李泽阳冯京海周 明张敏红常 玉(1.安徽农业大学动物科技学院,合肥30036;.中国农业科学院北京畜牧研究所,动物营养学国家重点实验室,北京100193)
李泽阳1,2冯京海2∗周 明1∗∗张敏红2常 玉2
摘 要:本试验旨在研究连续饲喂转Cry1Ab/1Ac基因糙米对2个世代鹌鹑生长发育的影响。选取健康的1日龄日本鹌鹑(Coturnix japonica)402羽随机分成2组,每组3个重复,每个重复67羽,雌雄混养。2组分别为转基因组和非转基因组,分别饲喂含转Cry1Ab/1Ac基因或非转基因糙米的饲粮,35日龄时从各组中分别挑选健康的体重相近的鹌鹑72羽,平均分成6个重复,每个重复3羽雄性9羽雌性,分别继续饲喂2种饲粮,饲养至91日龄。2个组85~91日龄所产的蛋分别孵化,孵化出的子代鹌鹑分别继续饲喂2种饲粮,分组及饲养管理与亲代相同。结果表明:转基因糙米中的粗蛋白质、粗脂肪、粗纤维等营养成分的含量与非转基因糙米没有显著差异(P>0.05);与非转基因组相比,转基因组亲代和子代鹌鹑的平均日采食量、平均日增重和料重比均无显著差异(P>0.05);2代鹌鹑的肝脏、心脏、睾丸和卵巢等器官指数也与非转基因组无显著差异(P>0.05)。结果表明,连续2个世代采食含转Cry1Ab/1Ac基因糙米的饲粮对日本鹌鹑的生长发育没有显著影响。
∗∗通信作者:周 明,教授,硕士生导师,E⁃mail:aauzhouming@163.com
转苏云金芽胞杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis,Bt)基因(包括Cry1Ab、Cry1A和Cry1Ab/1Ac等基因)作物可在茎、叶、种子等部位表达外源杀虫蛋白,该蛋白质具有高度专一性,能与昆虫肠道上皮细胞膜上的特异受体蛋白发生专一性结合,造成细胞渗透压改变,上皮细胞膜穿孔,进而导致昆虫死亡,故能有效防治鳞翅目、双翅目、鞘翅目等虫害[1-4]。水稻是重要的粮食作物[5-6],早在20世纪80年代,国内外就开展了转Bt基因水稻的培育[7-14]、安全性评价和营养价值差异等工作[15-17]。研究发现,连续90 d饲喂转Cry1C基因水稻[17]、转Cry1Ab基因水稻[18]或转CryAb/CryAc基因水稻[19]对大鼠采食量、体增重和料重比(F/G)等指标无显著影响。但也有试验表明,连续90 d饲喂转Cry1Ab基因糙米显著增加雄鼠的睾丸指数[20]。连续42 d喂转Cry1Ab基因糙米“Bt110”显著提高肉鸡采食量、日增重和F/G[21-22],其原因可能是2种饲粮组成不同,而非引入的外源基因。此外,研究人员还评价了转Bt基因水稻对动物血液生理生化、外源基因残留和肠道微生物等方面的影响[23-28]。上述研究工作主要针对转Bt基因水稻的亚急性安全评价,评价周期一般在90 d以内,不能完全反映转Bt基因水稻的长期影响。
1.1 试验动物与试验设计
亲代鹌鹑:选择健康、体重相近的1日龄日本鹌鹑402羽,随机分成2个组,每组3个重复,每个重复67羽,雌雄混养。分别饲喂含有转Cry1Ab/1Ac基因和非转基因亲本糙米的饲粮,自由采食和饮水。13日龄称重,更换喂料器,记录采食量,35日龄称重,从各组中挑选健康的、体重相近的鹌鹑72羽,平均分成6个重复,每个重复3羽雄性、9羽雌性。采用3层阶梯式笼养,35日龄更换产蛋料,自由饮水和采食,每天光照16 h,试验至91日龄结束。
1.2 试验饲粮
糙米和豆粕为主要原料,参照NRC(1994)推荐的鹌鹑营养需要配制试验饲粮(表1)。转Cry1Ab/1Ac基因水稻及其传统亲本水稻(表2)由华中农业大学提供。试验前分别对2种水稻及豆粕进行Cry1Ab/1Ac基因特异性片段扩增,结果表明,仅转基因水稻含有375 bp的阳性目标片段。
1.3 测定指标及方法
1.3.1 糙米及饲料营养成分
1.3.2 生长性能和器官指数
因雏鹑体型小,12日龄前需将饲料均匀撒在垫纸上饲喂,饲料消耗量无法准确记录,从13日龄开始使用小型自动喂料器,以重复为单位准确记录13~35日龄的给料量和剩料量。计算平均日增重(ADG)、平均日采食量(ADFI)和F/G。36日龄开始以重复为单位记录每周耗料量。91日龄禁食24 h后,每重复挑选雄性和雌性鹌鹑各2只,颈部放血处死后记录各器官重量,计算器官指数。
1.4 数据处理与统计分析
试验数据采用SAS 9.1.3软件进行t检验分析,P<0.05为差异显著,各组试验数据以“平均值±标准误”表示。
表1 试验饲粮组成及营养水平(风干基础)Table 1 Composition and nutrient levels of experimental diets(air⁃dry basis) %
2.1 转基因糙米与传统亲代糙米营养成分比较
表2 转基因和非转基因糙米的营养水平(风干基础)Table 2 Nutrient levels of genetically modified and non⁃genetically modified rice(air⁃dry basis) %
2.2 转基因糙米对亲代鹌鹑生长性能的影响
表3 转基因糙米对亲代鹌鹑生长性能的影响Table 3 Effects of genetically modified rice on growth performance of quails in parental generation
2.3 转基因糙米对亲代鹌鹑器官指数的影响
表4 转基因糙米对91日龄亲代鹌鹑器官指数的影响Table 4 Effects of genetically modified rice on organ indexes of quails in parental generation at age of 91 days %
2.4 转基因糙米对子代鹌鹑生长性能的影响
2.5 转基因糙米对子代鹌鹑器官指数的影响
表5 转基因糙米对子代鹌鹑生长性能的影响Table 5 Effects of genetically modified rice on growth performance of quails in filial generation
表6 转基因糙米对91日龄子代鹌鹑器官指数的影响Table 6 Effects of genetically modified rice on organ indexes of quails in filial generation at age of 91 days %
