
2016-03-09 10:42:14蔡洪齐
广州广播电视大学学报 2016年3期


(广州铁路职业技术学院,广东 广州 510430)



(广州铁路职业技术学院,广东 广州 510430)










































[1] 董剑飞.国内外高校图书馆面向社会服务比较研究[J].农业网络信息,2012(1).

[2] 葛艳,于春莉,徐大勇等.高校图书馆社会化服务比较研究[J].情报理论与实践,2012(6).

[3] 钱婷,李霞,高莹莹.高校图书馆面向企业的知识服务研究——以南京工业大学图书馆为例[J].图书情报研究,2012(2).

[4] 杨玫.高校图书馆社会化信息服务模式探索研究与实践[J].图书馆杂志,2011(3).

[5] 刘桂锋.多种模式共存的高校图书馆社会服务的实践研究[J].图书馆学研究,2012(10).

[6] 刘艳敏.国内外公共图书馆的企业信息服务发展研究与分析[J].科技情报开发与经济,2011(24).

2.Information Management Department , Nanjing Institute of Railway Technology,Nanjing 210000, China)

Abstract: When network-based education is gaining more popularity today, comparisons and contrasts between online learning and face to face teaching have become a hotly debated topic. Blended learning as an integrative model embodying the two, has thus emerged and become one of the keys to higher education course reform. This paper elaborates an empirical study applying blended learning pattern to design and implement the teaching of Distance Education in a university.

Key words: blended learning; learning mode; course design; higher education

Abstract: With the development of mobile technology, e-schoolbag is creeping into education as an alternative approach and challenging traditionally classroom-based teaching, and a new research orientation has thus emerged. This article frst elaborates E-Schoolbag-based Cloud classroom in terms of its content, characteristics, functions and applications. Then the article explores Connectionism Theory and User Experience Theory to develop such a platform, to the end of transforming traditional education model, achieving student-centered teaching and promoting classroom teaching.

Key words: E-schoolbag; cloud classroom; platform; design

Abstract: With the introduction of distributed cognition theory, distributed learning has aroused widespread concern. The learning environment is considered to be a benefcial factor to promote all cognitive activities, and its construction produces a great impact on learners' learning. So it is essential to build a facilitative learning environment, including setting up accessible learning background and objectives, and evenly allocating products in the technological learning environment, as well as developing the Learning Community. The present study elaborates all aspects of learning environment construction, to the end of exploring full advantages of distributed learning.

Key words: distributed learning; constructivism; distributed cognition; learning environment

Abstract: The construction of Open University on the foundation of Radio and TV University is a trend to meet the needs of the education development in our country. In the course of its more than 30 years of history, the Open University has always highly valued its research development. The present study samples CNKI to poll its research advancements in terms of team development, disciplines, trends, management and commercialization, and fndings reveal that a great number of achievements have been made, covering in-depth an array of subjects and sponsored by a variety of grants. We propose that Open University shall promote its research in such ways as setting up explicit objectives, standardizing management, and exploring internet technology to strengthen team collaboration.

Key words: Open University; orientation of scientifc research ; CNKI

Abstract: Under the New Normal, competition between adult continuing education shcools is getting more regular and virtuous, which requres them to fully explore their own characteristics. Competitiveness analysis is thus of great signifcance to better understand and exploit their advantages. The present study applied economic mathematics matrix model analysis to accurately measuring the schools' features and giving practical guidance to their development.

Key words: The new normal; adult education market; school characteristics; matrix analysis

Abstract: Cooperative Learning is one of the main approaches to both adult learning and distance education. With internet fourishing ,virtual learning community is born to promote learners' communication, as well as adult cooperative learning. This paper frstly analyzes features of virtual learning community and cooperative learning. Then it elaborates role virtual learning community would play in adult cooperative learning. After that, the paper reviews literature in this respect, and summarizes problems in China. Finally, the paper gives suggestions to explore optimum learning strategies to the end of developing virtual learning.

