
2015-12-13 10:29建筑设计崔愷中国建筑设计院有限公司
世界建筑 2015年1期




1 使馆庭院/Courtyard, embassy



The Embassy of the People's Republic of China, located in Pretoria-the capital of South Africaincludes an office building, visa office and dormitory.

The office building is located at the center of the symmetrical plan and faces south. It is divided into three separate functional zones: a reception area, outer service providing office area and an internal affairs office zone. The visa office is located to the northeast, adjacent to the office building, and has its own entrance and exit. The dormitory is separately located to the northwest of the site.

Exposed concrete columns, slabs, sloped roof structures and modular beams are all intended to represent the wood construction system of traditional Chinese architecture. At the interior, material palette and furnishings are chosen to reflect the simplicity, elegance and quiet of Chinese culture. The design of the garden works with both Chinese traditional garden and modern Western landscape logics. To the extent that they can be, existing larger trees and old buildings are preserved and help to integrate the project with its surroundings.

The Consulate-General of the People's Republic of China in Cape Town sits at the foot of beautiful Table Mountain, on a narrow and very steep site. Its design takes advantage of its unique situation, putting the visa office, internal affairs office and dormitory areas in discrete zones each with their own focus. The project's low pitch grey roofs and grey brick walls reference the atmosphere of traditional Chinese schools and work to integrate the complex with historical buildings nearby. Big pines and cypresses are preserved throughout the site and new lawns, flower gardens, a pool and a sports field are also featured.

2 使馆鸟瞰/Aerial view, embassy

3 使馆总平面/Site plan, embassy

4 使馆外景/Exterior view, embassy

项目信息/Credits and Data

中华人民共和国驻南非大使馆/Embassy of the People's Republic of China in South Africa

方案设计/Schematic Design: 崔愷,康凯,喻弢,肖晓丽/ CUI Kai, KANG Kai, YU Tao, XIAO Xiaoli

主持建筑师/Principal Architects: 崔愷,单立欣/CUI Kai, SHAN Lixin

建筑设计团队/Project Team: 康凯,喻弢,郑萌/KANG Kai, YU Tao, ZHENG Meng

结构工程师/Structural Engineer: 王文宇/WANG Wenyu

给排水工程师/Water Supply and Drainage Engineer: 王耀堂/WANG Yaotang

设备工程师/Mechanical Engineer: 徐稳龙/XU Wenlong

电气工程师/Electrical Engineers: 陈红,都治强/CHEN Hong, DU Zhiqiang

总图设计/Site Planning: 白红卫/BAI Hongwei

室内设计/Interior Design: 张晔,顾建英,刘烨/ZHANG Ye, GU Jianying, LIU Ye

景观建筑师/Landscape Architect: 赵文斌/ZHAO Wenbin

施工单位/Contractor: 中国成套设备进出口(集团)总公司/China National Complete Plant Import & Export Corporation(Group)

结构形式/Structure: 钢筋混凝土框架结构/Reinforced concrete frame structure

用地面积/Site Area: 24701m2

建筑面积/Floor Area: 13595m2

建筑高度/Building Height: 13.93m

设计时间/Design Period: 2004.01

摄影/Photos: 张广源/ZHANG Guangyuan

中国驻开普敦总领事馆办公楼新建工程/New Office Building of Consulate-General of The People's Republic of China in Cape Down

方案设计/Schematic Design: 崔愷,喻弢/CUI Kai, YU Tao主持建筑师/Principal Architects: 崔愷,单立欣/CUI Kai,

SHAN Lixin

建筑设计团队/Project Team: 喻弢/YU Tao

结构工程师/Structural Engineer: 王文宇/WANG Wenyu

给排水工程师/Water Supply and Drainage Engineer: 王耀堂/WANG Yaotang

设备工程师/Mechanical Engineer: 宋玫/SONG Mei

电气工程师/Electrical Engineer: 贾金花/JIA Jinhua

总图设计/Site Planning: 白红卫/BAI Hongwei

室内设计/Interior Design: 张晔,顾建英,刘烨/ZHANG Ye, GU Jianying, LIU Ye

结构形式/Structure: 钢筋混凝土框架结构/Reinforced concrete frame structure

用地面积/Site Area: 8659m2

建筑面积/Floor Area: 4108m2

建筑高度/Building Height: 11.85m

设计时间/Design Period: 2004.07

摄影/Photos: 张广源/ZHANG Guangyuan

5-7 使馆剖面/Sections, embassy





8 使馆入口/Entrance, embassy 9 使馆内景/Interior view, embassy

10 领事馆外景/Exterior view, consulate general

11 领事馆+3.6m标高层平面/Plan, level +3.6m, consulate general

12 领事馆±0m标高层平面/Plan, level ±0m, consulate general


WANG Yun: The consulate complex is tranquil and comfortably stretching out. Its compact and dignified quality with an appropriate size harmoniously merges into its environment. The Embassy Building draws on implicit Chinese elements to make visitors experience "China". Particularly, the contiguous and repeated design language of the gate at the main entrance resembles the alleys and courtyards entrances in Beijing's hutongs. As a whole, the complex is characterized by its picturesque layout with appropriate density, as well as the contiguous and paralleled architectural blocks.

FAN Lu: For the Embassy building of the People's Republic of China in Pretoria, exposed and sloped concrete roof structure is the core formal elements. It integrates the hipped roof shape in traditional Chinese buildings and structural framework in modern architecture. It could be regarded as the extension of the structural framework and makes the hipped roof fit in. But the roof and sloped structure don't coincide in ends, which forms the picture frames and shadow effects. Sloped roof structure repeats as modules, which brings formal rules, divides volumes, and makes the building settle down in landscape. The abnormal scale of sloped structure embodies the bold and strong character in African culture and art.

In the project of the Consulate-General of PRC in Cape Town, design with landform is the focus.The build are divided into three parts to respond the narrow and very steep site and functional partition. Volumes of three parts are different and lead to a undulating architectural profile, which echoes the landform of site.

Embassy of the People's Republic of China at Pretoria and the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China at Capetown, South Africa, 2011

Architects: CUI Kai/China Architecture Design Group

13.14 领事馆外景/Exterior view, consulate general

Cape Town:the Mother City of South Africa开普敦:南非的“母亲之城”
法国领事馆旧址 见证重庆百年开埠史