
2015-12-29 06:00:03徐芳,李涛
当代外语研究 2015年8期




Baker, P., C. Gabrielatos & T. McEnery. 2013.DiscourseAnalysisandMediaAttitudes:TheRepresentationofIslamintheBritishPress. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 9781107008823. pp.+280.

1. 引言


作为语料库批评话语分析的国际领军人物,本书作者Paul Baker和Tony McEnery为语料库语言学研究重镇兰卡斯特大学语言学及英语语言系教授,在语料库语言学、批评话语分析、语言与身份等领域多有建树,也是语料库批评话语分析研究的重要推动者。另一作者Costas Gabrielatos现为艾吉黑尔大学英语语言高级讲师,曾师从McEnery教授,于2010年博士毕业于兰卡斯特大学。可以预见,本书将有力促进语料库批评话语分析研究。

2. 内容简介



第二章通过词频和关键词分析,考察了伊斯兰语料库的整体特征。该语料库涵纳1998年至2009年有关穆斯林和伊斯兰话题的英国报纸文章,库容近1亿4千3百万词。作者利用Sketch Engine观察“穆斯林”(Muslim)、“伊斯兰”(Islam)等语词的修饰语及其在语法、语义结构上的差别,并分析了语料库中的高频实词,以考察伊斯兰语料库中的特定语义组合。研究结果显示,伊斯兰语料库中半数以上的高频词都直接与争端相关,检索词“伊斯兰”和“穆斯林”的诸多搭配修饰语也都与冲突关联。这表明1998至2009年12年间英国报纸新闻中对伊斯兰和穆斯林的描写多置于冲突争端类报道背景,试图把伊斯兰及穆斯林建构成为争端的来源。



第五章主要关注了穆斯林的群体性和差异性概念,重点考察最高频的“穆斯林世界”(Muslim world)、“穆斯林社区”(Muslim community)、“穆斯林国家”(Muslim country)等语言表达式,以探讨英国报纸多大程度上把穆斯林呈现为“西方”(the West)的对立群体,多大程度上认可伊斯兰具有不同宗教传统派别。本章对群体性和差异性的考察表明英国报纸倾向于把穆斯林描绘为群体概念,通常与英国其他群体或西方世界关系紧张。对伊斯兰不同派别的呈现,大报与小报之间有所差别。这构建了英国报纸中穆斯林和伊斯兰身份形象,展现了穆斯林世界与西方世界之间的对立和冲突。



第八章主要关注了穆斯林女性面纱和男性的极端倾向两个话题。性别是人们理解身份最重要的方式之一,而Muslim women和Muslim men都是伊斯兰语料库中的极高频词簇。对于女性面纱话题,作者探究了新闻报道中戴面纱是被表征为一种选择性行为,还是强加于穆斯林女性身上的政治化形式。对男性极端倾向的分析,旨在关注英国报纸多大程度上把穆斯林男性构建成为实施威胁的主体以及这些新闻报纸如何表述相关解决方案。研究结果显示英国报纸表现出对穆斯林女性的厌恶和不满,并认定穆斯林男性群体极端主义倾向愈加浓厚。研究还发现报纸话语把伊斯兰描写成具有压迫性的、极端性的宗教派别。




3. 简评


第一,采用大型专题语料库驱动研究方法。长期以来,批评话语分析受到广泛抨击,认为只要存在批评主体,任何话语分析都难以避免个人偏见,因为研究人员总是倾向于寻找支持自己立场的研究数据(Stubbs 1997;Widdowson 2004:102)。近些年,部分学者把语料库语言学研究方法融入批评话语分析研究,为批评话语分析提供了新的研究路径(Partington 2006;Bakeretal. 2008)。本书采用大型专题语料库驱动研究方法,在很大程度上避免了对研究数据定性分析的偏颇。其一是因为该书并非基于传统的语料库取样方法,而是涵盖多类型英语报纸,无论大报小报、无论左翼右翼,只要涉及穆斯林和伊斯兰话题的英国报纸文章,即收录在本研究所依据的世界上最大的穆斯林和伊斯兰专题报刊语料库。该语料库涵纳1998年至2009年有关穆斯林和伊斯兰话题的英国报纸文章2万余篇,库容达1亿4千3百万词,相关定性分析和研究结论以如此规模大型数据为基础,这在一定程度上消除了批评主体的个人偏见。其二是因为本书采用了语料库驱动的研究方法。该研究方法的优势在于不对研究结果进行预设,研究者更多得置于中立的态度和立场。就该书而言,作者提取高频语言表达式作为进一步深入考察的基础,而非预设英国报纸对待穆斯林和伊斯兰的报道态度存在偏见,这一定程度上增强了研究的效度和信度。尤为重要的是,此类研究方法支持重复性验证研究,使得本项研究更趋科学。另外,值得一提的是,作者在书中研究方法部分提出三位作者对研究数据分别进行阐释,同时在相关学术会议及研讨会对部分研究结果的展示中,也收到来自不同区域、不同研究背景学者的回馈,这对本书的研究结果也是一种有效补充。在语料库批评话语分析中对研究数据多人阐释,对语料库数据研究结果进行三角验证将是这一领域中的未来研究趋势。





① “scroung*”指以scroung为词干的语词单位,包括scrounge、scrounged、scrounging等。


The Appropriate Interpretation and Selective Use of Notes on Chinese Classics as Source Texts in the Process of Translation,by HUANG Guowen, p. 1

In translating Chinese classics into foreign languages, the translator’s interpretation and use of notes on the classics (as source texts) will affect the translation process on the one hand and the quality of product of the translation (i.e. target text) on the other. This paper looks at this issue by studying different English translations of the Confucian “zi han yan li yu ming yu ren” inLunYu(theAnalects) and argues that the appropriate interpretation and selective use of those notes not only determines the quality of the translated text but also indicates the translator’s translating competence.

On Finiteness in Chinese from the Perspective of Cryptotype and Cline,by YANG Bingjun, p. 6

No general consensus has been arrived in finiteness of verbs in Chinese since late 1890s. A sketchy review of the morphological changes during the development of Chinese shows that it is improper to treat the finiteness of verbs majorly on the basis of inflections. With the insights from Whorf’s cryptotype and Halliday’s cline, we can differentiate six types between typical non-finite clause and typical finite clause according to three parameters as follows: the appearance of subject, the verb as the main predicate, and the verb agrees with persons and numbers. It is found in the present research that the so-called pregnant clauses, the serial verb construction and the jianyu construction (similar to SVOC construction in English) can all be expounded within the types we proposed in a consistent way. In general, pseudo-non-finite clauses are prevalent in modern Chinese.

A Review of Compound Word Processing Research in China and Abroad,by ZHAO Wei, p. 11

This paper provides a critical review of the compound word processing research in China and abroad. It starts by introducing the representative theoretical models in the field, concluding that so far the Dual-route model is the one with the best explanatory power, and then it proceeds to make a detailed analysis and evaluation of the current empirical studies in compound word processing in both L1 and L2. At the end it predicts the future trends of the research on compound word processing.

Generics: To be Grounded, or Not to be Grounded,by HUANG Bei, p. 18

Based on the interactive function of language, Cognitive Grammar comes up with the grounding theory. As a semantic function, grounding is formally represented as the grounding system in language, which is held to find realization in all nominals and finite clauses. Focusing on nominal grounding system (i.e. the determiner system), and taking Chinese bare nouns as point of access, this paper suggests that bare nouns remain ungrounded when denoting generic reference, and further argues that generic expressions have nothing to do with grounding, and that there is no iconic mapping between the determinant elements in generic NPs and the grounding function. This suggests that current grounding theory has posed too stringent constraints on form-meaning correspondence, which is difficult to hold in effect.

