on ABC Family's The Secret Life of the American Teenager.

Still, handing the keys of a big-budget movie to an unproven star is a nerve-racking15) proposition. "But once we met her and saw her presence and the way she carried herself and knowledge for the material and her passion for the character, we were sold16)." says Rob Friedman, co-chair of Lionsgate's motion picture group.

Despite the appearance of overnight success, Woodley worked for 17 years to reach this moment. The native Angeleno17), who has a younger brother, Tanner, began working at age 5 in commercials, appearing in more than 40 TV spots18). Her parents—a middle-school counselor19) mother and a former elementary-school principal father who now is a family therapist—happily drove her to auditions20) but insisted that her education stay on track. Woodley was a 4.021) student who took AP22) classes at Simi Valley23) High School but interestingly avoided the drama club because "acting was such a big part of my life outside of high school, and I wanted to really dedicate high school to other things that I was passionate about". Instead, the "choir nerd" sang alto24) for four years, even as she starred on Secret Life.

Along the way, she had her share of disappointments, like losing out to Dakota Fanning25) for the drama I Am Sam at age 9. Recalls Woodley: "My dad pulled me aside, and he said: 'Shai, what are you doing? You have so much anger, and you're feeling so let down26) by the fact that you didn't book27) [this]. I want you to close your eyes right now and picture this Dakota girl, and I want you to send her so much love and so much light because one day you're going to book something that you really want, and you're not going to want all of the girls around you that you competed against to feel anger against you. You're going to want them to support you on your journey. And so it's your turn right now to support Dakota on her journey.' And so I did that."

As her father predicted, years later Woodley seized a role she had chased for months with Descendants. After reading28) for the casting director, Woodley was on the "don't call back" list ("I wanted the role too intensely," she says). But she managed to get a second read and wowed29) Payne. "She is that truly unique actress who can make even bad dialogue sound good," says Payne. Her ultimate performance opened eyes in the industry, earning an Independent Spirit Award30) and a Golden Globe nomination.

"She wept underwater—take31) after take," marvels32) Payne. "That was something to see."

For the Sundance premiere, Woodley wore minimal makeup and a simple black silk shirt, black slacks33) (she later changed into jeans for the after-party) and a pendant34). As for the pendant's significance, she explains: "It's my way of just recognizing spirit in an industry where sometimes materialism is the main focus; it's kind of my way of remembering what's important to me." As for her understated and utilitarian approach, Woodley says, "As a citizen of this planet, I'm going to do my responsibility and live in stride35) with nature instead of constantly fighting against her."

Woodley's determination to live in harmony with the Earth extends beyond her wardrobe. She takes a Mason jar36) for drinking water because she doesn't want to expose herself or the planet to the chemicals used in plastics. She has no current home ("I'm doing the vagabond37) lifestyle for a bit," she says), but when in Los Angeles, she lugs38) 5-gallon carboys39) up in the mountains to capture her own drinking water. When I ask if she adheres to a particular religion. "My religion is the Earth, man," she answers. "I believe in trees."

Fault in Our Stars producer Wyck Godfrey, who also produced all of the Twilight movies insisted that Woodley's edgy40) leanings41) should be celebrated, not second-guessed42), in a business obsessed with box-office grosses. "She's always going to be drawn to characters that feel real and interesting to her, and she's not going to be driven by, 'Oh, this could be a huge success,'" he says. "Regardless, she's going to be the first Shailene more so than the next anyone else."

Whatever Woodley does next, she vows not to rush into it. "I made five movies in the past year and two months and finished a TV show during that time," she explains. "The second your boss or somebody whom you really respect comes to you and says, 'I can't wait to see what you do next,' there instantly becomes this new pressure of, 'Wow, am I creating art for myself or am I suddenly creating art for other people?'"

With nothing lined up beyond the Divergent sequel Insurgent, which likely shoots in the summer, Woodley says she is content to spend her days reading books and traveling. She just trekked43) to Costa Rica by herself before embarking on the Divergent tour.

