
2015-12-19 01:41建筑设计恩里克米拉莱斯贝娜蒂塔塔格利亚布
世界建筑 2015年4期




1 工作室所在建筑的立面复原图/Restoration design of façade





天花板、檐口和水磨马赛克铺地体现着原始的空间结构。(尚晋 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

主创建筑师/Principal Architects: 恩里克·米拉莱斯,贝娜蒂塔·塔格利亚布/Enric Miralles, Benedetta Tagliabue

总面积/Total Area: 400m2

材料/Materials: 地板/Floor:“原”水磨砖打光/"Original" terrazzo tiles polished, 墙面/Wall: 灰泥和涂料/Plaster and painting, 天花板/Ceiling: 灰泥和涂料/Plaster and painting,墙灯设计/Wall Lamps Design: 恩里克·米拉莱斯/Enric Miralles

家具/Furniture: 所有家具都由建筑师挑选,部分家具(会议室的“不稳桌”和门厅的家具)由建筑师本人设计/ All the furniture pieces were chosen by the architects, some of which were designed by the architects themselves, such as the table named "Inestable" in the meeting room and the furniture in the entrance hall.

摄影/Photos: Paolo Fassoli (Fig.2), Eugeni Pons (Fig.3,4,7-10)

2 工作II区/Working area II

3 工作I区/Working area I

The office is located in a beautiful Modernist building in the center of Barcelona. On the door is written 1871. It is characterized by its proximity to the Ramblas and the Plaza Real. While it stands on a site of medieval origin, the building is a typical example of late 19th-century architecture and reproduces a typology which has long been used in the old city of Barcelona: with direct access to a principal floor corresponding to a Venetian “piano nobile”, and then through a staircase and its grand hall leading to the rest of the house. The entrance hall is transparent thanks to the strength of an exquisite, mixed structure of iron and wood, which gives access to the multileveled grand hall resembling a theatrical space.

The intervention scheme must not be taken simply as an act of restoration, nor is it a process of destruction of the existing structure. Plans for new uses of the existing domestic space are likely to result from a proper interpretation of the original built-up reality.

the structural walls are conserved not only in their strict load-bearing condition but also as organizational mechanisms of the new spatial structure. Some of the partitions are demolished to obtain more open spaces and deeper perspectives, leaving just a few traces to mark their previous positions. Thus, the coffered ceilings, floors and decorations are conserved as traces of the original structure.

Through this interpretative process the function of individual space is easily realized with great flexibility and versatility. Meanwhile, furniture pieces designed by the architects themselves juxtapose with old ones, which contributes to the distinctiveness of the interior space.

Ceilings, cornices and terrazzo mosaic pavements exhibit the original spatial structure.

4 与工作I区相通的图书和资料室/Library and archive space, annex to the working area I

5 平面布局/Plan layout




6 修复前的入口及走廊/Entrance and corridor before renovation

7 将两个工作区分开的主走廊/Main corridor that separates the two working areas

8 “不稳定桌”/the "Inestable" table


ZHANG Xinnan: Just as in Enric Miralles's drafting sketches or architectural plans, there's a clearly legible declaration in the design of the EMPT studio: a certain type of montage that spreads wide into time and space. Here, the transformation from "room" to "space" is accomplished through a consistent sequence of space-interpreting physical passages, together with the wall-penetrating bookshelves. In the meantime, the preserved ceilings, tiled pavements and original decorations orchestrate the rhythm of the space and define its meaning while stating their own historical authenticity and original configuration. this declaration recalls what Miralles stated during one interview: "My design is merely a volume to receive time, for time is not something that exists after you, but is something that existed before you."

9 门厅内摆设的新旧家具/Entrance with a furniture designed by the architects and an old cabinet

FAN Lu: the renovation project of EMBT office is an exquisite, sophisticated, and highly imaginative design. the original beautiful house was built in 1871. During the process of interior renovation, some characteristic coffered ceilings, floorings and decorations are preserved. To obtain more open spaces, some of the partitions are demolished, but the traces of junctions are kept. These preserved fragments seem to come from an archaeological site. they are pasted together with new furnishings by white plastered walls to shape a new container, a space with new structure.

Miralles Tagliabue EMBT, Barcelona, Spain, 1997

Architects: Enric Miralles, Benedetta Tagliabue

10 工作II区的墙灯设计以及保留的原有天花板/Wall lamp design and ceiling detail with original paintings in the working area II

敲碎天花板之后 广汽埃安AION LX Plus
骑行游走 巴塞罗那
没有“天花板”的产业 如何“玩着”把钱挣了?