转Bt基因作物所表达的杀虫蛋白具有高度的特异性[1-4],由于哺乳动物和禽类肠道内为酸性环境且不存在特异性的受体[30],因此理论上对人类以及动物安全,但人们担心由于外源Bt基因的导入产生未知的不利影响。王忠华等[18]用转Cry1Ab基因水稻“克螟稻2号”饲喂SD大鼠90 d,发现其对大鼠采食量、日增重和F/G等无显著影响。Wang等[26]用转基因水稻TT51饲喂大鼠90 d的结果也表明转基因水稻不影响大鼠的生长发育,大量试验也表明转Bt基因水稻不影响小鼠等动物生长发育[25,30-31]。但杜红方[22]发现饲喂转Cry1Ab基因糙米“Bt110”42 d显著提高肉仔鸡耗料量、体增重,王军[21]的研究结果也与之类似,认为可能是由于2种饲粮组成不同,而非外源基因引入导致肉鸡生长性能的提高。上述研究主要针对转Bt基因水稻的亚急性安全评价,评价周期一般在90 d以内,不能完全反映转Bt基因水稻的长期影响。本试验连续2个世代饲喂转Cry1Ab/1Ac基因糙米,发现对鹌鹑体增重、F/G、器官指数等指标均未产生显著影响。Flachowsky等[32]用转Bt基因玉米Bt176连续饲喂鹌鹑10个世代,每世代持续12周,也未发现长期饲喂转Bt基因玉米对鹌鹑生长发育产生任何不利影响。Wang等[26]的2世代饲养试验结果显示,转Cry⁃Ab/CryAc基因糙米TT51对大鼠的生长发育也没有显著影响。
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Effects of Feeding Transgenic Rice Containing Cry1Ab/1Ac Gene on Growth and Development in Two Generations of Quails
LI Zeyang
FENG Jinghai
ZHANG Minhong
(责任编辑 陈 燕)
(1.College of Animal Science and Technology,Anhui Agricultural University,Hefei 230036,China;2.State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition,Institute of Animal Science,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100193,China)
∗Contributed equally
∗∗Corresponding author,professor,E⁃mail:aauzhouming@163.com
Abstract:A two⁃generation feeding trial was conducted to study the effects of transgenic rice containing Cry1Ab/1Ac gene on growth and development in Japanese quails(Coturnix japonica).Four hundred and two 1⁃day⁃old Japanese quails were randomly divided into 2 groups with 3 replicates per group and 67 quails per replicate.The 2 groups were genetically modified and non⁃genetically modified(non⁃GM)groups,and quails in these 2 groups were fed diets with genetically modified rice containing Cry1Ab/1Ac gene and non⁃genetically modified(non⁃GM)rice,respectively.At age of 35 d,seventy⁃two healthy quails with similar body weight from each group were selected and randomly divided into 2 groups with 6 replicates per group,each replicate contained 9 female quails and 3 male quails,and quails in different groups were continued to feed with the 2 di⁃ets.The duration of each generation was 91 d and the eggs of first generation in the period at 85 to 91 d of age were hatched for the next generation.The experimental design and management of the second generation was the same as the first generation.The results showed that there was no significant difference in nutrient compo⁃nent contents in the genetically modified rice compared with the non⁃GM rice(P>0.05).The results of aver⁃age daily gain(ADG),average daily feed intake(ADFI)and the ratio of feed to gain(F/G)of quails in each generation showed no significant difference in each generation between different groups(P>0.05).Com⁃paring with the non⁃GM group,the indexes of liver,heart,testis and ovary of quails in each generation be⁃tween the 2 groups were not significantly different.The results suggest that consuming genetically modified rice containing Cry1Ab/1Ac gene for consecutive two generations has no significant effect on growth and develop⁃ment in quails.[Chinese Journal of Animal Nutrition,2015,27(7):2168⁃2175]
Key words:genetically modified;rice;Cry1Ab/1Ac;quails;growth and development