
2016-02-15 08:48:05郭洋孙渊渊王慧冯艳梅时海波殷善开
中华耳科学杂志 2016年6期

郭洋 孙渊渊 王慧 冯艳梅 时海波 殷善开





郭洋 孙渊渊 王慧 冯艳梅 时海波 殷善开



目的探讨吸烟、饮酒、职业性噪声暴露对工人听力的影响。方法选取某重型装备制造厂中噪声暴露环境下工人作为研究对象,问卷调查其噪声暴露史、吸烟史、饮酒史等,并在隔音室内进行纯音测听检查,将PTA0.25-3>25dB HL记为低频听力损失,PTA4-8>40dB HL记为高频听力损失。根据吸烟史、饮酒史将受试者分为不吸烟不饮酒组(C0A0)、吸烟不饮酒组(C1A0)、饮酒不吸烟组(C0A1)、吸烟饮酒组(C1A1),以不吸烟不饮酒组(C0A0)为对照组统计分析各组听力情况的区别。并应用Logistic回归分析吸烟、饮酒、噪声的不同暴露时间(0-5年、5-10年、10-15年、≥15年)对听力的影响。结果C1A0、C0A1、C1A1各组中听力损失工人的听力阈值及各组听力损失率与C0A0组的差异无统计学意义。Logistic回归分析显示相对于噪声暴露0-5年的工人,噪声暴露5-10年、10-15年、≥15年的工人发生低频听力损失的优势比分别为1.736、1.954、3.975,发生高频听力损失的优势比分别为1.517、2.257、1.627;相对于不饮酒人群,不同饮酒时间工人发生高频听力损失的优势比为1.777、1.814、2.402、3.134。结论饮酒可能会增加噪声暴露下工人听力受损的危险性,应在加强工人个人防护的基础上劝诫工人养成良好的生活习惯;而吸烟可能并不是造成听力损失的主要危险因素。


This work was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.81530029 and No.81300820)

Declaration of interest:The authors declare no confict of interest.

随着社会经济以及工业的不断发展,职业性噪声暴露成为了导致听力损失的最主要噪声来源,全世界越来越多的劳动者的作业环境被职业性噪声污染[1,2]。职业噪声暴露导致的噪声性听力损失(noise-induced hearing loss,NIHL)是我国乃至世界上最主要的职业病危害之一。本文通过回顾性队列研究,在噪声暴露人群中探讨职业性噪声暴露以及吸烟、饮酒与听力损失之间的关系。

1 对象和方法

1.1 研究对象

对上海市某重型装备制造厂连续性噪声环境下的作业工人1872人进行听力学检查,研究对象的纳入标准为:①年龄低于40岁;②男性工人;③外耳道及鼓膜正常;④中耳鼓室图为A型。排除标准为:①既往有耳毒性药物应用史;②外耳道或鼓膜异常者;③耳聋家族史者;④中耳功能异常者;⑤颅脑外伤史者。最终819人入选,平均年龄为31.77±5.07岁,平均噪声暴露时间为8.02±3.96年,其中电焊工339人、冷作工408人、其他工种72人,8h等效噪声声级dB(A)分别为81.0、80.1、81.4 dB(A)。根据各位受试者吸烟(Cigarette Smoking)、饮酒(Alcohol Consumption)经历分为不吸烟不饮酒组(C0A0)257人、吸烟不饮酒组(C1A0)135人、饮酒不吸烟组(C0A1)166人、吸烟饮酒组(C1A1)261人。并将受试者根据各因素的暴露时间分别分为0-5年、5-10年、10-15年、≥15年四组。纳入吸烟组别的标准为:平均每天抽烟≥1支;纳入饮酒组别的标准为:平均每周饮酒≥1次。

1.2 方法

1.2.1 问卷调查


1.2.2 外耳道及中耳检查


1.2.3 纯音听阈测试

在本底噪声<30dB(A)隔音室中,采用丹麦尔听美公司科丽纳™Conera™纯音测试仪,测试并记录0.25、0.5、1、2、3、4、6、8kHz的纯音听阈值。计算听力较好侧耳0.25、0.5、1、2、3kHz的平均听阈为PTA0.25-3,4、6、8kHz的平均听阈为PTA4-8。参照Gopi⁃nath B等的标准,将PTA0.25-3>25dB HL记为低频听力损失(low-frequency hearing loss,LFHL),PTA4-8>40dB HL记为高频听力损失(high-frequency hearing loss,HFHL)[3],以此计算各组的听力损失人数及听力损失率,其中听力损失率(%)=听力损失人数/此组总人数。

