State of the Arctic Marine Biodiversity Report (SAMBR)

2016-02-12 23:31:12
中华海洋法学评论 2016年2期

State of the Arctic Marine Biodiversity Report (SAMBR)

(Arctic Council SAO plenary meeting, 5-6 October 2016, Portland, Maine, U.S.A.)

The SAMBR is the frst integrated reporting outcome from the Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Programme (CBMP) and the implementation of the Arctic marine biodiversity monitoring plan (CBMP Marine Plan). The report summarizes the status and trends in key biotic elements of the Arctic marine environment. The results are based on ef f orts to fnd, gather, integrate and interpret all available existing Arctic marine biodiversity monitoring datasets to improve the detection and understanding of changes in circumpolar marine biodiversity. Several articles based on the knowledge produced in this process have been published as important scientifc works.

The Arctic Biodiversity Assessment (ABA) provided the fundamental baseline to make trend assessments in SAMBR possible. Six Marine Expert Networks (Sea ice biota, Plankton, Benthos, Fishes, Seabirds and Marine Mammals) provide the framework to implement the CBMP Marine Plan and generate the information required for SAMBR. Where it has been possible, the SAMBR:

· describes current and/or historical baseline status of focal ecosystem components;

· evaluates historical and contemporary trends;

· considers how changes in biodiversity may be linked to stressors;

· describes dif f erences that have occurred within the Arctic Marine Areas;

· describes status of Arctic biodiversity monitoring;

· identifes research priorities, knowledge gaps; and

· provides advice for monitoring and management.

The SAMBR is a major deliverable for the 2017 Arctic Council Ministerial and is just the beginning of an important continued ef f ort to further advance work in circumpolar biodiversity monitoring efforts and to understand the impact of changes in Arctic marine ecosystems and life in the oceans.


The report has undergone comprehensive peer review and is currently under review by the CAFF Board including Observer organisations and countries. It is scheduled to be revised and circulated for CAFF approval in December 2017 before being submitted to SAOs.