
2016-01-11 02:01:47郑兆泓,赵九龙,杜婷婷
中华胰腺病杂志 2015年2期








Detection and analysis of blood immune parameters in patients with chronic pancreatitisZhengZhaohong,ZhaoJiulong,DuTingting,HuLianghao,LiaoZhuang,YeBo,LiBairong,JiJuntao,WangDan,LinJinhuan,LiZhaoshen.DepartmentofGastroenterology,ChanghaiHospital,SecondMilitaryMedicalUniversity,Shanghai200433,China


Abstract【〗ObjectiveTo explore the positive rate of each autoimmunity parameters in patients with chronic pancreatitis. MethodsFour hundred and nine chronic pancreatitis patients treated in Department of Gastroenterology of Changhai Hospital were selected and the 25 autoimmunity parameters included anti-ENA antibody, anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody, anti-β2-GPI, anticardiolipin antibody (ACA), anti dsDNA antibody were determined, then a literature search was performed to compare the autoimmune positive rate of healthy people in Pubmed database with chronic pancreatitis patients. ResultsAmong 409 patients, the positive rates of anti β2-GPI, ACA, and anti dsDNA antibody were 11.7%, 1.4%, and 1.9%, respectively, whereas other indicators were negatively expressed. The positive rate of anti β2-GPI in CP patients was significantly higher than that of healthy group (11.7%vs3.4%), and the positive rate of ACA was lower than that of healthy group (1.4%vs4.1%), and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P<0.05). ConclusionsAnti β2-GPI shows some potential value in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pancreatitis, but the clinical significance of ACA is uncertain.

【Key words】Pancreatits, chronic;Autoimmune diseases;Biological markers;anti-β2 glycoprotein 1

慢性胰腺炎(chronic pancreatitis,CP)是胰腺的一种进行性炎症性疾病。随着国人生活水平的提高,CP的发病率有增长的趋势,严重地影响了人们的工作和生活。目前关于CP的病因除了摄入酒精较为明确[1]外,其他致病因素尚不明确,影响了疾病的诊断和治疗。自身免疫性胰腺炎(autoimmune pancreatitis, AIP)作为CP的一种亚型,自身免疫指标IgG4对于其诊断的价值已得到明确[2]。对于其他特发性CP患者,自身免疫因素是不是其致病因素,是否需要对CP患者行血液自身免疫指标检测,目前尚无明确的相关研究。本研究检测CP患者(AIP除外)的血液自身免疫指标,以明确CP与自身免疫是否相关。


通信作者:李兆申,Email: zhaoshen-li@hotmail.com





检测的血指标包括抗可提取性核抗原抗体(抗ENA抗体),抗SS-A,抗SS-B,抗JO-1,抗RNP,抗Scl-70,抗Sm,抗胞浆型中性粒细胞抗体,抗多发性肌炎硬皮病抗体,抗蛋白酶3抗体IgG,抗髓过氧化物酶抗体,抗线粒体M2抗体,抗核糖体抗体,抗肾小球基底膜抗体,抗增殖细胞核抗原抗体,抗β2-糖蛋白1抗体(anti-β2-GPI ),抗核小体抗体,抗组蛋白抗体,抗核周型中性粒细胞抗体,抗双链-DNA抗体,抗单链-DNA抗体,抗核抗体,抗平滑肌抗体,抗线粒体抗体,抗心磷脂抗体(ACA),免疫球蛋白G4亚型(IgG4),共25项自身免疫指标。


因本研究基于大样本的临床检测,未设置相关对照组,且部分抗体在健康人群中阳性率的相关研究较少,并且尚无准确、统一的数值,故系统检索Pubmed,选取库内所有涉及健康人群相关自身免疫阳性率的文献作为对照。例如以anti-β2 glycoprotein I和anti-β2-GPI作为关键词检索Pubmed数据库,选取库内所有涉及健康人群anti-β2-GPI阳性率的相关文献共16篇[3-18],anti-β2-GPI分为IgA、IgG、IgM3型,本次检测为anti-β2-GPI总值,故单独检测anti-β2-GPI 3种分型之一的相关文献未列入统计。


结  果


409例CP患者中48例患者的anti-β2-GPI呈阳性,阳性率11.7%。48名阳性患者中anti-β2-GPI的平均值为38.51RU/ml,预测他们的anti-β2-GPI 值分布在33.40~43.63RU/ml(95%CI),明显高于≤20RU/ml的正常参考值[19]。Pubmed数据库内所有涉及健康人群anti-β2-GPI阳性率的相关文献共16篇,纳入2 438名健康者,其中88名阳性,阳性率为3.4%。CP 患者阳性率显著高于文献报道的健康人群,差异有统计学意义(χ2=50.85,P<0.001)。

本组6例患者ACA呈阳性,阳性率1.4%。数据库涉及的健康人群阳性率的相关文献共12篇[20-31],纳入7 269名健康者,其中299例阳性,阳性率为4.1%。CP患者阳性率显著低于文献报道的健康人群,差异有统计学意义(χ2=7.07,P<0.001)






表1 anti-β2-GPI阴性与阳性CP患者的临床资料比较



表2 胰腺发育异常与正常的CP患者的临床资料比较

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