
2015-12-21 05:17:44建筑设计朱利安德斯梅德JDS建筑事务所ArchitectsJulienDeSmedtJDSArchitects
世界建筑 2015年9期

建筑设计:朱利安·德斯梅德/JDS建筑事务所Architects: Julien De Smedt/JDS Architects


Holmenkollen Ski Jump, Olso, Norway, 2011

建筑设计:朱利安·德斯梅德/JDS建筑事务所Architects: Julien De Smedt/JDS Architects

100 多年前,一位挪威军官冲入9.5m的高空,创造了滑雪这项运动。1892年,距离奥斯陆20分钟远的霍尔门科伦村举办了载入史册的赛事,这里随即成为该项国际运动的最佳场地之一——包括1952年的冬奥会。霍尔门科伦跳台滑雪塔与温布尔登、温布利赛场并列,同为世界上最受欢迎的体育设施。虽然如此,作为一个跳台滑雪用地,它却是世界杯锦标赛中最小的山丘之一。2005年9月,国际滑雪联盟(FIS)认为,目前这座小山无法满足让该市举办2011年FIS北欧世界滑雪锦标赛的要求。2005年12月,挪威文化遗产委员会同意拆除这个滑雪跳台。2007年4月,奥斯陆市政府宣布举办新滑雪跳台的国际设计竞赛。




滑雪跳台的顶部是观众欣赏奥斯陆以及峡湾远方绝美景色的平台。这也是一种新形式的公共空间,以不寻常的建筑造型为主体,为所有来到霍尔门科伦的人提供同样惊人的极佳观景点。《孤独星球》将霍尔门科伦新滑雪跳台评为2011年世界十大旅游胜地之一。□(尚晋 译)

More than 100 years ago, a Norwegian lieutenant propelled himself 9.5 meters into the air and the sport of ski jumping was born. Since 1892, the village of Holmenkollen, 20 minutes from Oslo, has hosted legendary competitions and the site remains one of the foremost locales for international sports including the 1952 Winter Olympics. Along with Wimbledon and the Wembley Arena, Holmenkollen Ski Jump is the world's most visited sports facility. Nevertheless as a ski jump it is one of the smallest hills in the World Cup tournament, and in September 2005, the International Ski Federation decided that the current hill did not meet the standards for Oslo to be selected as the host city of the 2011 FIS Nordic World Ski Championships. In December 2005, Norway's Directorate of Cultural Heritage approved the demolition of the ski jump and in April 2007 the Oslo municipality announced an open international competition for a new ski jump.

We beat out 103 other firms to win the commission the following year. Working closely with city officials, we established an office in the capital to bring to fruition a project that will become a beacon for the city and a new showcase for the sport of ski jumping.


Rather than having a series of dispersed pavilions on site, our design unifies the various amenities into one holistic diagram. The judges booths, the commentators, the trainers, the Royal family, the VIPs, the wind screens, the circulations, the lobby, the entrance to the arena and the arena itself, the lounge for the skiers, the souvenir shop, the access to the existing museum, the viewing public square at the very top, etc., are all contained in the shape of the jump. The resulting simplicity of the solution improves the experience of the spectators and brings clear focus on the skiers jumping. The ski jump is clad in a mesh of stainless steel and rises 58 meters in the air. Its 69m cantilever makes it the longest of its kind. On the first day of jumping tests, the record of the longest jump made at Holmenkollen was broken.

Atop the ski jump is a platform where visitors can take in some of the most breathtaking views of Oslo, the Thord and the region beyond. It's a new form of public space, using an unlikely architectural form as its host while affording the same spectacular vantage point to everyone who comes to Holmenkollen.

The Lonely Planet declared the new Holmenkollen Ski Jump as one of the top 10 world destinations to visit in 2011.□

1 鸟瞰/Aerial view

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: Oslo Kommune, Idrettsetaten

建筑设计团队/Architect Team: Julien De Smedt, Morten S. Haave, Kamilla Heskje, Erik Olav Marstein, Torkel Njå, Kristoffer Harling, Marco Boella, Edna Lueddecke, Michaela Weisskirchner产品及室内设计/Product Design/Interior: Wouter Dons