Key words: adult cooperative learning; learning strategies; virtual learning Communities

Abstract: In the study of online education, online learning behaviors of learners and infuence factors of research are two key indexes. In community education research, that centered on community residents is of more theoretical and practical value in that it helps enhance interaction between theory and practice. The present study samples data from Changchun National Learning Network in the last two years, and analyzes the citizens' online learning behaviors from multiple dimensions such as demographic information, learning resources, and invested learning time. The study summarizes their behavioral characteristics and underlying causes. Hopefully, insights of this study would lay theoretical basis for communities to chart their future development.

Key words: community residents; online learning; characteristics; learning analytics

Abstracts: Mapping knowledge domain helps visualize a subject's knowledge and principle. This paper employs instruments like SPSS and so on to analyze co-authorship in periodical papers of education studies, in an endeavor to map knowledge domain for Chinese academia in that area. Results indicate that: (1) there have congregated 10 research teams. (2)The network density and aggregation degree of the author co-citation network concentrate on those 100 mostly highly citedauthors, demonstrating their overlapping research interests and their good interaction. (3) The centrality degree of Zhong Qiquan, Ye Lan and Gu Mingyuan are the highest, indicating their being in the center of the network. (4) Zhong Qiquan, Ye Lan and Zhang Hua are those in the core of the network. Hopefully, researchers in relevant feld would gain insights from this study in approaching Chinese academia research groups' mapping knowledge domain.

Key words: education studies, mapping knowledge domain, academia; author co-citation, social network analysis

Abstract: The education of innovation and business startup in Finland is well known in the world for its close combination of education, skill training and economic developments, which has made great contributions to Finland's social development in higher education, high technology industry and economy. The author participated in a Finland educational investigation tour organized by the Education Bureau of Guangzhou, and visited fve universities and higher vocational colleges in Tempere and Jyvaskylato, which feature innovation and business startups education. The author summarizes principles of their programs as centering on one goal of talent training, implementing dual modal and two phased teaching, creating an optimum environment for the school, research institute and enterprise to cooperate with each other; supporting development of four skills; and forming fve distinct characteristics. The author concludes some insights in developing innovation and business startup education in China. On the one hand, the government shall set up supportive policies and take up facilitative measures;On the other, higher education organizations shall proceed reforms serving the end of building up informationization-oriented patterns and technical platforms, and establishing lifelong learning system for innovation and business startup education in the long term.

Key words: Finland, universities, innovation and business startup education, principles, insights

Abstract: Teacher professional development in primary and secondary schools has attracted much attention now in that there has been both chance and challenge. The present study makes a SWOT analysis of this matter, and reveals that : (1) its advantages lie in economic strength, increasing demand and extroverted and steady personality characterized those teachers. (2)disadvantages lay in teachers' short of innovation awareness and ability, and their inevitable occupation burnout phenomenon. (3) External development opportunities include a variety of national supportive policies, extensive use of Internet in education,as well as channels explored by an array of institutions of society, culture and service. (4) External threats are mainly some people's negative opinion, in addition to contradiction between teachers' families, students' parents and schools. The study proposes that teachers' growth shall be promoted within the frame of collaborative development of education the school, andthe teacher. Strategies to achieve this end include school-basedness, network-orientedness, and valuing teaching practice and refection.

Key words: Primary and secondary school teachers; professional development; SWOT analysis; approaches

Abstract: Nowadays, the mankind has quietly stepped into the era of we media, which has produced profound impact on cultural construction in colleges. When a new culture is emerging at an astonishing speed, it will be quickly consumed fragmentally. while the grass-root stratum is feasting, authority is disappearing in no time. Thus, it is important for the university to adjust its paradigms to the end of furthering its cultural construction. In this regard, it is imperative to innovate the ideology, content, manifestation, and approach.

