宁波博物馆 ,宁波,浙江,中国

2015-12-19 01:18主持建筑师王澍陆文宇
世界建筑 2015年5期


宁波博物馆 ,宁波,浙江,中国


宁波博物馆的设计是用的“大山法” 。思想首先来自建筑所处的环境,场地在一片由远山围绕的平原, 不久前还是稻田,城市刚刚扩张到这里。道路异常宽阔,在如此空旷巨大的尺度下,没有任何城市生机的感觉。城市结构已然无法修补。问题转化为如何设计一个有独立生命的物,为此,人需要重新向自然学习。我决定造一座垂直的大山,但在这座山中,叠合着城市模式的研究。高度因此被自觉限定在24m以下,它片断性地意指着一种24m以下限高的低城,存在于人工和天然之间。

宁波博物馆的外观被塑造成一座山的片断,山是连绵的,就像有生机的城市结构也是连绵的。这座建筑因此有着被人力切割的方正边界,带着刀切的姿势和痕迹,被剩余或遗忘在这里, 但也可能从这个片断开始,想像去连绵地重建一座城市。建筑下半段只是一个简单的长方形,从远处看,这肯定是一个方盒子,或者说,是在纪念性的大广场边的一堆杂砖。走近看,建筑在上半段开裂为类似山体的形状,这是一个关于生硬的方盒子如何瓦解为“自然形态” 的叙事。(王澍撰文)

The design for Ningbo History Museum models on the "Great Mountain". The idea originates from the building site itself, a stretch of plain surrounded by distant mountains, which not long ago was still a rice field. Recent urbanization brought exceptionally broad roads, though hardly any sense of urban vitality given such enormous expanse of void. Since it is no longer possible to patch up the urban structure, the question turns to how to conceive an object with independent life. For that to happen, man has to go back to nature for instruction. I decide to create a vertical mountain, but at the same time also layering it with research on urban patterns. The building height is therefore automatically restricted to less than 24m, which fragmentarily signifies a low city existing between the artificial and the natural.

The exterior of the museum is shaped into a mountain fragment. The structure of a viable city should be continuous, just like unbroken mountain ranges. This building has artificially cut square borders, with gestures and traces left by the axe, sitting here abandoned or forgotten, but such fragment is likely to prompt one to imagine reconstructing the unbroken pattern of a city. The lower part of the building is a simple rectangle, which viewed from the distance is no more than a box, or a random pile of bricks on a monumental square. On closer look, the upper part of the building cracks to assume a mountain-like form –a narrative about how rigid box breaks down into "natural form".

项目信息/Credits and Data

设计单位/Design Institute: 业余建筑工作室/Amateur Architecture Studio

用地面积/Site Area: 4.53km2

建筑面积/Floor Area: 30,000m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2003-2005

施工时间/Construction Period: 2006-2008.11

Ningbo History Museum, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China, 2008

Principal Architects: WANG Shu, LU Wenyu

1 首层平面/Floor 0 plan

1 二层平面/Floor 1 plan

3.4 剖面/Sections

5.6 外景/Exterior views
