
2015-12-24 06:36:12姚剑鹏
当代外语研究 2015年9期







doi[编码] 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2015.09.013


1. 引言


Stoller, F. L. & W. Grabe. 1997. A six-T’s approach to content-based instruction [A]. In M. Snow. & M. Brinton (eds.).TheContent-basedClassroom:PerspectivesonIntegratingLanguageandContent[C]. New York: Longman. 78-94.

Stryker, S. B. & B. L. Leaver (eds.). 1997.Content-BasedInstructioninForeignLanguageEducation:ModelsandMethods[C]. Washington: Georgetown University Press.

The Commission on Excellence in Education. 1983.ANationatRisk:TheImperativeforEducationReform[R]. Department of Education, Washington. 9-11.































会话自我修补是话者在交际过程中对所监控到的各类言语错误进行自我改正的行为。它充斥在人类自然言语当中,也常见于二语课堂,是衡量学习者二语习得成功与否的关键因素。通过修补,学习者获得理解了的输入和可理解性输出(Cho 2008:18)。要想获得此效果,学习者的修补意识要加强,对修补的启动要得法。本文以我国二语课堂师生互动环境为背景,针对课堂话语中教师对学习者的自我修补启动行为,分启动者、启动位和启动技巧等方面进行梳理,并结合课堂语料,讨论教师修补启动的特征及其作用。

2. 教师修补启动



1977年,Schegloff等人在对会话修补的研究中,提出了修补启动这一概念。他们将启动分为自启(self-initiation)和他启(other-initiation),并将会话修补分为自启/自补(self-initiation/self-repair)、自启/他补(self-initiation/other-repair)、他启/自补(other-initiation/self-repair)和他启/他补(other-initiation/other repair)等四种修补类型。可见,从启动者角度来划分,修补启动有话者本人(自启)或其他话者(他启)所作的启动(Yasui 2010:43)。

例1①显示了话者自启自补的特点和过程。话者Alina发现了言语错误,随即停止了语流,对言语错误启动并实施修补,之后再恢复语流。其特点是整个修补过程均在同一话轮中。例2中的Rickie似乎难以提取有关购物袋的信息,语流分别暂停在“sh-”和“old be-”之后。对此,Rebecca试图通过提供有关购物袋信息来启动修补,最后Rickie作了修补。此例中,Rebecca两次启动修补(shopping bag?和a plastic)。与例1相比,此类修补跨越了话轮。

(1) ALINA: ~Hector] was s- —

you know,

they were scoring?

...the...show last week?

And I—

...and I called up [to talk] to him,


(2) RICKIE: ...Like a sh=-,

...like a... [old be-,

REBECCA: [Shopping bag]?

RICKIE: Yeah]=.

a shopping [bag].

REBECCA: [a plas]tic,

RICKIE: Yeah[=]. (SBC0008)

Schegloff等人的研究还揭示,在自然言语环境下,自启数量超过他启。二语课堂里的情景却不尽相同。研究指出,语言学习者倾向于自我修补而不是他人修补(Buckwalter 2001;Foster & Ohta 2005),其自我修补的频率超过本族语者(Kormos 2000)。但由于诸如说话太轻、发音不准确、选词有误或提供了模糊的解释等原因,学习者的交流时常遭遇失败(Comeau & Genesee 2001),再加上本身语言水平有限,使得他们转而依赖教师来启动修补,因此,他启自补在数量上超过了自启自补。据统计,在二语课堂里,有74%的自我修补是由教师启动的(McHoul 1990:366),相比之下,由学习者自我启动的自我修补则十分缺乏(McHoul 1990:353)。




修补启动有其较为固定的位置(placement of repair initiation)。最早指出这一现象的是Schegloff等人。他们指出,极大多数的修补启动位于同话轮、话轮转换处或包括阻碍源话轮在内的第三个话轮。然而,他们的研究是针对自然言语环境下的自我修补,那么,二语课堂自我修补的启动位又如何呢?


trouble source (TS, T1)→repair initiation (RI, T2)→self-repair (SR, T3)


(3) S5: And when when husband was in no mood, she knows... (TS, T1)

T: She knows how to (RI, T2)

S5: encourage and inspire his husband. (SR, T3) when when husband was in no mood, she knows... (TS, T1)

T: She knows how to (RI, T2)

S5: encourage and inspire his husband. (SR, T3)

(4) S2: Because first she is a new comer in the USA, so he must so she must find a family to support her. (TS, T1)

T: Is that so? Oh, what do you mean by supporting her, financially or? (RI1, T2)

S2: No, no no. @此处为汉语Support means maybe sometimes she will have some troubles in. Maybe sometimes she will feel very sad, and and, (SR1, T3)

T: So you mean a kind of spiritual supporting? (RI2, T4)

S2: Yes. (SR2, T5) first she is a new comer in the USA, so he must so she must find a family to support her. (TS, T1)

T: Is that so? Oh, what do you mean by supporting her, financially or? (RI1, T2)

S2: No, no no. @此处为汉语Support means maybe sometimes she will have some troubles in. Maybe sometimes she will feel very sad, and and, (SR1, T3)

T: So you mean a kind of spiritual supporting? (RI2, T4)

S2: Yes. (SR2, T5)

以上两例均符合上述结论。例3中的教师结合视听说教材内容,组织学习者讨论“心目中的理想丈夫/妻子”。于是,学习者S5认为,当丈夫情绪不佳时,做妻子的应该做点什么。然而,他显然碰到了概念提取问题,无法提取正确的有关妻子该做点什么的信息。教师随即用重复加how to来启动修补,为S5提供了一定的提示。S5领会了教师的意图,采取即刻修补的策略(instant repair),直接实施了修补。例4中,教师T听到了S2的不充分信息to support her,随即发出了质疑,用what do you mean by结构启动了对该信息的修补,S2在第三话轮中进行了修补,并得到了教师的第二次修补启动,在第五话轮中最终完成整个修补。虽然修补启动和学习者的自我修补延续到了第4和第5个话轮,但是,其轨迹仍然是阻碍源、修补启动和自我修补三个阶段。

这样的观点也符合课堂话语的三步模式。1975年,伯明翰学派话语分析法代表人物Sinclair和Coulhard提出IRF课堂话语模式,即教师的引发步(initiating move)、学习者的应答步(responding move)和教师的反馈步(feedback move)。之后因避免语义歧义,他们将第三步feedback修改为follow-up。1979年,Mehan提出IRE模式,即教师提出问题(initiation)、学生回答(response)与教师评价(evaluation)三步。1990年,McHoul将IRE模式修正为IREC模式,即教师提出问题(initiation)、学生回答(reply)、教师评价(evaluation)和学生或教师改正(correction)。

我们认为,在课堂师生互动环境下,话语模式应为TIR模式,即学生产生阻碍源步(trouble source move,T),教师引发修补步(repair initiation move,I),学生做出修补步(self-repair move,R)。这是因为上述模式虽有其可取之处,却忽视了引发教师启动修补的源头即学生的阻碍源;从课堂话语的实际来看,师生互动主要是针对学习者的言语错误而引发的,理应将学生的阻碍源考虑进去。例如:

(5) S5: Ah, I like a movie directed by Jay, ahTheSecretTheSecretThatCan’tTell.

T: En, OK.

S5: I like it very much. I I watch this movie at least five times. I think it’s ah it’s very move. (T)

T: It’s very moving. (I)

S5: It’s very moving. Er, ah, (R) I like a movie directed by Jay, ahTheSecretTheSecretThatCan’tTell.

T: En, OK.

S5: I like it very much. I I watch this movie at least five times. I think it’s ah it’s very move. (T)

T: It’s very moving. (I)

S5: It’s very moving. Er, ah, (R)



修补启动技巧指的是会话修补的启动者利用言语和非言语手段来启动修补的技巧。从言语上来划分,有填充词huh、um等;疑问词what、who、where、when等;部分重复加上疑问词或部分重复、重复等以及you mean加上对前话轮的理解话语等。从非言语上来划分,有语流暂停、语音拉长、词尾音拉长、词间停顿、语调打断、手势、目视等(Seedhouse 2004:146;Hennoste 2005:83),还包括喉塞音、升调等(Buckwalter 2001)。

Liebscher和Dailey-O’Cain(2003:379-388)研究发现了以下修补启动策略有:(1)教师使用话语标记词hmm?等来提示语误并启动修补;(2)教师用hmm?以及重复学习者言语来启动修补;(3)教师用语码转换来启动修补;(4)重复以修正;(5)重复以确认;(6)部分重复加疑问词;(7)教师的理解检查加语码转换和解释;(8)教师用in what way等句型要求解释,等等。需要指出的是,上述修补启动策略还有强、弱之分,并形成了一定的等级,而且偏强启动胜过偏弱启动(Schegloff 2007:101)。


根据本文依托的语料,共发现了wh型、you mean型、重复型、一般疑问句型和其它型等教师修补启动技巧。



(6) S1: I think she fall in love at the first sight @ with with the boy.

T: A boy. Which boy? The younger one or the elder one? Here is the problem. Maybe some of you think just the the elder one, the Richard. The younger one that’s Robbie

S1: Robbie. think she fall in love at the first sight @ with with the boy.

T: A boy. Which boy? The younger one or the elder one? Here is the problem. Maybe some of you think just the the elder one, the Richard. The younger one that’s Robbie

S1: Robbie.


2.3.2you mean型

从语料来上看,you mean型明显起着理解确认的作用。例如:

(7) T: Oh, you want to be a pilot.

S7: Yes.

T: Pilot. You mean in the air?

S7: Yeah.

T: Up the air?

S7: Not for the travelers or businessmen, nut during the natural disasters, I can fly to the areas to help the people. you want to be a pilot.

S7: Yes.

T: Pilot. You mean in the air?

S7: Yeah.

T: Up the air?

S7: Not for the travelers or businessmen, nut during the natural disasters, I can fly to the areas to help the people.




(8) S6: My family has three laws.

T: Oh, your family has three laws, oh, how does it mean?

S6: The first law is that my wife should listen to me. family has three laws.

T: Oh, your family has three laws, oh, how does it mean?

S6: The first law is that my wife should listen to me.

(9) S7: First, I want to say feel sorry about this.

T: Be sorry about what?

S7: My true ideal job has nothing to do with my major. I want to say feel sorry about this.

T: Be sorry about what?

S7: My true ideal job has nothing to do with my major.




(10) S1: Ah, I think she is on purpose.

T: Ah, she left her bag on purpose. Do you have particular reason for doing that?

S1: I think she fall in love at the first sight @ with with the boy. I think she is on purpose.

T: Ah, she left her bag on purpose. Do you have particular reason for doing that?

S1: I think she fall in love at the first sight @ with with the boy.

上例中,教师用一般疑问句Do you have启动了修补,要求学习者给予进一步的澄清。S1在接下去的言语中做出了相应的解释。


(11) W/C: Vice president

T: She is the vice president of who?

W/C: Children.

T: Children. Ah, yes, something related with children. So clever. Children love when you were young, you love toy. 此处为汉语Toy company. Yes So is the vice president for

W/C: Toy company.

T: A toy company. I think she is a vice president for a toy company. No, that’s too high for her rank.此处为汉语Just a department for a company.此处为汉语Let me spend one more minute.此处为汉语音频播放部分You just listen is the vice president of who?

W/C: Children.

T: Children. Ah, yes, something related with children. So clever. Children love when you were young, you love toy. 此处为汉语Toy company. Yes So is the vice president for

W/C: Toy company.

T: A toy company. I think she is a vice president for a toy company. No, that’s too high for her rank.此处为汉语Just a department for a company.此处为汉语Let me spend one more minute.此处为汉语音频播放部分You just listen president

T: She is the vice president of who?

W/C: Children.

T: Children. Ah, yes, something related with children. So clever. Children love when you were young, you love toy. 此处为汉语Toy company. Yes So is the vice president for

W/C: Toy company.

T: A toy company. I think she is a vice president for a toy company. No, that’s too high for her rank.此处为汉语Just a department for a company.此处为汉语Let me spend one more minute.此处为汉语音频播放部分You just listen is the vice president of who?

W/C: Children.

T: Children. Ah, yes, something related with children. So clever. Children love when you were young, you love toy. 此处为汉语Toy company. Yes So is the vice president for

W/C: Toy company.

T: A toy company. I think she is a vice president for a toy company. No, that’s too high for her rank.此处为汉语Just a department for a company.此处为汉语Let me spend one more minute.此处为汉语音频播放部分You just listen


(12) S6: My ideal job

T: You ideal job is

S6: Is to be a superstar@

T: Superstar in Chinese you mean此处为汉语

S6: Oh,no.此处为汉语



3. 教师修补启动的作用




(13) S2: Very nice father. And I think he is also very educated.

T: Very educated? We we called a person well-educated.

S2: Yeah, well-educated. And I think he is very calm because he can’t find the way and it is the first time for his blind dating. But he is very calm.

T: Yeah, not moody at all. nice father. And I think he is also very educated.

T: Very educated? We we called a person well-educated.

S2: Yeah, well-educated. And I think he is very calm because he can’t find the way and it is the first time for his blind dating. But he is very calm.

T: Yeah, not moody at all.

上例中,当学习者S2说到视听材料中的人物是非常不错的父亲,又显得很有文化(very educated)时,教师监控到了语误,并用重复加疑问句升调的形式启动修补,做出了正确与否的评判,并给出了准确的信息。学习者明白了错误并实施了修补。这样,达到了使学习者准确习得目的语的目的。



会话修补的社会语言学研究价值在于通过对言语错误的修补,人们意欲维持面子需求,保持一致。如果话者被听者在很多别的听者面前直接指出语误,话者的积极面子(positive face)就会受损(Tang 2011:94)。


(14) S2: Another reason is because the girl is major in Ma-Math.

T: Math? Science? Yes, science. She is at science major.

S2: Ah, science.

T: Yeah, she is at science major. reason is because the girl is major in Ma-Math.

T: Math? Science? Yes, science. She is at science major.

S2: Ah, science.

T: Yeah, she is at science major.







(15) S5: Ah, I think the ah er I think Jay in this movie plays very well. And he ex ex express his idea of er ah.

T: Of romance.

S5: Of romance. I think the ah er I think Jay in this movie plays very well. And he ex ex express his idea of er ah.

T: Of romance.

S5: Of romance.



4. 结语







① 例1和例2来自Santa Barbara美国英语口语语料库(简称SBC)。


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Foster, P. & A. S. Ohta. 2005. Negotiation for meaning and peer assistance in second language classrooms [J].AppliedLinguistics26: 402-30.

Cho, E. H. 2008.AnExaminationoftheUseofRepairStrategiesofElementaryEnglishasaSecondLanguage(ESL)StudentsbyClassTypesandGradeLevels[D]. Texas A & M University.

Comeau, L. & F. Genesee. 2001. Bilingual children’s repair strategies during dyadic communication [A]. In J. Cenoz & F. Genesee (eds.).TrendsinBilingualAcquisition[C]. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Hennoste, T. 2005. Repair-initiating particles and um-s in Estonian spontaneous speech [EB/OL]. www.isca-speech.org/archive_open/archive.../dis5_083.pdf.

Kormos, J. 2000. The timing of self-repair in second language speech production [J].StudiesinSecondLanguageAcquisition22(2): 145-67.

Liebscher, G. & J. Dailey-O’Cain. 2003. Conversational repair as a role-defining mechanism in classroom interaction [J].TheModernLanguageJournal87(3): 375-390.

Makinen, E. 2008. Corrections of non-native student errors in an EFL classroom, A Pro Gradu Thesis in English [EB/OL]. https:∥jyx.jyu.fi/dspace/.../URN_NBN_fi_jyu-200806095432.pdf.

McHoul, A. 1990. The organization of repair in classroom talk [J].LanguageinSociety19(3): 349-77.

Schegloff, E. A. 2007.SequenceOrganizationinInteraction:APrimerinConversationAnalysis(Volume 1) [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Seedhouse, P. 2004.TheInteractionalArchitectureoftheLanguageClassroom:AConversationAnalysisPerspective[M]. Malden: Blackwell.

Tang, C. H. 2011. Self-repair devices I classroom monologue discourse [J].Concentric:StudiesinLinguistics37(1): 93-120.

Terzi, C. 2010. Preferred initiation-repair mechanism in EFL classrooms [R].Procedia-SocialandBehavioralSciences,WorldConferenceonLearning,TeachingandAdministration9: 776-81.

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Abstracts of Major Papers in This Issue

Foreign Language Classroom Research: Retrospects and Prospects, by XU Jinfen, p. 1

From the nature and purpose of foreign language classroom research, this paper first retrospectively reviews the characteristics of foreign language classroom research, namely the method comparison research in the 1960s, the individualized teaching research in the 1970s, the individual learner factor research in the 1980s, and the classroom process research in the 1990s. It then discusses the research foci since the 21st century, such as the classroom interaction and focus-on-form teaching and introduces four main methods of foreign language classroom empirical research including the descriptive research, the experimental research, the ethnographic research, and the correlational research. Finally, it proposes prospects for the future foreign language classroom research from the macro and micro levels in order to provide a reference for researchers.

The Holistic Appraisal Construction in Multimodal History Textbooks, by SHI Chunxu & WANG Zhenhua, p. 8

Following Martin and White’s (2005) appraisal theory on verbal-visual semiotics and in reference to Martin and Rose’s (2007) model on text-image relationship, the paper proposes a theoretical framework on multimodal appraisal and explore the influence of text-image relationship on holistic appraisal construction in the case study of multimodal historical textbooks. Based on statistical analysis, it is found that the text-image relations make inter-modal links and connect them as a comprehensive whole. The proper text-image relations may create synchrony rather than the reverse between verbal appraisal and image appraisal. In the discourse of multimodal historical textbooks, it is shown that expansion outnumbers projection in holistic appraisal construction and multimodal appraisal under different types of text-image relationship is probabilistically related to certain historical genres during the instantiation of evaluation.

Interactions in Linguistic and Multimodal Texts: A Case Study ofPrideandPrejudice, by QU Tao, p. 14

Interactions in linguistic text and multimodal text have long been respectively studied in linguistic field. However, comparative studies on the two kinds of texts are few. With the systemic functional approach, this research has compared a novel chapter with its corresponding film part inPrideandPrejudice, from the aspects of interaction type, degree and means. It is found that interactions between represented participants are similar between the two texts, but there are big differences in interactions between interactive participants and also between represented and interactive participants. This research helps better understand interactions in the two kinds of texts, and also contributes to resemioticization studies in which different semiotic resources are used to realize the same meaning.

A Multimodal Stylistic Study on the Two Covers of Graham Rawle’sWoman’sWorld, by LEI Qian & ZHANG Delu, p. 20

The cover of a novel is itself a multimodal meaning integration of verbal mode, image, typography, layout and color, and it is also integrated with the meaning of the content of the novel. In the present study, two versions of the covers of modern British writer Graham Rawle’sWoman’sWorldare chosen as research objects, and on the basis of the multimodal stylistic framework of Zhang Delu (2012), a new approach to analyze multimodal covers is proposed by adding some new modes, such as typography, layout and color to it. By employing this approach, the multimodal stylistic features and the meaning realizations of the two covers, the inter-semiotic relations of the covers and the integration of the covers and the content of the novel are comparatively studied. The results show that the cover of the 2008 version can more appropriately convey the deep experiential meaning and interpersonal meaning of the novel to readers and fulfill its function.

On the Assessment Framework for Chinese College Students’ Multiliteracies in Foreign Languages, by LIU Rui & ZHANG Delu, p. 26

The assessment of learners is an important part of classroom teaching. On the basis of the research on multiliteracies assessment, the goal of fostering qualified Chinese foreign language personnel and the components of muliliteracies, this article proposes an assessment framework for Chinese college students’ multiliteracies in foreign languages. The assessment of multiliteracies in foreign languages can be done by designing tasks concerned, observing students’ performances and adopting multiple assessment methods in a particular context.

A Cognitive Pragmatic Approach to Referential Ambiguity in Advertisements: A Case Study of Car Ads, by SHEN Xingchen & CHEN Xinren, p. 33

This study adopts a pragma-cognitive approach to referential ambiguity as found in car advertisements. Drawing on Blending Theory (BT) and Relevance Theory (RT), we establish a pragma-cognitive analytical framework for utterance interpretation in communicative context. Within the framework, we depict the procedure of advertisement interpretation as follows: first, the audience of the advertisements construct two input spaces, namely “car” space and “person/car-owner” space, based on the ostensive stimulus (i.e. the language of the advertisements), the immediate context, and related cognitive models stored in long-term memory; then, they will map the content in the input spaces onto the blended space, namely “person-car” space; as a result, they finally acquire a set of weak implicatures and poetic effects intended by the advertisers to help to achieve their communicative goal, that is, to persuade the audience to buy a particular brand of car. We also find that car advertisers choose to emphasize different features depending on the car type, and the identity and need of the potential customers in order to achieve different poetic effects. The study indicates the explanatory power of the pragma-cognitive framework we build for the interpretation of utterances in context and supports the adequate operability and compatibility of integrating RT and BT.