For now, she's letting her mind wander and enjoying the freedom that comes with being a sought-after44) young star. There's no telling what her future holds45)—maybe even something outside of acting.

"I might open a restaurant, and it's going to be like restaurant in the morning, dance club at night," says the self-described omnivore46). "Who knows?"

1.aura [???r?] n. 气氛;氛围;光环

2.Sundance: 指Sundance Film Festival,即圣丹斯国际电影节,它是专为没有名气的电影人及影片所设立的电影节,也是全球首屈一指的独立制片电影节。

3.White Bird in a Blizzard: 《暴风雪中的白鸟》,由谢琳·伍德蕾主演的一部剧情片,改编自同名小说,讲述了一位少女寻找失踪母亲下落的故事。

4.slip [sl?p] vt. (不惹人注意地)迅速放置;悄悄塞

5.robust [r???b?st] adj. 很费力气的;需要力气的

6.squeeze [skwi?z] n. 紧抱;紧握

7.raw talent: (未发展的)天生的才能

8.hype [ha?p] vt. 大肆宣传;炒作

9.YA: (= young adult)年轻的成年人

10.Divergent: 《分歧者:异类觉醒》,由谢琳·伍德蕾、凯特·温斯莱特等主演的青少年奇幻题材电影,改编自同名畅销书,上映于2014年3月。其续篇《分歧者2:绝地反击》(Insurgent)上映于2015年3月,《分歧者3:效忠者》(Allegiant)则将于2016年3月上映。

11.Lionsgate: 狮门影业,起源于加拿大温哥华,总部位于美国加利福尼亚州,是全球最著名的娱乐电影公司之一。《分歧者》系列电影由该公司所发行。

12.The Fault in Our Stars: 《星运里的错》,由谢琳·伍德蕾主演的青少年题材电影,讲述了两个患有癌症的少年之间有关生命、死亡和爱情的故事。

13.breakout [?bre?ka?t] adj. <口>一炮打响的,非常走红的

14.stint [st?nt] n. 工作期限

15.nerve-racking [?n??v?r?k??] adj. 伤脑筋的;使人不安的

















16.sell [sel] vt. <口> (常用作被动语态)使极感兴趣

17.Angeleno [??nd???li?n??] n. <美口> (美国)洛杉矶人

18.spot [sp?t] n. (定期在电视、广播、俱乐部、剧院等中演出的)短小节目

19.counselor [?ka?ns?l?(r)] n. (学生)辅导员

20.audition [???d??n] n. 试镜,试演,试唱

21.4.0: 这里指平均成绩点数(Grade Point Average,简称GPA)。在美国,普通课程的GPA满分是4分。

22.AP: (= advanced placement)美国大学预修课程,指美国中学生在上大学前所修的能获得大学学分的高级课程。

23.Simi Valley: 西米谷,美国加利福尼亚州城市,临近洛杉矶。

24.alto [??lt??] n. 女低音

25.Dakota Fanning: 达科塔·范宁,美国女演员,其成名作为《我是山姆》,其他代表作包括《夏洛特的网》《暮光之城:月食》《暮光之城:破晓(下)》等。

26.let down: 使失望;使沮丧

27.book [b?k] vt. 参与;加入(演出等)

28.read [?ri?d] vi. (演员为电影、戏剧等中的角色)试镜;试演(多与for连用)。下面一句话中的read用作名词。

29.wow [wa?] vt. (尤指表演)使叫绝,使喝彩,博取……的称赞

30.Independent Spirit Award: 独立精神奖,是好莱坞电影界为鼓励独立制片人所设立的一个重要奖项,相当于独立电影界的奥斯卡奖。

31.take [te?k] n. (不停机一次连续拍摄的)镜头,场景

32.marvel [?mɑ?vl] vt. 对……感到惊讶

33.slacks [sl?ks] n. [复]便裤,宽松长裤

34.pendant [?pend?nt] n. 有垂饰的项链

35.stride [stra?d] n. 步法;步态