
2016-03-12 10:43:45陈驰
东北水利水电 2016年4期


(重庆交通大学 河海学院,重庆 400074)



(重庆交通大学 河海学院,重庆 400074)



0 引 言


1 船舶碰撞研究理论和计算方法的发展

船舶碰撞的计算理论以及方法最早的有Minorsky船舶碰撞理论、Heins-Derucher理论、数值解法、简化解析法、试验研究方法和有限元仿真计算方法。Minorsky首先在《Journal of Ship Research》上发表了一篇关于核动力船碰撞分析的研究论文。其研究的主要目的是为了防止船舶在碰撞或者搁浅的事故中受到严重的损伤。他在研究了船舶的碰撞之后,提出了米诺斯基公式。米诺斯基理论自1975年公开发表后,已被众多实验所证实,并被逐渐应用到船-桥相撞领域,奠定了船-桥碰撞理论的分析基础。在Minorsky碰撞理论的基础上,联邦德国学者G.Wosin教授在1976年至1979年期间做了一系列模型实验和理论研究工作,充实和发展了Minorsky理论,并将其应用到船-桥墩撞击分析中。 在此之后,Heins和Drucher根据CG-71955-A合同做出的研究提出了Heins-Drucher理论[2],其研究的主要目标是船舶与桥墩或防护系统的碰撞,是Wosin理论的简化。Heins-Drucher理论将船舶-结构及结构防撞设施等效为一个弹簧质量系统,以此建立能量交换系统。该理论由于对处于碰撞影响时间段中的船舶的复杂运动行为纳入考虑,因此能反映船舶与结构在碰撞过程中的动态耦合效应。





2 船舶碰撞问题国内外研究成果


2.1 船撞桥研究现状

船桥碰撞系统研究始于80年代初,到90年代中期,比、法、德等9国专门成立了从事船桥碰撞研究的国际型组织,并取得大量的研究成果。美国佛罗里达大学Consolazio教授对圣乔治岛即将拆除的Bryant pattern桥进行了现场试验,在实测获得的撞击荷载、地基土参数基础上,考虑船、桥墩、土三者的相互作用,对该桥桥墩遭受船撞击过程进行了数值模拟。数值模拟的结果揭示了桥墩在撞击力作用下的动力响应。肯塔基大学Harik教授与Peng Yuan等也分别对单驳船和驳船队撞击方形、圆形桥墩下的撞击作用力及船首撞深进行了研究,讨论了船舶初始速度对撞击力的影响[5]。


2.2 船撞码头结构的研究现状

船舶与码头发生碰撞时,由于船舶的刚度相对较小,码头刚度大,船舶基本上吸收了碰撞过程中的大部分能量而导致破坏。如果船舶的吨位较大并且以很高速度撞击码头,也会对码头造成破坏,影响其安全性。在船舶与码头碰撞领域的研究方面,目前主要是以有限元法为主。张颖[11]通过ANSYS/LS-DYNA软件建立有限元仿真模型,考虑到土的弹塑性以及桩土流固耦合作用,研究了结构刚度、船舶质量、初始速度、碰撞角度、橡胶护舷等对碰撞力所产生的影响。张淑华[12]等利用ANSYS/ LS-DYNA有限元软件对5 000 t级杂货船撞击3万t泊位高桩码头做了仿真分析,并对碰撞中的能量转化情况和作用力进行了研究;邓雷飞[13]等采用有限元技术以3万t级散货船平行靠泊高桩码头为例模拟了船舶撞击码头的全过程,并研究了碰撞过程中的动力响应以及码头损伤情况;陆志慧[14]等对8.5万t集装箱船跟钢管板桩码头碰撞进行了数值模拟,并研究了不同速度下的码头撞击情况。

2.3 船撞闸研究现状

开展船-闸撞击力分析与设计较多的有前苏联、德国、丹麦、美国和我国。美国分别进行了实船-闸壁撞击试验与实船-闸门撞击力试验,规定在静水压力作用下,取自门顶向下15英尺(相当于4.57 m)处的静水压力为作用在闸门上部15英尺范围内的均布荷载。德国工业标准——DINI9704规定:闸门必须能够承受相当于船舶自重的2%tm的动能,而不致达到破坏极限。20世纪80年代,前苏联规范(CH303-65)也规定了四级水道中 Ⅰ级和Ⅱ级水道上的闸门撞击力可按1 000 kN计算,Ⅲ级水道上的船闸撞击力取值为500 kN,Ⅳ级水道闸门的撞击力按Ⅲ级水道的一半考虑,规范中还给出了船碰撞船闸壁经验公式:Fc=0.9 kW2/3。其中Fc是船舶撞击力;W是船舶排水量;k为系数。

