
2016-02-04 12:16赵寅
山西青年 2016年10期




一、The Character and Image Archetype

The so called “Narnia” is a dreamed land that Lewis created for the fantasy of a second world.Compared to other fantasy literature works,one thing that The Chronicles of Narnia differs from the others is that Lewis created a second world in the wardrobe,which he believes is the result of people’s unsatisfying with the first world that God created.Lewis put readers in the second world that is full of imagination and miracles with the power of fantasy.And what makes the second world more of a real one is the characters in the book and their meanings behind it.The thesis is going to analyze the character and image archetype in the movie one by one.

二、 The Theme Archetype

Frye’s theory in the archetype can also be used in analyzing the themes in The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe and the Bible.The thesis is then going to analyze three themes the novel trys to show the reader.

(一)Sin and Redemption

In the Bible the theme of the sin and redemption exists from the beginning to the end.When Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s will and ate the forbidden fruit,and they gave their sin to their next generations.It became the source of human’s disaster and pain and sorrow.Human is born with sin,and with only redemption can human be free from their sin.In the New Testament,the redemption was revealed when Jesus was nailed on the cross sacrificing himself and save the people.The God is the reflection of human’s reasonable mind and spirit,the reason why Christian holds up Jesus so high is that they need him to remind them who they are so that they can be saved or save themselves.And in The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe,Aslan sacrificed himself to save Edmund but also got rebirth from his death.


The Bible says we shall love our enemies,because we are human beings,maybe we can't love the one who did something wrong to us,but we can forgive them,and by this way our hearts will be set free from the burdens,and this will make us relaxed and our life more purified.Forgiveness has always been the main theme that the Bible trying to spread.The spirit is among brotherhood,family,friends and even enemies.And in The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe,Aslan and the other three kids chose to forgive Edmund because they love each other and they knew choosing to forgive him is the only and the ultimate way to show their love and care for him and also restart.


Love is the forever theme in the Bible,“Love is patient and kind;love does not envy or boast;it is not arrogant or rude.It does not insist on its own way;it is not irritable or resentful;it does not rejoice at wrongdoing,but rejoice with the truth.Love bears all things,believes all things,hopes all things,endures all things”(Bible,2013,299).In the book,the four kids were first sent to countryside because their mother reckoned it would be safe for her kids to stay there,because of their mother’s love for them,they were sent there.And then during the journey,they supported each other and helped each other through all kinds of difficulties and obstacles,and that’s love between brothers and sisters.Aslan is always there with them and accompany them keeping them safe,the love of God is the most sacred one can have.Aslan’s love for the kids is the giving kind of love that is sacred enough to sacrifice anything including his life.


The thesis started from two aspects using the theory of Myth and Archetypal Criticism.While accomplishing the function of appreciating this piece of work,it also reveals the hidden relationship between it and the Bible.The characters in The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe all have specific images in the Bible,and they are similar in their life experience,faith,and the choices they make.Thus it provides readers with a clear clue of analyzing the hidden relationship between the two books.The Bible contains a great amount of themes,life lessons,wisdom and knowledge of life,so does the novel.Religious belief is deeply rooted in the novel,but it need readers to dig out by themselves,“religion cannot be called on to create relations between people and other people and the larger world in which they find themselves.What Christianity can do is to offer a different,more truthful and satisfying understanding of what kinds of relations they are,can or should be”(Wesley A.Kort,2001:46).






Abstract:C.S.Lewis,a noted English literary giant,not only known as the 20th century Christian writer,but also a popular children's literature writer.His literature work The Chronicles of Narnia is renowned home and abroad.Instead of just being a piece of work of children's literature,it contains profound social and Christian morality meaning.The thesis is intended to analyze the character and theme construction in The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe from the aspect of biblical archetypes,which is proposed by Northrop Frye in order to explore the relationship between the novel and the Bible.

Key words:Biblical archetypal criticism;Archetype;Character;Theme



