1 从窄巷看隅中院木屋架/Timber roof truss, view from narrow lane
2 原作工作室新址/New workplace of Origin Design Studio
项目信息/Credits and Data
主创建筑师/Principal Architects: 张姿,章明/ZHANG Zi, ZHANG Ming
设计团队/Design Team: Original Design Studio
项目位置/Location: 上海市昆明路640号D幢/Building D,No.640, Kunming Road, Shanghai
设计时间/Design Period: 2013.08
竣工时间/Completion: 2013.11
No. 640 Kunming Road, former location of Shanghai Hobnail Plant with a history of more than 70 years, quietly hides in the hybrid marketplace on the north side of the Bund. For such a place with a strong sense of proto-genesis, the strategy choice and renovation approach based on evaluation are obviously stereotypical. So the explicit integration intentions begin to disappear and a responsive approach to the site emerges as a restrained and sustained way of intervention.
Intervention with Space Transit
3 轴测/Isometric drawing
Having gone through a complex process of transformation, the site displays a coexistence of multiple heterogeneous fragments. This forced us to try a different way of thinking: we gave up the attempt to combine the old and new into a single concept; instead, we established a new relation of coexistence between anchorage and dissociation based on local elements and their mutual relationship.
During the renovation, three strip-shaped spaces are designed to be individually inserted between the old and new buildings. On the one hand, like the mortise and tenon of the wood structure, they establish an anchoring relationship between the plainly juxtaposing fragments, while on the other hand reveal the dissociated relationship between the new elements and the old buildings. this relationship makes the newly intervened parts function like the original ones as one of the stages of the continuous evolution of differentiated segments and places.
The coexistence between anchoring and dissociating are strengthened at various segment boundaries. Rather than bluntly divide the high, large space into two levels, the renovation of the new factory building keeps a bay of full-height space at the junction between the old and new structures. the horizontal extension of the old factory building meets with the vertical stretch of the new building in the narrow towering buffer space, showing immense spatial tension and subtle confrontation.
建筑师对老建筑改造的兴趣,或多或少出于对既有模式的刻意规避。而老建筑改造所面临的复杂多样的具体情况带来的极大的偶然性,以及改造前后建筑类型的差异可能带来的“扭转性启发与可能向度” 使得远离模式的可能性大大增加。
4 办公区全景/Panoramic view of working space
5 体块的穿插与锚固/Intersection and anchoring
6 隅中院/Yuzhong courtyard
7 从模型区看办公区/View from model area
8 休闲区的钢板与屋架/Steel plate and roof truss of leisure area
9 入口窄巷/Narrow lane at the entrance
10 保留的木屋架/Timber roof truss
11 3号院/Courtyard No.3
In such a relationship, various new functions are involved as local elements in different historic fragments and each has its unique position defined. On the other hand, in the field of blurred borders, the existing functions are constantly expanded in daily use and contribute to the enrichment and continuation of historical connotations. the modeldisplaying area at the early stage of the project has now become a convenient place for studio meetings and holiday gatherings, while the leisure areas interspersed between the old and new plants also change roles between spaces for large gathering, refreshing, model making and temporary discussion.
Intervention with Alienation
From the industrial plant to the new studio, it was necessary to open up some interior space to provide lights and air, while enclosing part of the exterior space to optimize spatial orders of the interior. However, thorough externalization and internalization of the space would inevitably make it difficult to distinguish the original appearance of the old buildings from subsequently intervened elements. When we first arrived at the site, the incomplete state suggested by the remaining truss of the two original courtyards offered us effective clues to guarantee the legibility of subsequent intervention.
In eliminating the roofs to create a courtyard, we simply removed the covering elements but preserved the wood truss and purlin, so that the courtyard presented a halfway state with a sense of alienation. A subtle difference is created between such seemingly unfinished outcomes and the accepted ideas about the interior and the exterior, thus conveying a strong impression of the site in transformation.