我国JTJ307-2001船闸水工建筑物设计规范完全借用前苏联公式。我国在JTJ308-2003《船闸闸门设计规范》规定船舶撞击力应作为校核荷载进行验算,Ⅰ、Ⅱ级船闸的船舶撞击力可取300 kN,对于Ⅲ、Ⅳ级船闸可不考虑船舶撞击力,对于设置了防撞设备的船闸,同样可不考虑船舶撞击力。除此之外,我国对于船闸碰撞问题也进行了一系列的有限元分析研究。2007年迟朝娜[15]基于ANSYS/LS-DYNA有限元模拟软件确定了船舶撞击船闸三角闸门时的撞击力,并对三角闸门进行了空间有限元分析。2008年范凌峰[16]对船舶和简单结构(工字钢梁结构和面板结构)进行了全过程的仿真模拟。分析得知以往国内外船舶撞击力公式没有考虑被撞结构刚度对撞击力的影响,所以导致撞击力公式计算结果与他分析所得结果相比偏小。2010年陈晓峰、陈达[17]等通过现场试验对过闸船舶的撞击力开展研究。研究结果表明,过闸船舶撞击力峰值与撞击速度成正比,根据船闸设计规范的公式得到的船舶撞击力远小于船舶对闸墙碰撞过程产生的动力峰值。2013年谢春秋[18]等针对Ⅲ级船闸,采用有限元方法分析闸室墙表面遭受设计最大吨级船舶以最大碰撞角度和规范规定的最大航道碰撞闸墙时的内部应力分布情况,发现闸室混凝土结构的强度不足以保证其表面所能承受碰撞时引起的压应力和拉应力。

3 结论及展望



2)关于船舶撞击力的分析,在港口工程中广泛使用能量公式来计算,而由于船闸工程缺乏足够的观测和研究以及船闸闸墙一般不设防撞设施等原因,因此一般能量公式在船闸中尚不适用,我国仍采用的是20世纪80年代前苏联规定的经验公式:Pc=0.9 kW2/3。其中Pc是船舶撞击力;W是船舶(队)排水量;k是系数,在闸室中k=1.0,引航道中导航建筑物的直线段k=1.67、曲线段k=2.0。然后国内外一些实测表明,实际撞击力峰值比该公式计算值要大,而采用该经验公式设计的国内某些船闸也出现了导航墙及靠船码头撞毁事故[35],这些足以证明该公式的计算值偏小。因此,如何准确计算船舶撞击力的大小对于船闸结构安全设计是至关重要的。



[2] Derucher,K.N.Analysis of concrete bridge piers for vessel impact.Proceeding of Sino—American Symposium on Bridge and Structural Engineering[J].1982.19(9):11—25.



[5] Ge Wang,Hidenomi Ohtsubo,Kikuo Arita。 Inner dynamics of side collision to bridge pipers,Ship Collision Analysis[J]. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advances in Ship Collision Analysis.1998,13(5):53-60.




[9] Liu Jian—cheng,Gu Yong—ning.Simulation of the whole process of ship—bridge collision:J:.China Ocean Engineering. 2002,16(3):369—382.








[17] 陈晓峰,陈达.过闸船舶撞击力研究[J].水运工程,2010(9):48-50.


[Abstract]Taking the methods of multi-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and the analytic hierarchy process, the paper analyzes the comprehensive benefit of grape water-saving irrigation in Yuquanying farm of the east foothill of Helanshan mountain by using the rating index system built by the three division standards of the society,economy and ecology.The results show that the comprehensive effect of the water-saving reform project area in Yuquanying farm is more obvious,and the selected indicators at various levels could objectively reflect the influence degree on the comprehensive benefit of the drip irrigation area,which has the good guidance meaning for the construction of water-saving irrigation in the east foothill of Helanshan mountain in Ningxia province.

[Key words]east foothill of Helanshan mountain;drip irrigation;comprehensive benefit;evaluation

Study on structural static numerical simulation for large span aqueduct

SONG Bing-wei,LUAN Jun-liang

Taking the aqueduct in Yingnahe river as an example,the scientific structural analysis and numerical simulation are made for the large span arch parabolic water diversion aqueduct by using the finite element method.The paper analyzes and combines all kinds of bearing load on the aqueduct in actual operation.Through the static analysis and calculation,the internal force curves of the main arch ring and the most disadvantageous internal force combination are obtained under the actions of water pressure,wind load and the temperature load. At last,the transverse and the longitudinal stabilities of the Yingnahe aqueduct are verified.The obtained conclusions could provide some theoretical support and practical experience for the static calculation and analysis of the arch aqueduct.

large span;parabolic arch aqueduct;static analysis;numerical simulation

Installation technology of steel penstock in the ultra-deep diversion shaft


[Abstract]There are two shafts in each water diversion tunnel in the Hongping pumped storage power station of Jiangxi province.The elevation differences of upper shaft and lower shaft are respectively 277 meters and 295 meters,the diameter of the steel penstock is 4800-5200mm.The paper introduces the advanced and reasonable construction technology scheme in the process of the steel penstock installation.Based on the achieved good results,the technology could provide valuable experience for the steel penstock installation in the ultra-deep diversion shaft.