Stubbs, M. 1997. Whorf’s children: Critical comments on critical discourse analysis [A]. In A. Ryan & A. Wray (eds.).EvolvingModelsofLanguage[C]. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. 100-16.

Widdowson, H. G. 2004.Text,Context,Pretext:CriticalIssuesinCriticalDiscourseAnalysis[M]. Oxford: Blackwell.




Studies of English as a Lingua Franca and Its Implications for China’s English Language Teaching Practice,by TENG Yanjiang, p. 31

The economic globalization has enhanced English’s status as a Lingua Franca (ELF) in international communications. This new trend has made the usage of English more function on its shared linguistic code and less on its traditional native speakerness. Therefore, ELF has become a hot topic in the field of Applied Linguistics. Through a chronological perspective, this paper reviews the study of ELF: its definition, its relation with EFL (English as a Foreign Language), the study domains (pragmatics, lexicongrammar and phonology), and its research applications (in academic and business field). In addition, this paper points out the challenges ELF study encountered at present. Based on the theoretical discussion of ELF, finally this paper discusses its implications on China’s English language teaching practice.

Sustainable Improvement of Chinese Students’ English Proficiency: A Narrative Review Based on Contemporary Distinguished English Educators,by CHANG Haichao, p. 37

Based on the narrations of twenty-one contemporary distinguished English educators in China, it revealed that they developed their English language ability by means of reading lots of English literary works. The rationale behind this in English learning is that: (1) The colorful language and encyclopedic knowledge in literary works unfolds the linguistic context; (2) The variety of subjects in literary works intrigue the learners’ reading will and mobilize their cognitive ability, thus activating the intrinsic context; (3) Extensive reading, facilitated by pertinent writing, compensates for the lack of the extrinsic language environment. Driven by knowledge factors, sustained by affective and cognitive factors and targeted on the cultivation of language awareness and the increase of stamina in English learning, literary reading proves to be an effective way for the sustainable development of Chinese students’ English language ability.

Selection of Language Varieties in Translation and the Construction of Modern Gender Identity: On Language Varieties in Translation of Women Translators in Early 20th-Century China,by LUO Lie, p. 55

The early 20th-century China witnessed the replacement of classical Chinese by vernacular Chinese as the written language. Considered as the representation of modernity, vernacular Chinese was highly advocated. During this process, translation played an important role in introducing new words and ways of expression into Chinese language. The selection of language varieties in translation is related to the translator’s cultural attitude toward self and the other. In this period, the first group of indigenous women translators in China demonstrates three stages in their selection of language varieties in translation, which reveals their recognition and active construction of modern identity. Their selection of language varieties in translation contributes to the change of power structure of the different Chinese language varieties and pushes forward the development of Chinese language.

On Female Translator’s Subjectivity:A Case Study of Gladys Yang’s Chinese-English Translation of Leaden Wings,by ZHANG Shengxiang & WANG Jiali, p. 63

Gladys Yang, as a well-known British translator, made an outstanding contribution to Chinese literature. Her unique cultural identity, together with fruitful translation practice, makes her an ideal research object on the translator’s subjectivity. What makes things more meaningful is that her identity as a female translator offers a brand-new gender perspective to this study. Over her independent translation activities, her subjectivity as a translator has been fully played, and she has actively translated various Chinese women writers’ works. This paper analyzes translator’s subjectivity in Gladys Yang’s English translations, taking the English version ofLeadenWingsas a case in point. The comprehensive analysis will be conducted from three aspects: selection of source texts, manipulation on paratexts, and translation strategies.



Baker, P., C. Gabrielatos, M. Khosravinik, M. Krzyzanowski, A. M. McEnery & R. Wodak. 2008. A useful methodological synergy? Combining critical discourse analysis and corpus linguistics to examine discourses of refugees and asylum seekers in the UK press [J].DiscourseandSociety(3): 273-306.

Partington, A. 2006.TheLinguisticsofLaughter:ACorpusAssistedStudyofLaughterTalk[M]. London: Routledge.

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