In a similar vein, the internalization of the exterior space at the porch also follows the approach of alienation. The old factory building’s rough brick wall and attached outdoor pipes, even the gas interface in the crevice between old and new structures, are directly presented in the renovated interior space as a reminder of the memory of exterior space.
this subtle alienation, together with the actual needs of daily life, increasingly penetrates every corner of the space. The users had lamps made to order using hot galvanized pipes, assembled benches with glass fiber-reinforced plastic grilling, built cattery with honeycomb paperboard, made model frame with construction rebar, and created animation work with fridge magnets. All the familiar things have obtained new significance through an alienating interpretation.
Intervention with Limited Restoration
The old factory building, with a history of more than 70 years, undoubtedly has considerable historical, cultural and social values, especially the wooden roof structure which maintains its original state at the time of completion. For a derelict old building like this, wiping off its dust to expose its original appearance is far more meaningful than assigning it new architectural aesthetic value. It dictates that renovation should be kept to the minimum extent to fully respect and strengthen the authenticity of the old building.
The roof structure is the most characteristic part of the old building, for which only the minimum maintenance was done during the renovation, such as repairing fall-off tenons, reinforcing badly decayed components and removing the dust and the fired-carbonized coat on the wood frame surface to show the authentic timber color and texture.
Similarly, the prominent value of the remaining old brick walls prompts us to take the most discreet strategy of protective renovation: surface dust is carefully removed, loose parts are consolidated without a trace, even the plants are left growing out of the brickwork joints.
Now, every sunny afternoon sees plump succulent plants sitting on the courtyard bench, dogs and cats chasing through grasses and shrubs, vigorous branches bearing colorful fruits, and the brick walls with kiln seals left by craftsmen seven decades ago are right under the nose . the collision between the fresh and the ancient presents a dramatic effect. History, like a serene old man, peacefully watches the youth thriving like blossoms.
Intervention with Evolution
The architect's interest in renovating the old building comes more or less out of a deliberate circumvention of the established modes. The great contingency brought by complex individual situations in the renovation of old buildings, together with the "mind-turning inspiration and potential dimension" concealed in the typological difference between the original and renovated buildings, largely increased the likelihood for the implementation of the circumvention approach.
In the old factory building, seven units of old wood truss unfold continuously to form an uninterrupted sequence of open space, which conveys a clear message: space is no longer to be redefined and delineated in the name of mere functionalism, instead, various functions are to be involved as local elements, juxtaposing and coexisting in-situ, paralleling and overlapping, while each presenting its own rich meaning in the context.
Such mode, which we designate as dispersion, well maintains the sense of spatial openness and continuity of the original factory building, while the enticing circumvention approach to space provides it with new possibilities for adapting to diverse events.
12 展览与报告区/Exihibtion area and lecture hall
13 模型区中的水管灯/Water pipe lamps in the model area
14 卫生间入口处的标识/Signs at the entrance of restroom
FAN Yue: Upon skillful renovation, the Original Design Studio gives full play to the aesthetic potential of the old industrial factory building. The former open and closed mode does not restrict the spatial creation, and the factory building becomes a vehicle that shuttles between the interior and exterior spaces. the ingenious spatial restructuring provides a unique perspective for the recognition of spatial elements of industrial buildings. From the whole to the details, the newly introduced architectural elements form an integral whole with the original rough industrial atmosphere; meanwhile, they also express some unexpected innovations from time to time. ZHANG Xinnan: Original Design Studio adopted With moderate modification strategies of "addition" and "reduction", the Original Design Studio achieves a dramatic visual result. For the "additions", the strategy of inserting strip-shaped spaces into the original factory building shifted the rhythm of space while creating rational functioning space. At the same time, the contrast between the old and new materials conveyed a clear tension of confrontation,, and completed the rather vague and consistent space partition. For the "reductions", the process of removing part of the roof covering for courtyard spaces created a chance for the original space system to co-exist with the new; the old timber trusses, together with the historical fragments of industrial trace, implied the original space constitution and the identity of the site.
Original Design Studio, Shanghai, China, 2013
Architects: Original Design Studio, Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd.