Base Camp儿童宿营地,斯塔万格,挪威

2015-12-22 02:41建筑设计西夫斯唐厄兰赖因哈德克罗普夫穆威挪威HHA建筑事务所
世界建筑 2015年7期


Base Camp儿童宿营地,斯塔万格,挪威

Base Camp, Stavanger, Norway, 2009


1 树屋外景/Exterior view, the Tree Camp

2 树屋总平面/Site plan, the Tree Camp



1 树屋


2 悬崖上的房子


3 水边的房子



项目信息/Credits and Data

业主/Client: 斯塔万格旅游局/Stavanger Turistforening设计时间/Design Period: 2008-2009

摄影/Photos: Emile Ashley, Helen & Hard

3 树屋内景/Interior view, the Tree Camp

4.5 树屋外景/Exterior view, the Tree Camp

6 树屋立面/Elevation, the Tree Camp

7 树屋剖面/Section, the Tree Camp

8 悬崖上的房子外景/Exterior view, the Mountain Camp

9 悬崖上的房子剖面/Section, the Mountain Camp

Stavanger Trekking Association wished to create a camp site for children to approach and experience nature.

This has resulted in three different "base camps", each accommodating 12-15 children on camping-tours in the surroundings of the Prekestolen mountain lodge. The design process started with extensive hiking tours to find suitable spots and a unique spatial concept for each structure. Ideas for each cabin were not predefined but rather emerged from encounters with the various natural surroundings. This process resulted in three base camps which opened in the spring of 2009: The Mountain Camp, The Water Camp and the Tree Camp. The natural setting supplements the structure of each camp; all camps are light constructions that have only slight impact on their surroundings and can be easily disassembled.

The Norwegian people have an inherent affinity to nature, of which cold is a crucial part. Therefore in this tradition, comfort has little to do with exquisite details, warmth, or generic performance of a building. On the contrary, it signifies certain relationship between the buildingand its environment. Comfort is generated through a unique experience of transition from the civilized world to the natural one. As a camping site, it represents the Norwegian pursuit for comfort, and is meant to function as a basic shelter, a tool or a tunnel for children to approach and enjoy nature.

In the Mountain Camp children sleep inside a steel construction attached to a steep rock. The entire camp is hung on steel-wires; pressure-loaded steel tubes create a distance between the rock and the steel-wired facade. These also double up as the construction for the beds, which are arranged over five levels fixed between the steel tubes. Children have to climb up the rock along a zigzag route to reach their camp. The cabins are covered with cotton which has been camouflage painted to match the cracks of the rock behind the facade. This pattern determines the placement of the panorama-window for each cabin.

The Tree Camp consists of six small cocoonlike rooms hung around living trees, which provide shelter for the children. Four of them are connected with a hanging bridge, which leads into the larger room on one end where all the children can meet and prepare food. Each cabin has three beds plus storage for rucksacks underneath.

The Water Camp is located on an uninhabited site opposite the mountain lake. It has hammocks on a covered quay and a textile curtain that can be rolled down to keep out the rain. The camp is built into the rock and its roofs follow the dramatic rock formation. This camp is designed for skilled swimmers and kayakers to enjoy its patio and tearoom.

Base Camp favors interactive nomadic structures and intends to help trigger interests in play and learning.The camps derive their material structures from dialogue with the natural environment and form a playful praxis.

Before architecture, "matter" exists. Matter matters, and in a sense the architects' job is not creating something new, but polishing, reorganizing or representing the physical components as a envelop or container of social behaviors. This is a series of weak buildings; instead of eternity and monumentality, it is meant to be an experiment on the architectural materialization of behaviors. □ (Text by MU Wei)

10 悬崖上的房子外景/Exterior view, the Mountain Camp

11.12 悬崖上的房子内景/Interior view, the Mountain Camp

13 水边的房子外景/Exterior view, the Water Camp




DING Liyang: The issue regarding the balance between spatial comfort and corresponding consumption of construction recourses is essentially a discourse on the relationship between man, architecture and nature.This series of projects seek to create a kind of comfort that is different from conventional approaches in which the artificial environment overwhelms or even substitutes the natural environment. Specifically, it is

an approach that strives to create a certain artificial environment with minimum standards and maximum authenticity. In each of the three small buildings, the architect introduced different natural elements as spatial enclosure devices, eventually making these elements integral parts of the buildings. To what extent these natural elements are involved in the respective construction of the three buildings depends on whether or not they would still be held together once those natural elements are removed. Apparently, deprived of upright tree trunks, cliffs and waterside rocks, none of the three buildings would exist as independent, complete structures, nor could they even provide the most basic settings for the children to experience nature.

JIANG Yong: It is perhaps an ideal of all buildings and a dream of all architects to live poetically through intimate contact with nature, in the company of trees, mountains and rivers. The architectural theme of the children's camp has made such attempt possible. With environment-friendly and nature-venerating attitudes, the designer has created a building of maximum simplicity and minimum comfort, which actually reveals a truth: if we deem Mother Nature as the greatest creator, whereas we humans are just bustling passers-by, then all desires for architecture should be restrained like this.

14 水边的房子总平面/Site plan, the Water Camp

15.16 水边的房子外景/Exterior view, the Water Camp