Key words: we media; cultural construction; paradigm; paradigm shift

Abstract: During the period between 2011 and 2015, the State Language Commission approved more projects on social linguistics than linguistics. This indicates that as a trend, linguistic studies have been getting closer to society. Compared to linguistic ontology research, which focuses on the language per se, social linguistics pays more attention to linguistic use and planning, and covers wider geographic areas and embodies more contents, involving more work. In addition, teams of great number of researchers have emerged.

Key words: State Language Commission; projects, social linguistics; ontology language

Abstract: The present study investigates the degree adverb hou (齁) of northern dialect in terms of its grammatical and semantic features. It is deemed that this word was originally used as a verb, and in metaphorization, it evolved to be an adverb as it is today.

Key words: northern dialect; degree adverb hou; evolution; metaphorization

Abstract: Romantic novels are usually based on real social life, having little to do with abnormalities. In contrast, we found image of ghost and plots of religion such as Buddhism and Taoism frequenting them. Their manifestations and roles vary, constituting important component in the novels. The present study elaborates their presentations and functions, and analyzes their underlying causes.

Key words: romantic novels; ghost; Buddhism and Taoism; causes

Abstract :The dramas written by CaoYu in his early career often bears explicit ethical signifcance in that the dramatist sought to dig out people's motivations and consequences in shaping contradictory personal images. Ethnical narrative critics explore a novel approach to aesthetic and value research. The author interprets those dramas from perspective of ethnical narrative, in an endeavor to reveal ethnical orientation and functional implication underlying the text.

Key words: Cao Yu; Thunderstorm; Fan Yi; Wilderness; Qiu Hu; narrative; ethics

Abstract: Among all the works created by Grenfell, Peach-Blossom Face is the one closest to a traditional text. It was constructed within the framework of revolution + love, which prevailed in China in the 1930s. In describing a revolutionary forerunner's obsession of utopia, the writer paid tribute to those dream-pursuers. The writer's come-back to traditional narrative symbolizes his deviation from avant-garde. Such plots like love-driven revolution, Shangri-la and commonwealth convey people's persistence in seeking for Utopia, and inescapable loneliness underlying the dream. Genfell reviewed that history from a fresh angel, and adopted revolutionary realism to communicate textuality with spirit of the May Fourth era and modernity. This paper attempts to survey the novel from perspective of revolution + love as its narrative instrument, and reveals the underlying empty and lonely sentimentality that the author endeavored to convey in the novel.

Key words: Peach-Blossom Face; revolution; love; loneliness

Abstract: This article endeavors to survey the relationship between humanity and nature in the novel The Top of the Mountains. Inspired by philosophical thinking of humanity-nature harmony, the writer invents two instruments, that is, humanity naturalization and natural personalization to compose a symphony accounting for humble people's fates. Two conficts are marked by the dual variation of humanity and nature, one being between getting-away and coming-back, the other between modernity and ecological awareness.

Key words: Top of Mountains; humanity naturalization; natural personalizaition; getting away and coming back

Abstract: With its innovation, Mobile Internet (MI) has been promoting new-media-based interactive communication,but brand communication will face a new challenge how to explore its overall effectiveness. As a result, integrated brand communication has been constructed on the basis of theories of audience-centeredness and interactive communication, and been adopted as an alternative approach to better serving the shared interests of the brand and audience. The present study analyzes the context in which integrated brand communication has evolved, and elaborates its operation model in respects of its constituents and mechanisms.

Key words: integrated brand communication, new media, brand, shared interests

Abstract: In response to social appeal, some universities have already opened up their libraries to the public in recent years, but little effect has been achieved. However, their counterparts in other countries have done so earlier and achieved satisfactory results. The present study makes a comparison between China and other countries in this practice, and proposes some measures for universities to better serve the public.