Diachronic Changes of Discourse and Identity Construction: A Historical Sociopragmatic Perspective, by WANG Xueyu, p. 39

Historical socio-pragmatic scholars emphasize the following relation between discourse, interlocutors’ identities and historical socio-context: interlocutors’ identities are constructed discursively, and both identity construction and discursive strategies are constrained by historical socio-context and changes with the contextual development. Based on such a view, the present study attempts to conduct a diachronic analysis of advertisers’ identity construction from the 1980s to the 2000s, focusing on the diachronic changes of identity types and discursive strategies. Besides, the paper illustrates the context sensitivity of identity construction through the analysis of the influence of social cultures and values on identity construction.

Socio-psychological Mechanism Underlying Misleading Vague Language in Advertisements: A Critical Pragmatic Analysis, by QIAN Yonghong, p. 44

Previous studies of advertisements revealed the potentially misleading or deceptive effect of vague language used in advertisements, but failed to explore the socio-psychological mechanism behind the use of misleading or deceptive vague discourse. In view of this research gap, the present study, adopting the methods of audience survey and interview, aims to investigate the socio-psychological factors adapted to by advertisers in the use of misleading vague discourse within the framework of critical pragmatics. The analysis shows that TV shopping advertisers tend to focus on prospective customers’ psychological tendencies (such as blind belief in high technology and authority, pursuit of cheapness and novelty, crowd mentality, etc.) and adapt negatively to those mentalities in the use of vague discourses so as to mislead the customers into buying their products. This study could provide some reference for the government departments concerned in their supervision and management of the TV advertising programs.

Memetic Strategies in Micro-movie Advertisements, by WU Jue & YAO Yayan, p. 49

The replication of a meme goes through such stages as assimilation, retention, expression and transmission. Some transmission strategies can help build a powerful meme. The replication and transmission of memes are also reflected in advertising. One of the factors that contribute to the success of the newly-emerged micro-movie advertisements, to some extent, is the use and transmission of powerful memes. In the micro-movie advertisements named “Sour, Sweet, Bitter and Spicy”, which are made to promote the sugar-free chewing gum of Extra®, there are three major strategies of transmitting the powerful memes, namely the strategy of repetition, the strategy of emotional adaptation, and the strategy of cognitive dissonance. The use of these strategies helps people remember deeply some powerful memes in these micro-movie advertisements.

Pedagogical Content Knowledge for EFL Public Speaking, by FENG Ruimin, p. 52

Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) has become a widely accepted academic construct. This study investigates the PCK of five EFL (English as a Foreign Language) public speaking teachers. Case study is used as the research method, and the data collection involves class observation, interviews, and documents. A PCK framework grounded in the data is developed for EFL public speaking teachers, which is composed of five core knowledge categories, namely, knowledge of curriculum, language, instruction, students and assessment. There are sets of discrete knowledge within each core knowledge category, which embodies the topic specificity of situated PCK.

ELF: A New Research Topic in International Applied Linguistics, by MA Yan & LI Lisheng, p. 58

With the growing globalization and regional cooperation, English has seen a widespread use in all sorts of settings and has become the common contact language among speakers of different linguacultural backgrounds. This has consequently both challenged and promoted English language teaching. Over the past 15 years or so English as a lingua franca (ELF) has become a popular and booming field that has attracted a great deal of attention and practices within English language education and applied linguistics. After a brief survey of the development of ELF, the current paper defines ELF and then introduces the major findings of research into the nature of ELF in terms of its domains and linguistic levels. The paper ends with some implications of ELF for English language teaching and learning in China.

An Insight into Repair Initiation in L2 Teacher Discourse, by YAO Jianpeng, p. 70

Repair initiation is an important phase in the speech self-repair mechanism in which the initiator sends the repair signal by linguistic and non-linguistic means to the interlocutor for him to repair the speech errors detected. The present paper discusses the teacher repair initiation in the teacher discourse in the L2 teacher-student interactive classroom context in the light of repair initiator, placement and technique and studies the features and the effects of the Chinese English teachers’ repair initiation in the like context based on the data collected.