1.3 统计学方法


2 结果

2.1 不同吸烟饮酒史组别工人的听力阈值及听力损失率


表1 工人噪声暴露时间(n=819)Table1 Occupational noise exposure time of the workers(n=819)

表2为噪声暴露工人低频听力损失(PTA0.25-3>25dBHL)一般情况,四组PTA0.25-3差异无统计学意义(F=0.635,P=0.593)。C1A0组、C0A1组、C1A1组低频听力损失率与C0A0组相比差异无统计学意义(χ2=1.747,P=0.186;χ2=0.217,P=0.642;χ2=0.407,P= 0.524)。

表2 噪声暴露工人低频听力损失(PTA0.25-3>25dBHL)情况(n=819)Table 2 Low-frequency hearing loss(PTA0.25-3>25dBHL)of the occupational noise exposed workers(n=819)

表3为噪声暴露工人高频听力损失(PTA4-8>40dBHL)一般情况,四组PTA4-8差异无统计学意义(F=0.20,P=0.895),C1A0组、C0A1组、C1A1组高频听力损失率与C0A0组相比差异无统计学意义(χ2= 2.675,P=0.102;χ2=2.673,P=0.102;χ2=3.422,P=0.064)。

表3 噪声暴露工人高频听力损失(PTA4-8>40dBHL)情况(n=819)Table 3 High-frequency hearing loss(PTA4-8>40dBHL)of the occupational noise exposed workers(n=819)

2.2 不同吸烟时间、饮酒时间、噪声暴露时间对听力的影响



表4 不同噪声暴露、吸烟、饮酒时间的作业工人听力情况(n=819)Table 4 Hearing loss of workers with different exposure durations of occupational noise,cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption(n=819)

3 讨论




表5 作业工人噪声暴露、饮酒、吸烟时间与听力损失Logistic回归分析(n=819)Table 5 Logistic regression analysis for duration of noise exposure,cigarette smoking,alcohol consuming and hearing loss(n=819)


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Smoking,Alcohol Consumption and Occupational Noise and Hearing Impairment

GUO Yang,SUN Yuanyuan,WANG Hui,FENG Yanmei,SHI Haibo,YIN Shankai
Department of Otolaryngology,Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated Sixth People’s Hospital,Shanghai Jiao Tong University Otolaryngology Institute,Shanghai 200233,China

ObjectiveTo investigate the impact of smoking,alcohol consumption and noise exposure on hearing.MethodsNoise exposed workers in a large heavy industry factory were selected as the subjects of the study.Questionnaire survey was used to collect their history of smoking and alcohol consumption.Their pure tone threshold average in the sound-proofed environment was evaluated.Low-frequency hearing loss(LFHL)was defined as PTA>25 dB HL at 0.25-3 kHz,and high-frequency hearing loss(HFHL)as PTA>40 dB HL at 4-8 kHz.Using history of smoking and drinking,subjects were divided into a non-cigarette non-alcohol group(C0A0,or control),a cigarette smoking without alcohol group (C1A0),an alcohol consuming without cigarette group(C0A1),and a cigarette smoking and alcohol consuming group (C1A1).The duration of cigarette smoking,alcohol consuming and noise exposure was evaluated using a logistic regression model.ResultsDifferences in PTA between each group and the control group were not statistically significant,nor were hearing loss types.Logistic regression analysis showed adjusted odds ratios for HFHL at 1.736,1.954 and 3.975 and for LFHL at 1.517,2.257 and 1.627 for workers with noise exposure of 5-10 years,10-15 years and≥15 years,respectively.Smoking had no effect on hearing loss types,and adjusted odds ratios for HFHL were 1.777,1.814,2.402 and 3.13 for workers with alcohol consumption of 0-5 years,5-10 years,10-15 years and≥15years,respectively.ConclusionsAlcohol consumption may increase the risk of hearing impairment in workers exposed to noise.In addition to hearing protection measures,workers should be counseled on healthy living habits.Smoking,however,does not appear to be a critical factor in causing hearing impairment.

Occupational noise;Cigarette smoking;Alcohol consumption;Hearing impairment









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