Key words: domestic and foreign university; library; social service; comparison







Post-MOOCs Era: Development, Characteristics and Insights of SPOCs and SOOCs as Alternative Online Courses

JIANG Shu-hui1&XUE Kun2
(1.President Offce, Nanjing Audit University, Nanjing 211815, China;

Abstract:MOOCs are the production of big data and real-time interaction. In the last two years, they have been very popular in the educational circle, accommodating world-wide students' learning needs . However, at the same time,many problems have arisen. Rob Lue, Director of Harvard edX Center said, “We have been in the post MOOCs era”, and both SPOCs and SOOCs are likely to replace MOOCs as the next generation of massive open online courses. The authors endeavor to sample literature on SPOCs and SOOCs, but only a few are available. The authors analyze their development and characteristics, and put forward a Three-in-One model of MSSCs , which embodies MOOCs, SPOCs and SOOCs and hopefully, would promote online education advancement.

Key words:MOOCs;SPOCs;SOOCs;online courses

Research on Designing Blended-Learning-Based Higher Education Courses—Case Study of Distance Education

GAO Juan
(College of Education Science, Zhaoqing University, Zhaoqing, 526061, China)

Research on Designing E-Schoolbag-Based Platform of Cloud Classroom

ZHANG Le-le1&Wang Yu2
(1.Kangda College, Nanjing Medical University, Lianyungang 222000,China;2. Lianyungang Normal College,Lianyungang 222000,China)

Study of Constructing Distributed Learning Environment

LI Zhuo-ying
(Lifelong Education and Learning Research Center, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610068, China)

Study of Open University Construction from Perspective of Research Development——Analysis of CNKI Data

WANG Qing-lian
(Lifelong Education Research Center, Changzhou Open University, Changzhou 213001, China)

Applying Matrix Model to Measuring Adult Education Schools' Competitiveness in New Normal——Case Study of Adult Continuing Education Development in Guangdong Province

LIAO Yuan-bing
(Heyuan Polytechnic Heyuan, Heyuan 517000, China)

Adult Cooperative Learning Strategies Based on Virtual Learning Communities

LUO Xuan
(Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610068, China)

Study of Community Residents' Online Learning Behavior : Case Study of Changchun National learning Network

ZHANG Hao-ran1& WEI Shun-ping2
(1. Changchun Radio and Television University, Changchun 130051;2. The Open University of China, Beijing 100039)

Study of Chinese Academia's Mapping Knowledge Domain

CHEN Yu-lin
(School of Education, Jiaying University, Meizhou 514015)

Characteristics and Insights of Innovation and Business Startup Education in Finland

HUANG An-xin
( Guangzhou Open University, Guangzhou, 510091)

Approaching Teacher Professional Development in Primary and Middle Schools: A SWOT Analysis

TAN Fu-yuan
(College of Vocation and Adult Education, Qufu Normal University, Qufu 273165 )

Paradigm Adjustment for College Cultural Construction in We-Media Era

ZHANG Mei-hua
(Department of Theory, Guangdong Food and Drug Vocational College, Guangzhou, 510520, China)

Study of Projects Approved by State Language Commission in 2011-2015

(Literature College, Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi 830000)

Research on Evolution of hou(齁) as Degree Adverb in Northern Dialect

LI Jin-ping
(Literature College, Harbin Normal University, Harbin 150025)

Analysis of Ghost Image and Religious Plot in Romantic Novels

XU Lin
(College of Liberal Arts, Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi 830017,China)

Boat Staggering across River: Narrative Ethics in Cao Yu's Early Drama

(College of Arts, Nankai university, Tianjin 300071)

Reinterpreting Motif of Revolution + love——Case study of Grenfell's Peach-Blossom Face

(Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi 830000)

Dual Variation of Humanity and Nature: The Top of Mountains

(Literature College, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070)

Study of Integrated Brand Communication in New Media Era

ZHANG Xin-he
(Guangzhou Open University, Guangzhou 510091,China)

A comparative Study on Opening up University Libraries between China and Other Countries

CAI Hongqi
(Guangzhou Institute of Railway Technology, Guangzhou 510430, China)

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