[Key words]shaft;steel penstock;installation;ultra-deep diversion

Water quality analysis and assessment of drinking water sources in Shantou by using the identification index method

CHEN Ze-rong

[Abstract]Water quality assessment has become the important basis for the water environment planning and management and the pollution comprehensive prevention and control.Based on the basic principles of the water quality identification index method,the paper analyzes comprehensively the water quality status of main drinking water sources from 2013 July to 2014 June in Shantou city,and gives the specific measures and suggestions for the water quality protection of main drinking water sources in Shantou city.

[Key words]identification index;drinking water sources;water quality analysis and assessment;Shantou city

Analysis of the water balance test and the water supply of reservoir

HU Wei

[Abstract]The paper analyzes and calculates the water conveyance loss quantity in each section in water supply period from 2008 to 2009 by using the water balance test method,these sections include the dam downstream of the Qinghe and Chaihe reservoirs,the river section of truck reach of Liaohe river from the Shangliaohe in the Qinghe estuary to the Mahushan station.Aiming at the problems in the research,these suggestions are put forward. [Key words]water balance test;water supply of reservoir;water supply period;water conveyance loss quantity

Monte Carlo simulation of saturation line of barrier dam

LIU De-wei,LI Lian-xia,LIAO Hua-sheng,LUO Shu-kun

[Abstract]The height of the saturation line is crucial to the seepage stability of barrier dam,while the permeability coefficients of barrier dam material have strong randomness,then the deterministic model cannot simulate the actual seepage field and the saturation line site accurately.Under the condition of the permeability coefficient of barrier dam material meeting the logarithmic normal distribution,the Monte Carlo method is used for the twodimensional stochastic simulation for the seepage field of Tangjiashan barrier dam,with 300 times simulation.The results demonstrate that the head field,saturation line distribution and seepage gradient field are present the randomness because of the influence of the material randomness,but this randomness has not the simple linear relation with the randomness of the permeability coefficient field,the spatial variation characteristics of head variance is more obvious,the farther the downstream is,the more the values increase.Comparing the certainty model,the calculation results of the escape point in the stochastic model have more statistical meanings,which has the certain guiding significance for the Engineering protection.The seepage characteristics of the middle part of the barrier dam basically meet the normal distribution due to the smaller influence of boundary conditions.The influence of boundary conditions on the escape point of the saturation line are great,the escape location distribution is concentrated and cannot obey the normal distribution,the random process of the elevation location of the saturation line for the other parts of barrier dam basically follows the normal distribution.

[Key words]seepage flow;barrier dam;Monte-Carlo method;saturation line;permeability coefficient

Test study on scouring and silting at estuary intersection area of Mangniuhe river

SUN Lei,LIU Fu-lin

[Abstract]The paper studies the typical floods of the Mangniuhe river and the sediment deposition morphology and its distribution in the estuary intersection area of Mangniuhe river when the floods occur in the Dalinghe and Mangniuhe rivers.The test results show that the deposition of the intersection area is large when the flood occurs in the Mangniuhe river.When the flood of Dalinghe river occurs earlier than the flood of the Mangniuhe river, the sediment deposition in the estuary intersection area is more than coming earlier of Mangniuhe river flood. When the very unexpected flood occurs,the deposition quantity is seldom,then the sediment are carried basically to the downstream of the intersection area.From the point of view of dynamics,the sediment deposition is inevitable in Mangniuhe river.

[Key words]Sedimentation;test;Mangniuhe river

Analysis of interannual evolution characteristics of the reference crop evapotranspiration in Tieling area

LI Shuai-ying,CHI Dao-cai

[Abstract]The reference crop evapotranspiration (ET0)is the main consumption part in the agricultural water,is a key parameter to estimating the crop water demand,is the foundation for determining the crop irrigation program and the quantity of irrigation water and is the basis foundation for making the basin planning and the irrigation project planning.The paper analyzes the evolution characteristics and influencing factors of the reference crop evapotranspiration by using the cumulative anomaly method and the SPSS software.The results show that the ET0 is manifested as the significant downward trend year by year in Tieling area and the gradually increasing trend from west to east in space,the sunshine,the wind speed and the relative humidity are the main meteorological factors affecting the ET0 interannual variation in Tieling area,the influence of the temperature and water vapor pressure are not significant.

[Key words]reference crop;evapotranspiration;evolution characteristics;Tieling area

Evaluation study on the comprehensive benefit of saving-water in drip irrigation district of the east foothill of Helanshan mountain

SHANG Zhong-lin,LIU Guo-hui,DING Shao-lin,DU Jun





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