项目团队/Project Team: Aleksandra Kiszkielis, Alex Dent, Alf Lassen Nielsen, Andrea Weisser, Andy Vann, Carlos Cabrera, Dries Rodet, Elina Manninen, Eric Gilham, Felix Luong, Filip Lipinsky, Guilherme Cartaxo, Gunnar Hoess, Magdalena Kusowska, Mimmi Wide Gustafson, Ieva Maknickaite, Isabella Eriksson, James McBennett, Johanna Kliment, Josué Gillet, Liz Kelzey, Nicholas Muraglia, Pauline Lavie, Pauline Parcollet, Rasmus Brusgaard Hansen, Robert Huebser, Ruben Rendon, Stefan Bush, Tabea Treier, Tineke Vanduffel, Wolfgang Mitterer, Wouter Dons

竞赛团队/Competition Team: Mikkel H. Sørensen, Babara Costa, Derrick Lai, Victoria Diemer Bennetzen, Mads Knak-Nielsen

结构工程、设备及机电设计/Structural Engineers + Services, M&E: Norconsult

施工技术/Quantity Surveyor: Bygganalyse

景观设计/Landscape: Grindaker AS

照明顾问/Lighting Consultants: ÅF Hansen & Henneberg, Intra立面及钢结构细部/Facade and Steel Details: Metallplan

拆除工程/Demolition: NKR

地面施工与混凝土/Ground Work and Concrete: Veidekke钢施工、立面、斜台、挡风屏/Steelconstructions, Façade, In-Run and Windscreen: Lecor

跳台技术/Jump Technical: IBM, Ivar Bråten Mekaniske

场地面积/Site Area: Approx 30,000m2

功能/Program: 滑雪跳台,大型跳雪山/Ski Jump, Large Jumping hill; K-120, HS 134; 附带观赏台、纪念品店、咖啡厅及博物馆的旅游目的地/Tourist destination with viewing plateau, souvenir shop, café and corresponding museum

建筑面积/Gross Floor Area: 室内/Internal: 出发室含设备间/Starthouse with Technical Rooms: 148m3, 国王论坛及精品店/Kings Tribune & Boutique: 261.5m2裁判台含设备间/Judges Tower with Technical Rooms: 289m2,大厅含设备间/Lobby with Technical Rooms: 438m2, 评论员室/Commentator Boxes: 180m2; 室外/Exterior: 观景台/ Observation Deck: 111m2, 公共空间(不含赛场)/Public Space Exluding Arena: ca. 10,000m2

悬挑长度(从混凝土基座计)/Cantilever Length (the Extension from Concrete Base): 69 m

跳台滑雪跑道/斜台长度/Skijumper's Running Slope Length/ In-run: 95m

结构最低点到最高点的距离/Structure Lowest to Highest Point: 77.65m

地面从混凝土座到顶部/Ground from Concrete Base to Top: 58m电梯高度、长度、滑行时间/Elevator Height, Length, Maker and Ride Time: 100m in length, 60m high, ca. 2 min观众容量/Spectator Capacity: ca. 29,012站席和坐席/sitting and standing

旧跳台拆除启动时间/Start Demolition of Old Jump: 2008.10.16现场施工启动时间/Start Construction on Site: 2009.01.01预算/Budget: Ca. 700 mill. NOK (€ 87,300,000)

摄影/Photos: JDS Architects, Marco Boella (fig. 11)

2 总平面/Site plan

3 长剖面/Long section

4 塔顶剖面/Tower section

5 看台视角/View from audience

6 三维透视图解/3D perspective diagram

7 图解/Diagrams

8 塔下视角/View under ski jump

9.10 模型/Models





CHU Dongzhu: With this project, two words come to mind: concentration and elegance. As one of the core values of sports, "concentration" is clearly respected in this building's architecture. Except in its relation to form, structure, material, and sports per se, the building bears no redundancy. Consequently, structural design becomes another basis for the project to present "elegance", or to achieve a piece of "work". The supporting pier and trusses touch the earth, delivering the concept of a concise and agile structure. In the meantime, the large structure itself contributes unique experiences to the public space, bestowing quality to its elegance.

GUO Yimin: This building resembles a huge spoon, embedded into the hillside. Obviously, given its relatively singular functions, its structure drives the building's form in a decisive manner. From the seating, embedded in the landform, to the winding slipway protruding at its end, it is likely that the architectural form strives to elevate its poetic expressions through structural rationality, rather than trying to break away from the constraints of the landform. On the other hand, the ski ramp on the jumping stand functionally strengthens the profile of the building, successfully presenting an architecture that shifts between imagination and reality.

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